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Green Arrow

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Anonymous writes...

Why didn't Neal McDonough reprised his role as Green Arrow from that DC Showcase onto YJ? Was he unable to?

Greg responds...

We felt Alan Tudyk was the right choice for the YJ version of GA. That's not meant as a slight to Neal, who did great work on the short. But we're very happy with Alan.

Response recorded on January 28, 2011

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GA FAN writes...

First off congrats on the new series...
Secondly, I would like to comment on the Green Arrow featurette... It was brilliant, it perfectly showed Green Arrow for what he is... Human (probably the most human of any costumed hero, no powers, not an expert martial artist, or worlds greatest detective, just a guy trying to make a difference) I sincerely thank you for your interpretation. If you were the writer on GA/BC it probably wouldnt have needed a reboot, you seem to really get him, and his relationship to Dinah.
Okay, first question... will the Shorts DVD in November have a longer version on it?

2) Are you personally a fan of either Green Arrow or Black Canary...?

3) How much experience do you have with Green Arrow and Black Canary?

4) I am looking forward to Young Justice, and from reports (here and on other sites)GA & BC seem to have somewhat prominent roles in the young teams mentoring process... Is it too early for you to confirm or deny these reports? If you can please do...

5) and finally, is there a possibility of a sequel to the Green Arrow featurette?
or you writing a featurette for another DC character for future Direct to video release?

Thank you for your time... and best of luck with the new series... me and my kids will be watching...

Greg responds...

I think I've answered all these before AND recently, but briefly...

1. People keep asking me. I didn't know there were two versions.

2. Black Canary is probably my all-time favorite comic book character. Green Arrow's definitely in my top ten.

3. I wrote half of a never-published Black Canary mini-series in the mid-eighties. Both characters appear in Young Justice. And then there's this short.

4. I'll confirm this, because we've already stated that both are in the show. Green Arrow is a mentor to Artemis. Black Canary trains the Team.

5. Not up to me. But I'd love to do either or both.

Response recorded on November 06, 2010

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Yojimbo writes...

Dear Greg Weisman,

I enjoyed the DC Showcase: Green Arrow short. I wanted to ask a few questions about it.

1) When Oliver Queen is calling Dinah Lance in traffic, the viewer can briefly see his call list -Dinah [Black Canary], Bruce [Batman], Clark [Superman], Wally [Flash], and Mort. Was it your idea to shout out Mort Weisinger, co-creator of Green Arrow?

2) I noticed a lot of green visually (such as in the baggage claim belts) and in dialogue (when Merlyn banters with Green Arrow about having him try to steal the limelight again), well I didn't have a question but just to say I admire that cleverness.

3) Was it intentional to reference Green Arrow's liberal ideology by giving him a hybrid car in the short or was it more to payoff an awesome line of dialogue when Green Arrow appears to save the day?

Greg responds...

1. That must have come from the director or board artist. It wasn't in my script, so you'd have to ask one of them.

2. Thanks. That WAS intentional.

3. Both.

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Grant writes...

1) Why is Black Canary one of your favorite characters?

2) Which version of Black Canary is your favorite? The one from the old multiverse who moved from Earth-2 to Earth-1 or the new version who is the daughter of the original WW2 Black Canary?

Greg responds...

1. There's no one reason. Her skills. Her personality. Her relationship to Ollie (when it's well-written). Her looks help too, of course. And I tend to favor female characters in general. I tend to find them more interesting to write. Etc.

2. They all work for me.

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Grant writes...

In the GA short that you wrote, was it deliberate on your part to show Ollie's lack of battle prowlness compared to the likes of Black Canary or Batman when he had so much trouble with the goons hired by Vertigo, had been previously said to be outdrawn by a second rater like Merlyn and was incapacitated by Vertigo. If so what was the reasoning behind it?

Greg responds...

I feel weird answering this, as if I'm defending my work. But your "question" contains so much ill-concealed attitude that I might as well.

