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Ricky writes...

Subject Atlantis: Serious Real-Life

My question is, do you believe the lost city (or island) of Atlantis once existed, as written in the writings of Plato?

Greg responds...

I tend to believe in everything, but if you're confronting me, my answer is "I don't know."

Response recorded on November 06, 2001

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Steven L writes...

You said a while ago that you found Back To The Future 2 "masturbatory". I was just curious why that was. (Not asking in any hostile way. Just genuinely curious.)

Greg responds...

I enjoyed the first film. I even loved the ending and was looking forward to the sequel.

But the sequel was disappointing. It's been awhile, so my full grasp of my specific gripes are vague, but...

The way that Elizabeth Shue (MJF's recast girlfriend) is shunted aside suggested that they weren't interested in really expanding on the previous movies' situation but were really just interested in doing a CRAZIER version of the first film.

MJF plays his character's own kids. Why? He didn't play his own parents in the first movie. What's the point of casting him as his own son AND DAUGHTER, except to mess with our suspension of disbelief for the sake of showing us just how undeniably talented MJF is.

All the intercutting with the first film was interesting at first, but ultimately served to undercut the first film in my memory.

All this struck me as masturbatory. The film-makers (particularly Zemekis and Fox) having their own good time at the expense of what could have been a really fun movie.

Just my opinion, of course.

Response recorded on November 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Do you know who Hob Gadling is?

Greg responds...

Is that the character from Sandman?

Response recorded on October 17, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Does Sherlock Holmes exist in the GU since he was mentioned several times in the series?

Greg responds...

One way or another, yes.

Response recorded on October 17, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What do you think of the DC Captain Marvel?

Greg responds...

I've always been semi-fond of the character. Why?

Response recorded on October 16, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Have you ever read the Lensman books by doc smith?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What do you think of Simon Furman(Roswell Conspiracies, Transformers UK comic, Beast Wars and X-Men Evolution)?

Greg responds...

I'm unfamiliar with the name.

And aside from one episode of X-Men Evolution, I'm unfamiliar with all the properties you named.

Well, obviously, I have some familiarity with Roswell Conspiracies, but I've never seen the version that aired on television. Only the work I did.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Have you seen Batman Beyond?
What do you think of it?
I've been told that the design of Terry McGinnis from BB is similar to that of Terry Chung of the NO any truth to that?

Greg responds...


I think it's very well made. And I like certain things about it. But it just feels more Spider-Manish to me than Batman.

Well, there's no final model for Terry Chung, but from what I've seen, no. For starters, Terry Chung is Chinese-American. Terry McGinnis isn't. And Terry Chung wears contemporary clothes. Terry McGinnis wears... well... clothes from beyond.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Have you ever watched Reboot, Beast Wars or War Planets? What did you think of them?

Greg responds...

Reboot is fun.

Haven't seen the other two. (Well, I've seen a clip here and there, but never an entire episode.)

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What do you think of the work of John Ostrander(Spectre, Firestorm and Hawkman), Walt Simonson(Orion and Thor), John Byrne the King of Retcons, J. Michael Straczynski(Babylon 5, Ghostbusters the cartoon and Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future) and Harlan Ellison

Greg responds...

Keep in mind, I haven't read comics since 1996.

John's work I generally love. Loved his Grimjack especially. Liked his Spectre. Didn't much care for his Firestorm. Hawkman seemed to have potential, but... The one thing of his that I really disliked was the issues of Captain Atom he did right after I left. I really feel he didn't get the character. But of course, I'm biased.

LOVED Walt Simonson's Thor. Loved it. Don't think I saw his take on Orion.

Byrne -- Loved his work on Fantastic Four. Didn't care for his Superman at all.

Straczynski (is that spelled right?) - I didn't care for the original pilot of Babylon 5. So I didn't watch that show. By the time people mentioned that it was great and I tuned in, I'm afraid I couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on. Didn't see the other things you've mentioned.

Harlan - is a master.

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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Justin writes...


You have mentioned that you are color blind. I believe you said you are red-green deficient. So my question is,
What colors do you see the gargoyles as?

Because you said you thought Goliath was blue, when he really was purple.


Greg responds...

See, now this sounds like...

All right.

Brooklyn looks kinda burnt red to me.
Hudson... I don't know. Brown maybe.
Lex... Brown or green.
Broadway... green/blue.
Kai... hell, I don't remember. Blue or purple?

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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Laura Ackerman writes...

A few weeks back you posted an explanation for Goliath and crew speaking modern English that you had seen and liked. It involved Demonia casting a spell before they awoke. There are a few problems with that theory, (sorry, I seem to live for nitpicking).

