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Megan Questions:
Was Megan putting Psimon in Catatonia the same attack she has been abusing recently(if no, what is the difference)? You kind of alluded to that earlier, confirming.
Did she intentionally put him in a coma, or was that an accident from the force of her counterstrike rage?
Could she only do that attack in her White Martain form originally?
Did Psimons powers help him in recovering?
I hope you had a great holiday season Greg! DFTBA
1. In Psimon's case, it was simply an attack. More recently, the point of the encounter was different. It wasn't about attacking, but about acquiring information. But either way it was a violent psychic attack with very similar repercussions.
2. Catatonia and a coma are two different things.
3. It made it easier.
4. Yes.
5. I did, thanks.