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Anonymous writes...

In the aftermath of "Dark Nights: Death Metal," has the Young Justice animated universe been officially designated as Earth-16 again in the DC Multiverse, or is Earth-16 still that version that was seen in "The Multiversity: The Just?"

Greg responds...

No idea. I just know we're Earth-16 in the Earth-16 Universe.

Response recorded on January 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Young Justice Questions in regards to Batwoman:

1. Is her full name Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane?

2. Are she and Bruce Wayne maternal cousins?

3. When did she join the Justice League and what was her designation number during her time as a member?

4. Within the animated series, does her immediate family consists of Jacob Kane (father), Gabrielle "Gabi" Kane (mother), Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (twin sister), and Catherine Hamilton-Kane (stepmother)?

5. Within the animated series, when and why did Kate Kane become Batwoman?

Greg responds...

1. Yep.

2. Yep.

3. She joined the Justice League in Team Year Seven.

3a. I generally don't reveal designation numbers here, unless there seems to be no way in the future to ever learn said numbers.

4. No spoilers. But I will say she's related to Bette Kane, whom we met in Season One and in our companion comics.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 18, 2022

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Suzie writes...

Hello got a few more Young Justice questions.

1. To confirm are Bart and Eduardo a couple?
2. What are the names of Tula's parents?
3. When and how did Superboy make his engagement ring to Miss Martian?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not allowed to say - and before you ask - I really don't know why. But Eduardo is gay and is dating someone. Bart is dating someone.

2. I'd have to research that.

3. The when is before he proposed. As to the how, I haven't given it much thought, but I imagine it was much the same way I ordered an engagement ring for my wife.

Response recorded on January 18, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Young Justice Questions in regards to Superman:

#1. Are the names of Kal-El's birth parents Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van?

#2. Since Kal-El was born in 1977 and his ship landed in Kansas in 1978, how exactly is it possible for his ship to travel to Earth so quickly in the span of only one year?

#3. In the years prior to starting his crime-fighting career in 1998, who else besides Clark's parents was aware that Clark had powers?

#4. When exactly did Clark Kent learn the truth about his own origins?

#5. When exactly did Superman become aware of his weakness to kryptonite?

Greg responds...

1. Jor-El and Lara El, at the time of their deaths.

2. Through subspace.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 18, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, hope your doing well.
1.Has Zatanna ever dated someone else after breaking up with Dick ?
2. Has Dick dated someone else after breaking up with Zatanna and before dating Barbara ?
3. Had Dick and Zatanna ever wondered to set back together after breaking up ?
4. Had they ever regret they break up ?
Thanks for your time !

Greg responds...

1. Technically, that's a spoiler request, but the obvious answer is yes. So... yes.

2. Dick's dated a lot of people. Some of whom he's had more than one go 'round with. So that just becomes a complicated question to answer while still avoiding spoilers.

3. There's clearly at least one typo in here, and maybe two. So I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. But if you're asking whether or not the THOUGHT has eve crossed their minds, I think the answer must be yes.

4. Depends what you mean by regret. Regret with a capital R? No. With a lower-case r? Sure. We all have moments of regret.

Response recorded on January 13, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What other animated DC films are also considered "Young Justice-adjacent" besides "Catwoman: Hunted" and "DC Showcase: Green Arrow"?

Greg responds...

None, I don't think. Am I forgetting something?

Response recorded on January 12, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Was the Legion part of your plans for Young Justice from when you and Brandon first developed the show and season one? Or, were they a later addition?

Greg responds...

Without getting into specifics of exactly when and where we planned for them to show up, they were always part of our initial plan.

Response recorded on January 11, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Who created those speakers that Gar uses when he is in beast form? How do they work? What is their name?

Greg responds...

1. Well, if you're asking who created the core technology that they utilize, the answer is the Brain.

2. They translate mental speech impulses into a synthesized voice.

3. We call them "the little speakers on Beast Boy's collar."

Response recorded on January 11, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman i have some Young justice related questions for you 1. Does Mrs M'orzz watch hallmark movies on a frequent basis as she was more familiar with the purpose a wedding ring then Mr M'orzz was? 2 Are any of Miss Martian sibling's (Em'ree and M'comm aside) members of the yellow Martian order? 3. what does Black canary do for a living?

Greg responds...