The most notable problem is how to extend it past the original seven that woke up in Manhattan. Excluding modern World Tour characters, who, it can be argued might have spoken English and were being polite to the Avalonauts by using it, (a stretch, but not the worse one to make, especially after hearing how Bushido orriginally started;), most everyone else had some connection to Avalon. I would find it easy to argue that the magic of Avalon made different languages moot, but only while on Avalon. Though I have been raised a Trekkie, a Universal Translator without explanation doesn't really fit into the Gargoyle world (IMHO).

Also, if there was a magic that acted on the Island (maybe extending to the skiff on the way to and from) there could have been fun effects of Angela suddenly being heard in a Medieval Scottish French blend, which Goliath doesn't realize is incomprehesible to Elisa. If I wanted to get fancy I would say that the Avalon clan was raised by a noble and would then have french and germanic languages, as well as possibly Latin, and thus made modern English less difficult to pick up- but there would still be a time of confusion.

Basically, I wonder if there is a way to explain the language problem away, or is it best left as a known element of suspension of disbelief? [Sorta like the scale in the Cloisters in Temptation :)]

Greg responds...

Michael Reaves idea, which I only heard second hand, is pretty new to me. So I don't pretend to have fully thought it out. I feel like there's something in it. But I just haven't dedicated the time to doing that mindwork yet.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Andy Morrison writes...

How many stories is the Eyrie Building? (I hope I have the spelling right.)

Was there an episode that mentioned how many stories or is it a figment of my imagination?

If there was an episode, which one is it please?

Thanks for your help.

Greg responds...

You do have the spelling right.

I don't recall us ever establishing the exact amount of stories in the buidling.

Of course we told 66 stories, but they weren't all set there.

Response recorded on September 05, 2001

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Patricia writes...

Hi Greg!

In response to the Tootsie Pop commercial: I've seen it within the past year on TV, so.. it's still making its rounds on TV. And yes, I know the commercial, but.. I'm an early 80s baby (born in the early 80s). And that response fit with the question, very much so.

I'm running out of things to say.. whee.. ahem...

Oh! I found a quote or a poem or something about the "Hobgoblin of Little Minds," but I've forgotten where I put the paper that has it.. hmmm Maybe (hopefully) when I find it, I'll remember to type it up for you.. and see if that's what you're talking about.

Ok, general question that isn't really on Gargoyles or any of your other projects, but you might know.

What's the plural form of series? Is it series or seria? Or none of these? If it's not one of these, then what is it?


P.S. I can't wait for the next Contest to begin ;) Though I respect if you take a break, I just want to see how well I think I can do in them.. hehe... Umm.. yeah. Boy this covered alot of ground...

Greg responds...

The quotation I'm thinking of is by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

As far as I know, it's one series. Many series.

Yeah, I'll start the next contest soon. Heck. Maybe tonight.

Response recorded on September 05, 2001

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Greg responds...

The world may never know.

(That smart-ass response was a reference to an old tootsie-pop commercial. Anyone old enough to remember it has my sympathy.)

If it makes you feel any better, I'm going to be 20 in August, and I remember it.

Greg responds...

That's nice.

Although, I just saw that commercial (from the dark ages) redone with monsters in CGI. It was freaky and weird and vaguely distasteful.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

"The world may never know.
(That smart-ass response was a reference to an old tootsie-pop commercial. Anyone old enough to remember it has my sympathy.) "

Its not that old. Im 21 and I get it.

Greg responds...

Well, then that commercial must have been running forever. Because I remember it from when I was VERY young. Like before you were born young.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Ricky writes...

Do you believe in Psychic Powers? I do! I believe when one becomes a powerful psychic he/her is known as a Psi-Lord. The definition of a Psi-Lord is: One who is all powerful, God-Like! What's your take on psychic powers?

Greg responds...

All things are true.

But let me clarify -- you believe that when one becomes a powerful psychic he or she becomes known as a Psi-Lord?

That's automatic?

What if he or she wants to be called a psi-Lady or a psi-warrior? Is there any choice? Who enforces these rules?

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

1) Was their a reason in your mind why Goliath and his friends are destened to descover all (or a lot) of the earth's secrets? Such as the fae, loch monsters, golems and magic of all sorts, which most people will discount as ficton or rumours?

2)could you tell, or give some sort of hint of what the reason is and who is behind it(if anyone is)?

Greg responds...

