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Jesse writes...

Hi Greg!!

First I would like to say i love Gargoyles and W.I.T.C.H.!

My question about the show is
-when did Beast Bboy find out about M'gaan's true form?
-Is Zatanna single at the moment?

Keep it up with the amazing show, Young Justice!!

Greg responds...

1. Between seasons.

2. Why, are you interested?

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Who is Nightwing closer to, Tim or Wally?

Greg responds...

It feels like an apples and oranges question, but... Wally.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Becca writes...

Hi Greg! Question for you about Roy and Jade.

Was their marriage something they actually wanted? Or was it more for convenience (Jade to change her last name or something)? Or was it a decision that was made because you wanted to bring Lian in but children out of wedlock = bad for the show's intended audience?

Thank you! So excited to see YJ back!

Greg responds...

Out of universe, I'll admit there was a little discomfort on the part of some of our bosses about an out-of-wedlock child. Having said that, no one ordered us to marry them off, and ultimately, we felt it worked better for the two, given some of our plans for both Season Two and YJL.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Jasser writes...

I don't want to flood, so this is just going to be a miscilanious question post:

1.Queen bee's powers (supposedly) worked on Garfield, why does it work on pre-pubescents if it is pheromone based?

2.Why did Martians develop shapeshifting if they can't hide their thoughts from each other? On mars,what point does is serve them. We've seen that they ussually are in there default state.

3.Is Connor's super-jump a weakened form of flight, or a result of super strength in his legs?

4. How do you feel on the topic of tv show responsibility? Do you think shows have a duty to set good role models, or do you think having media as a tool for next generation change is misguided and dangerous?

sorry for not numbering my first post, I didn't notice until it was too late.

Greg responds...

1. Puberty (as I understand it) isn't a light switch. It's a process.

2. We're talking ancient evolution, and the Martians evolved along similar lines as the organic species which they now use for their clothes and Bio-Ships. In fact, I would think all three species MUST have had common ancestors. But I'm not an evolutionary biologist.

However, there are a number of truly great scientific minds over at the Station 8 Comment room. Try asking there: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/

3. The latter - although not JUST his legs, I would think. (Though again, I'm not a kinesiologist.) All of which is not to say that his exposure to a yellow sun doesn't have something to do with it. That's WHY he's strong.

4. I don't want to answer for ALL shows. I think the shows I work on need to have a moral point of view. And I think it's important not to be casual about things like smoking, for example, which has done more damage to this world than almost anything I can think of, off hand.

5. Thanks for not repeating the error! :)

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Jasser writes...

Megan Questions:
Was Megan putting Psimon in Catatonia the same attack she has been abusing recently(if no, what is the difference)? You kind of alluded to that earlier, confirming.

Did she intentionally put him in a coma, or was that an accident from the force of her counterstrike rage?

Could she only do that attack in her White Martain form originally?

Did Psimons powers help him in recovering?

I hope you had a great holiday season Greg! DFTBA

Greg responds...

1. In Psimon's case, it was simply an attack. More recently, the point of the encounter was different. It wasn't about attacking, but about acquiring information. But either way it was a violent psychic attack with very similar repercussions.

2. Catatonia and a coma are two different things.

3. It made it easier.

4. Yes.

5. I did, thanks.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

I've read your response about Beast Boy's abilities,and I wish to ask some further questions about it.

1. You say Beast Boy needs to.... grok the animal? Is that something like empathetic bonding? And does that mean he needs to form some kind of friendship with the animal he wishes to transform into?

2. You said Beast Boy cannot grok the animal from a distance or even from distant millenia. IF Beast Boy were to, let's say, somehow wind up in prehistoric times as a result of time-traveling, would he then be able to theoretically grok whatever animal he wishes to transform into?

3. Currently, Beast Boy is not able to transform into any prehistoric animals. However, has Beast Boy, at any point after gaining his shape-shifting abilities, ever wished that he had the ability to do so?

Thanks for taking the time to read my questions,

Greg responds...

1. Don't take me too literally, but check out this:


2. Yes, theoretically.

3. Sure, who wouldn't?

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Cuddlefish writes...

I love Young Justice and can't wait to see some new episodes. You and everyone else did a fantastic job developing the characters and plot.