Merlyn is hardly a second-rater when it comes to archery. (And it's not like they fought hand-to-hand.) Merlyn TAUGHT Oliver. (There was a flashback to that effect in the original script that got cut for time.) And Vertigo has super-powers that caught Green Arrow off guard. Just as Black Canary catches Vertigo off-guard with HER super-powers. It's not like we see her fight Vertigo or anyone. And Batman's not even IN the short, so I don't know where that comes from. Comparing apples with apples, you don't know HOW either Black Canary or Batman would have done against the "goons" in this short.

Basically, we tried for a more realistic take on hand-to-hand combat in this particular piece. (Which is it's own entity and shouldn't be grouped in with any previous depiction of G.A. or B.C.... let alone Bats.) An injured Green Arrow was fighting a big guy at close quarters, while handicapped by having to protect Perdita. Green Arrow has skills, but he's better at long distance fighting for obvious reasons than close in. So, yeah, I DO think that either Batman or Black Canary would have done a bit better in a similar situation, but that's not meant to imply ANY "lack of battle prowness" on Ollie's part.

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Is the DC showcase on Green Arrow set in Star City?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, the Dc Showcase dvd coming out in November says that, in addition to a new story pitting Superman and Captain Marvel (for once not being made to fight under the slimmest of pretexts) against Black Adam, it features expanded versions of the three previous Showcases. Since you wrote the Green Arrow short (very good, by the way), do you know if any material was held back from this dvd for the later release?

Greg responds...

I really don't know.

Response recorded on October 29, 2010

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Alan Parlin writes...

Dear Greg: Were you a fan of the Green Arrow as a young boy? And were you excited for the Showcase short to be GreenLit?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, very much so.

2. Well... it was greenlit before I came aboard, but I was definitely psyched to be invited to write it.

Response recorded on October 26, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Not a question but...THAT GREEN ARROW SHORT WAS F***ING AMAZING!!! Hard to believe a ten minute dvd short is better than half the crap superhero movies hollywood is putting out. Thank you and everybody else who worked on it for this.

Greg responds...

Glad you liked it!!

Response recorded on October 19, 2010

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Comic Fan writes...

I was watching DC Showcase Green Arrow. (Which was really cool by the way). I did not something kind of odd. In most of the other adapations I have seen of him, ke Batman the Animated series and The Batman, he cause people to become dizzy with his eye patch gadget. However in the film he was using his hand. Why such a dramtic change for his power source?

Greg responds...

You'd have to ask the director why he made the choice he did, but I know Vertigo has used the power in a myriad of ways over the years in the comics, including how you are describing it and by directing it with his hands and by using an EARpiece.

Response recorded on October 15, 2010

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Emily writes...

How hard was to come up with the story for DC showcase Green Arrow since you didn't have the same amount of time you have for a tv episode?

Greg responds...

It wasn't that hard. I had a pretty clear vision of what I wanted to do.

Response recorded on October 02, 2010

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Hey gang,

Well, I've finally caught up with the backlog here at ASK GREG. I'm going to take a short Ask Greg vacation, and then we'll be reopening the site soon... i.e. on the Monday (July 26th) AFTER San Diego Comic-Con 2010.

As always, I ask that before you post a question you do your best to make sure it's not a question that's been answered in the archives already AND that it's not a question that someone posted just before you. You can also try asking your question first in the Station 8 Comment Room, as the fans know a LOT of answers already.

We're just trying to avoid flooding the site with so many questions, that I'm immediately backlogged again.

Meanwhile, I will be at Comic-Con next week. Subject to change, here's my current schedule:

10 - 11:30am - Mecha-Nation signing at the Kizoic Booth. (We'll be premiering the first issue.)

FRIDAY, JULY 23, 2010
10:30-11:30 am - Brave and the Bold/Young Justice Panel. (We'll be premiering our first Young Justice footage in a mini-panel jam-packed with revelations!)

2 - 4 pm -Mecha-Nation signing at the Kizoic Booth.

11:30am - 1pm - Gargoyles signing at the SLG Booth.

3 - 4 pm - DC Showcase panel. (We'll be previewing some footage from the Green Arrow DVD short that I wrote.)

5:30 - 6:30pm - DC Showcase signing. (Location TBD).

SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2010
10-11am - Mecha-Nation signing at the Kizoic Booth.

11am - 12:30pm - Gargoyles signing at the SLG Booth.

Please stop by and say hello!

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