1. Only ones starring Danica McKellar or Lacey Chabert.

2. No spoilers.

3. She's a therapist, and she also owns a flower shop.

Response recorded on January 11, 2022

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Ali writes...

I have 2 questions about Doctor Fate.

1: Do people have to consent to let Nabu possess their body? For Example would it have been possible for the Team or Kent Nelson to just have him possess some evil magic user such as Wotan or Orm by placing the helm on their head against heir will?

2: Does Doctor Fate have access to any non-mystical powers of their human host? He didn't seem to have super speed when possessing Wally, but I am not sure if he just didnt try to(which would be understandable as mid-battle isn't the best place to try out new powers).

Greg responds...

1. I mean obviously the Team or the League wouldn't do that. But whether it's possible is a fair question. It's clearly possible for Nabu to RETAIN control over someone against their will. But does the initial possession require consent? I'm going to tentatively say no. But that even Nabu wouldn't take possession without consent.

2. He would have any powers and abilities that the host body possesses.

Response recorded on January 11, 2022

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Hello, Gargoyles writes...

Does the Gargoyles show exist on Earth-16? Was it made by Greg Vietti or Brandon Weisman? Did any of our favorite superheroes watch it? Who was their favorite character? ;)

Greg responds...

I've written like four flippant, smart-ass responses to this question, and erased them all, as none truly seemed funny enough to justify all the noise that would come out of people (sometimes willfully) misunderstanding my humor as something serious.

So basically, here's the truth. We have the occasional Easter Egg, because that's fun to do and "get away with". But these properties are owned by two different companies. They do not overlap.

Response recorded on January 10, 2022

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Shivang Parikh writes...

Was Count Vertigo the younger brother of Perdita father?

Greg responds...

No. He was a Vertigo. Perdita and her father were Vladeks.

Response recorded on January 07, 2022

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NoOneSpecial writes...

Maybe this is a strange question, but from a production point of view, are you only allowed to use existing characters from the DC comics or you be able to create an original character for the YJ? I get that their could be a lot of factors in this and alternatives, e.g, like using a relative minor or unheard of character over a more mainstream one. But would you say you have enough creative freedom to create a purely original character for your show that has no DC counterpart that you are adapting? And not just being original, but also having an unmistakable presence in the series, equivalent to one of the mainstream heroes like Nightwing or Artemis. Is a lot of emphasis, from an executive pov, to keep focus on the heroes that are most recognisable to the audience, throughout any of the 4 seasons of YJ? I can think of couple of examples of this occurring in other shows such as Harley Quinn who was created for the Batman TAS, or X-23 who was created for X-Men Evolution. Of course those are two examples of characters that were such a huge hit that they became part of the comics. Now I'm not asking about anything that could be potentially upcoming, I'm just curious if creating original characters is something you could do if you so choose.

Greg responds...

We have created original characters for YJ. Tommy & Tuppence Terror, for example. Frankly, we view Kaldur'ahm as a pretty damn original character, as well. He has antecedents and inspirations from the comics, but no one like him existed before Brandon, Phil and I created him. And he certainly has prominence in our series. And a version of him then became part of DC Comics' continuity. Not as popular as Harley, of course. But we think of him as a significant addition to the canon.

Our preference, however, is to use existing characters on the show whenever possible. We just think it's more fun for the viewer that way. Sometimes the more obscure, the better, like Penny Randolph. Other times, we're bringing in heavy hitters like Cyborg.

In any case, no one has set any restrictions on us, one way or another.

Response recorded on January 07, 2022

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Crossoverparinglover writes...

I was curious if you ever broke down in what galaxies various planets are. DC's done that a few times: For example Thanagar Daxom and Tamaran are in the Milky Way while Krypton is in the Andromeda Galaxy. Is that the case in YJ as well?

IF that's too spoilery, think you can give some non-spoiler labels to join Earth and Mars in stellar geography. I'm always fond when creators do that.

Greg responds...

1. No. Everything we've done is in the Milky Way Galaxy. A galaxy is VAST. Since we tried to ground our show (as much as possible) in reality, the idea of going beyond our galaxy seemed, well... less real.

2. I honestly don't know what you're asking for here.

Response recorded on January 06, 2022

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Zergrinch writes...

Hi Greg!

