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Young Justice: Invasion

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Tupka writes...

So, we're back, and how. Loved it, though I'm curious who Raquel's marrying. Noble? Is Amistad his?

I can ask a lot more about Satisfaction or the recent comics, but everyone will have those. So instead, I'll just do some questions on obscurity of characters.

1. Amber Joyce - If I've done my research correctly, she was a blonde actress with precognitive powers. What made you decide to use her as a pilot rather than someone else who has a more fitting background (like, say, Deanna Barr or Celia Forrestal or something?)
2. Jeremiah - was your choice to go for him instead of (for example) Starshine Stone a matter of personal favoritism, SPOILER REQUEST, or did the availability of male and female voice ranges for the episode play a role?
3. Jeremiah and Noor Harjavti both had their only comic appearance in the same issue. The same goes for Singh Mahn Lee and the nation of Bwunda. Was it deliberate, coincidence, or did you/your staff/your researcher just came across one in search of the other and thought "We can use this"?
4. You mentioned in an earlier answer you included a WildStorm character, but in such a way that the legal department wouldn't recognize it. You're obviously not going to tell us who you were talking about, but can you point in a general direction (Gen 13? Authority? StormWatch? Tranquility?)

Greg responds...

Rocket questions are all spoilers.

1. I was combining her with another Amber. Plus I wanted the name Amber for its association with an Amber Alert, since the whole episode was one big Amber Alert.

2. Personal preference. Sometimes the more obscure the character, the more fun it is for me.

3. Noor and Jeremiah were both characters I created, so I was familiar with them. As for the other examples, both ce courtesy of master DC researcher John Wells.

4. I gave a hint already tonight.

Response recorded on November 17, 2012

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Carter writes...

This is something I've been meaning to ask for awhile:

How do you decide to credit a character? Is it which "identity" they spend more time in? In Alienated, Kaldur is referred to more by his name, but he's credited as Aqualad.

Regarding Kaldur, does he go by another identity while out in the field? Is he just "Kaldur" to the Manta troopers, or do he and his father share it depending on who's leading the troopers?

How'd you guys settle on the Invasion storyline? Was it something you naturally felt drawn to, or were there others you thought about pursuing?

Jason Todd's known for not only being the most disliked Robin, but never being in any DC cartoon canon, barring Under the Red Hood. So I'm happy that you guys have brought him in.

It's been a great season so far, and I'm very interested to see where you're going with all of this.

Greg responds...

I try to pair each actor's name with the version of the character's name that predominates in the episode. I'll admit that on occasion, I'm a little too quick to just go with his or her most common identity.


3. It felt right.

Response recorded on November 17, 2012

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Matthew writes...

Just saw "Satisfaction." It's great that YJ is back. It strikes me that Luthor is acting a lot like Xanatos in this episode. Now the characters are of course similar, but some traits seem particularly like Xanatos. The comment about buying a quality desk seemed very Xanatos. The comment about revenge being for suckers is undoubtedly something Xanatos would say (my memories rusty, but Xanatos may have said those exact words.) Actually, I always considered one of the differences between Luthor and Xanatos is that Luthor would want revenge. Now as character who has been written by different people for decades there's bound to be differences in character. Hell, Luthor originally was a mad scientist, not a corporate executive.

I guess I'm asking do you seem the resemblence between Luthor as you write him and was the similarites intentional?

Greg responds...

I definitely see similarities, but I see nuanced differences as well.

Response recorded on November 17, 2012

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Christine writes...

Thank you for young justice. Not only did it get me into DC comics, but also I now have a best friend thanks to our mutual love of YJ.
I also have a question though:
Why do a lot of important events happen in New Orleans? As a native New Orleanian, I love it. Was that a choice that was just a happenstance, a love of the city on your part, a secret alien base as yet undisclosed, a magic base that is actually the center of earth-16?(or is it simply because having fights in the float factory is an opportunity one should never pass up?)

Greg responds...

I have a fondness for the city that dates back pre-Katrina. But it also has some nice settings for battle, and more importantly is - from a DC Universe standpoint - close to Belle Reve Prison. Throw in the fact, that we like to reuse locations to save money, and you begin to see why we return not just to New Orleans, but to many places.

Of course, the funny thing is, my daughter now lives in New Orleans. But she didn't when we started the show, and I had no idea she was going to move there when we first put it into YJ.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Nobody writes...

Ohmygoodness, seeing Jason Todd broke me. Completely. Broke. Me. You, Brandon, and everyone else who makes this show are life-ruiners.

Just kidding (not really). Despite the emotional roller coaster ride, I really do love Young Justice. Seriously, I wake up early Saturday morning to watch this show, and I never get up early on a Saturday. If that doesn't show how much I love it, I don't know what does.

Anywho, questions. Two serious, one silly, and none that have anything to do with Jason Todd.

1. Can Beast Boy talk when he's transformed into an animal (An actual animal, not his animal/human hybrid form he takes most of the time)? I know he can communicate telepathically, but can he physically talk?

2. When Jaime is connected to M'gann's telepathic link, would the other people in the link be able to hear Khaji Da as well?

3. Got anything thoughts on this picture?
(Yes, I know it's not real. This by the way is the silly question :P )

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. If you mean the Scarab, nope.

3. It's cute, I guess.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Mirami writes...

Finished watching "Satisfaction" about an hour ago. It wasn't as big as the promos released made it seem, but it was still just wonderful. I loved it! Keep up the great job~

Greg responds...

It wasn't as "big"? Maybe you need a new t.v.? A widescreen.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Peema writes...

1. Can we assume that Roy (Red Arrow) is biologically 23/24 years old in Invasion?
2. Can you clarify Jaime's age? One time you said he was 15 and another time you said he was 16.
3. How old is Bart (physically)?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. At the beginning of Season Two, he is 16.

3. Assuming he survives until the end of Team Year Six, he'll be 13.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Dc hero writes...

Hey Greg nice to be back.
1. I know it was important to the plot but why did no one stop Roy running down the street with one arm? I know there're some cruel people out there but I think someone would've tried to stop him.
2. Are some member of the team sexually active? I know Roy(clone) was.but did Dick have sex with Bette?
3. Are you guys able to use more controversial issues in the comics such as drugs or sex even if it's under the Cartoonnetwork banner?
Thank you for your time Greg. I was definitely satisfied(pun intended) this week. Hoping for season 3 and no more hiatuses.

Greg responds...

1. How do you know someone didn't try? How do you know he was running down the street for more than a block?

2. I'll leave that to your imagination and/or interpretation.

3. I'm sure all creative choices are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

YJ questions:

1. Does Sportsmaster know Black Manta is part of the Light now?

2. If so, does he realize what the Light will do to him if he kills Manta?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Patience, grasshopper...

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

YJ question:

When Superboy and Miss Martian broke up, did that create any tension between Superman and Martian Manhunter, considering it WAS Superman's clone and Manhunter's niece?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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