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GREG-SPONSES 2010-09 (Sep)

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Algernon writes...

Hey Greg,
Long time fan, first time asker. I’ve actually been posting over on in the Comment Room on and off for the past couple of years. I would have posted something here on Ask Greg sooner but frankly I could never think of anything particularly interesting say other then various permutations of “YOU ROCK!”

Anyway I’ve been a huge “Gargoyles” fan since I first saw “Awakenings Part One” waaay back in ‘94, and I loved “The Spectacular Spider-Man” throughout it’s glorious yet tragically brief run. Needless to say, I’m eagerly looking forward to “Young Justice”.

Yet up until recently, I’d been grossly negligent of the forgotten middle child of your career. A few weeks ago I got the chance to watch season two of “W.I.T.C.H.” and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even going back to watch season one and then re-watching season two all the way through again, just so I had all the back story.

Season two was a wonderfully crafted epic that managed to be true to the established continuity of season one yet at the same time managed to elevate and expand it into something truly astounding. I was especially impressed with the characterisation of Nerissa, she seemed to combined some of the most dangerous qualities of Demona and Xanatos, obsessive and vengeful yet at the same time very cool and calculating.

It really is a tragedy that this show isn’t better remembered, I’ve actually spoken to hardcore “Gargoyles” and “Spectacular Spider-Man” fans who’ve never seen it. Personally, I’d heartily recommend it to anyone who’s a fan of your better known toons.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

We were VERY proud of the work we did on W.I.T.C.H. There was some great story craft there by a diverse group of writers, some of whom would be very familiar to Gargoyles and Spidey fans, including Cary Bates, Andrew Robinson, Kevin Hopps, Greg Weisman, Jon Weisman and Nicole Dubuc. Also involved were Sam Bernstein (writer of the movie Bobby's Girl) and Steve Peterman (one of the show-runners on Hannah Montana). And our great boss Justine Cheynet.

Response recorded on September 03, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Why is Miss Martian Martian Manhunter’s 16-year old niece, and not a White Martian?

Greg responds...

No comment.

(Or maybe just a suggestion to watch the series when it comes out.)

Response recorded on September 02, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

If Demona got pregnant in her human form could she still turn back into a gargoyle?

Greg responds...

Asked and answered. Check the archives.

Response recorded on September 02, 2010

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Mo writes...

were you ever planning on doing anything with the character Nought? it seems that if you went through the trouble of naming him that surely you had some plan for him.

Greg responds...

I surely do.

Response recorded on September 02, 2010

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I miss the Blue Mug a Guests writes...

At the Gathering in Chicago, during the Blue Mug a Guest, you and Keith David were asked if Goliath and Demona had sex during Awakening 4. After the scene where they reunited in the Great Hall it fades to black. Then we see them on the turret with the rest of the gargoyles.

When you both got asked at the Gathering about this, Keith said something like "what couple in their right mind would meet again after a thousand years and go see the kids first?"

I don't remember if you answered. So, did they?

Greg responds...

Honestly, I'd have to view the episode again to see whether it plays as if there's time. But I don't rule out the possibility at all. Especially since technically the trio weren't their rookery children anyway. More like rookery cousins.

Response recorded on September 02, 2010

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

You wrote that the first issue of MechaNation came out in July. I saw the solicitation, but my comic book shop, (Midtown Comics in Manhattan- they tend to get everything), never got it. Their computers don't show it having ever arrived. Did the book go out on time to regular shops or is it just available through the publisher?

Greg responds...

It's been available through the publisher since Comic-Con. I'm told it's NOW available through stores. Check with your store again.

Response recorded on September 02, 2010

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Josh writes...

What is so special about the connection between Peter Maza and Coyote? Surely there were many who performed Coyote's part in the Kachina dance before and after him, many who were far more devout.

Greg responds...

And your point is?

On the one hand, you're assuming that Coyote doesn't have a relationship with the others that performed the dance...