I have some questions about alien reproduction. For my edification, and as far as you care to enlighten, in your mind:
1. Do Martians bear live young, reproduce asexually, or lay eggs that hatch?
2. How about the Reach, with their insect-like motifs?
3. How about the gremlin-like Kroloteans?
4. How about the hawk-like Thanagarians?
5. And finally, what about the bugs on New Genesis?

Thanks 😁

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers... but they don't reproduce asexually.

2. I haven't given it any thought, but I'd assume something insect-like.

3. I haven't given it any thought.

4. I'd imagine it's more mammalian in nature, but I haven't given it any thought.

5. Again, something insect-like.

Response recorded on January 05, 2022

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Nick writes...

Hi, Greg! I was very happy to see the promo art update for the next arc today, and I am incredibly excited to see what PHANTOMS has in store. I saw that you recently answered some questions on when certain members from the S1/S2 gap joined the Team (https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=25193) and I was wondering if you’d be willing to do the same for Jason Todd/Robin. Not asking for debut info since that was marked as spoilers for the Marvels, but seeing as how these recent answers confirm that Jason joined in either Team Year Two (after Troia) or in Team Year Three (before the Marvels), would you be willing to reveal which year it was?

Wishing you all much luck on the last batch of episodes! Us fans are doing all we can to campaign for Season 5, and hope it amounts to good news soon!

Greg responds...

Jason joined the Team as Robin in Team Year Three.

Response recorded on January 05, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Dick and Zatanna break up ?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 04, 2022

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Izzy writes...

Hello! I've seen the last three episodes of Young Justice: Phantoms and I'm eagerly awaiting the fourth. The relationship dynamic between M'gann and her family (especially M'comm) is rivaling Artemis's in terms of pure curiosity and intrigue. I love it and I want to know everything! And given what was shown in the trailer, it looks like even more of Artemis's family dynamics are going to be explored, which is fantastic. I think this is going to be something they'll bond over this season. But who knows! Anyways, on to the questions:

01. You mentioned in a recent Tweet that ‘Catwoman: Hunted’ is, like your Green Arrow short, a story that also occurs similarly on Earth-16. Given that information, is it safe to assume Catwoman exists on Earth-16?
02. Are Lucas Carr and Bethany Lee alumni of Happy Harbor High School, or did they graduate elsewhere? Given that Snapper was at least living in Happy Harbor as a teenager, I assume he attended the public high school. The same can be said for Bethany, if her backstory from the comics as the daughter of Happy Harbor’s police chief before becoming one herself is largely unchanged.
03. Given you are a Stanford alumni and have thought about what dorms Wally and Artemis spent their Freshman years in, did you give any thought into who their respective roommates were? Not asking for spoilers about who they were, just merely if you guys ever bothered to come up with them.
04. Is Batwoman Jewish on Earth-16 like she is in the comics? If so, wouldn’t that make Batman (by proxy, if not in practice) Jewish as well, at least on his mother’s side?
05. This is a long one! I know birthdays aren't something you come up with unless the story needs it, but do you have the same line of thinking with babies born during the story? Artur, for example, was born on February 1st, 2011 (according to the YJ wiki, which got the date from Legacy). For Lian, however, we only know she was born in September 2015. Do you have a birthdate in mind for her, or just the month? For Don and Dawn Allen, you answered in an ask that their due date was sometime in the September following Invasion. I’m not asking if that due date was accurate or when, if you know it, their actual birthday(s) are, but merely the concept as a whole. Was Artur the only one assigned a birthdate in-story because the diary entry needed a timestamp? Since then, a whole bunch of other super-kids (Anissa and Jennifer, Jonny, Traya, Amistad, and most recently Rhea) have been introduced, with Rhea being (according to Unknown Factors) born on January 21, 2019. While Rhea’s birthday is obviously a byproduct of the story and thus laying credence to your stance on only assigning birthdays when needed, she was also the only one explicitly shown. I guess this whole question can be summed up to: do children (emphasis on children somehow connected to the main cast) born DURING the story get assigned birthdays even if the story doesn’t necessarily showcase/reference their birth outright? If not birthdays, then just birth-months? Or is that only come up with when needed as well?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, in some form.

2. Yep.

3. I actually did give a little thought to Wally's roommate. I have a notion, but I'm not locking it in unless or until a story requires it.

4. Yes.

4a. I think it must be true that Martha Kane Wayne was Jewish. That means by Jewish tradition, Bruce Wayne is also Jewish. But I think it's also clear that he was raised as a Protestant Christian. Beyond that, again, I'm not going to go into details until or unless a story requires it.

