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I've been a fan of Gargoyles since ever, but i didnt know it co tinued i comics till two days ago!!!! OMG!!! THATS AWESOME! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! but now i have a questio about gargate biology. I read that they go into heat every twenty years, on years that end in "7" but ...
What about just physical maturity? At what age are they physically mature, and Is this different from when they are seen as adults by their clan?
Okay, first, it's years that end in 8 not 7. (How weird would '7' be?!!)
Second, it depends on how you're defining physical maturity. The Trio were old enough to be considered warriors in 994 when they were 36 years old chronologically (and 18 biologically). On the other hand, Kermit and True would still have been considered children then, when they were 16 chronologically (and 8 biologically).
Hello, Mr. Weisman, how are you? It's Alix again.
My question revolves around the Gargoyle nicknamed "Kermit". In City of Stone part three, Kermit is seen destroyed by Duncan. How is it that he is seen alive afterward? As is the other Gargoyle that they destroyed that evening. I'm confused. Please explain.
It's an error. Or there were two similar looking gargoyles. Take your pick.
1. Why did you give the moniker of "True" to Hudson's third biological child? Where did the name come from?
2. In what series' or spin-offs would we see True again?
3. Aside from Hudson, were any of True and "Kermit"'s rookery parents still alive as of 997?
4. Where did True and Kermit go during the Battle of Rathveramoen? Were there other gargoyles/beasts of similiar age among other cells of Demona's Clan?
5. Do you consider the cell that True belonged to to be called the Wyvern Cell or would you call it something else? Was this the cell that Demona spent most her time with?
Thanks, Greg!
1a. It seemed appropriate.
1b. My twisted mind.
2. Dark Ages.
3. Potentially.
4a. Into hiding.
4b. Yes.
5a. I doubt it was called that, since it wasn't located at Wyvern. But I understand how that's a useful and sensible place-holder for the time being. And, no, I haven't set a specific location for it yet.
5b. Yes.
A lot of new faces were seen in Demona's clan in CB2 - and it sounds like some interesting facts were given out about the whole clan's relationships to Wyvern clan members during this last Gathering. So a couple questions:
1) Were all of the Gargates seen in the cell that Demona's Second/True/etc were part of from the Wyvern Split clan?
2) What year were these Gargates born in?
a - Demona's Second's Mate/Sacrifice
b - "Bro" the red Gargoyle Brooklyn spoke with.
c - Brooklyn's bioBrother, seen behind Brook and "Bro"
d - the little Green gargoyle standing next to True.
e - Bronx's parents
3) Was Sacrifice related biologically to any other Gargoyle we've seen from Wyvern? If so which?
4) The little Blue Gargoyle from City of Stone was not seen here (that I found). Where was he?
1. Yes.
a. 918.
b. 958.
c. 938.
d. 978
e. 898
3. Don't know.
4. Another cell, probably.