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B writes...

Did Miss Martian try to make Superboy forget the fact that she had used her telepathic powers violently on enemies or just make him forget that he disapproved of it? (assuming this isn't going to be clarified on the show)

Greg responds...

Probably a little of each.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg,

I'd like to make an observation about "Salvage."

It's that moment where the creature says (through Blue):

Where is the stillness of wood, of stone, of crystal, of metal? All this noise, all this life is pain. We sense the power in this place - power enough to destroy us, to end the pain, to be still again.

And Superboy says, "I can identify."

And then it hit me…

Oh that this too too solid flesh would melt…

the thousand shocks that flesh is heir to…

I wondered if we were intended to hear an echo of Hamlet in Connor and the… whatever it was. One of the reasons that Hamlet is so despondent is that he believes the girl he loves has betrayed him. Then, I remembered that the girl Connor loved and probably still does betrayed him.

So, my question is: am I reading too much in to this? Or, did you intend for there to be deliberate overtures of Hamlet in this scene and in Connor's character in general?

Greg responds...

I'd love to say otherwise, but it wasn't in my conscious mind. But you know, it's all rattling around in my brain, so...

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Nicole writes...

Hi Greg,
This more of a comment, or a praise post. I just wanted to say that Young Justice is an AMAZING SHOW. From the story to the animation! It is AMAZING. Every single show leaves me speechless! I've been a fan of a lot of the shows you've produced and/or written, such as Gargoyles. Young Justice is incredible for both me and my dad! I live in California and my dad and I would actually get up at 6:00AM just to get ready to watch Young Justice(and the rest of the DC Nation Block) from the east coast time! My mom thinks we're crazy, but what can I say? WE LOVE THIS SHOW! I really just wanted to say congratulations for both you and your team! I haven't seen a superhero show this great in a long time(and I'm only 15 xD)! My birthday was on the 29th of September, so having to see Young Justice early in the morning made my whole day! You all are amazing, talented people and uou guys are awesome! Thank you for taking your time to read this :)

[P.S. I read on Wikipedia that your birthday was on the 28th. Whether it's true or not(I don't really trust Wikipedia xD), HAPPY late BIRTHDAY! I hope your day was just as great as mine! :D ]

Greg responds...

Yep, September 28th is my birthday. Happy birthday to you too.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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SuperMartian89 writes...

This show is something that me, my mother and two sisters wake up and watch together. We try to get everything out of the way in the morning so we can watch it at our leisure. We haven't had show that we can sit down, watch and discuss among ourselves for a while. My sisters all agree that Young Justice remains us of the cartoon shows of the 90s where it had more darker and some mature themes and tones. Where the creators didn't treat kids like idiots. One show we made example of that was Gargoyles so imagine our surprise and delight that the same people who created that epic created this. We were like "No wonder! That explains so much!" Thanks for creating this great show.

My least favorite thing is Superboy and Martian current relationship with each other and the issues between them. But that's mainly because I love those two together. I haven't been disappointed by you and Brandon in the show overall so I am keeping faithful that you two know what you are doing. My younger sister says to get over it but I am not giving up until the show ends which I hope isn't for a LONG while.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinnhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Took me a day to catch the new episode of YJ, and I gotta say that was good! First off, I loved the interaction between Red Arrow & Roy/Arsenal. It felt natural, very cool. Second, I like how he got the arm and the Arsenal name, it's very clea he's not RA. And I gotta say, I loved Captain Cold crashing the bachelorette party of supergirls. That was hilarious. And finally, it's creepy, I was just thinking about whether or not Jason existed in YJ's world and ,without checking the site beforehand, you decide to answer it like that? AWESOME! Also, loved Impulse and Jaime's interaction, very cool. My only concern is, I'm starting to worry for Garth. I hope he survives everyone finding out he's a mole. Keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

Garth's a mold?!

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

Today's posting is in regards to the closing moments of the episode "Alienated." The episode had shown us just exactly what the missing six members of the Justice League did on the Planet Rimbor. On January 26, 2016, these six members intended to go to Rimbor to stand trial for their actions while under The Light's control. Accompanying them are Icon, who is knowledgeable in intergalactic trial law (as stated by Wonder Woman), and Hawkman, who wants to accompany Hawkwoman for obvious personal reasons.

I'm sure you understand that the decision for these eight Justice League members to leave for Rimbor was probably not without causing complications. While it is shown that some heroes like Miss Martian and Superboy are covering for members like Superman and Martian Manhunter as best as possible, there is also another problem. I'm sure you know that we, the fans of the show and comic, understand that most, if not all, of the eight Justice League members have secret identities. The problem with these eight members is that with them leaving for another world, and given enough time, the public would probably ask questions like "Where is Clark Kent?" or "Where is Bruce Wayne?"

While I'm sure that each of the eight Justice League members probably DID have a plan to handle this unique situation before they left for Rimbor, can you please tell us in some detail just what EXACTLY each Justice League member (the ones who left for Rimbor) did to cover for the "disappearances" of their secret identities/alter egos so that the public would not become suspicious enough to believe that they vanished off the face of the Earth? I'm hoping my question doesn't confuse you. Your response might shed some light as how the eight Justice League members resolved this problem before leaving off-world.


PS. I did two postings on 9/29/12. One was about Darkseid, and the other was about Jason Todd. That night, I noticed both postings were approved, but on this day, they appeared to have been removed. What happened? Did I do something wrong or something else?

Greg responds...

You basically answered your own question. They each had time to prepare and did there best to cover. I'm not going to go into any further detail: at best it's a spoiler request.

As for why your questions were deleted, I have no idea. I never saw them. But you could ask the moderators at the Station 8 Comment Room.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Mercy Graves.... a cyborg. Why did she ever allow herself, if she ever did, to become one in the first place?

Greg responds...

I don't tell stories in this forum.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Illyana writes...

Brandon recently posted on his Twitter (https://twitter.com/BrandonVietti) that Red Hood would not be appearing in season 2 of YJ. Obviously, you've got a bunch of other amazing stories to tell, which I'm most assuredly looking forward to.

My question is this: I know Jason Todd is a bit of a polarizing character; is his story one you'd ever be interested in exploring? Not trying to get spoilers for the potential season 3 - I'm just curious as to where you stand on the Jason Todd debate. Some people wouldn't want to touch that story with a ten foot pole. I'd just like to know if his tale is one you'd consider telling in any medium, YJ or otherwise. Or do you find yourself in the 'not a fan' group?

Please pass along my heartfelt gratitude to Brandon and the rest of the team. You folks have done a truly phenomenal job with the show and re-imagining much beloved characters. YJ is simultaneously nostalgic and a breath of fresh air; the perfect Saturday morning cartoon, in my opinion. Can't wait to watch more of the journey unfold.

Greg responds...

I'd be happy to take a pass at Jason.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is Arsenal's new arm more powerful than Luther's body guard's arm?
Also does it have new or different features compared to Luther's body guard's arm?

Greg responds...

Yes and yes.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

What was the creative incentive for writing "Satisfaction" personally?

Greg responds...

There were a few things...

*First and foremost, I like writing "funeral" stories, i.e. the story that comes in the immediate aftermath of death. I like seeing how characters respond to death.

*I wanted to play the interaction between Speedy, Red Arrow and Green Arrow.

*I enjoy writing Lex.

*I liked the bridal shower gag.

*There were two other characters I REALLY wanted to include at the shower, but unfortunately that would have added four more designs to Phil's total for the episode, and he just didn't have time for them. But one of the reasons I chose to write this episode was so that I could introduce those two characters. Didn't work out that way, but it was part of the initial "incentive".

*I wanted to introduce the Grotto and show who was memorialized there. (This also added to Phil's total, but we all agreed these designs were essential.)

Response recorded on November 27, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Was Ted Kord a member of the Team, the Justice League, or none?

Greg responds...

The League.

Response recorded on November 27, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I just have 1 question for you today :)

What exactly does Wally see in Artemis? I see that he probably likes how she's pretty and she kicks butt, but is that it?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 27, 2012

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B writes...

When you were creating the Superboy/Miss Martian breakup storyline, was the plotline from Buffy the Vampire Slayer where Willow erased Tara's memories of their arguments about Willow misusing her powers, leading to their breakup, an inspiration?

Greg responds...

Not a conscious one.

Response recorded on November 27, 2012

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B writes...

Does the public know that the Green Lanterns' powers come from an alien source?

Greg responds...

That's a good question. Probably not.

Response recorded on November 27, 2012

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EXALT writes...

How old is the original Roy/Arsenal as of Satisfaction? Always fifteen (thanks to the time he spent on ice)?

Greg responds...

He's biologically 15.

Response recorded on November 27, 2012

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YJfan writes...

Hey Greg, Seeason 2 is awesome. Love the new characters as well as seeing the old ones develop and grow.I have been enjoying Beetle, Superboy, Bart and Lagaan.Don't like what Megan is doing though cause it feels like she is stringing poor Lagoon Boy along. He's kidnapped and she's worrying about Conner birthday. Do the other girls like Zatanna know what she did trying to mindwipe him? Wendy seems genuinely cool actually. I am so looking forward to see how the Aqualad vs everyone wants a piece of him now plot plays out. They are fun!You Lex Luthor is the best animated Lex I ever came across!PS. Did you know Superman and Wonder Woman are now an official couple in comics?It was huge news. I know, you said your show came before the reboot in comics. But reason I ask is because in your show, even from day one the interactions we've seen between these two characters seem to point to something more than friends/teammates.I personally think it a great idea and looking forward to seeing if you called it first in earth-16. :)

Greg responds...

1. No, they don't.

2. Yes, I heard.

Response recorded on November 27, 2012

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Chris Adams writes...

Hi Greg! Great to have YOUNG JUSTICE back.

