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Katie Bidwell writes...

Puck looks too much like Oberon to not be his child, is it possible Puck is related to Oberon if not his biological son?

Greg responds...

I don't see much resemblance, frankly. Which is not to say that they may not be distantly related. But they're definitely NOT father and son, nor do I see a familial relationship playing any role in their dynamic.

Response recorded on October 18, 2004

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Ricardo from Portugal writes...

Can Puck predict the future?:

In "Future Tense" there were many facts that Owen couldn't possibly know by himself, like Demona's future affection towards Angela; the making of more clones (The Reckoning) in the reference of the Clone Wars; the destruction of the Clock Tower (The Hunter's Moon, part II); and Xanatos' son being named Alexander (although Xanatos and Fox could have chosen that name before "Future Tense"...

Greg responds...

Everything you mentioned can be explained....

1. Demona's affection toward Angela is hardly difficult to predict. Mom for child. I mean seriously...

2. The Clone Wars reference (from STAR WARS, btw) was a quick cover for Owen/Puck NOT knowing that Demona & Thailog were an item.

3. The destruction of the Clock Tower was an obvious choice, given the desire to keep Goliath off guard and horrified. The death of Hudson was a similar choice. And I'll assure you that some day, Hudson will in fact die. After all, he's not immortal. But one doesn't have to be psychic to predict that. Puck also partnered Brooklyn with Demona to freak Goliath out, and I can assure you THAT is never gonna happen.

4. X's son being named Alexander is, as you said, something he might already know. It might even be a name HE suggested to the couple.

So as I said, everything can be explained... if you choose to want an explanation....


Response recorded on September 10, 2004

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Ricardo from Portugal writes...

Hey! I was wondering why did Puck had black eyes in "The Mirror" and latter in "Future Tense" and the other two episodes where he appears he has blue eyes?

A) It was because in "The Mirror" you hadn't decided yet that all Oberon's Childrens would have blue eyes(including Oberon and Titania themselves)?

B)And why do they all have blue eyes? Does it have any kind of meaning?

I would realy like to get an answer to my question, besause this is the forth time that I post one and all the others got lost with no answer...

Greg responds...

I haven't noticed that they all have blue eyes. I'm not at all sure that they do.

I didn't notice that Puck's eyes changed color either. We certainly never redesigned his color model. It may be a mistake, or it may be that from a distance blue eyes appeared black.

There are certain human limitations to the painting process.

Response recorded on September 08, 2004

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Scott M. writes...

Is Puck unable to undo the spell that turned Owen's arm to stone, or does Puck choose not to reverse it because it would be "breaking the character" of Owen?

Greg responds...

The latter.

Response recorded on June 23, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

I thought Oberon stated that Puck could use his magic to teach Alex or protect Alex. Since Alex was captured in 2198, couldn't Puck use his magic to save him?

Greg responds...

Saving and protecting are two different things. Also Alex is taken away from Earth, the source of Puck's power.

Response recorded on June 17, 2004

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Babs writes...

Ok im not gonna ask to many questions, I know your probably going crazy from all the other questions that everyone else is asking. I was reading through the archive and FAQ's to hunt to see if what I was going to ask was already answered and over 2-3 hours later when I lost all felling in my butt(shut up ;p) and my eyes about to pop out; to my dismay I didnt find the answers, unless my dumbass just didnt see them which that is probably more likley. We'll here they are
1) hmm how can I put this (no not a sex question) I was wondering what the Gargoyles skin is?... uh ours is flesh , lizards are scales, bears are fur. Now some Gargoyles you can tell what thier skin is just by looking at them, so I guess this is leaning more towards the Scotish Clan. Depending on what breed of animal they are the skin would be more harder to puncher.
2)Darn forget what episode , We'll it's the one when Owen stuck his hand in the pot of life and it turned into stone, I took notice in the rest of the shows his hand pretty much stayed in the same postition, but when watching "Broadway goes to Hollywood" he was holding a book with that hand. So my question is can he move that hand as if it wasn't stone or was that just a glitch in that episode ?
3)Regarding to question #2. When Owen turns into Puck his hand is not stone anymore, since they are 2 different people im guessing that when he's Owen he has a different body and Puck the same , but they still do share the same body, is that Pucks magic changing his hand to flesh for teaching shake ?, you can just say , sure whatever you think for this one. I don't quite know what I just asked either.

