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When the world was split and the helmet was split, Nabu was also split. Why was Klarion not split? Does it have to do with the age of Teekl? If so what age is Teekl?
I thought I'd also try answer why there doesn't need to be an archery force as opposed to a speed force. Within the laws of physics archery can be performed at an expert level and the subject is not destroyed while performing such impressive feats. Running at speeds like speedsters are capable of are impossible to survive while doing. As such the speed force is not the thing that makes them run at that speed but the thing that allows them to survive running at that speed. At least that's my understanding of it though you have said we can imagine it which is satisfactory enough. I just thought you might like to understand the difference between the force being necessary and an archery force not being.
1. It has more to do with the age that Klarion perceives himself as.
2. And how is Speed-Force different from Strength-Force? Or Heat-Vision-Force? Or Flight-Force? Or Shrink-Down-Force? Or Any-Actual-Super-Power-Force?
Look, you picked my most hyperbolic example, the one I was using to make a comedic point, and so didn't address my ACTUAL point. To some degree, you either buy into super-powers or you don't. At least, that's my opinion. The Speed-Force seems an unnecessary complication. Harder to get my head around than the original power its trying to explain. I mean, why should speed even HAVE a force?
Having said that, I'll simply repeat what I've stated before: if you love the Speed-Force and want to believe it exists on Earth-16, then may the speed-force be with you. All I've stated categorically is that no one on Earth-16 has ever heard of the Speed-Force. But the fact that no one's heard of it, doesn't in and of itself mean it doesn't exist. (See my recent answer regarding Meta-Genes.)