I really admire the way you and your team use the breadth of your version of the DC Universe to produce an episode like "Satisfaction" - you have the story of Roy, Ollie, Roy, and Lex on the one hand, but you break it up with smart little vignettes featuring other characters. It's also good to see the continued use of non-heroic supporting castmembers like Wendy and, in issue #20 of the comics, Bette.

Two quick questions, since my original query about Mercy's power of speech (or lack thereof) is already in the queue:

1. Is Ray Palmer on the faculty of Ivy University?

Apparently no-one else in Ivy Town knows Conner well enough to know it's his birthday besides Wendy, which strongly suggests* that Karen doesn't attend Ivy University with them. Therefore:

2. Is she formally enrolled at any university, or only pursuing her studies with Professor Palmer under the aegis of the team?

* The other option would be that Superboy and Bumblebee choose not to socialise in their civilian identities, but that doesn't seem to be the way the team rolls.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I don't quite follow your preamble or your afterward - I'm not sure how or why you're concluding what you're concluding. But Karen, Wendy, Conner and M'gann all are enrolled and attend Ivy University. You do realize Karen was in Dakota City for the Bridal Shower, right?

Response recorded on November 21, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Commenting on current ep! No questions, just comments.

Short on shorts: Teen Titan Go psa - cute enough. Love SBFFs "Solomon Grundy No Fight Girls!" was mostly brilliant, but I was a little disappointed with end.

1-I was surprised original Roy's voice was so deep. Also so angry! (At least that quickly.) He correctly didn't blame our Roy, but crazy blamed Ollie. From Independence Day and onward it seemed Ollie had a warm relationship with Roy despite Roy's Angry Young Man vibe. Nice Ollie character work. I'm curious where Dinah works into this relationship. Did she even know the original? (Rhetorical- expect to learn that in story.) Nice way to get to Arsenal.

2- Grotto- Took me a bit to realize that those memorialized in the grotto were not necessarily team members. Ted Kord was the huge giveaway. (I have noticed Tim is "Robin B" to the computers, so assumedly the memorial is to Jason who wasn't a member of the team.) Nice bit between Blue Beetle and Impulse- both in their demeanors from not having interacted with the folks honored in that room, and in the discussion about why the League doesn't do the memorials. Also lovely to see Jaime's 'relationship' to Ted spelled out. Visually, the subtle run through of emotions on Bart's face is fantastic. You see all the other, none 'Impulse', thoughts flit by before he shapes his face into the sunshine and light one.

3-Artemis' grave- Brutal to put Paula through that. Jade is there with the baby; she's all vengeance, but from actual love. Sportsmaster...not so much.

4-Lex Luthor- blasé about enabling the alien invasion... and customized desks ;) Mercy bleeds? So a cyborg, not robot. Lex does like to pontificate...but he isn't wrong. Did Lex actually show a moment of concern for Mercy? "Except we gave you anesthesia. Your methods..." Again with the not wrong. Now where have I heard that vengeance is a sucker's game....?

5-Superboy and Wendy- Lovely little surprise there. She isn't in on the team ("6...22!") She really does have insight into Conner. Ivy Town? Mmm....

6-Bridal shower- I wondered if there was something romantic between Raquel and Icon, now I'm wondering if they're engaged. Captain Cold... "I'm completely doomed, aren't I?" BWAHAHA!

All my reviews have been positive- but just to state the obvious- Loving the show!!

Thanks again for reading fan rambles. I tried to lean more to comments then questions to make up for the length.

Greg responds...

All Grotto memorials were for League or Team members, including Jason.

Thanks for posting your rambles. They're fun for me to read.

Response recorded on November 21, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Last old review-
Depths- nice way to start a hiatus... Wowie

Shorts - Sword of the Atom pIII- dialogue a little hokey. Teen Titan dividing tape; cute enough.

[Actual questions bookends the comments. The other #s are just observations.]
Q1 Rocket to Mars- How where they planning on dealing with Earth seeing true Martian form?

1-Wally and Artimas at home, cut ahead to CPR at end. I think it is the first time you've set up a flash forward to the end following present events. Works nicely. Love the way Dick's body moves with the CPR compressions. Nice attention to detail.

2-M'gan's reaction to Artimas is like stepping back in time. She's light and open as she really doesn't appear much this season.

3-Conference - took me till the second time to figure out why you didn't say "Drink the Kool Aid". Yeah, I bet the Kool-Aid folks have a special hate for Jim Jones.

4-Mmm.. GGG's hands,for a moment, look like alien claws. War of the Worlds ish.

5-Mimicking missing Leaguers is a good idea. (I wondered last issue that Psion said he knew Batman wasn't around.)

6-There is quite enough skilled (rust free) fighting and teamwork to make the Cape fighting interesting even separate from the overall plot. Add the revelation of what really broke up Conner and M'gann, Lagan being taken and...Artimas dying at the hands of Kalderan! Wow.

7-Nice how the test the villain gives is a test of honor. Will he take credit?

8-Back at Mt Justice... I think someone already asked who the girl next to Blue Beetle is. You'd think it would be easier to guess- there aren't that many white, non blond female teen girl superheroes. Yes... it's an exaggeration, but true enough to be sad. Mmmm.... Next to Jaime? Traci 13 would rock!

9-I truly was surprised by the Kal undercover/Artimas alive twist. Nicely done. For some reason the line about the League and team being in mourning and possibly never forgiving them stuck a nice chord with me.

Q2 I figure this is either an incidental or a major spoiler. If it is the former- What does Artimas's mom know? {Never mind- moot now}

Q3 How is the voice altered for the glamoured version of Artimas?

Simply passing herself off as dead would be one thing. Going undercover too...interesting.

Yay! current review is all that's left to post!

Greg responds...

Q1 - How is who planning?

Q3 - In show, you just have to take it for granted that the charm has changed the voice enough so that it's not recognizable. Out of show, Stephanie does deepen her voice slightly for Tigress. It's intentionally subtle.

Response recorded on November 21, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

At least I'm getting to the end of old reviews...but not there yet-
Certainly a satisfying first major look at the greater picture for the season.

But first the Shorts-
still Sword of Atom- so no mid messy divorce, no learning the language.
Teen Titans Go- Cyborg the lifeguard is cute, but who is he saving?

[First half is just comments- the questions start when the "Q"s show up. The rest is just thought ordering. Hey 5and 5!]
1-I know starting with a scene and coming back to it is derigur (sp?) in the show, but this one is somehow above and beyond. It isn't so much a teaser as does something to the mood. Misleading about Bart, but still honest.

2-Impulses entrance is a hoot. He might have wiped the floor with Tim and Garfield, but I get an impression that the learning curve will be as such that they won't be so outclassed for long

3-Roy and Cheshire- It is suspicious she seems to find what they are looking for so easily. On the other hand it is believable she'd do it to set Lian's father straight. Uh...seriously, not the place to bring a baby. Jumping ahead- Dispatch two bad guys, waken baby laughs, tens of men with spears. "Told you we should have left her with your sister." Nice beat. (Wonder if Artimas knows she's an aunt. -new ep! Lian's her middle name!) "Should I be concerned in the obvious delight our daughter takes in the ultra violence?" :) Cheshire opens the tube without even wiping the glass to see who is inside. (Already Liann is saying Dada?)

4-Bart blabs Bat identities. They keep their IDs secret from their team. As I mentioned before, it does leave you wondering if there is any discomfort, or even hostility to the Bat clique. It seems a little of a 'first among equals' incongruity.

5-Bart with his family...
The Garrick's 70th anniversary- making them in their 90s- a very spry 90s. I'm assuming Jay has some Flash related reason for being more like a late 70s year old, but Joan?
Didn't notice all the slip ups Bart made referencing Barry the first time around. Meant to tell you in private...Twins?! "Back in a flash!" Group moan. Since the beginning I have liked how the extended speedster family is portrayed. No gloom and doom for them. Well, maybe now Bart….

"Fox & Gardner" cute.

Q1 Bart learned whirlwind from father who learned it from Barry. Since Barry originally died before knowing he was going to be a father, who taught the son?

Super speed talking is funny. So is Wally's being outpaced. Wish the Network bug wasn't partially covering some of the alien subtitles.

Q2 Stranded in our time...big reveal-> actually a set up. Idea is great. I'm not yet clear on the mechanics of time travel in this universe and how Nathaniel remembers the changes. I assume it becomes clear over time. Is there a town shown to the bottom left of the wreck of Mount Justice? And does that town have more color after the time change?

I do hope that the Impulse persona is not entirely made up. That it is either based on an earlier version of himself, or an aspect of his personality not foregrounded in an apocalyptic future. Time will tell.

Q3 How big is Wally? Sometimes he looks bigger than Barry. Sometimes boyish.

Some more questions on Wally and speed brought to mind-
Referencing other questions -Geodude writes...
"Are Flash and/or Kid Flash capable of doing relatively complicated things at super-speed? Could they use their speed, for example, to assemble a store-bought bookcase or put together a jigsaw puzzle? ...
Greg responds...
1. Flash MIGHT be able to. But Kid Flash's speed is all about acceleration and deceleration. I'm not saying he couldn't do it faster than, say, Artemis. But he's not going to do it in a split-second. ..."

Q4-Is Wally's super-speed fundamentally different from Barry's (and Jay's?), or is it a question of skill and practice? We know he is very smart, but does he think ~quicker~ than ordinary humans?