And on the other hand, you're kinda ignoring the parable of the Prodigal Son...

Response recorded on September 02, 2010

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Curious writes...

Are there any gargoyles out there that would be inclined to agree with Demona's ambitions to destroy humanity? I find it hard to believe she's the only gargoyle in the world with a deep hatred for humans.

Greg responds...

I'm not big on either monolithic presentation ... or on sweeping generalizations ... or on revealing this at this time.

Response recorded on September 02, 2010

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Tyler writes...

Hey Greg,

I have question on how the Young Justice shown on tv. Will Young Justice be shown in HD 720p or 1080p?

Greg responds...

I'm not a technical guy. I don't know what any of that means.

Response recorded on September 01, 2010

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Hi. writes...

Hi Greg. I got a quick question about Demona's Second from CoS. As part of the Wyvern split clan, did he have any special role within the clan? Thanks.

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing that at this time.

Response recorded on September 01, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

1. For Young Justice, who was on that list that you couldn't use?

2. As a producer, do you control all major storylines that the writers use?

Greg responds...

1. It's VERY short. But I don't see any value in publicizing it.

2. As producers, Brandon Vietti and I control ALL story lines, major and minor.

Response recorded on September 01, 2010

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Brian Bartoccini writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman it is me again and I have an other question: in Hunter's Moon part 3 Jhon Canmore lose his mind after seen his brother dying (apparently), and then he swears hate and revnge against the gargoyles, but his brother in the end at last recovers his mind and he understand, thanks to Elisa Maza, the gargoyles are not their enemies, but I don't understand why Jhon did not the same thing too after seen his brother alive and all humanity saved from the virus that Demona created by Goliath.
Can you explain me that in detail?
Well I hope my english it is understandable(I am very sorry for my two first questions, I did not read the guidelines and rightly a your friend makes fun of me in the Comment Room Archive, Sorry).
So goodbye Mr. Weisman.

Greg responds...

The phrase "lose his mind" suggests something -- at least in English -- that didn't happen to either brother ever. Though one can debate their judgement, neither brother was ever what I'd call insane.

And Jon did not see Goliath save humanity from the virus. Robyn saw that, but Jon was already gone.

But I'm not going to give you a detailed answer. The show's there for you to see, presumably in English and Italian. If you buy Jon's character arc as it's presented on screen, great. If you don't, then what we did just doesn't work for you. There's no point in me trying to convince you after the fact.

Your English is pretty darn good generally, though I'll admit on occasion, I'm not always clear what you're asking. But NO ONE should be making fun of you in the Comment Room. Certainly, no one who considers him or herself a friend of mine.

Response recorded on September 01, 2010

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, I've heard that Ice could be seen alongside several cold-themed villains in the Young Justice trailer at Comic-con. Is she a villain in this show?

Greg responds...

That's a mistake someone on the internet made that was widely repeated by others as if it were fact. Ice is not in the clips we've shown.

That's not to say one way or another whether she's in the series and if so in what role, but she's NOT in the clips we've shown at Comic-Con or elsewhere.

Response recorded on September 01, 2010

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

The question in the last queue about whether Fox and David can vote after getting out of prison, and my own thoughts about the Third Race and Oberon's Law against interfering with mortals, has led me to this question: What does the Law of Oberon prevent and what does it allow, in terms of Oberon's Children participating in human politics? Do Anastasia Renard and Owen Burnett have U.S. citizenship, or if not could they get it if they wanted it? Can they vote? Can they get any more politically active than voting? (Leaving aside whether they actually want to do any of these things.)


Greg responds...

My I-won't-be-held-to-this answer for the moment is that as long as they are living AS humans, they can PARTICIPATE in human affairs. They can eat lunch with other humans. They can see movies made by humans. They can conduct business with humans, and so, it follows, they can vote as humans vote... as long as they're not using magic to alter things.

Response recorded on September 01, 2010

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