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Jim R. writes...

Will any gargs attempt to participate in the government or general politics?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

OK, in the near future when humans finally take action to consider gargs as equal, sentient beings, would gargs (mainly Goliath's clan) be liable to pay taxes considering they are now citizens living in the U.S.?

Greg responds...

Near future? Dream on.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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JEB writes...

Ever read anything by T.S. Eliot? If so, what do you think of his work?

Greg responds...

I've read many of his poems. I think his work is brilliant, and some of it touches me deeply. And yet, he's not a favorite of mine. Not sure why.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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matt writes...

suddenly all these people started coming out of the closet in the Comment Room, and i thought of a question:

you've said there are gay gargoyles, and there are certaintly gay humans, so if S & P had not been around or had approved it do you think you would have ever made on episode based on homosexuality?

are any known characters gay in "Gargoyles"?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to answer the last question at this time.

I try not to do episodes ON things. I know, I know, you'll point to THE GREEN or LIGHTHOUSE or DEADLY FORCE, but these are stories first and foremost. OUTFOXED was in many ways more about "Integrity" than Deadly Force was about gun safety.

Having logged that whole caveat, I think we would have eventually introduced the existence of homosexuality in the context of a need to tolerate differences and diversity in humans and gargoyles alike (at a minimum -- as I've mentioned before, I find tolerance by itself insufficient).

Is that clear as mud or does that make sense?

Response recorded on July 18, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman

In reference to earlier questions on the god of the Torah, Bible, and the Koran you said that there is a sepreme god in the gargoyles universe but he/she/it is not the god defined by the narrow views of the Abrahamic faiths who is in reality a god of one nation. my questions are

1) What is the personality of the sepreme god of the universe in the the gargoyles universe is he/she/it mean, kind,or neutral.

2) If the god described in the Torah, Bible, and Koran is not the god of the universe then is he a make believe deity or was he a fay in disguise playing tricks on the ancient Israelites before Oberon ordered his children not to directly interfere in the lives of mortals at large?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not going to define GOD for you. Not even in the Gargoyles Universe.

2. An interpretation of the whole.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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The Souldier writes...

When a gargoyle walks across a hard wood floor do they leave claw marks in it?

Greg responds...

I have no more funny answers to this question.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Have you ever seen Babylon 5? It's quite good and could give Gargoyles a run for the money.

Greg responds...

I saw the pilot and didn't care for it. Later, people I respected told me the series was great. So I tried a couple more times to watch. But I just couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on.

It's a concern I have for Gargoyles as well. Tried to make each (non-multi-part) episode stand alone. But maybe people had trouble coming into the middle of our stuff too.

All I know is that I had no luck finding an entry point on Babylon Five. And no way to go back and start over. That doesn't mean the series wasn't great. Just that I missed the boat at the beginning and couldn't find my way aboard later.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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matt writes...

i was looking at sites on Angels and angel names to try and discover possible Avalon clan names and i found hundreds of angel names, pretty crazy, anyway, i found a quote from St. Thomas Aquinas about angels that i found interesting if put into gargoyles context. afterall, are gargoyles the angels and demons of legend? anyway, heres the quote:

"Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed.
In fact angels have no religion as we know it...
their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth."

St. Thomas Aquinas

Greg responds...

Great quote. Do you have a date attached to it?

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Demoness writes...

What ever happened to the Gargoyle's Helicopter from "Her Brother's Keeper"?

Greg responds...

They turned it into a planter.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Sloth writes...

I was reading some of the old arcives, and I found one of your responces listing a bunch of movies you liked. A few hours ago, I just saw a movie called "Ladyhalk" (which was great) and I suddenly felt the need to ask you I you have seen and/or liked it.
Well, while I'm at it, and since I don't have any Garg questions right now, how bout your views on these other movies: Somewhere in time, dead again, bram stokers Dracula(the newest), frequency, Indiana Jones(all), Scarface and uummmm, One flew over the cucu's nest. Be as brief as you want to be, or go on about some or even wright full reviews for all of them, I'll leave it up to you cause I'm just curious.
Thank U

Greg responds...