I'm not well versed on the DC Speedsters, but what I've read seems to say they think quicker to match the movements as a necessary component of their powers. A rather clever Batgirl (Stephanie Brown) issue a year or two ago had her figure out that the kid sitting next to her in class had been spending all his time memorizing his route step by step for a planned heist in a speed suit because his mind would not be quick enough to respond to what he sees. In contrast, a few years before that Bart Allen (around the time he switch from Impulse to Kid Flash) read the contents of a library at superspeed because he felt he needed contribute more (and screw up less). He added that it feels as long to him to read a book as it does to anyone else, and things not at superspeed move glacially slow to him making him seem ADD.

A-If the speedster's mind does work faster, is it a default speed or is it only revved up while the speedster is speeding?
B-And if it is a default, does the rest of the world seem to move slowly to them?

thanks again.

Greg responds...

Q1 - We'll never know, but it might have been Wally or Jay, I suppose.

Q2 - I'm not sure what you're referring to.

Q3 - Occasional inconsistencies of animation aside, Wally is pretty-much man-sized now.

Q4 - Wally and Jay's speed-powers are VERY similar. Barry and Bart's are pretty much exactly the same. But those two subsets are different from each other. Barry and Bart can be instantly fast, almost without acceleration. They have way more control - even over their molecules. Barry has more experience, but Bart was forced to learn in a much more hostile environment, so he's not that far behind. Wally and Jay must both accelerate and decelerate. They have way less control than either of the other two. Both, of course, at this point have plenty of experience and training. Jay may have lost a step or two over the years, but not much. Wally's pretty much near his peak, though he may be (only) slightly out of practice since retiring. Wally's thinking is pretty much on a par with any non-powered person of similar intelligence - again, once he gets going, he may "think" faster, but he couldn't do that reading trick you describe Bart as doing in the old comics.

Q5A - The latter, if that.

Q5B - Sometimes.

Response recorded on November 21, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

And more old reviews-

Shorts in short- hey I just read Sword of the Atom! SBFF love those girls

[Not so many observations, so I'm only numbering the questions this time around.]
Q1 Jaime seems to come from a well off family. That's a marked departure than his print origin. They ran a business and were better off than hand to mouth, but I remember money being tight, especially after his father was injured. What made you decide to change it?

Nightwing: "Uh, there's, there's no right answer for that, is there?" smart boy not to dig deeper :) She enjoyed that!

The dynamics between Mrs. Longshadow, Maurice, Jaime and the absent Ty- I'd say lovely, but it's the wrong word for the situation.

I wonder if the scarab realizing that his methods would have dead ended with Maurice is the start of him becoming more than blood thirsty programming.

Bumble Bee and Batgirl- first the funny in the air ducts, then the moment that comes when dealing with any bat family member- talking the empty air.

Of course Batgirl was the only one who could fly a plane, she's the only one who would need to. Of course Wonder Woman does have a jet....

Freeze Jr is still hung up on Miss Martian in Belle Rev?

Q2 Simon knows Batman is away? How?

Cast- Devastation… I could have sworn that was Kristen Johnston's voice.

In all a good ep- we see the girls in action as any other thoroughly capable team.
I'm guessing the other plot line will be some sort of Super Chief storyline, but in general it is nice to be reminded that Jaime is not just comic relief, but rather a powerful weapon. Though I do love him as comic relief too.

thank you

Greg responds...

Q1 - I'm not sure we decided any such thing. Are you responding to his house? His neighborhood?


Response recorded on November 21, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Still more old reviews:

Short shorts review:
-Shorts -Vibe (2parts)- amazing! Intentionally totally dated but not making fun of it!

Main event: (Q for actual questions)
1-Oh Roy... (Q1 Where'd his money go- wasn't he richer than Ollie? Used it up with the search?) The whole intervention was wonderfully done, right up to it failing. (And we caught us up with several characters.)

2-Now Snapper Carr knows they're there.

3-Blue Beetle: "Not Compatible? Not Compatible with what? I swear I don't understand half the things you say!"
Mal: "Feeling is mutual" :)

But that does raise the question, well two questions:
Q2 1- This may be the one error in the execution of the time skip- Finding Jaime's one sided conversations weird is funny, but not knowing that he is talking to the Scarab would imply that he was hiding, albeit poorly, the source of his power. However here he sighs and tells Conner the whole story (at least as he knows it -created by Ted Cord? A clearly deceased Ted Kord). Given how level headed and informed Connor has become, it seems odd that he wouldn't already know Jaime's situation. For that matter, you'd think at least the founding members would have had to know it to let him join the group. Am I missing something here that would explain it?

Q3 2-What made you go with the bloodthirsty Scarab and not the budding sentient Scarab? It is laugh out loud funny, but I have to admit to having a tremendous soft spot for the malfunctioning sentient weapon. Among my all time favorite lines I've read, not just in comics, was in the Blue Beetle comic when Jaime manages to defeat the Reach - right before starting on a dang near suicidal plan he asks the Scarab if he is in on it. (Even though there was no way for Jaime to go without him, and no other way to save his family and the planet.) The Scarab's reply of "Jaime:Friend. Scarab:Hero" was heartwarmingly awesome.

4-Speaking about emotionally wrought near sentient beings- the Golem was very nicely done. Connor meant a specific Ugly, but her was right; something ugly had killed it.

5-I only noticed upon rewatching this and the previous episode that "Partner" is an actual name for the new big bad, and not just a figure of speech.

6-Artimas and Wally...are so very sweet.

7-Cheshire and Roy...can't tell if she's there for him, or for an ulterior motive. Or frankly, she could be there for both. However it is, I like the suggestion that she gave up crime for him without any good guy component to it. It sounds like he wouldn't have married a criminal so she gave up crime. The marriage fell apart and she happily went back to it. She simply does not have a hero mentality and it makes her fun. It also gives her the possibility of being a good sister/wife/mother without being a good guy. You don't get the impression she would ever subject her child to what her father had subjected her and Artimas to. Strange to say it, but she is probably extremely healthy on an emotional level.

8 Q4-Lian makes her debut- How old is she here? Cartoon babies almost always seem to look a bit older than they are meant to be, (though I think there were some clearly newborns in Missing, IIRC). With that much hair I would guess minimum 9 months, but I'm guessing she is supposed to be younger and it isn't meant to imply Roy hasn't seen Cheshire for over a year. (9 months baby, plus it would be pretty impossible to hide a second trimester pregnancy from a husband = more than a year.)

9 -Of course seeing Lian makes me wonder about Amistad and Traya and Aquaman's son...that ends the list of small children of characters I can think of. (Unless Donna Troy shows up and had/lost her family.) Time will tell.

thanks again!

Greg responds...

Q1 - Yes.

Q2 - They knew about the Scarab - although at the time they all thought it was Ted's invention, not Reach-Tech - but they didn't know it talked to him.

Q3 - This feels like it's veering close to SPOILER territory.


Response recorded on November 21, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

And another old review:
Alienated ...

...but first a short review of the shorts:
-Teen Titans Mothers' Day short was sick and twisted. I loved it, but the Mad musical number that poked fun at the Justice League is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while.

Back to our show: {Numbers without the Q in front of it are just thought ordering}
1-Bumble Bee looks a lot like Rocket in civies...or maybe.... after a lot of freeze framing...Has Rocket's face been made more angular than she had been 5 years before and Bumble Bees stayed rounder?

2-Blue Beetle: ~chuckle!~ but I'm saving up discussing him till later eps.

3-Boy in dreads does look a little like a young Virgil Hawkens, but it seems odd to me for him to be so significantly younger than Rocket.

4(Q1)-M'gann 'interrogating' the Krolatian - in front of Batman and While J'ohn is trying to do the same? She really is without boundary. Connor's look of shock makes sense, but shouldn't J'ohn and Bruce be at least a little surprised?

5-First time we see Kaldur - he does make a scary villain.

6-"Competitor Warrior"- Blue Beetle? The Reach?

7(Q2)-Love watching the Bat Family in action. They are so incredibly in sync with each other. The 'kids' kids with each other even more than with Batman. Does it cause tension in the YJ group to have a sub group or even clique, one who I think doesn't even share their real names?

Q3-who planted bomb?

8(Q4)-Nice smile of pride Wonder Woman has watching Wonder Girl. In all this fighting, I can't tell if they are using lethal measures or not. Last ep Allana saved the Krolatian whose mech she lured into a trap. Here they seem to be causing big enough explosions that you would not expect the mecha pilots to be able to get out. Is this JL willing to respond to lethal attack with lethal counter measures? Batman blew the platform out from under 'Manta's' men. It looked to be a 10-5' drop- though maybe that isn't a big deal for battle armored atlantians. It never struck me as important for WW to be willing to kill if necessary- it actually makes sense since she is a warrior before a superhero. But it does seem pretty integral to Supes and Bats.

9-More things I'm noticing while rewatching- when Kal tells NW he has two minutes left on the bomb his voice is different. He's got Conner incapacitated in a way that will at very least distract him if not let him hear the warning at all and he then gives Dick the vital info.

10-M'gann & J'onn ~chuckle~ I've forgotten I'm wearing something silly, I guess Martians can forget they're wearing a whole different species look.

11-For some reason I didn't realize the Krolatians understood English the first time.

12-Must find the issue with Kal's parents- I thought that's what his father looked like.