5. Just birth years, unless the story indicates an obvious (thus necessary) birth month. And just birth months unless the story requires or dictates a birthdate.

Response recorded on January 04, 2022

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Paul writes...

1) When (in terms of which Team Year) did Lieutenant Marvel leave the Team?

2) When (in terms of which Team Year) did Sergeant Marvel leave the Team?

Greg responds...

1. Team Year Five.

2. Team Year Five.

Response recorded on January 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Congrats on a 4th season can't wait to see it, now I have browsed the archive many times and since these questions weren't there, so I am assuming they haven't been asked
1. How big is the Timeline currently.
2. You said Earth-16 has some significanct relation with the number 16, I am assuming that means there's more to that then you all dropping 16 in every episode. If so how long do we have to wait is the answer only going to come when we reach season 16.
3. How concrete is the timeline like are their things in it which you thing can be subject to change or is it already vague aside from the necessary stuff i.e have you gone back and changed something thinking this has to better why didn't I think of this before.

Greg responds...

1. It's currently 719 pages long.

2. That's funny. No spoilers.

3. I've changed things occasionally. I've certainly corrected math errors that I've made. But I tend not to fix things in the timeline until Brandon and I have decided on things and/or NEED to decide things. That's way more than you've seen, obviously. But otherwise, we try to leave things open when we can.

Response recorded on January 03, 2022

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Peter writes...

In what year did garfield logan's skin turn green in young justice timeline ?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 03, 2022

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Jack writes...

Before miss martian and superboy the logans on december 1 2010 miss martian promise she would come back to see garfied . my question is how long a time did m'gann planned to pass before m'gann came back to see the garfield and marie ?

Greg responds...

She came back fairly soon. Before the end of Season One. You can read about it if you pick up our companion comics volume.

Response recorded on January 03, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

As a Canadian, the only way I can support season 4 right now is to binge seasons one and two on Netflix over and over again. Does this actually do any good in regards to getting a season 5?

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know, but it might help, and it certainly doesn't hurt.

Response recorded on December 29, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

The current host of Dr Fate will die eventually and then he will require a new host, but it is unlikely that anyone will ever want to wear a helmet that robs them of their life unless they are in an extremely desperate situation. My question is has nabu considered this. Has he thought about this future situation for him at all?

Greg responds...

He's been through this for century upon century. I'm sure he's thought about this, but in the end, I'm sure he'd say something along the lines of, "Fate will find a way."

Response recorded on December 29, 2021

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Amelie writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman! I hope you and the team working on YJ are doing well!
1. In episode 6 of season 2 "Bloodlines" where Bart first appears we see that in almost nothing in the future has changed after his departure (except for Neutron). Does this imply that the future is going to look that moded?

2. At the end of a Young Justice comic collection you wrote that you made a list of about 100 young heroes as potential main characters for the series. Are you ever going to publish this list?
3. If you were allowed to publish Young Justice comics again, when would the play? Before, during oder after season 3? (Assuming you already know what you want to publish).
4. Will you and your team keep on making these entertaining (and well-written) credits for following seasons when YJ gets a go from HBO Max? (I will riot if HBO Max cancels this show #keepbingingyj)
5. What do you keep from your interactions with your fans?
You heard that probably a lot, but I just want to let you know that your show got me through 2020 and I am really thankful for you, your team and the fanbase not giving up on this amazing show!

Greg responds...

1. You should look again. The ash has stopped falling. Mount Justice is still destroyed, but that's about as far as you can see. So you don't know from the visual what has and hasn't changed.

2. Probably not.

3. No Spoilers.

4. Our goal is to continue to stuff as much entertainment value and content in as possible.

5. Mostly good stuff.

Thanks. I'm not sure how much help we were in 2020, but I'm hoping we've helped with the back quarter of 2021!

Response recorded on December 29, 2021

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Miraphosa writes...

Did M'gann choose to be an ethnic majoriy on earth purposefully?

Like, was she aware being a white woman on earth would grant her a racial privilege she didn't have on mars? If that wasn't something she thought about before coming to earth, did she realize it after? What would that thought process be like for her?

Basically, how did M'gann identity as a white martian factor into her choice to present as a white woman on earth (if at all)

Greg responds...

