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Anonymous writes...

Who exactly owns the rights to the Young Justice TV show? Cartoon Network?...DC?...you?

Greg responds...

I was tempted to answer this sarcastically, but I just know someone would take it at face value, so I refrained. (Aren't you all proud of me.)

Warner Brothers owns the cartoon. DC owns the characters. Both are divisions of Time Warner, as is Cartoon Network.

Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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Bruce Watkinson writes...

As it was mentioned in the episode "Earthlings," Conner had stated that he doesn't age physically. While it's common knowledge that Young Justice is coming to a close later this year, I'm still curious if this problem would've been addressed in a future conflict/subplot for the series.

Greg responds...

With enough time and episodes or issues, yes.

Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

I don't want to believe that Young Justice is going to end! IF it does, then it defeats the purpose of introducing the New Gods and the use of New Genesis and Apokolips technology on Earth-16. I still suspect that the entire cast of the New Gods are somehow coming to the Earth-16 universe (if not because of what's happening in the New 52, then for another reason altogether). The hints are there, and I'm sure some people are suspecting the same things as I. If the New Gods are going to get a big role in Young Justice, we'll know, right?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting. For the sake of the fans who love your show, please find some way keep Young Justice (and the Earth-16 universe, by extension) alive!

We're counting on you!

Greg responds...

Okay (a), the New 52 had nothing to do with YJ. That's not a value judgement, it's just a pragmatic FACT of the schedule we were on. And (b), DON'T COUNT ON ME!!!

I've said it over and over FOR YEARS!! I don't control this stuff. I have no influence. NONE.

If I COULD control this stuff, frankly, I'd still be doing Gargoyles fulltime, and I probably never would have worked on anything since.

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, please please please dont let Cartoon Network do this!
Young Justice has motivated me to start working out (with amazing results!) and become more intelligent!
I cannot imagine no new Young Justice episodes to look forward to.
We won't let them cancel Young Justice!

Greg responds...

And, again, I have NO control over whether or not ANY series is picked up or not.

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Black Friar writes...

I have a few questions, but first let me congratulate you on an absolutely incredible show! I've only recently started watching Young Justice (being from Ireland, it has a rather spotty airing schedule over here) so it was actually a friend who introduced me. And right from episode one I was hooked! The artwork is GORGEOUS, the dialogue snappy and fun, the storylines clever and intriguing, but most importantly (to me anyway) the characterization is phenemonal. I love all of the characters you have created on the show (especially Wally, Artemis and Black Canary), but Robin is my absolute favourite. In fact, speaking as someone who's absolute favourite Superhero is Dick Grayson's Robin, I will pay you the highest compliment that I can; YJ's season one Robin is the best animated Robin EVER! And I am including Batman: The Animated Series in that. Up until now, there hasn't been a single animated Robin who even comes close to touching BTAS' Dick Grayson in terms of brilliance, but your little Robin has even blown him out of the water. I take my hat off to you on that one, Sir.

Now, on to my questions. I do apologise if some of them were asked already, but I've looked through the list and haven't seen any of them. However, there were SO many questions that I developed double vision for a finish and may have missed them.

Q. 1. I noticed that you already responded to the question "why did Queen Bee want Robin taken in alive in Bereft?" with the answer "think of Speedy as a cautionary tale." However, my question is was it just Robin that she wanted, or was she hoping to make clones of the rest of the team? And if it was just Robin she wanted to capture, then why?

Q. 2. How or why did Robin reveal his identity to Wally? I've read the Face your Fears comic but it never explains why Robin revealed who he really was to Wally.

Q. 3. Who came up with the idea of having Robin play with prefixes? (well done to whomever it was, sheer genius and brilliant characterization) And was it intended as a nod to Dick Grayson's corny one liners from the Golden age of Batman comics?

Q. 4. This is probably like asking do you have a favourite child but…do you have a favourite character from season one and if so, whom?

Q. 5. When it came to the design of the female characters, who decided they should wear flat boots? Because I would like to shake the hands of that person. The design is the most realistic portrayal of any female superhero that I've ever seen on an animated show. I've seen some nasty digs on this site at the female characters in YJ, and I don't know what those people were smoking. Your female characters are incredible (especially Artemis and Black Canary).

Incidentally, thank you for taking the time to respond to fans like this. It's very good of you.

Greg responds...

