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Maivillain writes...

Dear Greg,
Have you ever considered a Gargoyle Role-Playing Game? I feel like there are many possibilities involved in this concept... or perhaps is there already one in the works? Because if there is, I was wondering who the publisher/ production company might be. With Fondest Memories 9and monetary support through the purchase of your t.v. show's DVD), Maivillain

Greg responds...

I have a vague memory that after the Dallas Gathering, which was attended by Steve Jackson, that Christine Morgan and I had some discussion about this. But I guess nothing ever came of it. I'd be happy to participate in the creation of a Gargoyles RPG, but I don't know enough about that arena to initiate things. And of course, one has to keep in mind that I don't OWN Gargoyles. So whomever wanted to do it, would have to purchase a license from Disney. Not impossible to do, as SLG has proven, but not easy to do as CreatureComics.com learned when we tried to get the comic book license before being teamed with SLG.

Response recorded on January 07, 2007