I don't think that was in the forefront of her mind. I think she specifically chose to identify with Megan Wheeler. By the time she had the brain space to think about how she should or should not be presenting herself racially on Earth, she had already established her Megan Morse identity. So many people that WE get to see on the show know she's a shape-shifter, that it's easy to forget that the vast majority of humans that Megan interacts with do not. So in order to maintain her secret identity, she maintains her current racial status.

In order to honor her racial background, she stopped presenting herself as G'arrunn some time ago when in super-hero mode.

And just to be clear, M'gann doesn't equate being A'ashenn with being Caucasian.

Response recorded on December 29, 2021

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Young Justice Statistics

Well, as I tweeted today, YOUNG JUSTICE: PHANTOMS is complete, with all 26 episodes in the can. I've also updated all my various reference documents to include everything from Season Four (not to mention Seasons 1-3, our various comic books, the AudioPlay and the video game). And since statistics kinda fascinate me - and since maybe they might fascinate you as well - here are a few.

The Young Justice Timeline is currently 718 pages long. In the past, I've reported that the length of the timeline mysteriously differed between my laptop and my desktop computers, but during the pandemic, my (relatively) ancient desktop finally bit the dust. So now the laptop page count triumphs.

There are 759 characters confirmed - one way or another - to be in the Earth-16 Universe. Some have only been mentioned or referenced briefly. Others, obviously, have had entire arcs dedicated to them. Calling some of them "characters" might also be a bit of a stretch, but I have reasons for including every single one. And - anal individual that I am - I have actually ranked them all in order of their importance to the series. This is something I once did as a hobby for the Buffyverse (which you can find in the ASK GREG archives under the heading of "Buffyverse Geek-Out"), and I've been perfecting my ranking system ever since. The idea is to attempt to make an incredibly subjective thing as objective as possible, based on things like screen time and amount of dialogue and the amount of times other characters reference them, etc. It's still not perfect because I do wind up with point scores, and especially with the lower ranking characters, I wind up with a number of ties. Thus, in order to break any tie, I'm forced to apply more subjective criteria.I was thinking about listing them a few per week, starting with 759 and working my way backwards toward number one. But some of the names haven't been intro'd yet. So it occurs to me that I need to wait until the Phantoms' season finishes airing.

Across four seasons (98 episodes) an AudioPlay and a video game, we've used 128 actors, a phenomenally talented group if ever there was one. Some have only voiced one character. Others have voiced over a dozen. I'm honored to be included among them - even if hiring myself is a rather dubious way to earn this distinction.

There's probably more, but this will do for now.

Just a little peek into my weird brain. Hope you enjoyed it. And I hope you enjoy the show.

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M. writes...

I dare say that Jade and Will's relationship is one of the best in the entire show. You, Brandon and the writers have managed to develop something that feels so true and pure without showing much on screen. But If ever you had the chance, would you write a story about their relationship?

Greg responds...

I feel like we have. But if you're asking if we'd be interested in exploring it further, the answer is clearly yes.

Response recorded on November 19, 2021

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Verdragon writes...

Does Black Canary have formal training in psychology?

Greg responds...

Yes. (Or, at least, the Earth-16 version does.)

Response recorded on November 19, 2021

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Verdragon writes...

Does Klarion know that Vandal Savage is the father of Nabu? If so, is that why Klarion is obedient to him?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, he knows.

2. Klarion's not obedient to anyone. But he and Vandal have fun together.

Response recorded on November 19, 2021

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Verdragon writes...

A few Vandal Savage Blackbeard questions:
1. Is Vandal Savage still Blackbeard or has that changed since your 2013 post on the subject?
2. If so, was the Light of that time made up of other pirates?
3. Did Vandal Savage have anything to do with the disappearance of Anne Bonny from Jamaican prison in 1721?

Greg responds...

1. Still the general plan.

2. Your question assumes facts not in evidence. And even if it didn't, no spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

Response recorded on November 19, 2021

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Verdragon writes...

I know the out-of-universe explanation is that Marina Sirtis is British and also awesome as-is, but in-universe, why does Queen Bee not have a Middle Eastern-ish accent like Halo or, to a lesser extent, Ra's Al Ghul?

Greg responds...

When speaking English... British schooling.

Response recorded on November 19, 2021

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6f5e4d writes...

