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Chris B writes...

Hey Greg, loved the first three episodes of season 3. My only question is was a different animation studio used this season? It looks a little different than some episodes in seasons 1 and 2.

Greg responds...

Our two studios for Season One and Two were MOI Animation and Lotto Animation.

We used three studios in Season Three: DR Movie, Digital eMation and Studio Mir.

Our only studio for Season Four is Studio Mir.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Alexandra writes...

Dear Greg,
I don't have any questions,but I needed to tell you this.Young Justice was the show of my childhood and it helped grow into the person I am today.Wally's death destroyed me and all I wanted to say is that it would be the perfect gift for a huge fan.Also,I need supermartian back.Tha k you!

Greg responds...

Wally's death is the perfect gift for a huge fan? If you say so.

Glad you love the show!

In any case, by now you know that supermartian is back. At least in Season Three. No spoilers for Season Four.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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BatClan 47 writes...

Some don't like how Tim and Cssie hooked up out of the blue. Is it possible for there to be flahsbacks that detailed things that happened behind the scene? Season 2 had a huge cast compared to season 1, who knows what went on?

Greg responds...

It's all about precious, precious screen time or (in the companion comics) page count. I'd love to do flashbacks, but we need to prioritize what we depict.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Jack Carpenter writes...

What is the core truth of Black Manta?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Young Justice Questions:

1. When the Appellaxian invasion occurred on Earth in February 2003, where specifically did the fight between them and the Justice League occurred? Did it happen in Metropolis, Gotham City, or some other location...?

2. In the "Reach Apocalypse" future timeline which Bart Allen came from, was the Light ultimately betrayed by the Reach; thus this would be the reason why humanity was enslaved by the Reach?

3. Will "Young Justice: Outsiders" possibly explain why the timeline did not change the way that the 2056 version of Neutron (Nathaniel Tryon) had expected it to be?

4. What were the exact circumstances of the unspecified disgrace that led to Ocean Master's expulsion from the Light..? Was it because Aquaman had somehow found out that his half-brother was Ocean Master, or was it another reason...?

5. After the events of the second season (especially after defeating his father, Black Manta, in combat) and now becoming the new Aquaman in the third season, will Kaldur'ahm face any difficulties in his new position and will he eventually be able to find a new love interest?

Greg responds...

1. We haven't locked this down. We'd probably refer back to the original JLA comics and keep as much as I could.

2. This isn't something we worked out in any detail.

3. He assumed that Mount Justice would be rendered whole. But we know why it was not.

4. No spoilers.

5. By now, you should know the answers to this. If I had answered it at the time, I would have said: No Spoilers.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Wild Cobra writes...

Which women have Dick Grayson slept with? Are there any other, besides Zatanna and Barbara?

Greg responds...

A gentleman never tells. Now, if you had asked whom he dated, I might have answered.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Nick writes...

How old is Batwoman?
How old is Halo?
How old is Geo-Force?
How old is Forager?
How old is Metamorpho?

Greg responds...

As of the end of Team Year Nine...

Batwoman is 28.

Halo's body is biologically 17.

Geo-Force is 18.

Forager is 15.

Metamorpho is 36.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Did Superboy and Miss Martian get back together in Endgame or on their way to do so?

Greg responds...

It was a first half-step. But you need to read the companion comic stories "Torch Songs, Parts One and Two" to see where that first half-step led.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Paige writes...

Hi Greg,

I am such a huge fan of Young Justice that I can't even put it into words. This show has literally changed my life. I've watched it so many times I've lost count and can't help finding something new to love every time I watch it. This being said, I got to thinking and had some questions about Bart (who is my favorite character in the show; I was super stoked to see him in the trailers for S3) I was hoping you could answer.

1. Was it just Bart and Nathaniel that worked on the time machine, or did they get help from others also wishing to change the time stream?

2. In the flashback in "Bloodlines" Bart is seen without an inhibitor collar, while Nathaniel still has his on and it is activated. Just out of curiosity, how was Bart able to disable his and get his off in order to go back to the past? I'm sure the Reach would have been monitoring both him and Nathaniel, especially since they'd taken the time to put the inhibitor collars on in the first place. How were Bart and Nathaniel able to sneak under the Reach's radar and pull everything off?

