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ANSWERVINGS 2011-03 (Mar)

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Anonymous writes...

Do gargoyles have the same nudity taboos that humans have? I know that Demona cannot go around bare breasted like Goliath does for obvious reasons of cultural modesty in the real world. But what about within the universe of the show?

Greg responds...

Some clothes help with comfort and feelings of safety that have nothing to do with nudity taboos. So although the answer is no, I don't think they do exactly, that doesn't mean that I think they'd choose to wing around nekkid.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Lionel writes...

In the pilot, Superboy stated that he had learned to read and write from the other Genomorphs. He also said "there are images implanted in my mind." But in "Drop Zone", he warns the team of both smoke and an approaching helicopter by smell and sound alone. How did he recognize them?

Greg responds...

Smell and sound can also be implanted in his mind. Don't get the idea that Superboy was being comprehensive about his G-Gnome education in a three sentence piece of dialogue.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Mike writes...

Now that Batman Beyond is officially part of the DC comics universe, are you allowed to use him in YJ (assuming there was a time-travel episode)? Do you have any interest in including Terry or other characters who exist in the future, like the Legion, at some point?

Greg responds...


Gang, please, do us ALL A FAVOR and get the message. I will not be spoiling. NOT. BE. SPOILING.

And that means that even something that I know I'm never going to do is going to get a no comment, because if I only said no to some things and no comment to the rest, you'd deduce that no comment means yes.

So instead I'm saying no comment for yes, for no, for no way in hell, for yes absolutely, for any and all questions about what may or may not be coming down the pike.

So stop asking. Seriously. It's just not a good use of ANYONE'S time.


Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Ryan Eden writes...

i have a serious question if Macbeth dies of a natural cause like a heart attack or something does that mean Deamona dies as well from it?

Greg responds...

I'm not interested in these hypotheticals.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Chris writes...

Please forgive me if the following questions were asked.
1. What was your comment on the video game Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions? How did you like that they used some of the actors from Spectacular which were Josh Keaton, Thomas F. Wilson, Jim Cummings, Steven Blum, and John Dimaggio (not sure if I spelled that right)?
2. I know you don't like to answer questions about future plans for Spectacular, but did you pick any actors for Scorpion and Hobgoblin?
3. Did you know that a few of your ideas were taken from the 1994 Spider-Man cartoon? Such as the symbiote coming from John Jameson's space shuttle. Although TAS used a space shuttle crash instead. Another example is Vulture going after Norman Osborn in his first appearance. Another is Spidey hanging upside down and looking at the black suit at a tall building.
4. When you look at the Spectacular Spider-Man, do you believe that you have done a good job for the show?
5. What is your view on the Scarlet Spider? Would he have been worthy of being in the Spectacular Spider-Man if given the chance?
That's all I have for you. Please make the DVD company that makes the DVDs for Spectacular Spidey make a complete season 2 DVD. That would be greatly appreciated.
Your fan,

Greg responds...

1. I'm all for those guys getting work, since they're fantastic. But I haven't seen the game.

2. No comment.

3. Well, those ideas weren't "TAKEN" from the 90s cartoon, cuz I never saw it. Now anything from that cartoon that seeped back into the comics or the movies may have influenced me -- and/or great minds think alike, especially when similarly influenced by the same source material.

4. I do, actually. I'm very proud of the finished product.

5. No comment.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Leyla writes...

Hello. Just one question. In Young Justice, if we see Wonder Girl, based upon the timeline you have now (so this could, concievably, change), are we more likely to see Donna Troy (Wonder Woman's sister and the original Wonder Girl) or Cassie Sandsmark (Superboy's girlfriend and daughter of Zeus)? This is just asking for an estimation, not a guarantee, and I recognize that we could, concievably, not have Wonder Girl at all, but I'm curious.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
I wanted to wait for the credits list before I posted on the past 2 episodes (to make sure I get my facts and names straight). Kudos to you and the crew on two more great episodes. I love how so far the primary villains have all been relatively obscure to non-comic readers (most people know Bane, but not Mr. Twister or Sportsmaster) and have been done spectacularly. I also enjoyed Bane, very nice casting on him, and I love how you write him as a competent leader and not just dumb muscle. And I am becoming more interested in "The Light". I believe I know one of the members now, and I cant wait to see what else you do.
On to a question I had; I was going through my old issues of Young Justice and realized I really like how they used Red Tornado's daughter Traya in there and how YJ was essentially her crazy babysitters. Will we get to see Traya at some point on the show?
Anyway, once again, great job, and pass my kudos to the cast and crew.


Greg responds...

No comment.

Though I thank you for the kind words.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Alan writes...

Dear Greg,
When is season 2 of the Spectacular Spider-Man coming out on DVD? I've been patient for like a month after the volume 8 DVD was released. Now I can't wait any longer! Please try to make the company that makes the DVDs make them make season 2 of TSSM. Please?

Greg responds...

I have no control or influence over this. Believe me, no one's more frustrated than myself.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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charlie writes...

dear greg,

enough with the "whelmed", "turbed", and "concerted" running gag. once is happenstance. twice is coincidence. three times is just plain annoying.

Greg responds...

That's your opinion. Personally, I find it highly amusing and my two resident teenagers agree. Plus it feels VERY true to Robin's character.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman, love your work! First and foremost, thanks a ton for taking the time to answer the many questions of us crazed fans, I haven't heard of many who care enough to do this. Secondly, congrats and best of luck on Young Justice, it looks like it has just tons of potential, and I look forward to seeing more.

My quick question is a pretty insignificant one I suppose, but for some reason it's always bugged me (I apologize if it's been asked already, I checked the archives and searched). In the Spectacular Spider-Man episode 'Catalysts', there's a bit where Spidey's web-shooters run out, and he reloads one of them during free-fall. After this, t first it seems like he's going to be, understandably, shooting webbing only from the one he reloaded, but then he can be clearly seen firing web from both web-shooters, even when he has only reloaded one. Was this merely an animation goof, or was there a specific reason?

Greg responds...

I feel pretty confident that you're either remembering or interpreting this wrong, but I can't check it at the moment.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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