13-Black Manta replacing Ocean Master in Light- there is clearly some interesting stories in the gap/

14-The good byes-
-Wonder Woman/Wonder Girl- nice feel between the two of them, and a mention of Cassie's mom.
-Hawkman goes with Hawkwoman his spouse
...cut to Icon and Rocket. We never do hear from them. I get it might be the realities of voice work fees, but the body language was a bit odd. Are they romantically involved? {Since the new ep- I guess I'm wondering if they're engaged.} (Rhetorical question, not looking for an answer outside of the episodes.) It's been 5 years since we've seen them interact, and Icon has to be used to people aging into new roles around him. Even more than Static, I wonder what D MacDuffie would have done had he had the chance. The original series ended mid story, and there was no Icon cartoon, I don't think we ever saw Rocket in the main DCU (so far) to explore in other ways.
(Q5) Non rhetorical question: to your knowledge did MacDuffie leave behind any ideas or thoughts on where he might have taken her? Would you be more likely to, when possible, try to incorporate such ideas in light of his untimely passing than you would a living creator who might get a crack at doing it his or herself? Working with Peter David you probably hear all sorts ideas that didn't get used in the YJ comic run, but you both know he might work with those characters in a project of his own down the line. Even if it is extremely unlikely, it does remove some of the urgency.
-Super Man/Super Boy "little brother" J See- a clone is more like a brother!
-Martian Manhunter/Miss Martian are adorable- water the plants (plants on Mars)
-Batfamily- really a tight group, a family. I notice it is the first time they smiled all ep. Even when fighting. I can't decide if that is right to me or not. Dick and Barbara always struck me as the type to be having too much fun in the physicality of it not to smile, Tim to a lesser extent, but also.
-Dramatic goodbye- music, wind, break up, everything; nice. (Dang, Barbara is tall.)
15-Bibbo and Vandal are voiced by the same guy? Wow!

Greg responds...

Q1 - J'onn was not linked when M'gann did her thing. Both already know that she's more powerful. Whether they're suspicious is something I'll leave to interpretation.

Q2 - Not particularly.

Q3 - Black Beetle.

Q4 - Neither Batman nor Superman would willfully cause the death of anyone.

Q5 - I have no idea whether Dwayne left anything behind on this subject.

Response recorded on November 21, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

still posting old reviews:

Rambled observations to follow the short review of shorts:
Still bwahahaing Animal Man and not quite getting the Ardman shorts

{Actual questions are listed as "Q#". The other numbers are just thought ordering}
1-You do like starting at the end and then flashing back how they got there.

2-I love the Garth/M'Gann sibling dynamic, but I wish I could remember if Gar always had the freckles that match hers. Interesting implication in that he has received multiple transfusions from her to get to what he is. It's also interesting that he reverts to a more fully human shape when he is reminded of his mother's death. I wonder whether that is a 'natural' form or a change based on thought. Or if he even has a 'natural form' anymore. (That huge and unexpected, though very welcome, info dump you gave on Martians a while back explains why he is green- if skin color is ethnicity and she has a green parent it isn't particularly odd that Gar could become green. I do wonder why he is only green. I know that is from the comic, but I wonder the in cartoon explanation. Odd- Gar is the age Dick was last season, but he gets to be a kid.
What the Hey! Make that Q1- why is Garth only green?

3-The benefit of being so behind is catching details that can only be appreciated in hindsight - like the look that runs over Conner's face when M'gann establishes the link that allows them to communicate and Alana and her father comment about the sensation. It went right by me at the time, but in light of now knowing why they broke up...

4-"I assume you are not associated with the League"... "We are not members of the League" J\:) technically truthful.

5-Alana is younger than I imagined. She seems of an age with the first YJ team, not the same age as Adam.

6-Seeing Conner talk and act is spot on- a-jumping like earliest version of supes -b-his demeanor matches his description- looks 16 but is not a 16 year old. (Others already asking why M'gann ages at human rate.)

Q2-They took a risk luring the mecha into the sand- how did they know it wasn't the one holding their teammates? Alana sends the Krolatian the rope as second nature- she matches the teams method...and then M'gann mind strips the Krolatian. It was spooky the first time, but seeing Conner's reaction in light of why they broke up it is even scarier. I can't tell from the frame if Alana is looking at the Krolatians carrying their comrade away in shock or at M'gann. M'gann is without boundary- even if she was reacting to them almost getting her brother.

thanks again for taking the time to do Ask Greg!

Greg responds...

Q1. Miss Martian was green when she did the transfusion.

Q2. I think you should watch it again. Because one of us is confused.

Response recorded on November 21, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Hello! And thanks again for answering our questions and reading our comments!

Just saw Saticfaction and am very happy. I'm also happy to see this queue reopened. Now that Ask Greg is open I can post saved up reviews! Yay...uh, well, 'yay' for me. :}
I have a lot of saved comments from when it last closed - particularly all my {overwhelmingly positive} episode reactions since the time skip. Maybe I'll get around to doing a blanket rection to the comics before the queue closes again...but probably not.

{Actual questions will have "Q#" by them. The other numbers are just for keeping my thoughts ordered}

Happy New Year-
All those warnings to check dvr settings for the new title...of course I was so far behind reading Ask Greg I came to them at least two weeks late. By my spill time on my Green Lantern recording I figured out I missed this ep and reset it for the next week- but seeing this episode was under less than optimal watching: poor quality buffering and strangely mirror imaged segments on the internet. {I wonder which shorts I missed ~sniff~}
1-Nicely constructed opening scene- first Superboy, unchanged, fighting Clay Face which is an in story throwback. M'gann is next, but hooded. But then she says something about 'Delta squad', and Robin walks out of the shadow looking different. Beast Boy and Blue Beetle show up to confirm things are really different, followed by Bumble Bee. (She's a extra step because we met her as a civilian.) Finally M'gan throws back her hood looking shorn and older and the voice on the other end of the com signs off as Nightwing. Elegant.

2-I see some thinking L'gann is set up to be silly, but by introducing him sparing with Nightwing, humorously and graciously losing, I think he comes across more positively. The more negative impressions probably come from fan possessiveness over the M'gann/Conner relationship, and not anything he is or has done. He is a somewhat silly character- in the cosmic 'oh, come on!' sort of way. He isn't bad or silly looking, but to use his powers he puffs up like a carnival prize. He's a pretty powerful guy, but he knows he's second string at this point and it gall him and leaves him a little insecure. Same for following Conner as a boyfriend. No crime there, even if he appears later being a little mean about it. (Though I am getting ahead of this ep.) And as for Conner's reaction to M'gann and L'gann- You have two relationships to follow from first season- already know one is going to be meaty.

3-Didn't think of it at the time, but if Bumble Bee is b22 and after Tim Drake, I wonder if I'm misreading a vibe that Mal was an active member and somehow forcibly sidelined- like a loss of power. IIRC his comic book counterpart went through a bunch of personas gaining and losing power sets. (I googled it a while back, I just remember it being convoluted and there being a question over who created him…I think.) I look forward to learning how he and Bumble Bee joined up- how old Tim is (what, have 15 people already asked?) and how long he's been Boy Wondering it.

4-hrmmm if Tim is about 13 now, I wonder if that girl whose father was saved from the Black Spider was at least 8 then? I thought not, but if she is Arrowette, she'd be pretty young. {The advantage of first writing this before the shut down- I already have the answer.}

5-General statement- Love Blue Beetle! (But he really shines in later episodes so more on him later.)

6- (Q1)-In the UN- light blue shirts means private security, not NYPD, right?

7- Lobo sounds like he's from Mos Isly ;) Wow- others noticed it too. Maybe it's something about the way the sort of minds that like YJ work.

8-Wonder Girl - Nice having it both ways- Power house entrance, and then Lobo owns her. Neat trick; it should undercut itself but doesn't.

9-Batgirl - Entrance of an uber competent bat professional. It's a bat thing. (Though I hope we eventually get to see her start in flashback at some point.)

10-Tearing Secretary General in half- coulda been gruesome...but wasn't.

11-G Gordon Godfrey... Not the voice, that's pure Tim Curry fun, but the visuals... I can't decide if it is a specific parody or a general parody. A general parody of our cable new/opinion/ego shows is great. But that spinning G keeps making me thing it may be a specific parody, and that would be distracting. Of course it means it is distracting to me because I am wondering about it, but in principle I applaud a general parody. I feel a little like the headmasters that wanted to sue Dickens over 'their libelous portrayal' in Nicholas Nickleby- even though they had two eyes instead of one he was clearly besmirching the reputations of their boarding schools... Ironic that he actually lists some real aliens in his paranoid rants. Come to think of it- they are also hiding Watchtower...nice cut.

12-Zatana and Rocket are Leaguers? Cool. Also nice how even on the Watch Tower the original YJ members still hook into each other for silent chats. (And that the main members declined joining the League.)

13-And in Rann's corner of the galaxy...by now Hal is not the "NO" joke of last season; John is going to contact him. Others have commented on the watch for all leaguers already having Zatanna and Rocket shown, even though they just joined. Also on how does the GL League not know. The answer works for me.

14-Nice brotherly dynamic between Tim and Dick.

15-Love how Jaime is okay being in Gamma. ["Yes I do. YES I do. Yes I Do!" Sorry, couldn't resist.] It is consistent for Jaime's print character to say that. He's the kid who tells a bad guy to cease, leave and 'feel free not to tell me' what he was planning, and who in his heart of hearts wants to be a dentist when he grows up. (At least pre52.) Not yearning to be in the most dangerous squad is his kind of smart. The Crolotains don't like the Reach...interesting. I've heard some complaint about his falling into some Spanish a little stereotyply...didn't notice it the first time, but now I'm not sure if it isn't a bit much. On the other hand, there is the constraint of the format...he's American so you can't give him an accent for English words, and he does come from a part of the country that has a lot of Spanish speaking communities so it is reasonable that people get used to keeping certain phrases in Spanish even when speaking in English. I know there are words I simply am more used to saying not in English, despite having English as my first language. When the words are generally understood, I don't think I would think not to use them. As humorous as it was when he talks to the Crolotaian and then starts relaying the information to his teammates without switching languages, it is also the kinda thing a bilingual person might due. There may be no delay in understanding, but when the brain is talking in one language it sometimes forgets to switch. Since the Scarab feeds him the language as readily as English or Spanish the reaction would be the same.

Q2-Is that Black Lightning? Little fuzzy backward screen....