3. Were "crash" and "mode" always the lingo you'd had in mind for Bart, or were other words also considered?

4. How do you think Wally would interpret Bart taking on his role as Kid Flash? Do you believe Wally would see it as Bart "honoring his memory" as Artemis puts it, or would Wally see him as more of a fraud like Bart believes?

Thank you so much for everything! Continue to make awesome life-changing works like this one. I can't wait to see what S3 has in store. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat.

Greg responds...

1. For now, at least, let's assume it was just those two.

2. It's not hard for SOMEONE ELSE to disable and remove an Inhibitor collar. Nathaniel could remove Bart's, assuming he ever had one.

2a. With difficulty.

3. "Feel the mode" and "moded" were always my plan for bad stuff, based on slang I used in junior high school. Crash came a bit later, but it seemed to fit.

4. The former. He wanted Bart to put on the yellow & red, as you may recall from "Summit."

Thanks for all the kind words. I'm truly gratified (if not awed) that the show meant so much to you.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Aliragal writes...

In Season 2 of Young Justice, Nightwing explains that only Kaldur, Wally, Artemis, and Himself are the only four that know that Kaldur has been under deep cover. Did Wally and Artemis learn about this after Nightwing asked Artemis to go undercover, or did they know from the beginning that Kaldur was undercover?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Ano-Name-Ous writes...

Alanna told Superboy that a shapeshifter like M'gann would be a perfect match for him, does that mean that M'gann makes herself look physically 16 whilst 53 in chronological years and 18 in human biological years?

Greg responds...

Honestly, Alanna was just guessing. But I'd say that Conner can pass for 18, maybe even a young-looking 21. M'gann keeps her appearance in that early twenties range. At least for now.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. In regards to "Young Justice: Legacy" why was the decision made for it to be a video game as opposed to an animated film...? The way I have depicted it is that the leader of each three-person team during each mission were canon and the other two members that accompany the leader were not because the player has to choose which heroes go with the team leaders.

2. The one thing that confuses me is that if you read comics associated with the Flash, Jay Garrick, Kid Flash, or Impulse or have at least watched episdoes of The Flash on The CW, you would see the lightning streak that forms when speedsters associated/connected with the Speed Force are running. That being said, why do we not see lighting streaks when Barry, Wally, Jay, and Bart run in the Young Justice animated universe...?

Greg responds...

1. Doing the story as a film was never presented to us as an option.

1a. That's basically correct.

2. That's just not a conceit that we chose to adopt, potentially because Brandon and I are older fans, for whom that wasn't a thing. So it didn't occur to us.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Pan writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

I'm not going to ask about any specific character, as that would be a spoiler. Nor am I going to phrase it as a general question, for the same reason. From what I've read, it appears that the reason you couldn't depict any LGBT characters or relationship on-screen during the first two seasons of ''Young Justice'' is because Cartoon Network wouldn't allow it. Now, as I said earlier, I'm not going to ask if XYZ character is LGBT, or whether the third season will include any LGBT representation. But I am curious, if you wanted to include LGBT characters / representation in any future seasons of the show, and depict it on-screen, ''could'' you? Or has DC Universe, similarly to Cartoon Network, enforced a "gay embargo" preventing you from doing so?

Kind regards

P.S. I hope the italics work.

Greg responds...

We were allowed to, for the most part. Though there was one character that we were not allowed to depict as LGBT+.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Were Wally and Artemis on opposite ends of the political spectrum?

Greg responds...

"Opposite"? No. Was she more liberal than he was? Probably.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Maria writes...

Hi Greg! I wanted to know if Wally knew he was going to die when he did. I mean, in the episode «Bloodlines», when Bart sees Wally he says «You're Wally West, my first cousin once removed» and he clearly paid attention to it because he says «The operative word being 'removed'.». I only noticed it after rewatching the episode and it made me too curious so I'd like to know.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure I understand the question. If you're asking whether Wally knew he was going to die because of "Bloodlines," then the answer is no. But Wally clearly new his time was short when he told Barry to tell Artemis and his parents that he loved them.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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QueerGuy writes...

Big fan of your work. Not really a question, but I felt the need to clarify after seeing your response to another question regarding queer-baiting.

In your response, you (respectfully) provide some push-back against the concept, while expressing a willingness to learn more. I had a few quick responses to your comments I wanted to share.

You talk about some of the examples given in the Wikipedia entry for queer-baiting to be unfair, citing Sherlock Holmes and John Watson as an example. To be clear, in both the Wikipedia article and in popular usage of this example, people refer to Holmes and Watson as they are depicted in the BBC series, "Sherlock", and not (necessarily) in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's original stories or other adaptations.

