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A Flash Fan writes...

First of all awesome series. I've been meaning to post for some time and really wanted to thank you for your work and your communication/support with fans. It is much appreciated. I didn't like Season 2 originally but I've been growing used to it and it is awesome. Also "Failsafe" was perhaps the most interesting episode (for me) of Season 1. Ever since I saw it, my mind kept saying FORESHADOWING! and here it's coming with Season 2. Season 2's Invasion and the Team virtually taking over for the League just go to show how these guys and girls are really filling some big shoes.
1. Any chance of getting Khary Payton to say "BOOYAH!" in the series? Just for old times' sake...
2. I thought your spin-off Celebrity Hot Tub was a great idea, and am disappointed it didn't go through, but thanks a lot for sharing it! Did the people at DC Nation/MAD give a reason they didn't want to use it? I don't think it was your intention at all, but do you think it was because every celebrity had black in their name and they would consider it racist? Again I don't think it was and I am not saying you were.
3. Maybe when it airs on TV I'll see it, but in "Before the Dawn" how did Superboy get inside the Reach's underwater fortress disguised as a guard? Did it happen off camera and if so what happened?
4. Something similar with "Beneath" when Psimon says Batman was away or out of the picture when he and the others caught Batgirl; wasn't Bumblebee within earshot? It sure seemed like she saw Batgirl get caught and could have heard so did she and never informed or was it mistake in the episode's production?
5. This last part is a ramble...sort of...I don't expect an answer. Isn't it interesting that the Green Lanterns are away from earth, Superman, Martian Manhunter, the Hawks, and Icon are aliens, Wonder Woman is an Amazon, and Batman has no superpowers. In short no superhero with a Meta-Gene seems to have left Earth to stand trial at Rimbor (I think that's the planet) and the majority who left are aliens. The Green Lanterns possess the most powerful weapons on the planet and are away from there home planet. Perhaps the strongest woman on earth is no longer present. The smartest and richest superhero is MIA. No League Members who are Aliens are currently on Earth. Seems risky...Good luck YJ

PS I do have Flash questions which I'll save for later. Barry Allen is my favorite superhero, but I don't quite agree with your portrayal of him, but for that another post. I really wanted to get these asked before I forget. Thanks again Greg! Keep up the great work.

Greg responds...


2. I wasn't given much in the way of specifics. But in case it wasn't obvious, Khary and I intended it to be - on one level, at least - a parody of Blaxsploitationism.

3. He switched in at the docks.

4. Why is it a problem if Bumblebee heard?

Response recorded on February 22, 2013

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Paul writes...

Did Mal Duncan become involved with the Team before or after Bumblebee joined?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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anonymous writes...

A few questions about Artemis and Icicle Jr(Cameron) on Young Justice
1)a)Does Artemis still like Icicle Junior (as a friend)? since they used to be friends and b)does he still like her? OR c) do they despise each other now in season 2?
2)What kind of relationship do they have?
3) Have they ever spoken to each other as friends again since the time they saw each other when Artemis was "arrested" ?
4)a)Does Cameron know that Artemis died? b)How does he feel about it?
5) Did Cameron ever find out about Artemis being a hero?

Greg responds...

1a. Still? You're assuming she ever liked him. I won't confirm or deny that assumption.

1b. I'm sure he's still attracted to her.

1c. Despise is such a strong word.

2. You're assuming they have ANY relationship. I won't confirm or deny that assumption.

3. Ever? I guess so.

4a. Probably.

4b. Probably thinks it's a waste.

5. Ultimately, yes.

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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Shade234 writes...

1. Was the ash not raining down anymore and Happy Harbor being slightly larger after Impulse left the Future intentional?
2. Do all Team Members have stealth tech?
3. Are Bette Kane and Dick dating as of "Before the Dawn" or was she a one-night stand?

Greg responds...

1. I didn't notice Happy Harbor being larger. Frankly, I can't recall if I noticed Happy Harbor at all.

2. Not all of them need it.

3. Neither.

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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DonT FOlloW ME i waLK IntO WAlls writes...

Hi there, Sir!
I think I may be one of your biggest Russian fans! I'm visiting Australia at the moment, but I always try and watch and get new episodes off iTunes when they come out.

I know you've heard this a billion times before; but condolences to you, I am so sorry for what CN did to you and your fantabulous show! I am so happy that it will be coming back soon!

I have a few questions, IF you don't mind me asking.
1.Why can you not comment on the situation that CN has put you in? Is this legal issues, or just plainly because you do not know why they did what they did? I'm hoping by the time you reach this question, the whole waiting game will be done, and the episodes will be back on TV.

2.How do you feel about music montages in shows? Would you even consider doing something like this? And if you would- would you use already known music- tunes that had been in the charts, or even just well known tunes- or do you prefer using music that is plainly made for your show?

3.Would you be allowed to use the type of music in my previous question- or would there be legal issues surrounding this? How would one be able to put that certain music onto the show? Licensing or...?

4.Concerning Superboy and the Real!Roy Harper (I have noticed people write it like this.)- why did Superboy need so much less DNA then Clone!Roy- did they not took a whole arm, right? Why could they not have just took DNA in the way they took genetic material from Superman- or was this because of the fact that Superboy also had Lexs' DNA in him?

5.About Superboy and DNA- why does he not look like both Superman and Lex. I know he is a clone of Superman, but if he had Lexs' DNA too, wouldn't this give him some shared physical attributes with Lex? Or am I just overestimating how much of Lexs' DNA was used?

