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ANSWERVINGS 2011-02 (Feb)

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Grant writes...

Is the French member of the Light suppose to be the Brain?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Grant writes...

1) Were the twins from Drop Zone, the Terror Twins from your YJ comic?

2) Since you have Shimmer and what is presumably Mammoth, will the rest of the Fearsome Five soon appear?

Greg responds...

1. Nope. Drop-Zone featured Mammoth and Shimmer.

2. No comment.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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conner writes...

Does Superboy speak Spanish? It seemed like he could understand what Bane was saying when he was listening with his super hearing?

Greg responds...

Yes, Superboy speaks Spanish.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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FightingDreamer writes...

Hi, just wanted to ask some questions about Young Justice (which I'm LOVING so far):
1. Do you have an actor doing the noises/grunts/screams for characters like Mammoth or Blockbuster, or is your sound design team just that awesome?
2. What inspired the decision to have Spanish dialogue in "Drop Zone"? Was it out of a desire to be more realistic, or did it just tickle you to have Danny Trejo give a bilingual performance?
3. Did Superboy's smirk at the end of Bane's Spanish dialogue while he was tied up indicate that Superboy knew Bane planned to betray them? If so, why did he decide not to say anything to the others? I loved that moment, mind you, but it's an extremely curious touch.

Greg responds...

1. Both.

2. The former.

3. Yes.

3a. That was his choice. It felt right to us.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Maki P writes...

After watching "Drop Zone" I have only one question:
Why! Greg why! Why did you let them butcher la Lengua de Cervantes like that? Trying to listen to those lines was just painful, the accents alone were impossible to understand and what I could gather from the grammar was... not right.
You seem like a respectful, careful sort, so I need to know, Why?

Greg responds...

We tried our VERY best to get the Spanish correct.

Prior to the recording, we got translations from multiple Spanish speakers.

At the recording, we gave nearly all the Spanish lines to two actors who speak Spanish fluently, i.e. Danny Trejo and Nolan North. Khary Payton, who speaks a little Spanish, had one line, but Danny and Nolan were there to make sure he got it right.

So... Maki... are you sure we got it SO wrong? (I'm not saying we didn't. I just know we tried our best to get it right...)

Of course, part of the problem may be that Spanish is spoken differently in different areas of the world. What sounded wrong to a Spanish speaker from Spain might sound right to a Spanish speaker from El Salvador, etc.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Logan writes...

Drop Zone was a fantastic episode, keep up the good work.
i just read an episode description for Feb. 11's episode "Infiltrator"
Who are the league of shadow's? are you taking about the league of Assassins? i remember in batman begins, the league of assassins was watered down for audiences.

Who had to drop the ax on the assassins for this instance? Comics fans know that they've always been the league of assassins and when they hear the league of shadow's it will most likely take them out of the moment.

I had assumed that with a pg v rating that your target demographic was young teens, do you have to fight censorship in order to actually take advantage of this rating.

to be real Greg, you and i both know EXACTLY what the kids want to see, blood, excessive violence and sexual innuendo. its just the facts. i have seen tv pg v ratings get way with some of the gritiest, realistic, and schoking material.

How are they gonna screw you on the sensorship? i am a huge fan of the show and your work but im still waiting to see a pg v fight. listen to the devil of your conscious and let the angel take a vacation.

Greg responds...

The show is the show. It's set on Earth-16. If comics fans get too fixated on what they assume the series is going to be instead of what it is, there's literally nothing I can do about that -- except shrug.

Personally, I think "League of Shadows" is a BETTER name than "League of Assassins". NO ONE mandated that change. It's an alternate name that I preferred. It makes more sense to me in this world.

And by the way, Logan, I don't agree at all with your assessment of "EXACTLY what the kids want to see". I think they want good stories, well told with interesting characters... but maybe that's just me.

Censorship has honestly not been an issue on this series to date at all. Your assumptions are just wrong -- and I just love that you made them BEFORE seeing the episode. That just makes them even more fun.

And if you assume that censorship was in play, how would my devils or angels have anything to do with anything?

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Ann writes...

I'm really liking the take on Batman in Young Justice. It's pretty refreshing to see a Batman that isn't completely cold and cruel, and who can actually give out praise when it's warranted. Was this a concious decision?

Greg responds...

Yes. But it's based on mine and Brandon's interpretation of the character.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Clark Cradic writes...

How was Sportsmaster able to detect Miss Martian? Was she not really invisible (just really translucent) or are his senses really good?

Greg responds...

She's NOT invisible or translucent, just camouflaged. (Think Predator.) YOU could see her, right?

But, yes, Sportsmaster's trained his senses well.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Grant writes...

Related to Bane, did you know that he was going to be in the next Batman movie when you put him in YJ?

Greg responds...

Obviously, no.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Ok greg I got a question about an observation I had.
I noticed in independence day pt 2 that when superboy was walking away from the cloning chamber it seemed that aqualad had telepathy and he was talking to superboy but then I thought it was just dubbilex and then I noticed in drop zone that aqualad told speedy to get a running head start on bane to get the trigger in his mind. Ok so I guess my question is does aqualad have telepathy and if he doesn't what was he doing in those examples I mentioned

Greg responds...

Aqualad has no telepathy. But Superboy does have super-hearing. And Miss Martian did link everyone up telepathically in Santa Prisca.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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