Queer-baiting refers to creators of media actively misleading a fan-base with hints or indications of "queerness" without any intent of follow-through. NOT -- as you indicated in your prior comment -- a fan-base misinterpreting close same-sex friendships and sexual. "Sherlock" (the BBC series) is a famous example of queer-baiting, as the series very often hints at homoerotic attraction between the two leads in the series' writing, the performances of the lead actors, and in the ways that other characters in series refer to their relationship. I won't go into specific details and examples from the series, but if you are interested in examples there are scores of them documented and easily locateable on the internet.

The key aspect of queer-baiting is the attempt to take advantage of queer fans by providing the bare minimum of queer(ish) interactions, without ever following through for fear of alienating a non-queer audience. This is very different from both presenting close same-sex friendships without any romantic or sexual relationship developing between the two characters, and the presentation of queer characters without the ability to actively show examples of their queerness due to external factors, such as network interference (such as Lexington in "Gargoyles" or Korra in "The Legend of Korra"). These are non-malicious and do not seek to mislead a queer audience.

To be clear, I don't think you have been guilty of queer-baiting in any of your work. I simply wanted to clarify the concept a bit more so that you can hopefully understand where the concern of the initial comment came from. Looking forward to "Young Justice" season three!

Greg responds...

I get the concern. I do.

And my response probably shows my (relative) queer blindness. I've seen every episode of "Sherlock," and never noticed any significant difference between how John and Sherlock are depicted here than in other versions.

I don't want to be defensive; I want to be open. But as you indicated, I've never intentionally queer-baited. Lex was gay to the extent allowed at the time (which was not at all). Some fans read a homo-erotic charge into the Dick/Wally relationship and the Bart/Jaime relationship, but that was never our intention - and I sincerely don't think we were trying to fool anyone. (Though one of those four characters is gay, in our minds, at least. But not in the minds of TPTB, even though TPTB did allow us to be objective about other characters on the show, starting with Season Three.)

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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Coolest Aunt Ever? writes...

Hello Greg,

I wanted to thank you for defending the very real LGBT+ fans of pop culture & comics. My niece is one of those; I’ve always known she was on the spectrum and recently she came out. She loves action cartoons with prominent female characters (a rarity still do this day) and she loves watching those with me. Now she is too young for twitter but you better believe that I’m there searching high and low for children’s media where she can finally see herself represented. I really hope your show can provide that for her and viewers dying to see themselves in their heroes in more than just lip-service. My searches in twitter only ever brought promised LGBT+ representation leading to the usual bare-boned minimum. I wouldn’t mind so much, after all those shows are not about romantic development and characters don’t need relationships to be interesting or have enriched stories. Then I see the disproportion; it’s not fair when almost all the non-LGBT+ characters in said shows get to have tender moments, explicit development and definitive romantic intimacy. It’s harsh to tell a whole group of people that their feelings are problematic to explore yet it’s perfectly “natural” for another group. I’m not sure about DC’s protocol but I doubt you would settle for them telling you that the only way you can have a POC character is if you make sure their costume covers any indication of skin-tone and/or facial features and that their superhero name in no way draws attention to their ethnic background… also never remove the costume or use their real name. So please tell me that you will give your LGBT+ audience the same importance in the fight for diverse visibility in your non-adult media; please allow my niece to see herself reflected with the same fleshed-out, emotional connections that straight kids have the privilege of experiencing everywhere.

P.S. I’m not asking for spoilers, just no false promises to young viewers. Thanks again for defending your fans and their humanity!

Greg responds...

I'm not making false promises. We're just doing what we can, as we can. And we have a long-term goal to steadily increase LGBTQA+ representation on YJ, and we're working toward that. TPTB have been much more cooperative for Seasons Three and Four (though still not 100% cooperative) than they were for the first two seasons.

Believe me, I have very personal stakes in this fight. This MATTERS to me.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. who is your favorite green lantern? 2. did you guys always know you wanted john to be fhe main reoccuring green lantern for young justice?

i love this show so much. i hope to see more of the gl lore! the bit with hal and john saying no to barry about guy joining the league was really funny.

Greg responds...

1. Charlie Vickers, probably. But there are a ton I like.

2. Always? Not sure. But early on it became clear that John worked best for us in the early seasons.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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mastermarvel1080 writes...