1. I never said THEY were going to discover this stuff, I said WE were.

2. I like to be inclusive.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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matt writes...

i sent you this quote from St. Thomas Aquinas cuz of its implications in the gargoyle universe:

"Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed.
In fact angels have no religion as we know it...
their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth."

-St. Thomas Aquinas

and you asked if i had the dates of the quote, and as hard as i searched i couldn't find any, but i did some very interesting reading on him. Thomas Aquinas was an Italian philosopher and theologian who worked at various colleges in the Mediterranean world. he was probably born in 1225, and died in 1274, so most likely the quote was said between those two dates, LOL. hope thats helpful...

Greg responds...

It's cool anyway. I love this kind of stuff.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Gabriel writes...

In your latest Random Stuff, you said you thought Michael Reeves' thing about Demona casting a spell on the gargoyles the night before they woke up would make them switch to modern English...that doesn't work:
They were speaking and reading modern English syntaxicly (is that a word, syntatically) and verbally in the 10th century when they should have been speaking and reading Middle English. The familiar form of you (thou) wansn't even close to being uttered.
However, it could just be that "Awakenings" was just made into modern English so we could understand it; sort of like if an American wrote a novel about Russians, the characters' dialogue would be in English, but we're just supposed to know that it is really Russian. Get it? Is that what we were supposd to assume what was going on?
I just had trouble accepting the rambling as a concrete reason behind the Gargoyles' language.

Greg responds...

If you buy into Michael's explanation, then yes, I think you have to assume that the tenth century sections were translations for the viewers' benefit. I haven't STUDIED Michael's idea or thought about it's ramifications. So I'm not saying that the idea is canon (there's that word again) in my head yet. But I think it has promise.

As I've mentioned before, originally it was a cheat that we thought we could live with artistically.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Have you seen the Final Fantasy movie? If so what do you seek of it?

Greg responds...

I haven't seen it yet.

Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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Johnner writes...

While reading a book of "Unsolved Mysteries" today I came across the case where two English girls back in the early years of the 20th century made hoax photos of "fairies" supposedly living in Cottingley.

Many decades later they made an odd confession about how the photos were faked but they (at least one of them) *had* seen fairies...and the other had recently had some kind of supernatural experience so she believed her...and faked the photos so adults would take it seriously...anyway *realizes I'm rambling*...I was just wondering if in the "Gargoyles" series this would've ever turned up eventually...as the show seemed to draw on such supposed real-life strange events in addition to the legends & myths.

As I recall Conan Doyle was one of the believers in the photos...which brought up another question in my mind...did you ever have plans to integrate literary characters like Sherlock Holmes into the Gargoyles series?

Greg responds...

Characters NOT in the public domain were obviously off limits.

Characters IN the public domain would have been handled on a case-by-case basis. Some might have remained fictional. Others would most certainly have been as real as Arthur Pendragon.

I'm personally not convinced those kids did fake those fairy photos. I think they were pressured into saying that they had. (They're names were never supposed to be revealed to the press. When they were, a huge amount of publicity made their lives VERY difficult.)

Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Dear Mr.Weisman

Certain minor things tend to really tick people off like me singing oprah in in shower which really annoys my father to people on this question server asking questions that already have been answered which proberly annoys you.
My question is what minor things could really annoy the following characters










David Xanatos

Fox Xanatos


Princess Katherine





Maggie Reid


Elisa Maza



Coyote (Fay)



King Author




Greg responds...

Did perhaps it occur to you that posting a laundry list of characters for me to list a laundry list of their peeves, might perhaps annoy me, perhaps?

Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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Shan writes...

The "Lighthouse in the Sea of Time" episode just finished and I realized there might be an error in how Jeffrey Robbins' dog is portrayed. I did temp work for a while at the Braille Institute here in Los Angeles (about six weeks in three departments) and I seem to recall that you're not supposed to get friendly with/pet the dogs, and likewise guide dogs are trained not to do so with humans (at least outside of their owner). It distracts them from doing their duty. While Jeffrey's dog might have reacted favorably upon seeing Hudson the second time, the dog actually licking Hudson I believe is not correct. Do you know if any research was done into this aspect of the episode that could prove me wrong? It's been several years since I worked at the Braille Institute, though of course it's been a few years since the show too...

Greg responds...

There may have been research done. I can't recall. Or I may not have been aware in the first place. But by the time a script goes through board artists and animators etc, whatever research is done may not still be reflected in the visuals.

Having said that, I'm not trying to blame the artists or the writers. I'm not even sure IF we made a mistake. But if we did -- whoever made it, I'll take responsibility for it.

Response recorded on August 10, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Will any gargs attempt to participate in the government or general politics?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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