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DonT FOlloW ME i waLK IntO WAlls writes...

Hi there, Sir!
I think I may be one of your biggest Russian fans! I'm visiting Australia at the moment, but I always try and watch and get new episodes off iTunes when they come out.

I know you've heard this a billion times before; but condolences to you, I am so sorry for what CN did to you and your fantabulous show! I am so happy that it will be coming back soon!

I have a few questions, IF you don't mind me asking.
1.Why can you not comment on the situation that CN has put you in? Is this legal issues, or just plainly because you do not know why they did what they did? I'm hoping by the time you reach this question, the whole waiting game will be done, and the episodes will be back on TV.

2.How do you feel about music montages in shows? Would you even consider doing something like this? And if you would- would you use already known music- tunes that had been in the charts, or even just well known tunes- or do you prefer using music that is plainly made for your show?

3.Would you be allowed to use the type of music in my previous question- or would there be legal issues surrounding this? How would one be able to put that certain music onto the show? Licensing or...?

4.Concerning Superboy and the Real!Roy Harper (I have noticed people write it like this.)- why did Superboy need so much less DNA then Clone!Roy- did they not took a whole arm, right? Why could they not have just took DNA in the way they took genetic material from Superman- or was this because of the fact that Superboy also had Lexs' DNA in him?

5.About Superboy and DNA- why does he not look like both Superman and Lex. I know he is a clone of Superman, but if he had Lexs' DNA too, wouldn't this give him some shared physical attributes with Lex? Or am I just overestimating how much of Lexs' DNA was used?

Thank you very very much, Sir, for your time and your great efforts with the show.

Greg responds...

1. I DID comment: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=982 I may feel free to say more after episode #220 has aired.

2a. Uh... I'm not constitutionally opposed to them. Though I often think they've been misused and abused to the point of being reduced to cliche.

2b. Sure. Though often that's a luxury of time that we can't afford. Our episodes tend toward the jam-packed. And even with that, people complain weekly about what we LEAVE OUT of every episode.

2c. There's no way we could EVER afford to use a pre-existing tune in our series. Those are very expensive, and it's not in our budget.

3. Well, of course, there would be legal issues if we tried to use existing music without paying for it! (Which, of course, we would never do.) But otherwise, it's a budgetary issue.

4. Both Roy Harpers are real. Roy was cloned YEARS before Superman was. Project Cadmus had made advances since then.

5. Human DNA was only used to bridge gaps in the Kryptonian sequence.

Response recorded on February 21, 2013