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Gathering 2001

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ANGELA writes...

Hi, Greg. For the Gargoyles "The Gathering Tour" will you be coming to Boston anytime soon? I live in New Hampshire, so anywhere in New England would be great, because it's driveable. Thanks! :)

Greg responds...

As I answered earlier today, I don't decide where the conventions take place. YOU DO! Fans organize these things.

The con is planned for Los Angeles this June.

And for Virginia Beach, Virginia in the summer of 2002.

There are no specific plans beyond that.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Nyrtleka writes...

Any chance the Gathering next year or a year following might end up in

1. Philadelphia?
2. Boston?
3. New York?


Greg responds...

We've had two Gatherings in New York already (1997, 1998). But really it's about local fans wanting the convention and working their butts off to put forward a viable proposal. And then, if they get the con, working their butts off even more to put on a great show.

Every year a tremendous amount of work is done by a small group of people to get the convention up and off the ground. And you know, mostly the thanks they get is a lot of complaining. And it really bothers me.

(I know this wasn't really your question, but I feel like ranting.)

Con staff decisions are made with care. With thought. With awareness of multiple variables. Criticism comes with little care, thought or awareness of multiple variables.

I'm personally very grateful to the staffs of the first four conventions. Nothing's flawless, but I had a great time at each one.

And as I've been more involved than usual in the planning for G2001 in Los Angeles, I know, I KNOW, that the con staff has been working triple time to get stuff done and make it the best Gathering yet. It might be nice for someone to say thank you on occasion. Some of the backbiting I've seen and heard about is very hurtful and patently unfair.

O.K. End of rant. Sorry, Nyrtleka, none of that was directed at you, of course.

Now, to answer your question, I believe that G2002 is scheduled to take place in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Not Philly, NYC or Boston, but it's east coast, if that's what you were looking for. As for 2003, the process to choose that con's location is some time in the distance. But if you want it to be someplace specific, then get your act together and put together a proposal that is just too good to pass on.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Laura 'ad astra' Ackerman writes...

I would really prefer to be making a content based comment here, but I still have to catch up quite a bit and don't want to ask something already answered. So here goes...

With all the guests coming to the con, (which I am trying my best to get to this time), would you consider writing a small Gargoyle vignette (either storyline or parody) for the voice talent to read? If some of the guest artists could be persuaded to make a few sketches to go along with it, (and blowing them up to audience viewable sizes at a Kinkos or the like), it would be the closest thing to new programming we will have had in years:)

Greg responds...

We're talking about all sorts of options for the radio play this year. Whatever we do, it'll hopefully be fun.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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DCB writes...

Is there a limit to the number of Gatherings one can attend?

Greg responds...

Of course not.

I've been to all of them:

New York 1997
New York 1998
Dallas 1999
Orlando 2000

And I'll be attending

Los Angeles 2001

And I'll keep attending as long as you guys want me there.

Hope to see you in L.A. in June.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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matt writes...

i figured since i was singled out to everyone by "Jim R." earlier i'd write something about me... also cuz i like to talk about myself.:)
i don't know Greg personally but i wish i did. i ask Greg so many questions because i'm a big fan and i want to know everything about "Gargoyles" that Greg is willing (or able) to share with us. i've watched garg. since it first came on and i've come up with a lot of questions and when i came across this website i started asking them. i just really love this show! if i had one wish i'd wish for world peace, but if i had two wishes i'd wish that "Gargoyles" had its own television station and played nonstop!! to show how much a fan i am, those last two sentences instantly reminded me of Puck's "does this look like Alladin's lamp" line!!!!
anyway, so as not to clutter up this page with anymore non-garg stuff if you want to email me you can at ewoks11@hotmail.com. i'd love hearing from other fans esspecially since none of my friends were ever really into gargoyles.
and as for all my really great questions: "I can't help it if you can't keep up with Greg and me!". joke. see "Turf".
oh, and thanks for comparing me to Mr. Spock!

Greg responds...


Your questions are always welcome. Thanks for being a fan.

And, hey, if you want to meet me, come to the Gathering convention this June in Los Angeles. I'll be there.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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demona writes...

i herd from someone that there was some consideration for geting the show back on is that true?

Greg responds...

There is no official plan for that at this time. But I have hopes, and I am pursuing those hopes on at least three fronts. One way everyone can help is by attending (or supporting) the annual gargoyles convention: THE GATHERING. This year's convention is in Los Angeles. We have over twenty-five guests scheduled to appear from the cast and crew of the show, including Star Trek's Marina Sirtis (the voice of Demona) as well as the voice actors who portrayed Brooklyn, Owen, Broadway, Lexington, Hudson and Angela, among others. We also have many members of the crew coming. Artists, directors, producers, composer, etc. And we're not done recruiting guests. You really don't want to miss this.

And if our attendance goal of 500 is reached, we'll be bringing current Disney execs to the con, to give them a sense of JUST WHAT they're missing, by not putting Gargoyles back on the air.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Eugene Welch writes...

Where can i find good gargoyle art

Greg responds...

The GATHERING 2001 in Los Angeles. Check out:


Response recorded on January 03, 2001

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JADE writes...

Hey Greg,
I'm planning to go to The Gathering 2001 in L.A. It's in my home town and I'm really happy to see The Gathering finally coming my way! I was just wondering if your going to be there and what day your thinking about showing up, I would love very much to talk with you and tell you how much the Gargoyles means to me. A head of time I wish to thank you for making such a good cartoon---I was there in it's prime years and I'm still here for it in the end of it's prime years.

Greg responds...

I'll definitely be there. As will at least twenty plus other guests. Check out the website at:


and click on the Guests page for more info.

Among the scheduled guests, we have Thom "Lexington" Adcox, Edward "Hudson" Asner, Brigitte "Angela" Bako and MARINA "Demona" SIRTIS.

Plus twenty or so people from the crew. And we're not done gathering guests yet either.

As for which days I'll be there, well, EVERYDAY. AND ALL DAY AND NIGHT, pretty much. I have a great time at these things. And I love meeting the fans. So Jade, sign up now. And I'll see you there.

Response recorded on January 02, 2001

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JADE writes...

Can you tell us any info on what the people your talking to are saying about Gargoyles coming back on, or is it Top Secert?

Greg responds...

Most talking hasn't begun about bringing the show back. The June convention in L.A. is my targeted "attack" point. I'm working with various talented artists and individuals on multiple fronts to prep for that. But I need the fans to show up in force of numbers to prove my points.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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JADE writes...

Hey Greg, (it's me again)
Do you have any idea of were The Gathering of 2001 will be held at in L.A.? (West, North, etc.)

Greg responds...

It'll be in Universal City, near North Hollywood at the Universal Sheraton, on the same property as Universal Studios and Universal CityWalk.

For details, check out the G2001 website:


Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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