A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey gang,
Well, I've finally caught up with the backlog here at ASK GREG. I'm going to take a short Ask Greg vacation, and then we'll be reopening the site soon... i.e. on the Monday (July 26th) AFTER San Diego Comic-Con 2010.
As always, I ask that before you post a question you do your best to make sure it's not a question that's been answered in the archives already AND that it's not a question that someone posted just before you. You can also try asking your question first in the Station 8 Comment Room, as the fans know a LOT of answers already.
We're just trying to avoid flooding the site with so many questions, that I'm immediately backlogged again.
Meanwhile, I will be at Comic-Con next week. Subject to change, here's my current schedule:
10 - 11:30am - Mecha-Nation signing at the Kizoic Booth. (We'll be premiering the first issue.)
FRIDAY, JULY 23, 2010
10:30-11:30 am - Brave and the Bold/Young Justice Panel. (We'll be premiering our first Young Justice footage in a mini-panel jam-packed with revelations!)
2 - 4 pm -Mecha-Nation signing at the Kizoic Booth.
11:30am - 1pm - Gargoyles signing at the SLG Booth.
3 - 4 pm - DC Showcase panel. (We'll be previewing some footage from the Green Arrow DVD short that I wrote.)
5:30 - 6:30pm - DC Showcase signing. (Location TBD).
SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2010
10-11am - Mecha-Nation signing at the Kizoic Booth.
11am - 12:30pm - Gargoyles signing at the SLG Booth.
Please stop by and say hello!