1. I think she would have taken any of the heroes she could get.

2. They quickly bonded, and over time, Robin just decided he wanted to tell Wally the truth.

3. My kids and I did.

4. I don't have a single favorite character.

5. I didn't want physically active characters in high heels, and I expressed that, but I got no argument from Brandon or Phil. We all wanted to be as realistic as possible. On the other hand, I had no problem with a character like Zatanna being in heels, but when she had to run, she magically changed her shoes.

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What are your thoughts about:

1- The Gargoyles fandom?
2- The W.I.T.C.H. fandom?
3- The Spectacular Spider-man fandom?
4- The Young Justice fandom?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for here. Generally speaking, I love all four fandoms (and there's a lot of overlap). My life has - without a doubt - been enriched by my associations with the fandoms of the series' I've worked on. Some of the Gargoyles' fans are some of my best friends.

In person, the fandoms are almost without exception fantastic.

Sometimes on line, less so. I think that the anonymity of the internet does at times encourage bad behavior. And I think that's gotten progressively worse with each passing year. But that has more to do with the internet than with any individual fandom. And, yet, even with that caveat, I love interacting with fans on line. At least most of the time.

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Louissa writes...

Greg, please, don't let them end your show. I'm begging you, you have no idea how much this show helped me! I have been a hardcore comic book fan ever since I was 4. I know every episode of every superhero show that's ever been done. I grew up watching Batman Beyond and Justice League. I grew up hoping I'll see Jason Todd, Bart Allen, Blue Beetle, Cassie Sandsmark. I wished to see Deathstroke as he is, not Slade or anything. I wanted to see Vandal Savage fierce as he is. I wanted Stephanie Brown. I wanted Static Shock.
I was having quite a rough time last year, around this date I think, when I discovered Young Justice. Rough time? Let's say depression. Reasons aren't necessary, I was just lost.
Young Justice was something I could hang onto. The plot was just so smart and well-made. The characters were so realistic and true to their comic selves. It was just perfect. Better than Teen Titans, Batman Beyond, Justice League. It was that show I had been waiting for all my life.
Now, really, with only 2 seasons, and the second one is not even complete, on FanFiction, Young Justice is place 8 in cartoons. The first places are occupied by shows that were around for some time(Avatar: The Last Airbender, Teen Titans, Danny Phantom, X-Men Evolution).
It became so popular because it is so good! In the first season, that dynamics between Artemis and Wally, along with the secrets that started to float around, the mystery, that Dick Grayson you created, the lies and all made this show one of the best that was ever made.
Season two is just as full of surprises. I had never ever thought, but hoped that I'll get to see all the characters that made it to the screen in your series.
I'm sure that Cartoon Network can't complain about the number of viewers, seriously. This show has an army of fans. I know it because I was one of the founders of a Young Justice army on FanFiction.
I don't want to believe that this show is going to be cancelled. I don't want to understand that. I want to wake up and find out that Young Justice is having a third season. You just can't let them do this.
Do you have any ideas of how many thngs I was hoping from this show? It already gave me so much, but I was hoping for even more. I am sure that you had plenty of ideas for a third season. I am sure that the characters that would have been part of it were some of those I had always wanted to see.
Please, move it anywhere, on any channel, make episodes and put them on Itunes, anything. I just...I just want this show to go on. Cartoon Network can't just ignore us, right? Well, they can, but it should be clear for them that they'll lose at least 1/2 of their watchers. I mean, other shows they have are lame, except for Adventure Time, maybe.
You know what, you should make them(them whoever cancelled your show) read all this, all the stuff you get from fans that just don't want Young Justice to fade away. They have to know, they have to find out what we think about their decissions.
Well, I hope that there's still hope for this amazing show. Thank you for putting my childhood and all my hopes and dreams into your show. Thank you!

Greg responds...

Louissa, you HAVE to know I have no control over whether or not a series gets picked up. If it was up to me, I'd still be doing YJ forever. But IT'S JUST NOT UP TO ME.

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Jasser writes...

Well I'm really sad now, like proper, legitimately sad. I really liked this show, beautifully complex narrative, engaging characters(although it takes awhile to get to know them, wish you focused on fewer characters), and phenomenal animation-something that has been lacking of late. There goes another of the few threads binding me to television, now I just have Avatar the last Airbender and I'll be done with TV whenever Korra finishes. Sigh..

Wish you the best, thanks for the interactivity and devoting some of your time to us. Well, /continuing/ to do that, but I won't be around, so yeah. Just wanted to waste your time with a redundant sign off.

Greg responds...

