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Maivillain writes...

Dear Greg,
Have you ever considered a Gargoyle Role-Playing Game? I feel like there are many possibilities involved in this concept... or perhaps is there already one in the works? Because if there is, I was wondering who the publisher/ production company might be. With Fondest Memories 9and monetary support through the purchase of your t.v. show's DVD), Maivillain

Greg responds...

I have a vague memory that after the Dallas Gathering, which was attended by Steve Jackson, that Christine Morgan and I had some discussion about this. But I guess nothing ever came of it. I'd be happy to participate in the creation of a Gargoyles RPG, but I don't know enough about that arena to initiate things. And of course, one has to keep in mind that I don't OWN Gargoyles. So whomever wanted to do it, would have to purchase a license from Disney. Not impossible to do, as SLG has proven, but not easy to do as CreatureComics.com learned when we tried to get the comic book license before being teamed with SLG.

Response recorded on January 07, 2007

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Phoenician writes...

Hey Greg, I'm back to make my review of the Season II - Volume I DVD!

I've been waiting to do this since I bought it on the day of release - I'm actually a tad surprise it took so long, as opposed from last year . . .

But getting to the point: Season II, Volume I ROCKED! Several of my favorite episodes are in this DVD, including the City of Stone 4-Parter, the Avalon 3-Parter, and probably my favorite in the entire DVD: The Mirror!

My favorite bonus feature was the episode introductions, and I really wish now that Season I had them as well. They offered more behind the scenes info than I think I expected. I really did love the Gathering of the Cast and Crew: I have only seen Keith David, Johnathan Frakes, Mirina Sirtis and Sally Richardson (and you, of course) in my history of Gargoyles, so it was nice to finally attach some faces to the rest of the cast and crew as well. I loved Jeff Bennet's 3-Voice demo. Absolutely amazing and hilarious at the same time!

I loved the commentary on City of Stone. Out of the two multi-parters we got, I'm happy this one at least got the commentary. The back-story of Demona and Macbeth is perhaps the best memory I have of watching Gargoyles when I was six. Never before (and I think you mentioned this on the commentaries) had I seen the bad guys in a point of view that got me feeling sorry for both of them! The music by Carl Johnson in the Part IV (Where we see Demona in the forest fire) is definitely what I reminisce most in the four-parter. Simply legendary.

By the way, after I had watched the City of Stone four-parter commentaries, I was driven to look up the entire "Macbeth" Family Tree. I finally found the historical version, and with the knowledge of what I knew of Princess Katherine and her dad Prince Malcolm, I think I worked it all out all the way to Luach (I know, I know . . . Lulach. But I'm used to it!) and Canmore!

I don't know if it was you or someone in the Gargoyles team that did it, but I love the fact that the cover says "We Live Again." Simple, but powerful for anyone who remembers the series.

I wish Avalon had a commentary as well, but that is why I appreciate the Introductions so much.

I can't wait for the next DVD. I can't wait to have The World Tour (which I had always called the 'Avalon Odyssey' before I started going online) to my collection. So many stories in so many places . . . I love them all!

Thanks for the series, Greg. From the season premire I was lucky to witness up to today, this show STILL remains my favorite show of all time!

On to Volume II!

Greg responds...

You're very welcome.

In House at Disney, we started calling it "The Gargoyle World Tour" as a joke. Like we'd make concert t-shirts with all the stops. (HEY, THAT'S A GOOD IDEA!!)

Response recorded on January 05, 2007

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Raptor writes...

I read on the Gargoyles News Central that Keith David is looking for a talking Goliath bank. Do you know how I would contact him if I have one?


Greg responds...

I've heard that he has one at this point. Maybe (a year and a half later) he got yours.

Response recorded on November 29, 2006

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Barb writes...

I am a huge gargoyle fan but i can not afford to buy the whole sesone(s) of the show is there any way I could get one free from you I would really appreciate it and my two children would too. I did have the collection at one time but my house burned down a week befor christmas of 2004. We lost everything tha was in our home except our loves even the family pets.

Greg responds...

I'm sorry for your loss. Truly. But no, I can't send you individual episodes. I have no way to do that.

Response recorded on November 21, 2006

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Susan Leonard writes...

I am a longtime collector of original production art cells. I have a room in my home that contains cells of favorite moments from both the Batman and Superman animated series highlighting the romantic moments between Superman and Lois Lane as well as Batman and Catwoman and favorite villains like The Joker and Lex Luthor. I am a huge fan of Gargoyles as well and would like to purchase some original production from the series if it is at all possible. I am particularly interested in moments between Goliath and Elisa. Please let me know if this can be done, and how I can go about it. Thank you for your time Greg!

Greg responds...

Hey Susan,

I'm guessing you posted this before we met and before you attended your first Gathering.

I'm thinking that by now you've had the opportunity to get some cells. I feel like they were on sale in Las Vegas in 2005. E-bay's another possibility, or contact the fans via Station Eight.

But I'm afraid that I'm not a resource for finding or purchasing Garg cells.

I own four cells myself (which I have no intention of ever selling):

1. Goliath in the castle corridor from "Awakening, Part One"

2. Goliath holding what he believes to be Demona's remains from "Awakening, Part One"

3. Goliath, Elisa, Lexington, Broadway, Brooklyn, Hudson, Bronx watching t.v. from "The Edge".

4. Goliath and La Belle Elisa dancing from "Eye of the Beholder".

Response recorded on November 15, 2006

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mtndame writes...

hi greg, was wondering if you know of a gargoyle fiend who appreciates and is interested in the purchase of gargoyle art. I have a piece and dont know where to market it. it is about 4 feet tall and carved from wood. quite awesome. regards mtndame@yahoo.com

Greg responds...

I'd try the Station 8 Comment Room.

Response recorded on November 09, 2006

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rosie writes...

can you email me a good picture of goliath standing straight. I would like to get a tatttoo of him on my back. I love him i feel he is a protector. thank you

Greg responds...

Sorry, but that's not what this site is for. Ask in the Comment Room.

Response recorded on November 07, 2006

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Alex writes...

Dear Greg,
Do you think there's any chance that (since the DVD came out) if there's going to be any Gargoyles collectibles in stores.
Any chance at all?


Greg responds...

Always a chance.

Response recorded on October 20, 2006

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sharon lee writes...

hi i was wondering if you have production images(frount back view of the character sketches)or good pics of certain characters from gargolyes like coyote robot from the epsiode "upgrade" and "grief" and the cybots robots and walk-a-bout nano technology robot desighns,if you are willing i would be very gratfull:}

Greg responds...

I don't have any production images. But if you ask in the s8 comment room, someone there should be able to direct you to a website that does.

Response recorded on September 28, 2006

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Cyberwolf writes...

I love the series. Is there a RPG based off of the series?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on September 21, 2006

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