LadyHawk. I LOVE this concept. I'm not as thrilled with the execution. It's been TOO long since I've seen it to go into detail, but I felt with that cast and those ideas it should have been a MUCH better movie. I actually tried to get Disney to option the rights to turn it into an animated film. But TPTB weren't interested. I do recall that the music is really dated and inappropriate to the subject matter.

Somewhere In Time. Which one is that? All those time titles melt together for me.

Dead Again. Is that the Branaugh/Thompson movie?

Dracula. The Coppola one?

Frequency. Didn't see it.

Raiders of the Lost Arc - Loved it.

Temple of Doom - Hated it.

Last Crusade - Hated it.

Scarface - Which one?

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Amazing film.

Response recorded on July 01, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Dear Greg you said something about Demona having two more loves in the future by any chance will any of them be human? Oh by the way I'm sorry I've asked to many questions on homosexuality on past questions, I'm also sorry I made you growl like a gargoyle for asking these silly questions.

Greg responds...

I don't mind questions about homosexuality. I just didn't feel like going through every character one by one ad infinitum.

As to your Demona question... NO INFO AT THIS TIME.

Response recorded on June 28, 2001

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
Another thing I have to ask you:
Have you ever planned, or, if the show continues, would you like to write an episode, in wich will be shown, what would have happened IF... Manny shows tried to do that.Some were good (like Futurama) but others were just awfull (like in TGC).
OK, that was it for today. Have a nice day.
CU, John

Greg responds...

Again, John, I don't know what you mean.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

where did the clan get their food while living at the Clocktower? did Elisa really support herself and six others that whole time? thats alot of money!

Greg responds...

Keep in mind that the clan gets most of their energy from solar power. But they also supplement it with food. Elisa provided some. The clan managed in other ways too.

You'll note the series kept it vague. You'll note I'm doing the same.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Jacqui writes...

I was ask to paint a statue of a gargoyle for a friend of mine. I am a portrait artist and never painted a statue before. I have been searching the internet to get ideas on what a painted gargoyles looks like. All I have been coming up with are stone gargoyles that aren't painted is there a reason for this?

Greg responds...

It's not generally part of the mystique, is it?

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

Did you ever have any plans for incorporating the Carolingian cycle (Charlemagne and his paladins, the Song of Roland, etc.) in "Gargoyles"?

Greg responds...

Eventually, everything.

C'mon Todd, you knew the answer to that.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman

In the episode where Goliath and company was in Australia stoping the Matrix from taking over the Earth. The shaman said to Goliath that the dream time is in another Dimension.
My Question is what is a dimension? Because when I see different movies and shows I hear phrases like "This portal leads to another dimension" or "I am going to send you to another Dimension" l keep on wondering what is a Dimension?

Greg responds...

A side-step from our reality.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

*LOL* Matt, I actually thought you had lost your mind there for a minute. But you forgot a few, like:

-What do the Lost Race look like?
-Who is the newest addition to the Pack?
-Do/did dragons exist in the Gargoyles universe?
-How did the Phoenix Gate end up in Elena's dowry?
-Who are Demona's next two loves?
-How did Xanatos's mother die? Or Malcolm's wife or Hudson's mate?
-Do Gargoyles leave marks on hardwood floors?

See Greg, you still have a few secrets left. ;) Out of curiosity, which of the questions that Matt and I brought up are you least likely to answer some day, and which are you most likely to answer?

Greg responds...

I already answered one. Many are (I hope) likely to be answered some day. If I have my way.

Response recorded on June 09, 2001

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matt writes...

hey Greg!

what did Titania whisper to Fox in "The Gathering"?

where will Arthur and Griff find Merlin?

who is Lexington's mate?

how will Goliath and Elisa have a child?

did Iago have a mate? does he have a kid on Avalon?

what are the answers to 74 and 517 in the G2198 contest?

where do Jade and Turquesa go when they leave Avalon?

will Puck's prophecy from "Future Tense" come true?

how will Macbeth and Demona die?

will Jason Canmore ever be healed from his injuries?

will Xanatos and Fox have anymore children?

who will Delilah end up with?

and please fell free to describe the origens, workings and all available information concerning the Illuminati, the Korean Clan, the Space Spawn, locations and dates of Brooklyn's Timedancing, the story behind Hudson's death, the Redemption Squads adventures, Una's childhood, how the Banche regains her voice, Demona/Angela relationship, the economy of Ishimura, and what your favirote color is...

just kidding! April Fools!!!