I wouldn't give up on all television just yet, Jasser. There's a LOT of great stuff out there. I personally watch a ton of television every week.

And in any case, I hope you didn't give up on YJ in JANUARY! We had two more months of episodes!

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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SuperMartian89 writes...

What's the episode where Miss Martian's eyes glowed red, not green? While she's in her usual form, not her white martian form.

Haven't given up on the renewal of Young Justice or SuperMartian. May you have many more seasons as you can create and may SuperMartian get back together and STAY together.

Greg responds...

I don't recall them ever glowing red. (But I won't deny it might have happened.)

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Elizabeth writes...

As I was looking at the official ages for characters in Young Justice, I grew confused about Paula Crock's age being 48. That would mean she was born long before 1975, and before then there were practically no Vietnamese in America. I could understand if she came to America as a refugee, if it wasn't for her first name. If she wasn't born in America (which given her age, seems most likely) how does she have a first name as non-Vietnamese as 'Paula'?

Greg responds...

Many Vietnamese took on more Anglo-sounding names upon moving to the West. Some orphans raised in Western orphanages in Vietnam were also given Western names. I'm not going to go into Paula's origins here, but there are any number of possible explanations. I will confirm that she was born in Vietnam.

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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DC fan writes...

Hey Greg, thank you for Young Justice, one of the best animated show ever made, thank you for Tim Drake, Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle, Nightwing, Captain Atom, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman,Superboy, Miss Martian, Aqualad, Wally, Impulse, Barry Allen, Jay,(Flash Family) Queen Bee, Sports Master, DeathStroke, Rocket, Wendy & Marvin, Mal Duncan, Despero, L-Ron, Catherine Cobert, Lobo, Arsenal, all the green lanterns,Black Canary, and many more. for a truly DC Fan like you. Bravo.

Greg responds...

You're very welcome.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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Spectacular Spider-Man Fan writes...

Hi, Greg. I really enjoyed Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice.

I do know the reason behind the cancellation of SSM but it's been confirmed that Young Justice is canceled. Can you please tell us why? The show had great ratings!

Greg responds...

The show often had great ratings. And often had mediocre ratings. And occasionally had bad ratings.

There's also the fact that they had two other series waiting in the wings to get their shot in the limelight.

There's also the fact that our toyline was cancelled.

There's also the fact that we weren't in sync with the New 52.

There's also the fact that there is currently a perception that action is not doing as well as comedy in kids' television.

All, some or none of the above may be part of the reason why. I DON'T KNOW. I'm NOT part of that decision making process.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

I've read on various sites around the internet that Young Justice was going to be cancelled by Cartoon Network once Season Two is over. That seems rather unfortunate, because I was hoping to see characters like Damian Wayne and Terry McGinnis get their Earth-16 debut. I've seen on the internet that there are at least two petitions going around to try to save and continue Young Justice. If in the event that the petitions fail:

A. Have you considered moving Young Justice to another network so the show can continue? ONE example HAS proven something liked this can work. In my lifetime, that ONE example was the television series called "JAG," which started on NBC from 1995 until 1996 and then later moved to CBS in 1997. The show itself has continued on up until 2005 and became a successful television series.

B. Have you considered rebooting the entire Earth-16 universe? If the show becomes cancelled, then the entire history of the Earth-16 universe would be left for open interpretation and countless theories and questions. If Young Justice was rebooted, then maybe you'd be free to give the characters a New 52 look and pursue things you could not have done before, such as introducing Wildstorm characters...

C. Maybe you could try a new series that takes place in the Earth-16 universe, just like Young Justice? Perhaps it's time to show a different era in the Earth-16 universe with new heroes and villains?

D. Maybe do a new series that serves as BOTH a replacement and a continuation of Young Justice? Marvel is actually doing something like that with the upcoming cartoon series called "Avengers Assemble," which in itself is serving as both a replacement and a continuation of "The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes." This might be considered as one of my better suggestions, but it should NOT be confused with suggestions "B" (which is suggesting a complete reboot of the Earth-16 universe) and "C" (which is suggesting a new series that does not involve Young Justice but still takes place in the Earth-16 universe), as those two are completely different from this one.

I hope something will work out somehow; I just don't want Young Justice to end. You created something that a lot of potential, and it doesn't feel right that Cartoon Network would pull this outrageous stunt and put this potential to waste.

I'll be praying for Young Justice to continue somehow...