16-The team does seem more Teen Titany than Young Justice. Of course the original YJ never got the chance to be a two generation team. Although the type of work they do is, as someone pointed out, very Outsiders like.

17 -Who isn't in the episode is at least as interesting as who is- Roy, Wally, Artimas, Aqualad. Not appearing at all is a teaser in and of itself.

18-And of course, the controversial time skip: You've pulled off a (near) perfect execution; dropping us mid story and giving us some info, some indications and some glaring absences. The pace continues in the following eps to be perfect. {One possible quibble with Blue Beetle that I'll ask about in a later review.} It comes down to whether you like time skips or not. I tend to be an 'or not' because I miss the in between stories. With Time Dancer you found a way to have it both ways- skip in the main line and then have it's own comic for the skipped decades. I don't know if you plan to keep the comics behind to have it both ways here. {Since I wrote this, but before posting you've answered that the comics will follow the skip} I'm guessing not for marketing reasons {I was right}, unless you are cleared to have more than one line {Which would be super cool}. On a business level, I (still guessing) would think your corporate shepherds would insist that the book be a direct connection to the show. In an ideal world you'd get a comic line for both time lines and at least one more with some sidekicking adventures and some general in universe tales. But in a real world we'd probably not be so lucky. Despite my apriori preference against skips, I'm certainly in for the long haul.

18 points and only 2 actual questions, and one is about shirts...odd.

Greg responds...

Q1 - I think it's U.N. Security.

Q2 - Well, Black Lightning was in the episode.

Response recorded on November 21, 2012

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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: ISSUE: 22: "Players: Chapter Three: Landing on Boardwalk": On Sale: NOW!

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: ISSUE: 22: "Players: Chapter Three: Landing on Boardwalk": On Sale: NOW!

It's the third part of a six part story, and a LOT happens. Chris Jones handles the art (with color by Zac Atkinson) and a script by me, that includes over twenty characters from the series and spans five years of continuity.

If you're looking for your YJ fix, this is where you'll find it!

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Harmony writes...

1. Who is shorter now that they're adults, Wally or Dick?

2. Original Roy said Ollie was his friend, does either he or Clone Roy secretly (Or not so secretly) Look up to Ollie as a father?

3. Can Mercy Graves talk?

Greg responds...

1. From memory, I'd say Wally is shorter, but I don't have the model sheets in front of me.

2. Both look up to him as a father figure, certainly.

3. If she has something to add to the conversation, sure.

Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What was it like when Artemis first met Wally's family, and well do they get along?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to tell a story here, but all in all they all get along great.

Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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Anon writes...

What is Artemis's and Green Arrow's relationship like after the 5 year time skip?

Greg responds...

Positive and on-going. He's like the much older brother or avuncular uncle she never had.

Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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lamberto writes...

great shout out to otis. the 2nd season has been awesome!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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Katie writes...

Hello, Mr Weisman,
I have a question about Invasion. Given that it has fewer episodes than the first season,and that you're trying to squeeze so many storylines into this season, how do you pace the events in the show? What I mean is, how do you make sure that the events in the show are satisfactorily handled and resolved without making them feel rushed?

Greg responds...

We do our best. Focus on what matters most. And let the story drive.

Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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Shade234 writes...

If you did have a longer Season 2 opening, who would you include? Would you have Nightwing; Superboy and Miss Martian and Kaldur and Artemis and Wally with their new looks? Or would you have had, Wonder Girl, Robin, Blue Beetle, Lagoon Boy, Bumblebee, Batgirl, and Beastboy?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Why do I have to choose?

Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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Andreas G. writes...

As near as I can tell it hasn't been asked so I have a question regarding the whole Aqualad being a bad guy ruse. Well, sort of.

Is Kaldur still actually codenamed Aqualad? It just somewhat surprises me he'd keep the codename if he was trying to gain Black Manta's trust and also that others would still refer to him as that name, his HERO name.

Greg responds...

No, not since he went undercover - though inevitably some people still refer to him by that name.

Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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Susan N. writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I would just like to thank you for including Jason Todd in the Young Justice Universe. He is my favorite Robin by far, and I find that he isn't included in the DCAU very often. It means so much to me that he existed at one point on earth-16, that you and your team actually acknowledged his existance. Even if you have nothing planned for him,(and since your're you, I think you do have plans) I couldn't be more pleased if I tried. I hope that we see more of him in the future, either through flashbacks or a brief dip into his comic story.

Greg responds...

So do I.

Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

As of the start of season 2, are/were Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon in a relationship?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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abigail writes...

Dear Greg,
Is Batgirl's identity as Barbara Gordon not a secret to the rest of the Team? Considering the she (unlike Tim and Dick) never wore sunglasses the few times we've seen in civillian clothing, and also taking into consideration to not everyone knows Robin and Nightwing's identities- the whole thing strikes me as rather odd. You'd think Batman would enforce the "no revealing your identity" to her as well. Can you please explain this?

Greg responds...

Barbara's identity is known to the rest of the Team. Batman is her mentor, but not her legal guardian (unlike Dick & Tim), and in any case, she's over the age of consent now.

Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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Young Justice Fan writes...

"Satisfaction" was great -- the writing, acting, directing and animation all melded to form a very visceral and dramatic piece.

Quick question -- the hospital scene was beautifully written and acted and I thought the storyboarding also played a huge part in getting the emotions across. I was wondering who boarded that particular scene -- it really sticks out in the entire YJ canon so far.

Again -- wonderful work! YJ just keeps getting better.

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I don't remember, and my script where I would have listed the board artists is currently boxed up.

Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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Eric writes...

How did Blue Beetle adopt the name in YJ?

Greg responds...

Do you mean how did he adopt the name "Blue Beetle"?

Probably after some conversation with Captain Atom and/or Guy Gardner and/or Peacemaker, during the period after he 'acquired' the Scarab, but before he joined the Team.

Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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Brandon writes...

I really enjoyed "Satisfaction", and the show in general thus far. I did have one question though:

At the beginning of the episode, Roy Harper says "the sidekicks formed their own team", which sounded (to me, at least) like he was familiar with Wally and Kaldur. But, when he was abducted, the only active sidekick at the time was Robin. How does he know the other two sidekicks? I'm sure there is a simple explanation that I'm overlooking. Anyway, great show! I really enjoy the way you work characters from different eras and continuities into a single universe.

Greg responds...

Roy had received piecemeal information from Oliver and Roy (and probably Dinah) since arriving at the hospital. As he mentioned, they talked AROUND a lot of things with him. There's also a television set in his room, which would have elicited some conversation, as well.

Response recorded on November 19, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I'm not surprised that Roy accepted the robotic arm part from Lex. Lex does what he does best after all. But how do we know that Lex didn't just have that arm part rigged in the event that Roy tries to take out Lex?

Greg responds...

I'm sure Lex knew that the League would vet the arm thoroughly before allowing Roy to incorporate it. Sometimes it pays to not put a bomb in the gift horse's mouth.

Response recorded on November 19, 2012

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Justice Avenger writes...

Hi Greg :) What was Jason Todd's designation number?? I'm guessing it's B12. Thanks ;)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 19, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does Tornado still live in the cave as den mother and does Black Canary still train the team? Or are those the "senior" members jobs now?

Greg responds...

Tornado no longer lives in the Cave - especially since the Cave is no longer.

Canary does still occasionally train the Team, but mostly that's handled by senior members.

Response recorded on November 19, 2012

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Tupka writes...

So, we're back, and how. Loved it, though I'm curious who Raquel's marrying. Noble? Is Amistad his?

I can ask a lot more about Satisfaction or the recent comics, but everyone will have those. So instead, I'll just do some questions on obscurity of characters.

1. Amber Joyce - If I've done my research correctly, she was a blonde actress with precognitive powers. What made you decide to use her as a pilot rather than someone else who has a more fitting background (like, say, Deanna Barr or Celia Forrestal or something?)
2. Jeremiah - was your choice to go for him instead of (for example) Starshine Stone a matter of personal favoritism, SPOILER REQUEST, or did the availability of male and female voice ranges for the episode play a role?
3. Jeremiah and Noor Harjavti both had their only comic appearance in the same issue. The same goes for Singh Mahn Lee and the nation of Bwunda. Was it deliberate, coincidence, or did you/your staff/your researcher just came across one in search of the other and thought "We can use this"?
4. You mentioned in an earlier answer you included a WildStorm character, but in such a way that the legal department wouldn't recognize it. You're obviously not going to tell us who you were talking about, but can you point in a general direction (Gen 13? Authority? StormWatch? Tranquility?)

Greg responds...

Rocket questions are all spoilers.

1. I was combining her with another Amber. Plus I wanted the name Amber for its association with an Amber Alert, since the whole episode was one big Amber Alert.

2. Personal preference. Sometimes the more obscure the character, the more fun it is for me.

3. Noor and Jeremiah were both characters I created, so I was familiar with them. As for the other examples, both ce courtesy of master DC researcher John Wells.

4. I gave a hint already tonight.

Response recorded on November 17, 2012

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Carter writes...

This is something I've been meaning to ask for awhile:

How do you decide to credit a character? Is it which "identity" they spend more time in? In Alienated, Kaldur is referred to more by his name, but he's credited as Aqualad.

Regarding Kaldur, does he go by another identity while out in the field? Is he just "Kaldur" to the Manta troopers, or do he and his father share it depending on who's leading the troopers?

How'd you guys settle on the Invasion storyline? Was it something you naturally felt drawn to, or were there others you thought about pursuing?

Jason Todd's known for not only being the most disliked Robin, but never being in any DC cartoon canon, barring Under the Red Hood. So I'm happy that you guys have brought him in.

It's been a great season so far, and I'm very interested to see where you're going with all of this.

Greg responds...