I'm one of those people that analyze everything kinda goes with the territory with having a slight case of O.C.D, ya notice things that no one else does, but kinda miss the things that are right in the open.
Danke for taking the time to answer my questions.
Gargoyles Forever !

Greg responds...

1. We always referred to it as "hide".

2. "The Price". I didn't work on "Broadway Goes To Hollywood", but that clearly is a mistake.

3. They aren't two different people. Owen is an identity that Puck can assume. When Puck returns to being Owen, he recreates the stone hand -- all part of his bargain with Xanatos.

Response recorded on June 11, 2004

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Orianna, the elven mage writes...

Alright, this may seem a bit strange to ask, but I'm working on a fan fiction that included Puck.
I need to know all I can about him.
So will you please help me out on this.
Bassically I need to know about his history and if he has a girlfriend or not.
Thanks for your help.

Greg responds...

My advice is to go to "original" sources such as Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" or Kipling's works.

Or study episodes with Puck and/or Owen.

I'm not revealing more than that now.

Response recorded on April 28, 2004

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Sha'Lane aka divesangel writes...

Okay here it goes. First of all I'd like to say great job!! I love the way you've done things. BRAVO!! I especially love how you took some of Shakespeare's plays, plots, and characters and put them in the show. Pure briliants!! Anywho, before I get carried away, I actually have a lot of questions, some I'm sure you've probably answered, so I'll put it in one question statement and you answer or reply as you please or rather take it as you will. I was wondering what you could tell me about Puck w/o giving away to much info. We know very little about him. Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

Generally, you probably know more than you think. He's a trickster and servant to Oberon.

Years ago, while following Titania, he became curious about Titania's daughter Janine and her boyfriend David. He went to work for David in the guise of Owen (an identity based on Renard's assistant). He later revealed his true self to Xanatos and offered him a choice: One wish from the Puck or a lifetime of service from Owen.

Xanatos chose Owen, a choice which impressed Puck to no end.

As Owen, he has a genuine affection for Family Xanatos and was even willing to defy Oberon to protect them.

Any other questions?

Response recorded on April 20, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

the magus kinda looks like puck,is it weird?

Greg responds...

I can see why you say that, but I also don't think they look THAT much alike.

Is it weird? I dunno. I guess that's subjective.

Response recorded on April 02, 2004

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Gesamtschule/Felix writes...

Who is puck? What kind of craeture is he?

Greg responds...

He's a member of the so-called "Third Race" a.k.a. "Oberon's Children" a.k.a. "The Children of Oberon" a.k.a. "The Fair Folk" a.k.a. "Dark Elves", etc.

Response recorded on March 23, 2004

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jamie writes...

what are the roles of puck and oberon in a midsummers night dream

Greg responds...

In the Shakespeare play, Oberon is King of the Fairies and Puck is his servant.

Response recorded on February 12, 2004

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Zarok writes...

Hi Greg
I have a few questions regarding gargoyles 2198…

1) You once said that CGI would be ideal for 2198, care to elaborate. Do you feel that certain visual aspects would be best represent in GCI or do you figure people will naturally equate aliens and such with CGI.
2) A lot of the plot lines in 2198 seems to depend on the viewer being familiar with the original Gargoyles series and would be near incomprehensible to a new viewer. I mean how would you explain stuff like the Owen/Puck and Alexander IV relationship without regurgitating a complex and confusing back-story. (I know it doesn't seem confusing when you actually watch the show but it's not the sort of thing you can relate in a few minutes of exposition). So have you given any thought on how you would bring a new viewer up to speed?

Greg responds...

1. The subject matter of the show, being more science fiction driven than fantasy, suggests to me that the things that are relatively easy in CGI animation -- as opposed to the things that are difficult and therefore expensive in both dollars and man-hours -- would be high-lighted more than in the old series. I'd be happy to do 2198 in either CGI or cell or a combo. Frankly, whatever I could get. But to the extent the show has been developed, it was developed so that CGI would be an economically feasible option.

2. Yes. Mostly, by taking nothing for granted. Let me use Owen as an example. New viewers meet Owen for the first time, perhaps in a scene talking to Alexander. They don't know about Puck. They don't need to know about Puck. He's simply Xanatos' advisor. (Does this scenario sound familiar to anyone?) After Xanatos' abduction from Earth, Owen can't change into Puck. Since he can't change he doesn't. Since he can't and doesn't, he doesn't talk about it, because it's a non-issue. So no new viewers are confused. Sure the old viewers know that this guy is Puck, but hopefully they'll understand why he cannot change (i.e. he can only change to teach or protect Alex. He's already failed in the latter and Alex isn't around for the former, so he cannot change). Their (inside) knowledge hopefully enhances their viewing pleasure. They understand Owen's frustration and its ramifications more. But there's nothing to distract the audience that is new to the Gargoyles Universe -- until we are ready to reveal things anew.

