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PJ writes...

I've always noticed that Puck has somewhat of an effeminate 'vibe' about him. So I was wondering; is Puck in fact gay/bisexual, or just a bit camp?


Greg responds...

I reject the "camp" notion entirely in this context. Puck is of course a LOT camp. But that has nothing to do with his sexuality.

And I'm not too fond of proscribing gender roles so rigidly that I'd apply the term "effeminate vibe". I know there's nothing negative in your question, even by implication, but I just don't buy into the way you've posed it.

Given all of the above, I'm not inclined to discuss his sexuality one way or another at this time.

Response recorded on November 13, 2006

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Rhea writes...

I have many questions about Owen/Puck.
1) What exactly were the terms Owen/Puck made with Xanatos?
2) Why did Xanatos chose Owen over a chance for immorlity?
3) What does the Xanatos family (even a future Alex) see Owen as? Buisness partner? Friend?
I mean Xanatos saves Owen from braking in 'City of Stone' so he must like him some what. It's not in Xanatos character to just save someone, they must mean something to him, right?
4) How do the gargoyles, Elisa, and Matt see Owen? Do they think he's like Xanatos, or just a man who helps Xanatos out on the sidelines?
5) Does Oberon care for Puck? He seemed upset about punishing Puck in 'The Gathering'.
6) And am I right in thinking that Owen and Fox's mother knew who each other were before 'The Gathering'? If so why didn't Titinia tell Oberon about Puck/Owen?

Greg responds...

1. A lifetime of service as Owen. No magic from Puck.

2. Confidence (or one might say over-confidence). Xanatos found Owen invaluable. He figured he could get immortality some other way.

3. Why wouldn't Xanatos just save someone? Death is wasteful in his opinion. Certainly losing Owen as a resource is EXTREMELY wasteful. But I think coming out of the "Gathering" two-parter, Xanatos may have learned to appreciate Owen a little more as a friend. Owen/Puck made a huge sacrifice for him. I think Fox would see that too. And Alex will grow up thinking of Owen as part of the family.

4. Well at this point, they know he's Puck. I think they trust Owen not to lie -- and or smash them while they sleep. But they also don't trust Owen to tell the truth. He's Xanatos' man for all that. And they don't quite trust Xanatos either.

5. I think he probably does. I'm not sure he'd admit to it.

6. Owen/Puck knew that Anastasia was Titania. Titania (as far as we know) didn't know that Owen was Puck. As far as we know.

Response recorded on November 10, 2006

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DPH writes...

How exactly did you come to realize that Puck and Owen were the same person?

Was it because you looking at who Puck had served and needed somebody?

Greg responds...

I can't believe I haven't answered this before here. But since Todd didn't field this one, I guess I haven't... or at least not here at ASK GREG.

Anyway... No.

We always knew there was something special about Owen, but didn't know what it was at first. Then when we first started working on "The Mirror" and created Puck, it suddenly occured to me that Puck was Owen. An epiphany. I immediately called Brynne Chandler Reaves and Lydia Marano. The conversation went something like this...

Greg: "I just realized: Owen is Puck!"

Brynne & Lydia: "We know!"

It was just so right. The references in "The Mirror" to Puck "serving the human" and in "City of Stone, Part One" to Owen being "the tricky one" were put in post-epiphany.

Response recorded on August 21, 2006

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Ceres writes...

Ok, so I've been checking this place on and off for the last 7 years and only now have I bothered to ask a question. I figured that somebody would've asked it a lot earlier (I searched the archive plenty of times), so I guess it'll fall on my humble shoulders.

Are you ready? *drumroll*

What did Titania whisper to Fox in the end of the Garthering?

*rimshot!* Okay, okay, lame joke! For real this time!

1) When Puck decided to create Owen after seeing Vogel, how fast did that happen? I mean, did he met Vogel a Monday and by Friday Owen was already sending in his resume? Or did he wait a bit, do some type of research to sound more convincing? Did he even NEED to do research? Which brings me to another question...