I try to pair each actor's name with the version of the character's name that predominates in the episode. I'll admit that on occasion, I'm a little too quick to just go with his or her most common identity.


3. It felt right.

Response recorded on November 17, 2012

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Matthew writes...

Just saw "Satisfaction." It's great that YJ is back. It strikes me that Luthor is acting a lot like Xanatos in this episode. Now the characters are of course similar, but some traits seem particularly like Xanatos. The comment about buying a quality desk seemed very Xanatos. The comment about revenge being for suckers is undoubtedly something Xanatos would say (my memories rusty, but Xanatos may have said those exact words.) Actually, I always considered one of the differences between Luthor and Xanatos is that Luthor would want revenge. Now as character who has been written by different people for decades there's bound to be differences in character. Hell, Luthor originally was a mad scientist, not a corporate executive.

I guess I'm asking do you seem the resemblence between Luthor as you write him and was the similarites intentional?

Greg responds...

I definitely see similarities, but I see nuanced differences as well.

Response recorded on November 17, 2012

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Christine writes...

Thank you for young justice. Not only did it get me into DC comics, but also I now have a best friend thanks to our mutual love of YJ.
I also have a question though:
Why do a lot of important events happen in New Orleans? As a native New Orleanian, I love it. Was that a choice that was just a happenstance, a love of the city on your part, a secret alien base as yet undisclosed, a magic base that is actually the center of earth-16?(or is it simply because having fights in the float factory is an opportunity one should never pass up?)

Greg responds...

I have a fondness for the city that dates back pre-Katrina. But it also has some nice settings for battle, and more importantly is - from a DC Universe standpoint - close to Belle Reve Prison. Throw in the fact, that we like to reuse locations to save money, and you begin to see why we return not just to New Orleans, but to many places.

Of course, the funny thing is, my daughter now lives in New Orleans. But she didn't when we started the show, and I had no idea she was going to move there when we first put it into YJ.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Nobody writes...

Ohmygoodness, seeing Jason Todd broke me. Completely. Broke. Me. You, Brandon, and everyone else who makes this show are life-ruiners.

Just kidding (not really). Despite the emotional roller coaster ride, I really do love Young Justice. Seriously, I wake up early Saturday morning to watch this show, and I never get up early on a Saturday. If that doesn't show how much I love it, I don't know what does.

Anywho, questions. Two serious, one silly, and none that have anything to do with Jason Todd.

1. Can Beast Boy talk when he's transformed into an animal (An actual animal, not his animal/human hybrid form he takes most of the time)? I know he can communicate telepathically, but can he physically talk?

2. When Jaime is connected to M'gann's telepathic link, would the other people in the link be able to hear Khaji Da as well?

3. Got anything thoughts on this picture?
(Yes, I know it's not real. This by the way is the silly question :P )

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. If you mean the Scarab, nope.

3. It's cute, I guess.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Mirami writes...

Finished watching "Satisfaction" about an hour ago. It wasn't as big as the promos released made it seem, but it was still just wonderful. I loved it! Keep up the great job~

Greg responds...

It wasn't as "big"? Maybe you need a new t.v.? A widescreen.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Peema writes...

1. Can we assume that Roy (Red Arrow) is biologically 23/24 years old in Invasion?
2. Can you clarify Jaime's age? One time you said he was 15 and another time you said he was 16.
3. How old is Bart (physically)?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. At the beginning of Season Two, he is 16.

3. Assuming he survives until the end of Team Year Six, he'll be 13.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Dc hero writes...

Hey Greg nice to be back.
1. I know it was important to the plot but why did no one stop Roy running down the street with one arm? I know there're some cruel people out there but I think someone would've tried to stop him.
2. Are some member of the team sexually active? I know Roy(clone) was.but did Dick have sex with Bette?
3. Are you guys able to use more controversial issues in the comics such as drugs or sex even if it's under the Cartoonnetwork banner?
Thank you for your time Greg. I was definitely satisfied(pun intended) this week. Hoping for season 3 and no more hiatuses.

Greg responds...

1. How do you know someone didn't try? How do you know he was running down the street for more than a block?

2. I'll leave that to your imagination and/or interpretation.

3. I'm sure all creative choices are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

YJ questions:

1. Does Sportsmaster know Black Manta is part of the Light now?

2. If so, does he realize what the Light will do to him if he kills Manta?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Patience, grasshopper...

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

YJ question:

When Superboy and Miss Martian broke up, did that create any tension between Superman and Martian Manhunter, considering it WAS Superman's clone and Manhunter's niece?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

Are anyone besides Artemis & Wally going to University/college?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

So far in the Young Justice series, Superman's only weakness as we've seen thus far is exposure to green Kryptonite. What other weaknesses does Superman have which haven't been shown but can be confirmed for sure in Earth-16 continuity? And would those same weaknesses affect Superboy in a similar manner (considering he's half human as it is shown that green kryptonite hurts him on somewhat of a reduced level)?

Greg responds...

I've never understood where people got the notion that Superboy was less effected by the Kryptonite. I've seen that sequence over and over, and I just don't get it.

Anyway, Superman and Superboy don't have any other specific weaknesses that I can think of. But in general, our versions of both characters are not as all-powerful as other versions have been. So lots of things can hurt them.

Superman has fairly massive (how should I put this), um, 'ultimate invulnerability', i.e. ultimately there's not a lot - besides Kryptonite - that can do a lot of permanent damage to the guy. I think the best example is the bomb that destroyed Malina Island. It hurt him, knocked him unconscious, but ultimately he was physically fine.

Superboy is not quite as tough. I can't seem him surviving that blast at point blank range the way Superman did. But as we've seen time and time again, though there's plenty that can knock him down and/or out, there isn't much he can't walk away from ultimately.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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EXALT writes...

How far in her pregnancy is Iris as of Bloodlines?

Greg responds...

Very unfar. She missed one period by enough days to take a pregnancy test.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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aly writes...

Hi Greg i'm a HUGE young justice fan, I was wondering if there is any specific reason Artemis cut her hair in season 2?

Greg responds...

Um, split ends?

Look, it's been five years, in that amount of time, folks occasionally want a change.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What are Shimmer and Mammoth's real names?

Greg responds...

Look 'em up on Wikipedia.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Batwing Forever writes...

I'm glad to see that the comics will be addressing another major family in the DC Comics continuity. So now we have the Flash Fam and the Arrow Fam getting some love.

But what about the BAT FAMILY??? They've been practically ignored for most of the series, with the focus being so much on building the romance and shining some light on the Light (no other way to phrase that, sorry). I can't help but feel that they're not getting the attention they deserve, especially since we got cheated out (AGAIN) of the all important evolution of Dick Grayson from Robin to Nightwing. I do hope that at least the comics or the upcoming Legacy game will give these amazing characters the love they deserve.

Greg responds...

Wow, I love that you feel 'cheated'. No entitlement issues there.

We feel we've given love to everyone. If you're a big fan of any single aspect of the show, that aspect can NEVER get enough love, am I right?

But, given enough issues and/or episodes, I have plenty of Bat-Love to give.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Do you/did you like Barbara Gordon better as Batgirl or Oracle in the comics?
Did you like Dick Grayson better with Batgirl or Starfire?
I'm just curious.

Greg responds...

Feels like answering these questions would amount to SPOILERS.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Jazzy Jazz Aqualad Fan writes...

Hi , I just forgot to ask about Rocket and Aqualad.. I mean i would like to know what happened because i have a feeling that it will not be mentioned in the show.. Poor Kaldur never gets any love but i trust you have something planned for him and i love the show!!

Greg responds...

Rocket and Aqualad went out for a little while, but it didn't stick. As to any plans we may or may not have: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

Was that Lois Lane in the first episode of season 2 around the end? She was the first the swim to the surface after the explosion?

Greg responds...

No. Perhaps you're thinking of Noor Harjavti?

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

1) Are Aqualad's electric charges a natural ability, or do they come from his suit?

2) Are the charges magic-based? Is that why Aqualad took Superboy down so easily in "Alienated"? Or, do they just go beyond what SB's invulnerability can withstand?

3) While we're on the subject, does Connor share Superman's vulnerability to magic?

4) I know this is outside of your control, but do you have any insight into why Cartoon Network always seems so secretive about when new episodes will air? For example, why would it be so hard for them to put out a press statement saying: Young Justice is going on hiatus but will return sometime in Fall 2012?

5) What's going to happen next? (joking)

Greg responds...

1. Neither. They're sorcerous and come from a combination of his training and his mystic dermal icons.

2a. Yes.

2b. Perhaps a little of each.

3. Let me put it this way: the Earth-16 Superman shares EVERYBODY's vulnerability to magic. Neither he nor Superboy are specially vulnerable.

4. I don't know.

5. Reruns on Boomerang and new issues of the comic for the time being.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Peach writes...

Does La'gaan ever give M'gann the respect she deserves by calling her by her given name? The fact that he's always calls her "angelfish" makes me think that he views her as a possession rather than a human being (well, a Martian, but hopefully you get my point).

I hopes he's not the typical rebound guy who acts like a jerk. Because, right now, I'm wondering if it was your intention to make La'gaan as unlikeable as possible to the fans.

Greg responds...

Gee, that seems like a truly odd interpretation of that particular habit.

First off, La'gaan has and does call her M'gann sometimes. So... pay attention.

Second, "Angelfish" is a TERM OF ENDEARMENT. She likes it. This notion that it means he views her as a "possession" - well, frankly, I don't even understand the logic of that. How does that follow? I have a pet name for my wife - which in private I use interchangeably with her given name - and I can say with real confidence that she feels it brings us closer, because it's something personal we share.

Feels to me like you're REACHING for reasons not to like Lagoon Boy. It's perfectly legit not to care for him, but there's no need to invent reasons.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does Sportsmaster have a favorite daughter?