Greg responds...

I will answer one of those questions.


Have fun guessing which one.

Thanks for warning me that it's April 1st, by the way.

As it's June when I am, I could have easily gotten fooled by the posts that follow, I imagine.

Response recorded on June 09, 2001

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Siren writes...

In the Gargoyles Universe how much truth is in horoscopes?

Greg responds...

All things are true.

Response recorded on June 09, 2001

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White Lady writes...

Hi there, Greg. I just want to say I think Roswell Conspiracies, Max Steel and Gargoyles rock this world... If you don't mind, please could you take some time to answer these questions?

1. In "The Partnership", what did Hanek [Vampire Leader] see as perfect in Joanna Wickham - Simon Fitzpatrick's old flame. And why didn't he choose Nema, or some-one connected to the Alliance?

2. Did Hanek ever have a romantic involvement with Valra, the over-ambitious red-head? [Before she turned renegade].

3. How old was Hanek suppposed to be?

By the way, I think the Gargoyles Forum/Questions section is really interesting and intellectual! Thank you, see ya!

Greg responds...

I literally don't know ANYTHING about the version of Roswell Conspiracies that hit the air. I didn't work on it and have never seen it.

I wrote the original pilot. Which the people at Bohbot threw away (or so I'm told). I do know that they were contractually obligated not to use the NAMES I used.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Duncan Devlin writes...

Someone asked about sources on clothing from 1000 AD so I found these two books and figured that I would post them.

The Book of Costume
-Millia Davenport

What People Wore
-Douglas Gorsline

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Jason Barnett writes...

Is there any TV show or book that you would like to be able to crossover with Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Not particularly. That doesn't drive me.

But that doesn't mean it will never happen.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Spore-chan writes...

Well, you said in SoCal we have 5 subtle seasons. Gee, and here I always thought we had 2: summer, and not summer. Of course, these don't actually correspond in any way to the time of year. (It was summer on Christmas, 80 degrees!) Ok, so what 5 seasons are you talking about?

Greg responds...

Sometimes I just talk because I'm in the habit.

Who knows what I was talking about?

No, seriously, we have Fall, Winter, Autumn, Spring and Summer. None as severe (generally) as most places. The changes are subtle but distinct, in my mind.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Eliza Pettit writes...

Dear Greg, I was looking at Todd Jensen's questions on Roswell Conspiracies and since I am a fan Roswell Conspiracies... Please answer these questions:

1. I was wondering where you got the Vampire anatomy/body-structure from. Were you thinking of the Lamia, when you designed the Vamps, or was there another source of inspiration?

2. This is a strange question, but who are the male counterparts of the Banshee. Are they parthogenic, or do they actually have consorts which wasn't shown in the series? And how old is Queen Mab supposed to be?

3. What was the basic premise in the episode "Father of Terror". Who is Sethaka, and I was wondering how a thousand year-old Vampire could be resurrected? [Because I missed it, and it hasn't been showing repeats in the U.K.]

I'd be extremely grateful if you could take some time to answer these, since you are the main founder of both Gargoyles and Roswell Conspiracies.

Greg responds...

I have never seen the show. I wrote a pilot (but not THE pilot they ultimately used). People who attended Gathering 1999 in Dallas heard a Radio Play version of my pilot. Otherwise, I had no involvement in the series (unless Bohbot kept some of my concepts without telling me).

So I'm afraid I can't answer any of your Roswell questions.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

matt told me that the garg off to the right on the latest responses page (holding the surfboard) is of Brooklyn, which I sort of can make out better now (considering that I first thought that it was your drawing of your garg-self when I first found this site). Anyways, what is the deal with the thing on his shirt?

(Stupid question, I'm expecting a smart-ass response to this)

Greg responds...

No smart ass answer. No answer at all, actually. I didn't design the site. Gorebash did. You'd have to ask him.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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