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Anonymous writes...

When the world was split and the helmet was split, Nabu was also split. Why was Klarion not split? Does it have to do with the age of Teekl? If so what age is Teekl?

I thought I'd also try answer why there doesn't need to be an archery force as opposed to a speed force. Within the laws of physics archery can be performed at an expert level and the subject is not destroyed while performing such impressive feats. Running at speeds like speedsters are capable of are impossible to survive while doing. As such the speed force is not the thing that makes them run at that speed but the thing that allows them to survive running at that speed. At least that's my understanding of it though you have said we can imagine it which is satisfactory enough. I just thought you might like to understand the difference between the force being necessary and an archery force not being.

Greg responds...

1. It has more to do with the age that Klarion perceives himself as.

2. And how is Speed-Force different from Strength-Force? Or Heat-Vision-Force? Or Flight-Force? Or Shrink-Down-Force? Or Any-Actual-Super-Power-Force?

Look, you picked my most hyperbolic example, the one I was using to make a comedic point, and so didn't address my ACTUAL point. To some degree, you either buy into super-powers or you don't. At least, that's my opinion. The Speed-Force seems an unnecessary complication. Harder to get my head around than the original power its trying to explain. I mean, why should speed even HAVE a force?

Having said that, I'll simply repeat what I've stated before: if you love the Speed-Force and want to believe it exists on Earth-16, then may the speed-force be with you. All I've stated categorically is that no one on Earth-16 has ever heard of the Speed-Force. But the fact that no one's heard of it, doesn't in and of itself mean it doesn't exist. (See my recent answer regarding Meta-Genes.)

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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LEX writes...

How did the Light know that Starro was capable creating mind-control technology?

Greg responds...

A little bird told them. (Okay, not so little and not a bird, but...)

Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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The Greenman writes...

A very brief history of the "inhibitor collar", based on my research and recollections.

-1957 Oms en série {aka Fantastic Planet):
Tiny humans imprisoned on a planet of gigantic alien beings known as Draags. We follow one, of which, is treated as a toy by a Draag child, held captive by "inhibitor collars". Written by Stefan Wul.

-1968 Star Trek episode- Gamesters of Triskelion:
Kirk, Chekov, and Uhura trapped on alien planet and forced to participate in gladiatorial games. Imprisoned with "inhibitor collars" that shock them. Written by Margaret Armen.

-1991 Wedlock:
Rutger Hauer film about a diamond thief sent to an experimental prison using "inhibitor collars" that connect you to another inmate and will explode if proximity distances from one another are not close enough. Broderick Miller wrote this.

-1993 Fortress:
Christopher Lambert film about a couple escaping America to the Canada border in order to have a second child (hmmm how prophetic). Lambert's character is caught and imprisoned in a maximum security prison and implanted with a device called an intestinator. Similar but not quite the same.

-2000 Batoru Rowaiaru (aka Battle Royale)
A group of grade school students are sent to an island to compete against one another with "inhibitor collars" to ensure no one escapes.

There was also the latest appearance of Wolverine and the X-Men.

Not this is not a critical examination of your use of it or a declaration of plagarism on your part. I like your versions better, because there has clearly been some thought put into the workings of them. I like the updated version from YJ: Invasion, especially episode "The Fix". Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

For real? Young Justice is being replaced by Teen Titans, Go...For real?

A much as the fans may feel like theyre getting slaped in the face so some three year olg can get a good giggle...you must feel like Cartoon Network just took a big ole' dump on your face...

As much as I'm sad that YJ is almost over, I feel 10 times worse for you. I mean, I know youll go on to create something else prpbably just as incredible that we'll all fall in love with...but...for real? Teen Titans, Go. For REAL?!

Which imbicil(s) at CN that decided this should be fired and never allowed to work in television again.

Greg responds...

Wow, such pleasant imagery.

Anyway, I'd give TTG a chance. I haven't seen it, but there are some great people working on it. It's not meant to replace YJ, nor is it even vaguely meant to be the same kind of show. But that doesn't mean it won't be terrific in its own way.

Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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Galena writes...

Dear Greg,

I have a few simple questions about Players, Chapter One: Wheelbarrow, Shoe, Thimble.

1) Why was Bette at Nightwing's house? I mean, one could infer many different things, but I'd like the answer of a professional... no, THE professional.

a) Why did Barbra has such a knowing/amused smile when Zatanna and Nightwing share a passionate kiss?

b)How did Nightwing and Zatanna/Rocket break up, and in which order did they date?

c)And (with such an intense kiss and Nightwing's fond remembrance of his birthday during Team Year 0)is there a possibility of a future Zatanna/ Nightwing relationship?

a) Is Young Justice really ending?

b)If so, is there a way to help save it, maybe by writing letters or something?

Young Justice has been such an inspiration to me, I really appreciate all your dedication to this amazing show. The characters, plot, and everything is so deep and intricate and magnificent!

Sincerely and Humbly,

Greg responds...

1. I'll just leave that to your imagination.

2a. I think that's fairly clear now in light of issue 25.

2b. Robin dated Zatanna first. Rocket sometime later. And I only say that because it seems quite obvious to me. Otherwise, it's all a lot of SPOILER REQUESTS. NO COMMENT.