Does that help?

Response recorded on January 16, 2004

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The Soulider writes...

In "The Mirror," why did Elisa get her shoes back and none of the other humans-turned-gargoyles get theirs back when the were changed back into humans? And where *did* Elisa'a Jacket go?

Greg responds...

I don't recall everyone else using/losing shoes. I'd have to watch it again. Maybe the other people you saw all transformed before they had their shoes on in the first place? Never put them on, so never got them back.

As for Elisa's jacket... I don't know. I've never known the answer to that one. Magic and Puck's personal aesthetic, perhaps.

Response recorded on January 06, 2004

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AngelOfTheNight writes...

Concerning Puck and Demona, In "the Mirror" Demona tells Puck, "You've served the human, now you can serve me", As well as in "City of Stone" she calls Owen "the tricky one".
The rest of us didn't know Owen's true identity until the end of "The Gathering". So my question is, just how and for how long does Demona know Owen is Puck? Sorry if this has already been asked, didnt see it anywhere in the archives. P.S. I was glad to hear that you and yours were safe after the WTC tragedy.

Greg responds...

Um... well, for starters, thanks. But of course, we live in Los Angeles so my family wasn't at tremendous risk.

I'm sure it's in the archives somewhere, but Demona has been aware of Puck/Owen's true identity for quite some time. Puck/Owen introduced Demona to Xanatos some time before the events of AWAKENING.

Response recorded on October 21, 2003

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The Fan from Portugal writes...

Hey, I have a question about the relationship between Demona and Owen: If she knew he was the Puck all the time, how come did she never confront him after "The Mirror" episode? In "City of Stone, part 1" she said to Owen 'You are the tricky one', I presume she meant as Puck, but at the time we don't know that. Why did she never made a comment about that? or even a glance?

Greg responds...

She did. You just mentioned it in City of Stone. And she commented on it to Puck in "The Mirror". What else are you looking for?

Response recorded on September 19, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

1.What goddesses/gods(you said they could change their gender) were Mab worshipped as?
2.What gods/godesses were Oberon worshipped as? Puck? Titania?

Greg responds...

I haven't done the research on this yet. I have a few notions in mind, and there's probably more out there that would work, but I haven't done the research yet.

Response recorded on June 13, 2003

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Shoko-chan writes...

What did Puck do before he was trapped in The Mirorr?

Greg responds...

He was never trapped in the Mirror. He was summoned through it.

And he was Owen.

Response recorded on June 11, 2003

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Lord Sloth writes...

1) After the Gathering (the episode), had the rules of the pact between David and Owen/Puck changed? I'm asking because Owen used his Puck powers in order to save Alexander from Oberon, and then in "Possession" Xanatos actually asked Owen if Puck could wiggle his nose and fix Coldstone for him.
a) In the first case, one could argue that this was something personal that Puck had to settle with Oberon; and so two birds, one stone (is that so?).
b) And in "possession", my only guess is that Xanatos was trying to hint to Puck about how he might turn this into a lesson for Alex, and Puck figured it out latter. Would this be correct?
c) If one or both of these are wrong, could you point out what I am missing?

2) a) Am I right in that training Alex for Oberon takes precedence over not using magic to help Xanatos, and thus Puck is able to work the two into one?
b) Since the Coldstone Dilemma was not really a big priority (like the Oberon one) why did David and Owen try to fond a way to cheat their lifetime of service agreement? It somehow feels that, though Xanatos might cheat other times in his life, this is something he would stay true to, and Owen would hold him to it anyway. (I hope that all came out clearly)

3) And one other thing. I'm sure that playing the part of a straight man has its initial appeal, but fifteen to twenty years of it must be a bit much even for an immortal. So did Puck probably go on many trickster excursions with his time off like in "Future Tense" and "the Mirror" (only without chains) that had nothing to do with Xanatos, in order to relieve some tension?

I don't mean to sound too critical here, as I really love the two above episodes. I'm just trying to understand all of the complex rules that conflict with each other in the show (which, incidentally you did a great job at maintaining).