Thank you very very much, Sir, for your time and your great efforts with the show.

Greg responds...

1. I DID comment: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=982 I may feel free to say more after episode #220 has aired.

2a. Uh... I'm not constitutionally opposed to them. Though I often think they've been misused and abused to the point of being reduced to cliche.

2b. Sure. Though often that's a luxury of time that we can't afford. Our episodes tend toward the jam-packed. And even with that, people complain weekly about what we LEAVE OUT of every episode.

2c. There's no way we could EVER afford to use a pre-existing tune in our series. Those are very expensive, and it's not in our budget.

3. Well, of course, there would be legal issues if we tried to use existing music without paying for it! (Which, of course, we would never do.) But otherwise, it's a budgetary issue.

4. Both Roy Harpers are real. Roy was cloned YEARS before Superman was. Project Cadmus had made advances since then.

5. Human DNA was only used to bridge gaps in the Kryptonian sequence.

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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Arthur Lias writes...

This will be risking DELETION huh?S
Spectacular spider-man ended...but it was an awesome show that adapted the great elements about spider-man.I don't have a problem with Ultimate spider-man but your show was amazing,SPECTACULAR even. Also love Young Justice!The five year time skip was surprising but the writing is great.Hope superboy doesn't punch reality;)That would be really surprising.Anyway, in a vain attempt to not get DELETED I will ask a question:
1)How do you feel about 52 joker
2)How about him,um,uh,losing face
Yours questioningly,

Greg responds...

1. Haven't seen it.

2. I don't know what you're referring to.

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg
First of all, I really want to thank you and everyone on the YJ crew for this amazing series! Now, for the question:
In regards to additional seasons, do you guys get any indication as to whether or not Cartoon Network is interested in continuing the series earlier on in the season, later/ near the end, or whenever they feel like it?

Greg responds...

That last one.

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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Zergrinch writes...

Greetings, Mr. Weisman. By the time you answer this, the world has been proven not to end. Huzzah!

This is my third installment of questions. I don't expect to see Parasite in the comics (whatever time it has left) or the rest of Season 2, so I hope all questions about him won't run afoul of the spoiler rules.

1. Parasite was shown to be able to simultaneously access multiple powers at once (he used heat vision with telekinesis during his final battle). Why wasn't he able to access Dawn Danger's telepathy (and discover Robin's Hail Mary plan) or simulate flight using her telekinesis? Parasite commented that she tasted like Martian Manhunter, implying that he's "borrowed" his powers before, so presumably he would know about the full set of Martian powers.

2. Parasite's power absorption comes with the instant ability to harness those powers, implying there's some knowledge transfer going on. For example, Dan Danger's acrobatic abilities didn't come from any metahuman powers, but from years of physical training. In this incarnation, does he gain access to any of his victims' memories?

This quest is Tangentially related to Parasite, although it deals more with Shields (both topics I hope are copacetic)

3. According to Luthor, Superboy's shields act as a DNA dampener, allowing Connor to fully tap into his Kryptonian powers. Those powers are, in Superman's case, powered by yellow sun radiation. Once Parasite drains this store of power, it's like draining a battery - even Superman must recharge from the sun. This brings to mind an interesting conundrum - the shields were able to instantly repower Superboy, implying that it doesn't function as a human DNA dampener (the denouement happened at night), but more like a steroid patch. The question is, are the shields exactly as Luthor said they were?

This one veers into speculation territory, although I hope I've successfully framed it as a "safe" question:

4. After Miss Martian did something to Aqualad, why didn't Tigress just surrender outright to her and Beast Boy? That would have provided both of them, and especially Aqualad, with a convenient "out" of their deep cover mission. Aqualad's mission was, after all, to join the Light, know the Partner, and rescue the abductees - all of which he accomplished.

This one is an aside question, answered affirmatively by b.t. in the DC Animation forums. I'm hoping to see your take on this.

5. In his crusade as Batman, Bruce Wayne has at times appropriated company resources and technology without clearing it up with his company's Board of Directors. He doesn't flaunt this behavior the same way he did in the DCAU (costs of Watchtower construction was a line item hidden in the WayneCorp Space R&D Budget), but certainly some of his tech (the Batplane, the Batcomputer, the Batcave) is based on purloined technology. So my question is - do you consider Bruce Wayne as a white collar crook for misappropriating company assets?

Greg responds...

1a. You're assuming telepathy is (a) easy and (b) not thwartable. I think we've demonstrated over and over in this series that neither is true.

1b. He probably could have. But using Superboy's flight power is/was easier.

2. No.

3. There's a TON of ambient solar radiation around our world, even at night - else we'd all freeze to death every night. But I think it's safe to say that Luthor may not have been 100% forthcoming.

4. You presume to know the extent of Aqualad's mission? Wait four more weeks and then if you want, ask again.

5. You're assuming he doesn't own Wayne Enterprises outright?

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Why didn't Dick Zatanna work out?

Greg responds...

Who said it didn't?

You're going to have to define 'work out' for me.

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: ISSUE: 25: "Players: Chapter Six: Rolling Doubles": On Sale: NOW!

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: ISSUE: 25: "Players: Chapter Six: Rolling Doubles": On Sale: NOW!

Our last issue has at least 47 named characters and some pretty startling character moments!! Check it out now at your local comics shop or online!

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