Often in fiction, you usually tend to see the big dogs, or wolves, occasionally showing a friendlier side. But in this case, Wolf has been a bit more serious than the average loyal pet canine. Though I'm just curious (in offscreen moments in the event you don't intend to animate them in Young Justice), does Wolf occasionally affectionately lick the other members of the team, and if so, which ones?

Greg responds...

Um. Sure. Yeah. Uh... all of them?

Response recorded on November 18, 2021

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Priscilla writes...

I'd previously asked this:

"So, it's established in Season 1 that M'gann has twelve sisters. The tie-in comics (issue 6, if I remember correctly) state that she had seventeen brothers. So, including M'gann herself, that would make thirty kids, right?

M'comm essentially says in season 3 that their parents had 29 children. Was the figure stated in the comics incorrect?"

There's an error- M'comm stated that in Season 4, actually (in "Needful"). Sorry for the hassle, Greg.

Greg responds...

J'ann and M'aatt have 29 children. Twelve sisters, including Em'ree and M'gann. Seventeen brothers, including M'comm. I thought we'd been consistent about this. I know I tried very hard to be consistent about this. But apparently, I blew it. OR... Miss Martian messed up when she said she had twelve sisters. She MEANT to say she has eleven sisters, but there were twelve sisters total, including herself.

So it's not so much that I'm bad at addition. It's that M'gann mispoke once. I think we can forgive her.

Response recorded on November 17, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Shirley Mason?
2. How old is Mr. Tawny?
3. How old is Kraig?
4. How old is Monkey?
5. How old is Wolf?

Greg responds...

1. Shirley Mason was born in 1935.

2. Mr. Tawney was born in 2006.

3. Kraig was hatched in 2009.

4. The Monkey God came into existence approximately 7 million years ago. Whether or not that answers your question, I'll leave to your interpretation.

5. Wolf was born in 2007.

Response recorded on November 16, 2021

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Jacob the Great writes...

Hey Greg, how are ya? First off, I wanna say that I'm a huge fan of your work, especially Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice. YJ is my favorite animated series. Thanks for being a big part of my childhood. Anyway, on to my questions:

1. If the opportunity ever presented itself, would you consider doing any Young Justice spin-offs, or would you just stick to Young Justice only?

2. At what age did Dick and Wally meet?

3. At what age did Dick and Barbara meet?

Thank you for your time and I'll be starting season 4 tonight! Stay safe!

Greg responds...

I'm good.

1. Brandon and I have pitched spin-offs. I'd be happy doing either or both.

2. They met shortly after Wally became Kid Flash. Wally was probably 14; Dick, twelve.

3. Dick was ten. Barbara was nine.

Response recorded on November 16, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Since hindsight is 20/20, if you could change ANYTHING about Young Justice, what would that be?

Greg responds...

Lots of little stuff, I suppose. The only big thing that I can think of (off the top of my head) is that I wish we had made the A'ashenn GRAY MARTIANS instead of WHITE MARTIANS. The use of the word "WHITE" with its connotations of so-called "Caucasians" is problematic and, frankly, messes with our metaphor. But we followed the comic books, when I wished we had followed alien mythology.

Response recorded on November 16, 2021

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Jake writes...

I have a question about Martian eyes. In earlier seasons, Martians seemed to have blank red eyes, with no iris or pupils. M'gann's martian form had these in S1. In S4, however, they seem to have pupils and iris, and appear to be different colors based on race. M'gann's, for example, are now amber. Is this their natural form? If so, what prompted the change?

Greg responds...

The different light qualities from one planet to another.

Response recorded on November 16, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is David Reid?
2. How old is Zucco?
3. How old is Eddie Corliss?
4. How old is Josephine Tarkov?
5. How old is Floyd?

Greg responds...

1. David Reid was born in 1991. (I think this was asked and answered already, but...)

2. Tony Zucco was born in 1960.

3. Eddie Corliss was born in 2002.

4. Josephine Tarkov was born in 1981.

5. Floyd Lawton was born in 1975. Floyd Bell was born in 1992. (Not sure which one you meant.)

Response recorded on November 11, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Burton Thompson?
2. How old is Carlo?
3. How old is Casey Klebba?
4. How old is Cooper?
5. How old is Dale Gunn?

Greg responds...