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

A. This is not something I can control. (I don't know how many times or how many ways I can say that before it sinks in.) Time Warner owns Warner Bros, Cartoon Network and DC Comics. It's all one big company, and they aren't likely to let one of their assets go to a different conglomerate - if for no other reason than they'd risk it being a success there. But in any case, I'm not privy to this upper level decision making, and I have absolutely NO say in the matter.

B. Earth-16 is, in and of itself, a rebooted universe. How would this help even assuming I could command it? Which of course I can't.

C. This has been pitched in multiple and various ways. TPTB showed no interest.

D. See above.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

One of the best shows I have seen. I wanted to ask you if there is a possibility for a season 3 of Young Justice. And if not, I would just like to know why??? :(

Greg responds...

If you find out, let me know.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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James M. writes...

I'm very angry to hear about Young Justice being canceled and feel great sorrow for you as this is the FIFTH TIME IN ROW it's happened to your works. Why does this keep happening to you? You're Greg Wiseman, creator, writer and producer of some of the best American animation shows ever made which have gained a multitude of devoted fans and yet no project you start is ever allowed to finish. I just can't comprehend it. What do the TV Network executives have against you and how do you put up with it?

Greg responds...



Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Secret <- lol writes...

I don't know if you are allowed to make suggestions for merchandise, but can you suggest Young Justice T-Shirt?
Can you suggest T-shirts for each team member, such as a black shirt with the S-shield on it?

I know that there is a Young Justice shirt with the team on it, but these might sell better, maybe making enough money for another season.

Sorry, this might go against the 7th rule.

Greg responds...

None of this is within my power. Sorry.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Paul writes...

If it's true that Young Justice is cancelled, I hope it's all right if I ask this question:

Would you please reveal who the the Team members who joined and left the Team during the five year gap were (other than Tempest, Aquagirl and the second Robin)?

If the remaining season 2 episodes and Young Justice: Legacy don't answer this question (or only answer it in part) then I hope you'll answer it, please.

Greg responds...


Though, Paul, I have to ask, why WOULD you ask this now? Why clog the queue? Why not wait and SEE if your question is answered?

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Shellhead writes...

Well, another great show bites the dust before its time.
Thank you for all your effort on YJ. Your respect and enthusiasm for the source material shined through in each and every episode.
My question to you: Do you ever feel like you just can't catch a break when it comes to 3rd seasons? First Gargoyles, then Spectacular Spider-man, and now Young Justice. It's just a damn shame.
Best of luck Greg. I know you'll end up somewhere doing great things sooner rather than later.

Greg responds...

I won't deny a certain amount of frustration. But the circumstances for each of the shows you mentioned were all very different. It's the biz.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Jarrod writes...

Hey Greg! I have loved Young Justice and I am very Sorry to hear that the show will not be returning. I never understand how great shows end up dying premature deaths. I look forward to your next work!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Rou writes...

Why did Artemis chose instead of Mia Dearden?

Greetings from Chile

Greg responds...

I assume you mean why did Brandon and I chose Artemis instead of the second Speedy to be part of our series. That's basically ASKED AND ANSWERED already. It was Artemis' background that interested us and seemed to work in our series better than those of the DC's three other blonde, teenage, female archers, including the second Speedy.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Amy writes...


1. When you write an animation spec how much blocking do you put into the episode? My research says I should describe every single twitch of the character's face and body so that the animators in Korea will get everything right. But I wrote a short episode for a company that told me I should only do that if I'm both the writer AND the animator. I should just stick to short details like I would for live action. So who is right?
2. I assume the best way to answer that question is to read examples of animated scripts--Is it possible to obtain copies of Young Justice scripts from season 1 somewhere? Should I go to a script library in LA or attempt to contact Cartoon Network for a copy?

Greg responds...

1. There is no right and wrong. Every series has it's own rules. I'd love to say there's a standard, but there just isn't. On MY SHOWS, we use the scripts to direct the entire episode, including camera angles, etc. The actual directors and storyboard artists aren't restricted to doing the script exactly as written, but by being thorough like that, I feel more confident that at the very least, they know what I'm looking for. If they come up with better ideas, great. I don't know that I've ever seen an animation script that was totally Master Shot style, a la live action. But I've seen many that lean way more in that direction. But it's not the way I work.

2. You can. But I don't recommend it. Currently, though we're not thrilled about it and hope the situation changes someday, YJ is dead. You want your spec script to be for a show that's CURRENTLY IN PRODUCTION. On that level alone, YJ doesn't qualify as a good way to spend your time if you're serious about getting work in the industry.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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J writes...