1. If the series is cancelled prematurely, would you reveal any plot sensitive details or storylines that didn't get resolved?

2. Dick and Tim wear shades around the Team but Barbara doesn't. It looks like at the shower all those present knew her civilian identity. Does most the Team know her ID and if so, why didn't Bruce make her hide it like he does with Dick and Tim?

3. What's the status of Tim's parents? If they are dead or otherwise unable to care for Tim, has Tim been adopted by Bruce like Dick?

4. What are Wally and Artemis studying in college?

Also just want to add that I love your interpretation of Batman and the Robins. I'm glad Bruce and Dick never had their falling out like in the comics and still have a solid relationship.

Greg responds...


2. Bruce is not her parent, just her mentor. Besides, she's a legal adult.


4. Lots of stuff.

5. Thanks. Me too.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hi Greg,

A Flash Fan again. A few more questions and comments if you don't mind.

1. My mind has been going back to the grotto. Ted Kord is the only deceased member of the league there and the other three "dead" members were from the Team. We know Artemis isn't really dead, Tula it can go both ways and I know will find out soon enough, and we officially know the second Robin is dead. I guess I would ask, do you think it is because the Justice League is more skilled with experience and therefore the chances of them getting killed is considerably less than the Team that's still learning the ropes, or is it that the Team is just more willing to sacrifice for what is right? I mean Flash would have died if not for Bart coming back; he said after he was saved he realized he wouldn't have made it, so is there a relationship between age and courage and the ultimate sacrifice do you think for the League and the Team?

2. Why isn't a Kent Nelson hologram/memorial in the grotto? He gave his life in the line of duty and was part of the League (or was he technically just part of the JSA?)

3. I apologize if this is a spoiler, but when did the League and Team start the grotto?

4. I've read that 16 appears a lot in the show. Is that because it is Earth -16 or is there some other reason, and if so what? And did you choose it to be Earth 16 or was that a decision made by DC Comics and the powers above?

5. My favorite scene of Season 1 was in "Auld Aquaintance" when Superboy and Robin bring down Superman and Batman. These latter two are pretty much the symbol of DC (wish Flash was a part of them, but of well) and to see Superboy and Robin, who in my opinion, got along, but never so great and never a prolonged experience fighting together was really cool. The other Team members fighting their mentors were cool, but not like this, this was ice cold frozen! I think it really conveyed something central about the series about the sidekicks filling the roles of their mentors (and was really glad Superman accepted Superboy at the end), so my question is, was this your intent or was there something else? Do you think this is THE scene or is there another one you think is better or was your favorite?

Thanks a lot Greg. Best for the New Year, which reminds me I can't wait to see you this will end on Earth 16's July 4th! Independence Day from aliens not just the US but the world? I'll be watching Jan 5!

Greg responds...

1. No. It's about specific circumstances. Keep in mind, these are heroes who are dead (or thought to be, as in the case of Artemis). Nothing on the memorial says HOW they died. By this time, you know how Ted Kord perished - and it wasn't on a Justice League mission. You have no idea yet how Robin or Aquagirl passed. For all you know, the two of them might have been walking down the street in their secret identities, when a piano, a safe and an anvil fell from above. They both dodged the piano and the anvil, but the safe got Jason and then Tula had a heart attack.

2. The latter.

3. Well, the Grotto itself as a place of contemplation has been there since the Cave was the Justice League's headquarters. But I assume you're asking when it became a place of memorial. And obviously, that was with the death of Jason Todd.



5. Yes, basically.

5a. I'm not sure what you mean by "THE scene". It's certainly one of my favorite sequences.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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EXALT writes...

Is your writing of Snapper Carr in any way influenced by the fact that you know that it's gonna be you playing him (the question may also be applied to Donald Menken in SpecSpidey)?

Greg responds...

Probably a little. But that's probably true of every character that's already cast. We learn to play to our actors' strengths. (Of course, I have very few strengths as an actor, so maybe that doesn't apply to Carr or Menken.)

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Isaac Reyes writes...

1. Who is the strongest in Team right now? 2. Over the past years, has Superboy been training with Superman?

Greg responds...

1. Superboy, probably.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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