Greg responds...

No. He may think that Jade has slightly more common sense, but let's give him credit for this much as a parent: he holds both his offspring in equal measure of adoration. (That is, pretty much none.)

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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JAC writes...

Sorry for the multiple posts in a row...I would have put this question in with the first, but the rules say to make seperate posts for differant topics (but I swear this is the last one for today) so here goes:
What was the reasoning behind not giving Artemis the "Tigress" persona, whether or not she eventually becomes a villianess...

Was it to keep at least one thing true to her origional character? Brcause that was her name when you wrote about her and you dont like other peoples ideas? You just like the name better? Other reason?

Personally, I usually detest the idea of writers making hero monikers rxactly the same or similar to given names...but im also a HUGE Greek mythology buff, so I dont mind it much this time, im just curious about your (was it your...?) decision.

Thank you for all of your time spent.

Greg responds...

By now, I assume your question is moot.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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JAC writes...

I didnt include these questions in my last post, lest the entire thing get deleted again, as they may encroach "spoiler reqest" territory maby a smidge further...

1. WAS there an origional "James" Harper? (its establised that hes a clone, but not of whome).
2. Did he (Guardian) ever find out who he was really working for?
3. Are he and Dublex still in contact?

Thanks again.

Greg responds...

1. There was. But OUR Jim Harper is a clone of Jim's descendent Roy Harper, not of the original Jim Harper.

2. Yes.


Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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YJ Fan writes...

Why do you guys just love to kill Artemis and bring her back?

Greg responds...

You make it sound like she's the only one we've done that to.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Wendy writes...

Weird question but:
Did Artemis lose her "abs" over the 5 year time-skip? Her original character design had two lines on her abdomen to indicate abs, but they weren't present in Depths. Was this intentional?

Greg responds...

You'd have to ask character designer Phil Bourassa.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does Black Manta have any feelings about Kaldur being named after his stepfather?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1.Near the end of Depths we see the current team and Zatanna and Rocket at the cave grieving over the death of Artemis. Can you tell us who on the current team knew Artemis?
2. What are Wally and Artemis studying at college?
3. Was Artemis a known sidekick during the 5 year time gap to the public? I'm just wondering because Superboy didn't appear to be in Salvage to the guard.

Greg responds...

1. They all did. Not necessarily as Teammates, but they've ALL socialized.

2. I think Wally's double majoring in Physics and Chemistry (or something like that). I like to think Artemis is majoring in Comparative Literature. But Brandon and I have not discussed any of this, and I wouldn't want to commit without conferring with him.

3. No, to your question, but I really don't understand your "because..." statement at all.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Did you have Beatrice and Benedict in mind when you created the Wally-Artemis dynamic?

Greg responds...

Shrug. I suppose it'd be cool to answer yes, but the truth is - and I'm not pretending otherwise - it's a pretty common trope, and mostly what we had in mind was Wally and Artemis and tracking how they'd react as individuals.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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JustAFan writes...

I'm a huge fan of Young Justice, and the last episode, Depths, is definnitely my favorite episode this season, and possibly my favorite overall. However, there were a few things that weren't quite clear to me.

1. When Artemis "dies", Superboy says he can't hear her heart beating. Artemis' heart was obviously still beating though, so how was it that Superboy couldn't hear it?

2. Why does Wally know all the details of Nightwing, Kaldur, and Artemis' undercover mission? I know he's one of Nightwing and Kaldur's oldest friends and Artemis' boyfriend, but it doesn't really seem necessary for him to know everything, especially with the rest of the Team and the League still in the dark.

Greg responds...

1. Her heart was greatly slowed by the Juliet pill she munched down on.


Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Nightwing preform CPR on Artemis when she appeared to have a stab wound? Superboy, Miss Martian, and even the Black Manta Soldiers didn't seem to think it strange.

Greg responds...

Her heart had stopped.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Gotham enthusiast writes...

Something just hit me. If the featured team was Gamma squad, then what were the other team(s) [members] doing during the mission? [ep. 207 "Depths"]

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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A.M. Yankovic writes...

I loved Dick in Depths. I also loved the deep cover angle. It was great that Ms. M wasn't afraid to go down there and really give it to the Manta Men. And she handled that rocket like a pro! I thought the CPR was believable and didn't think Dick was too rough with pumping Artemis' chest. The flashback sequence was great where we're shown that Aqualad wasn't really penetrating Artemis with his sword and that she had something in her mouth that made her heart stop. Bravo, team! ...I'm gonna go take a shower.

Greg responds...

Thanks. It's a bit of a work-out, watching this show, isn't it?

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Louissa writes...

Hehe, I forgot to ask something, I mean, Hello, Louisa!*smaks forehead*(it's your fault I can't stop doing this now, you know). Is Krolotean language really a language, or just some random ramblings? Just curious XD

Greg responds...

Out of show, it's mostly sound effects.

Response recorded on November 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Would you say that as of Season 2, Dick and Artemis have a close relationship resembling that of Dick and Donna's in the comics? (By this I mean that they love each other in a platonic way)

Greg responds...

I guess.

Response recorded on November 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

First of all, I'd like to say thank you for being part of such a great production. Young Justice is amazing!
Here's my question:
1a) In Depths, why is it that Nightwing chose Artemis for the secret mission?
b) Wouldn't have M'gann been the better choice, as she could change her appearance at will thus cancelling the need to ask Zatanna for a favour which could have compromised the mission?
c) Was it because he and Artemis are closer and he trusts her more?

Greg responds...


1b. See above.

c. No.

Response recorded on November 13, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

Who makes the archers trick arrows? Are they made themselves or by a third party?

Greg responds...

Geno Mattos makes nearly all of them.

Response recorded on November 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

When Artemis was given the Glamor Charm, it is explained from the perspective of everyone except Nightwing, Aqualad, and Kid Flash that she is an entirely different person now. Considering it involved Zatanna's magic, wouldn't it be a major problem if Artemis were to have a run-in with either Psimon or Klarion? After all, Kalrion previously demonstrated he had far superior magic than Zatanna, and Psimon's telepathy cannot be fooled at all. I mean, was EVERYTHING put into consideration before Artemis was given the charm?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 13, 2012

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BH writes...


Hopefully this doesn't delve into spoilers territory, but I was hoping you could clear something up for me:

1) Bart does not know the effect of his actions on the future, correct? I mean that at the end of "Bloodlines", he did not know that he has not successful in changing the future in the manner he intended.

2) What was Bart's plan for after he saved Barry? Did he intend to live with the Garricks, or did he want to join the team? I'm assuming he knew he would be stuck in the past(sorry if this is a spoiler question).

3) In Bart's time (the 2050s), is 2-way time travel possible? I mean before the accident or whatever they were trying to prevent.

Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

1. He can only guess.

2. I'm not sure he had all the specifics figured out. Beyond that, it is indeed a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

3. Though the question itself isn't problematic, I don't know how to answer it without SPOILERS.

Response recorded on November 13, 2012

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YJ is Amazing writes...

I just want to say Young Justice is amazing. I loved Season One but Season Two is so intense and as equally amazing. Anyway my questions are:

1. What is Barbara's relationship with Tim and Dick? I know before you said that Dick and Babs were best friends 'with potential'.
2. How do Dick and Tim feel towards Babs? Like does Tim see her as an older sister?
Thank you for taking the time to read :)

Greg responds...

1. SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT on Dick and Barbara. Barbara and Tim's relationship is sister-brother.

2. Is this a different question?

Response recorded on November 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1 Was that Jimmy Olsen in the crowd shot in "Depths"?
2 How old is he?
3 Were there any other unnamed characters? Reporters? Carol's workers?
4 How old are Carol and Tom>

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Twenty-five at the start of Season Two.

3. Not that I recall.

4. Carol is 29 at the start of Season Two. Tom is 24.

Response recorded on November 13, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Does Artemis know Nightwing's secret identity?

Greg responds...

By the beginning of Season Two, yes.

Response recorded on November 13, 2012

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Maya writes...

Mr Weisman, forgive me for asking another question in such a short period of time, but there's some things I forgot to ask in my last post:
1. Is Dick aware that his actions are becoming more Batman-ish in nature?
2. What made you decide to let Invasion be so much darker/ more cynical in nature compared to the first season? The storytelling is still superb, but all the funny moments are usually offset by something sad or grim. "Bloodlines", for instance, was arguably the most lighthearted episode in Invasion so far because of the hilarity that was Bart Allen, but learning that his cheery personality was a facade kind of sucked all the fun of rewatching. I could actually feel dread crawling up my spine when I look at Bart's goofy grin and think "That's not what he's really like."
Don't get me wrong, I love Invasion. But the first season had more moments when I could laugh at something and not think about it being linked to something sad or shocking.

That wasn't a crticism, just a comment.

Greg responds...

1. You didn't forget to ask that. And I just answered it.

2. "More cynical"? How so? In any case, we've always offset comedy with drama, and vice versa. Nothing's changed in that sense. But this season is darker, because the arc is more serious and desperate. If that puts the comedy in greater contrast, so be it.

Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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Maya writes...

Dear Mr Weisman,
1. I notice that the most if the other characters in the show treat La'gaan like they would an obnoxious and annoying co-worker. Is this intentional, and can you explain how you chose to characterise him? I assume that this will culminate in character development later (at least, I hope- you said that we had to know the characters on the fly and I'm hoping that doesn't mean you will sacrifice character development for the plot's sake). But you should really see the impressive hatedom he's earned- it's worse than M'gann's in season one. Dont get me wrong- I like La'gaan.
2. Despite his confession in "Disordered", in which Dick said he didn't want to be like Batman, his actions in season 2(especially the whole thing about Kaldur being a double agent), have struck me as increasingly Batman-ish, what with the secrecy and sending his own friends on a mission that would put their lives at stake if they got discovered and lose him the trust of the entire team of which he leads. I don't know- it reminds me of Batman's "beat the bad guys at all costs" way of doing things. I hope I'm wrong, though. Is it just the stress getting to him? And is he fully- fully, not partially- aware of all the consequences that going to bite him back?