Sice Stephanie Brown is confirmed to exist on Earth-16, is her father Cluemaster?
It seems like if he is, her story would be just a retelling of Artamis...but if not, she would loose a lot of who her charactor really is...so i'm not shure what i'm hoping to see. I'm guess if we ever see her again i'll be happy with what you decide either way.

And, since Cissie King-Jones exists, did her mother briefly operate as Miss Arrowette?
Her mother pushing her to become the hero she could never be (to the point of temporarily loosing her due to child-endangerment laws) was the primary aspect of her charactor in the comics, and their dynamic was one of my favorites in all of DC...but it looks like if she is ever used in the show again, your leaning more to her just being inspired by Artemis. I'll admit, if that happens i'll be dissapointed to not see her bicker with her mom...but i'll be estatic just to see her.
On the topic of Arrowette...there was a huge fan-based (myself included) speculation that she could possibly be Green Arrows illigitamate
daughter (with a lot of evidence to support that fact). I'm assuming you probably couldnt get away with that on your show, so i'm not going to het my hopes up, but i'm curious about your thoughts on that...or, do you just not even think about that since you wouldnt be allowed to do it even if you wanted to?


Greg responds...


2. Ditto, but, what the heck, I'm in the mood, so: YES.


Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

what is your favorite episode from season 1?

Greg responds...

They're all my children. Though I'll admit "Misplaced" came to mind first when I read the question.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello yet again, Mr. Weisman. This is the first of three consecutive posts (REALLY hoping I won't be blocking up the queue). For this post, my questions revolve around Roy Harper (both of him; three if one were to count Jim).

1. After the the clones (Red Arrow and Guardian) were force-grown to whatever age the Light needed them to be, they subsequently aged at a normal human rate, meaning that Red Arrow is (as of Team Year Six) biologically 23 or 24, and Jim Harper is physically 29 or 30. Am I correct in assuming this?

2. Once it was discovered that Red Arrow and Guardian were clones, did the League and/or the Team take measures to remove the programming that left them vulnerable to the Light's control? If so, what measures?

3. When did Guardian discover that he was a clone?
3a. Is he aware that he's a clone of Roy Harper, rather than Jim?
3b. For that matter, what's the status of the original Jim Harper? I would assume that he's dead, but I have no way to be sure.

4. Now that he's found the original Roy, has Red Arrow rejoined the Justice League?

5. I've noticed personality differences between Arsenal and Red Arrow, some that are subtle, some that are... less so (for instance, I can't really see Red Arrow risking the outcome of a mission just to spite Luthor). These differences are, I think, the result of the vastly different life experiences of the two Roys. Was exploring the ways that experiences can shape a person's personality part of the plan when you (and, I'm assuming, Brandon Vietti, and probably several other writers) devised the whole "Roy Harper clone" plotline, or was it just something you all realised would come up after devising the storyline itself? I mean, experiences changing someone is all a part of character development, but I'm referring to how the different lives managed to produce two very different versions of what is essentially the same man (Cadmus programming for Red Arrow notwithstanding).

Also, I'm happy to say that I received a set of Gargoyles DVDs for Christmas. The show's every bit as good as I remember, and Keith David's performance at the end of Awakening Part I was some of the best voice acting I've ever heard.

Greg responds...

1. At the start of Season Two, Roy is biologically 23. Jim is biologically 30.

2. Yes. Miss Martian made the first pass on Roy. Both Miss Martian and Martian Manhunter subsequently scanned Roy and Jim.

3. More or less immediately following the events depicted in "Auld Acquaintance".

3a. He is now, yes.

3b. He's long dead.

4. He's continued his leave of absence. But for a very different reason. Right now he's focused on being a dad.

5. All of the above.

6. Glad you liked it! Can't say enough good things about Keith.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If each member of the Team on Young Justice were to be replaced with a character from Marvel Comics (regardless of which universe they are from) who would act as their potential equivalents (in terms of similar skills/abilities), who would they be and why (in one sentence per character)?

Greg responds...

Why are you asking me this?

If this is an exercise that interests you, go for it. But I have no inside information on something so arbitrary.

Guys, please, I appreciate that you want to have fun with these kinds of things, but that's not what ASK GREG is for. Creating make-work for me - because, I can only assume, you think I'll enjoy it - is not going to get a positive response here. And all it really does is clog the queue.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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