2) Did Owen... or Puck, for that matter... ever went to college or its 16th century equivalent? I mean, 1000 years is a lot of time to horse around. Did he ever sign up in a comminuty college in a fit of boredom or something? I'm asking because it seems to me the Renard position required a lot of schooling. Puck is great con artist, but can you really bluff you way through a lab/a corporation for years and years? Seems you can't keep it up forever.

Yes, this is what has been nagging me for years until I finally cracked. Yay me, I guess.

Greg responds...

Oh, so you DON'T want to know what Titania whispered. Cuz I was just about ready to tell...

1. I think there must have been a period of observation.

2. I doubt he went to community college. Magic allows for all sorts of short-cuts.

Response recorded on March 07, 2006

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Gipdac writes...

1. Before “The Gathering” did Fox know Puck and Owen were one in the same?
2. When did Vogel start working for Renard?
3a. When did Owen start working for the Renards? 3b. When did Owen start working for Xanatos?
4a. Before “The Gathering” did Titania know Puck and Owen were one in the same? 4b. If the answer is yes, then when did she find out? 4c. How did she find out?
5. Had Vogel and Owen met before Alexander’s birth during “The Gathering”?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Prior to 1989.

3a. 1989.

3b. 1991.

4a. In theory, no. But...

4b & c. See 4a.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on February 17, 2006

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Fluffy writes...

Refering to the choice Xanatose made with Owen.
Just how did Owen show himself as puck to Xanatose with out brakeing Oberon's law?

Greg responds...

that's a whole story...

Response recorded on February 03, 2006

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Puckluver writes...

Hey Greg! Can you tell me if the new Gargoyles season actually comes up, will Owen/Puck find his love match then, or will it be later?

Greg responds...

I'm not saying when or what is happening. Blame the comic book.

Response recorded on January 26, 2006

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Vinnie writes...

What are the limits on the binding spell that Oberon put on Puck? From a certain perspective Puck would be protecting Alex by using his magic on Xanatos' enemies. A premptive attack by Puck would spare Alex much trauma, so protecting Alex's emotional state in this way would be as important as protecting his phyiscal state in the result of a direct attack on his person.

Greg responds...

One bends the rules just enough so that they won't break. Besides, Puck has his own ethos... he promised Xanatos a lifetime of service as Owen -- without help from Puck. So he personally doesn't want to just go puckalicious for no reason -- or even for a trumped up reason.

Besides, who says Xanatos has enemies? ;)

Response recorded on November 10, 2005

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Lawrence Matheson writes...

How could Puck reveal himself to Xanitos? Woldn't that be INterviening in Human affairs?P.S any fans of the show who thinks they can answer this question can write to me at opinionsrgood@hotmail.com

Greg responds...

That doesn't seem hard to justify in a bending the rules without breaking them sense.

Response recorded on September 07, 2005

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Question writes...

Is the Puck of Team Atlantis the same Puck of the gargoyles world just in a different shape or is this a totally different character with a different backstory? Would he be a member of the third race? If he is not then what is his backstory?

On the premeise of Team Atlantis are all the phenomenon(Loch Ness Monster, Puck, Terracotta Soldiers) the team encounters caused by the crystals?

Greg responds...

There are things in the Team Atlantis Universe that mesh nicely with the Gargoyles Universe and things that flat out don't. A perfect example is the Loch Ness Monster. Too totally different interpretations of the legend.

In the unfinished and unaired episode of Team Atlantis called "The Last," we would have seen that Gargoyles and Hunters were EXACTLY the same in both universes.

As for Puck... I'll leave that to interpretation. The Puck episode of Team Atlantis was much further along than "The Last" but it was also (to my knowledge) never completed or aired. Because Puck can change forms and because the adventure took place years before Owen hooked up with Xanatos, one could see this as compatible. Certainly the Team Atlantis Puck was less mature than our Owen/Puck, which fits rather nicely with our continuity.

As to whether literally every Team Atlantis episode was crystal driven? I'm not sure. It's been a while, so there may have been one or two that weren't directly Atlantis crystal oriented. But most were.

BUT my big question for the Question is: how do you even know about all these specific unaired Team Atlantis episodes? About Puck or Loch Ness or the Terracotta Warriors?

Response recorded on May 25, 2005

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