2c. Past, present, future. Anything's possible.

3a. No. Young Justice Legacy will be out in September.

3b. I don't know.

Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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K writes...

I was ridiculously excited when I realized that Tye was based on Apache Chief, and I'm even more ridiculously glad to see a whole episode based around him and the other runaways. I remember people wishing Static would appear in the show since episode one, and I was definitely one of them. The whole crew is so endearing. Everyone I've talked to about the show has a favorite among this group, and not all of them are Virgil. It makes the cancellation of Young Justice all the more tragic, because these characters really deserve the chance to grow like the season one team did.

But, for questions.

1) Why was the "Samurai" stand-in chosen to be gender-flipped? Speaking as a girl myself, I'm thrilled there's a girl at all, but was there any specific reason or did she just win the coin toss?

2) Young Justice has used several characters more famous for being created by previous animated adaptations, like Wendy & Marvin or Mercy Graves. Did these three in specific come to mind immediately for their roles, or only after you exhausted the characters created in the comics?

I'm kind of amused that Mercy's appeared in several episodes, but the character who paved the way for her creation, Harley Quinn, has only appeared as a Halloween costume. That and the fact that Joker and Poison Ivy appeared together in an episode without her. I like to imagine her breaking them out of Arkham or Belle Reve or wherever they ended up. There's no question here; just a random thought.

And to finish up, thank you. Thank you for helping to nurture one of the most diverse cartoons I have ever seen. The fact that Young Justice appears to gone out of its way (I don't know if it actually is OUT of the way, but compared to other shows...) to have multiple women, multiple people of most minorities, and many in fleshed-out, starring roles, is really that amazing. The fact that we're going to lose all this in five more episodes is heartbreaking, but we ARE grateful.

I admit, I was one of the people who was concerned by the fact that it took YJ five episodes just to pass the Bechdel Test (getting two female characters to have a single conversation about something besides boys, and "Schooled" passed on one exchange between Miss Martian and Black Canary). While I still think YJ *could* have done better on that front, I believe that it wasn't for lack of trying. I really am devastated to see the show go, and I hope there's a chance for revival in the future.

Greg responds...

1. There's no science to this. It just felt right.

2. We haven't come close to exhausting the characters from the comics. That's not really the point at all. But we have a fondness for these characters too. Both Brandon and I wanted Wendy & Marvin. I think using Mercy and doing our versions of Apache Chief, El Dorado, Samurai and Black Vulcan was Brandon's idea, though I signed on right away. And I seem to recall it was my idea to combine our version of Black Vulcan with our version of Static and to eventually give him Black Lightning as a mentor. And here's a spoiler: we also have very specific ideas for our version of the Wonder Twins, Zan & Jayna, for Season Three.

3. As for our "slow start", I make no apologies. Miss Martian and Artemis are the stronger in the series as a whole for how - and when - they were introduced. We were building a series based on existing characters, many of whom were created in the days when nearly every hero was white and male. Diversity was a priority for us from moment one, and I think that shows in the final analysis, as your post indicates. But we wanted that diversity to be organic, not contrived. And I believe we succeeded on that front too.

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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Jane-Doe writes...

Great job on the latest episode! A few questions:
1) When did Barry Allen (Flash) marry Iris West?
2) Are Jonathan and (presumably) Martha Kent related to Clark and, by extension, Conner? I noticed in the episode "True Colors" that Jonathan referred to Superboy as his "son" (or some other family-ish relation, I can't quite remember); but then I thought Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van were still alive in this universe (making it so Martha and Jonathan couldn't be Clark's adoptive parents), so...confusion.

Greg responds...

1. Four years before the start of Season One.

2. I have absolutely no idea why you'd think Jor-El and Lara are alive. They're not. Maybe that's your clever way of getting me to reveal a SPOILER, in which case, you're successful. But the destruction of Krypton and the death of Superman's birth parents is such an essential part of his origin, I don't even consider that to be a true Spoiler. You might as well ask if Thomas and Martha Wayne are dead. (They are.)

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Runaways was awesome. Don't know how Red Volcano survived. We all saw him die. Liked the Super Friends character's... Parallels, for lack of a better term. Hoping for some Wonder Twins action later!

Mr. Weisman, I would like to thank you and your team for such a wonderful show. It has intrigued me since Independece Day, through trials and tribulations. It is a tragedy that it must end after only two seasons.

Sorry I'm not as fanboy-ish as usual. I don't feel great right now.

Greg responds...

I hope you feel better by now.

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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J writes...

Since Red Volcano is back (this shouldnt be a spoiler to anyone...you said this yourself in your latest post in the response section), does that mean Red Inferno, a.k.a Firebrand, could still be "alive" (for lack of a better term) as well?
I never believed she was gone in the first place...I mean wouldnt she have been designed to withstand extreamly high tempuratures? How could she melt from lava? I know lava is really hot...but if Red Volcano can survive it (and he was shown to have melted, at least partially), then she should too...at least thats my theory.
Poor Red Torpedo though, he has no excuse to have survived...but he kind of came off to me as suicidal anyway, and he went out like any hero should...so maby its for the best.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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HOPE FOR YJ? writes...

Is there anything us fans can do to keep YJ alive?! We love the show! Don't tell us this is the end!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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