1. Burton Thomspon was born in 1978.

2. Carlo and his twin brother were born in 1984.

3. Casey Klebba was born in 1983.

4. Harold Cooper was born in 1974.

5. Dale Gunn was born in 1990.

Response recorded on November 11, 2021

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Anderson writes...

Hi, Greg. I'm really loving Phantoms so far.

I had a question about the Team's B-designations.

Obviously, the Zeta-Tubes and designations are a very integral part of the show. Prior to Season 1, Dick, Will, Kaldur, and Wally all knew and have fought beside each other.

I find it difficult to imagine they didn't use Zeta-Tubes during that time period, since even Roy knew how to use one (which would seem odd otherwise, considering his brief time as Speedy).

But the B-series was clearly created following the founding of the Team, considering Will's designation is B06, despite him/Roy becoming a hero before Kaldur and Wally.

Since none of them have A-designations, how did the four proteges utilize the tubes during that time, if at all?

Greg responds...

They didn't.

Response recorded on November 11, 2021

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Verdragon writes...

Is there a particular reason that Atlantean and Martian magic look more similar to one another than to most of the magic we've seen being used by humans?

Greg responds...

Do they? I hadn't noticed that.

Response recorded on November 10, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. When was Red Inferno created?
2. When was Red Volcano created?
3. When was the T. O. Morrow android created?
4. When was Mister Twister created?
5. When was Amazo created?

Greg responds...

1. Firebrand (II) was constructed in 1942.

2. Red Volcano was constructed in Team Year Zero.

3. There have probably been dozen over the years.

4. Mister Twister was constructed in Team Year Zero.

5. Amazo was constructed in Team Year Zero.

Response recorded on November 10, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. When was Thomas Wayne born?
2. When was Martha Wayne born?
3. How old is Magog?
4. How old is Git N Payd?
5. How old is Red Hooded Ninja?

Greg responds...

1. Thomas Wayne was born in 1939.

2. Martha Kane was born in 1952.

3. David Reid was born in 1991.

4. Git N. Payd was born in 1993.

5. The Red-Hooded Ninja was born in 1999.

Response recorded on November 10, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Marv Evers?
2. How old is Pete Danbury?
3. How old is Jason Bard?
4. How old is Ishtar?
5. How old is Nikolas Stofka?

Greg responds...

1. Marv Evers was born in 1981.

2. Pete Danbury was born in 1987.

3. Jason Bard was born in 1989.

4. Ishtar was born around 1,816 B.C.E.

5. Nikolas Stofka was born in 1970.

Response recorded on November 10, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Wilhelm Vittings?
2. How old is Psycho-Pirate?
3. How old is Angela Eiling?
4. How old is Beluga Boy?
5. How old is Biggitz?

Greg responds...

1. Wilhelm Vittings was born in 1997.

2. Psycho-Pirate was born in 1960.

3. Angela Randall was born in 1939.

4. Beluga Boy was born in 1998.

5. Biggitz was born in 1986.

Response recorded on November 10, 2021

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Jesse writes...

I know YJ is available in the US via hbo max. I would like to know how on earth are we going to watch it in the gloomy UK? I’ll really appreciate an answer because you guys have fans worldwide who are missing out.

Greg responds...

Again, I simply don't know. I truly, sincerely wish I had that information. But TPTB do not keep us folks in the trenches informed on international viewing options. I'm really sorry. It's just way above my pay grade.

Response recorded on November 10, 2021

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Verdragon writes...

Do the Atlantis Zeta Tubes selectively filter out all the water surrounding them when transporting people to locations on the surface?

Greg responds...

Fair question. So... largely?

Response recorded on November 10, 2021

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Verdragon writes...

Were there any episodes of Young Justice that you wanted to make but couldn't?

Greg responds...

It depends what you mean. We didn't break any episodes that didn't get made. But we'd always like to make more. And we have ideas for multiple seasons, movies, spin-offs, comic books, etc. So #SpreadTheWord and help us #SaveEarth16 by encouraging everyone to #KeepBingingYJ!

Response recorded on November 10, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. When was Blister born?
2. When was Giant born?
3. How old is Lynn Stewart-Pierce?
4. How old is Collector of Worlds?
5. When was Match born?

Greg responds...

1. Blister was born in 2000.

2. Giant was born in 2000.

3. Lynn Stewart was born in 1988.

4. The Collector of Worlds is about 16,000 years old, give or take.

5. Match was cloned in 2009.

Response recorded on November 10, 2021

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