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Question writes...

Is the Puck of Team Atlantis the same Puck of the gargoyles world just in a different shape or is this a totally different character with a different backstory? Would he be a member of the third race? If he is not then what is his backstory?

On the premeise of Team Atlantis are all the phenomenon(Loch Ness Monster, Puck, Terracotta Soldiers) the team encounters caused by the crystals?

Greg responds...

There are things in the Team Atlantis Universe that mesh nicely with the Gargoyles Universe and things that flat out don't. A perfect example is the Loch Ness Monster. Too totally different interpretations of the legend.

In the unfinished and unaired episode of Team Atlantis called "The Last," we would have seen that Gargoyles and Hunters were EXACTLY the same in both universes.

As for Puck... I'll leave that to interpretation. The Puck episode of Team Atlantis was much further along than "The Last" but it was also (to my knowledge) never completed or aired. Because Puck can change forms and because the adventure took place years before Owen hooked up with Xanatos, one could see this as compatible. Certainly the Team Atlantis Puck was less mature than our Owen/Puck, which fits rather nicely with our continuity.

As to whether literally every Team Atlantis episode was crystal driven? I'm not sure. It's been a while, so there may have been one or two that weren't directly Atlantis crystal oriented. But most were.

BUT my big question for the Question is: how do you even know about all these specific unaired Team Atlantis episodes? About Puck or Loch Ness or the Terracotta Warriors?

Response recorded on May 25, 2005