Oliver has tried to improve his relationship with Arsenal?

Greg responds...

I think he has.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Fred Flinstone writes...

Good day, Sir.

This is more of a question regarding your policy than one regarding your shows. Your policy regarding not spoiling the details regarding future seasons/episodes of your shows is well documented. But I'm wondering whether or not you feel a freedom to discuss details that haven't yet been depicted on-screen but that have already transpired in-universe and that you likely won't revisit. For example, in between Young Justice Seasons 1-2, there was a substantial time gap in which plenty of untold (to viewers) story unfolded. Viewers got a hint regarding some of what happened, and some more was explicitly stated. But do you feel a freedom to--if asked--go into detail regarding events that occurred during that period but that will clearly never be depicted on-screen or even in the comics (especially considering that Young Justice season 3 looks like it'll occur after yet another time gap)? Do those details count as 'spoilers,' considering that they won't be relevant to future episodes and will likely never be depicted in future seasons?

As always, glad to see the Young Justice comeback and hoping for a season four too.

Greg responds...

You're assuming those things will never be depicted. But, well... FLASHBACKS HAPPEN. So, yeah... SPOILERS.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Mahir writes...

Hi, Greg! I'm so glad YJ is coming back for a Season 3 (Outsiders) I'm just wondering one thing, as of S2, are the Injustice League active (or still a thing) as no mention of them were in Season 2?

Greg responds...

Not as a regular thing.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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EndBringer99 writes...

What is Black Beetle's real name?

Greg responds...

Edith Lynne Portafiro.

Serioualy, though, what makes you think the Reach have names?

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Ellie writes...

Hi Greg! First of all, congrats on Season 3! I'm hyped beyond imagination. Full honesty, I've kind of arrived to this party very very late since I literally binge-watched the entire show for the first time only last month. I know, I know, like "Hello, self! Why not watch it before?"

Anyway, the absolute thing I adore the most (you probs get this one a lot) is Wally and Artemis' pairing. They work so well with each other and they are the purest things in my life. This show has brought a huge smile to my face during one of my hardest times, and I am beyond grateful to you and all the YJ team for this. My gushing aside, I really wish we'd gotten to see more of their relationship before what happened in the finale with him, and to me, the simple thought that while everyone else in the team grew over the time skip from seasons 1 to 2, they grew together. I have literally no words for how much I adore them. Fine, here comes the questions:

1. Is there anything, any little teeny tiny breadcrumbs of their relationship that you guys developed in regards of their relationship that weren't shown onscreen? i.e why they decided to get Brucely, something, anything please humor me on this one.

2. What are your opinions on them as a couple? Did you and the writers prepare it beforehand or did it just 'happen' as you went along?

3. Did you guys at the studio use Dick's made up words (like aster, traught, whelmed, etc)? Because I do, and I'm pretty sure the rest of the fandom does as well.

4. What is the thing you as a creator missed the most about writing this show?

Bye! And again, thank you so much, Mr. Weissman. For everything. Really. <3

Greg responds...

1. There are a lot of stories in my head.

2. We saw it coming before they did.

3. Sometimes. Whelmed, in particular.

4. Spending time with our voice cast.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Darksuperboy writes...

Hi Mr Weisman firstly thank you for doing all these q&as for your fans on this site. it shows you really care and I for one am very glad you do it.

Here are my questions

1a) without saying who or what. have you seen heard or read any fan speculation that have got the up coming Outsiders season right. 1b) if so could you give us a fraction. 1c) how to you feel when you see someone make an accurate depiction of a season/episode yet to come out?

2)why do ship designs from Star Trek keep showing up in the series and tie in comics (Cornered episode Face your fears comic tie in)

thank you for you time regards and utmost respect from

p.s I did search the 17 entries for tie in questions for this answer but I might of missed it in the 19,000 invasion entries so sorry if you've answered this already.

Greg responds...

1a. Any? Yes.

1b. You want ME to give you a fraction of fan speculation? No. Sorry. Aside from the fact that this was from years ago, I don't see that as my role.

1c. Mostly, one shrugs. Sometimes one shake one's fist.

2. Are you talking about Space Trek 3016 ships?

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

What did Dr. Dorado mean when he said the meta-gene was opportunistic?

Greg responds...

He was theorizing that it takes advantage of the "materials" at hand.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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