Dunca Greg.

Greg responds...

1. No, the terms hadn't changed. Puck could justify the Oberon thing, because he was protecting himself from being forced to return to Avalon. And as you may recall, in Possessions, Owen did not just wiggle his nose. Not allowed.

a. More or less.

b. Not really. X was in fact asking for the quick fix. Owen said no. But figured out a way to make a lesson out of it.

c. See above.

2a. Yes.

b. It's clear, but (a) Xanatos wasn't trying that hard to get Owen/Puck to cheat. He made an off-the-cuff-remark. And (b) Puck did what he did (1) to teach Alex (2) because it was fun and (a very distant 3) because it helped Xanatos.

3. Here and there. But I think he really relishes Owen. Don't you?

I don't see any conflict.

Response recorded on June 09, 2003

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Aaron writes...

If Oberon were to be killed, or even removed from rulership of Avalon, would the third race be freed from his Law, or not? (I know this seems like a "duh" question, but I thought I'd ask and be sure)

Greg responds...

It depends on who takes over.

Response recorded on June 09, 2003

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Lord Sloth writes...

Hiya Greg, it's been two months now since I asked you a question, did ya miss me?

Of course you did. But now, here is my real question for ye: Could Puck rid Owen of his fist handicap if he wanted to, but chooses to keep it as a tribute to his loyalty for Xanatos? Or is the Cauldron of life's magic stronger then that of Robin Goodfellow? Or both? Or neither?


Greg responds...

Puck could reset Owen at any time. But figures that would betray his bargain with Xanatos to have a human assistant in Owen, since theoretically, Owen should not be able to make the change.

Response recorded on June 04, 2003

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Edward Haynes, Jr. writes...

Future Tense.

I won't keep you long, Greg. I just had some questions I thought you could clear for me about this particular episode.

Was the vision that Goliath saw just a dream or a prophecy? Why wouldn't Puck tell him which one it was? Would the events have REALLY started to come true if the series had continued after the the Goliath Chronicles??

Greg responds...

Some of each.

Why would he?

Some of them started to come true before the end of the second season. The birth of Alexander Fox Xanatos, for example. The destruction of the Clock Tower.

Response recorded on May 19, 2003

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Aaron writes...

Re: The Weird Sisters.

"Their tri_part mission."

Luna's log, Stardate: Um... It's hard to tell from Avalon.

These are the adventures of the Weird Sisters, our tri-part mission, to seek out new life, and play mind games with it... To find new ways to plague Demona... To boldly never give a straight answer to anything!

I have entirely too much free time.

And, so this'll have a question in it, is Puck's magic flute connected to the opera "The Magic Flute"?


Greg responds...

Maybe. Haven't seen that opera.

Response recorded on April 24, 2003

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T'ran writes...

Does Puck have a special someone?

Greg responds...

He ultimately will.

Response recorded on March 10, 2003

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theSquiggyOne writes...

How many versions of the Steel Clan has Xantos created besides the first batch and the batch in the Edge with electric defenses and advanced AI?

Greg responds...

There have only been two models of Steel Clan Robot.

The original model, commissioned by Xanatos, seen in "Awakening, Part V" and "The Edge" and "Double Jeopardy" and "The Price", etc.

And the Iron Clan Robot model, commissioned by Owen Burnett, specifically to battle Oberon and/or Titania, as seen in "The Gathering, Part II". These are larger, and their chassis are made from iron as opposed to steal, but most of the other tech specs are the same.

The so-called "Advanced AI" model that I assume you're referring to from "The Edge" was not a robot at all. But a suit of armor (red in color) that Xanatos wore. Though from the outside it looked like a red version of the robots, it in fact was obviously constructed very differently. I'm not saying they didn't use any of the robot tech on the suit, since they obviously did, but it also required a separate develpoment phase.

Response recorded on February 06, 2003

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Sylvan writes...

I noticed in the archives that you mentioned Puck of Pook's Hill. Have you read it and its sequel Rewards and Fairies? If so, which do you perfer -- Kipling's take on Puck or Shakespeare's?

Greg responds...

I started reading "Puck of Pook's Hill" to my kids years ago. But at the time they were too young and it didn't hold their interest. I'm afraid I never finished it. Nor have I read the sequel.

So it's not a question of preference. Shakespeare's Puck is the only one I really know -- beyond the Garg version.

Response recorded on June 10, 2002

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