I'm hoping that by the time you read this, my questions won't be considered spoiler requests.

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure why anyone would "HATE" La'gaan. That's such a strong word. He's a bit obnoxious, certainly. And we consciously tried to show that as a Team expands, not everyone is going to be an easy fit into the mix. Throw in the fact, that at least at first glance, he seems to be an obstacle to Conner and M'gann's relationship, and I can understand why some fans might not want him there. But I love the guy. He's fun to write.

Obviously, I have no interest in sacrificing character development, but I do think Season Two is more plot driven, and with only twenty episodes - as opposed to Season One's 26 - there were fewer opportunities to go off the reservation, so to speak, and do PURELY character-focused shows. But you'll still get plenty of character development throughout the season, and if you want more - I highly recommend our companion comic book. There's substantial La'gaan development coming up.

2. Dick may not want to be Batman, but it doesn't change the fact that he's good at exactly that. Believe me, he's aware.

Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

I have always felt that Artemis was the one character you might kill because she was the one character created specifically for the show. I knew going in to the episode that there was little chance you would refrigerate a positive female role-model on what is essentially a children's show, but I have to admit that you nevertheless kept me guessing the whole time. It was nice to get such a substantial run of YJ episodes and I will gladly await its return in the fall.

I have only one question. I noticed that Artemis was being much more patient than I would expect with Wally's protectiveness. It made me wonder if they have ever talked to each other about what happened during the simulation in "Failsafe"?

Greg responds...

First off, Artemis wasn't created specifically for the show. One could argue that Aqualad was, I suppose...

I'm sure they've discussed it. But I also don't think Wally was being overly protective. AT ALL.

Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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Damion writes...

I love your work , but I have to say.. When Dick was doing CPR on Artemis... The rescue breaths were wrong. It's 2 rescue breaths for every 30 compression. I don't mean to offend but good job this weeks episode any way!

Greg responds...

We try to get those kinds of things right. I'm sorry if and when we don't.

Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg, your show is awesome! I have some questions that I hope you can answer at some point in the future:

1) At the end of "Depths", when everyone is in the cave, it looks like Barbara is not wearing sunglasses (or anything else to hide her identity). Batman wants to keep Tim and Dick's identities secret, so why not Batgirl?

2) You've said in a previous response on here (see? I checked!) that there is "minimal awareness" of life on Mars. If this is the case, what is the justification for the government spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a satellite to communicate with Mars? I have a feeling you're going to answer "to increase awareness."

3) As an aerospace enthusiast, I was pleased with the relative accuracy with which you portrayed Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center. I only saw 2 "inaccuracies"- the launch pads aren't right on the water like that and one person (Carol) would not be able to speed up a launch. I can easily forgive both because they were plot-driven, and also because this is technically an alternate earth. No question on this, just a comment. Nice work by your team and the artists! The rocket was quite accurately drawn.

4) Does the Justice League vote on new members at regular intervals (for example, once per year)?

Best wishes!

Greg responds...

1. Batgirl is 18 and can make that decision for herself. But the other aspect to it, is that Barbara Gordon doesn't have a famous (foster) father, that paparazzi (attempt to) follow around.

Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Watched Depths today, and I mean the following phrase with the utmost respect;
GREG WEISMAN YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD!!!! I loved the end of that episode!!!! I mean you really had me going there with Artemis' death, but then the reveal that she's alive & Kaldur's a mole for them? Best "never-saw-it-coming" moment in animation. EVER. Thank you, thank you so much.
Onto other things I enjoyed in this episode, thank you for explaining why Conner & Megan broke up. Personally, I side with Conner, she is venturing into Psimon's territory with her interrogations. I also like the subtle bit of Carol wearing purple, very nice. And Tim Curry, oh GOD I love that man as Gordon Godfrey. He is hilarious.
Pleas pass on my praise to everyone involved in that last scene, and I eagerly await next week.

Greg responds...

Thanks!! We've got to wait a bit longer than a week. But we'll get there.

Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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Cruzerflash writes...

Is there a reason for leaving out Superboy and Ms. M from the Team's super secret undercover mission?
I don't see why you guys would choose all of the original members of Team to participate in this mission, except for these two; it would be more understandable if you guys had chosen the original 6, instead of just the 4 to keep the undercover secret from the League and the new Team recruits; seems a little prejudice towards the Martian and half-Kryptonian, lol jk :)
Good episode none the less
Keep up the good work!


Greg responds...

1. Is there a reason to include them?

You're putting too much weight on who's original and who is not. This is about Kaldur's secret op that ONLY Nightwing knew about. The fewer who know, the smaller the risk of Kaldur's cover being blown. Artemis was brought on - and brought in - to serve a specific function (or two). Wally's NOT "participat[ing] in this mission", but Artemis wouldn't join the op without letting him in on it. It was a deal-breaker for her. So Wally was only brought in, because Artemis insisted. But the circle is small because it's a need-to-know circle. It's not like these FOUR came up with the plan, but decided to leave Superboy and Miss Martian out. Kaldur and Nightwing came up with the plan, and eventually let Artemis (and Wally) in. But not because they're old friends or something. Nor were Superboy and Miss Martian left out because they're not close to them. And certainly not because they're Martian and half-Kryptonian.

Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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JSA Fan writes...

Hi Greg.

Absolutely loved Depths. One of the characters on the show I know the least about is Black Manta.

A few questions about him:
Prior to associating with and joining the Light, was he generally a mercenary, or did he usually pursue personal
I noticed the African tribal masks decorating his
quarters. I assume this shows pride in his heritage. But do his motivations for his actions include a desire for revenge for damage done to the continent, past and present, by many nations?
How long have he and Aquaman been enemies?

Thanks for taking my questions.

Greg responds...

1. The latter.

2. It's not a primary goal. Self-actualization is more important to him.

3. QUITE some time.

Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

When you said that "Depths" was the one of most dramatic episodes to date, you were absolutely NOT kidding around! I found this episode to the BEST episode of this first bunch of Season Two episodes. I was extremely happy by the way it mostly turned out, so I'd like to ask two questions.

1. Based on Nightwing's statement about his own leadership, it appears he only started at the beginning of 2015, assuming this is correct. If I'm interpreting this correctly, does that mean that Aqualad's leadership lasted for the entire first four years of the time-skip, and everything that we've learned about Kaldur so far happened during that time?

2. I'm happy that Aqualad was a good guy the ENTIRE time, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Interestingly, based on the conversation between them, only Nightwing, Artemis and Wally know the truth, and apparently they have for quite some time. Being the leader of The Team I can understand how Nightwing knew, but considering the nature of Aqualad's undercover work, how did Artemis and Wally get involved with protecting Kaldur's cover in the first place?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

1. Kaldur was leader for approximately four and a half years total (including Season One). I'm not sure what you're asking in the second half of the question.

2. They didn't. They were only brought into the loop when Kaldur and Nightwing felt the need to recruit Artemis into their plot/plan/strategy.

Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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JavierBC writes...

Hi Greg more than a question , i just wanted to comment on the scene that Superman tries to save the kronoteans from the explosion, even risking his own life in the process. I must say that was one the best representation of what Superman truly is at his core, a true hero that no matter what will defend all life , even at the cost of his. That was a truly emotional scene , and as a superman fan for manyyears, Thank you for giving probably one of the best moment if not the best moment for him in any medium. Keep up the amazing work all the production team, hopefully we have many years left of stories to come.

Greg responds...

Thanks. I liked that moment too.

Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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Seriously Ready to Punch Someone writes...

Anybody know why Young Justice episodes are no longer being added to Cartoon Network On Demand on Time Warner Cable? Who do I have to beat half to death with a sack of moldy gym socks over this? Kari? Kari!?!

Greg responds...

I'm sure someone knows, but I'm not that someone.

Kari, who?

Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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Kevin writes...

Was anyone on the Team besides Zatanna an Authorized Guest before they joined?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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B writes...

Is Artemis's glamoured appearance based on a character from DC Comics (and if so, who, of course)?

Greg responds...

Well, Tigress.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Paul writes...

In the Mount Justice scene at the end of "Depths", who was the girl standing next to Jaime Reyes, and who was the girl being comforted by Barbara Gordon?

Greg responds...

I don't remember who exactly was standing next to whom. And I don't have access to the visual here at L.A. Studios. But from memory, the girls in the room were M'gann, Zatanna, Raquel, Cassie, Barbara and Karen.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Linda Park writes...

Hi Greg! Does Dick see Artemis as a dear friend, a sister or anything more? I'm sure he wouldn't do anything to hurt Wally but... after watching "Depths" I don't know what to think.

Greg responds...

Dick sees Artemis as a dear friend. A sister of sorts, I suppose, as they're very close, but I'm not sure what the difference is between "sister" (in quotation marks) and dear friend.

I don't see how "Depths" changes that.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Yolymar writes...

No question. Just praise.

I finished watching "Depths" well over two hours ago, and I am still buzzing as if I were on a sugar rush. It was BRILLIANT. BRILLIANT, BRILLIANT, BRILLIANT. Loved it!

I was sure after "Happy New Year!" that if we gave this new season a chance we'd love it. "Alienated" and "Salvage" made me start loving it officially. This episode just sealed it; I am head-over-heels in love with this episode.

Kudos to everyone involved in its creation!

Greg responds...

Thank you very much for the praise - and your faith in us.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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