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Nyrtleka writes...

Any chance the Gathering next year or a year following might end up in

1. Philadelphia?
2. Boston?
3. New York?


Greg responds...

We've had two Gatherings in New York already (1997, 1998). But really it's about local fans wanting the convention and working their butts off to put forward a viable proposal. And then, if they get the con, working their butts off even more to put on a great show.

Every year a tremendous amount of work is done by a small group of people to get the convention up and off the ground. And you know, mostly the thanks they get is a lot of complaining. And it really bothers me.

(I know this wasn't really your question, but I feel like ranting.)

Con staff decisions are made with care. With thought. With awareness of multiple variables. Criticism comes with little care, thought or awareness of multiple variables.

I'm personally very grateful to the staffs of the first four conventions. Nothing's flawless, but I had a great time at each one.

And as I've been more involved than usual in the planning for G2001 in Los Angeles, I know, I KNOW, that the con staff has been working triple time to get stuff done and make it the best Gathering yet. It might be nice for someone to say thank you on occasion. Some of the backbiting I've seen and heard about is very hurtful and patently unfair.

O.K. End of rant. Sorry, Nyrtleka, none of that was directed at you, of course.

Now, to answer your question, I believe that G2002 is scheduled to take place in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Not Philly, NYC or Boston, but it's east coast, if that's what you were looking for. As for 2003, the process to choose that con's location is some time in the distance. But if you want it to be someplace specific, then get your act together and put together a proposal that is just too good to pass on.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001