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EXALT writes...

So, about Complications (which was an AWESOME episode, by the way)...
1)How did Crusher and Jade manage to find the Manta-Flyer?
2)Sportsmaster calls Deathstroke by his first name: does this mean that they are old friends/old partners/old something?
3)Speaking of Deathstroke, can you confirm that his full name is Slade Wilson?
4)How old is Deathstroke?
5)(This isn't directly tied in with the episode, but hey, since I'm here) How many years ago Aquaman and Manta fought for the first time?

Greg responds...

1. Sportsmaster had contingencies in place before he risked any split with the Light.

2. "Friends" might be pushing it, but they've clearly worked together before. Just ask Ted Kord. (Ooh, sorry.)

3. Yes.

4. By the end of Season ONE, Deathstroke was 47.

5. I have not nailed down a specific year for that yet, but it was LONGER ago than the conception of Kaldur'ahm.

Response recorded on May 06, 2013

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Paul writes...

When Miss Martian was wearing the inhibitor collar on Black Manta's sub, why didn't she revert to her White Martian form?

Greg responds...

Her shape-changing abilities had been shut down by the collar. She was locked in to her current form.

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Paul writes...

In Young Justice issue 20, why didn't Dick Grayson want Bette Kane to see Artemis Crock and Wally West on his laptop?

Greg responds...

I think it was more he didn't want them seeing her. He's a gentleman.

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

"Complications" was an amazing episode. I guess SOME good news came out of it, after all…

My thoughts about "Complications":

A. Blue's Attempt At Lying and Nightwing's Private Investigation - So the Team members that went to Warworld were taken somewhere and Blue lied about the circumstances of what happened. I'm quite surprised that Arsenal wasn't pointed out as a potential suspect, given that he was the only one that managed to escape… Blue might have briefly fooled Nightwing, but luckily our favorite detective didn't completely buy into it. I'm glad he was able to quickly figure out what happened, but I hope he somehow manages to connect it to Green Beetle (who still hides his true intentions) … Also, the pissed-off expression he gave at the end of the episode was priceless….

B. Aqualad's Recovery - Now if it wasn't for the abrupt cancellation of the tie-in comic and the limited episode count, I would have REALLY liked to see how the recovery process of Aqualad's mind went down. Seriously, I did NOT expect Aqualad to already be recovered and to be in mental conversation with Miss Martian, but I'm guessing that he probably forgave her for what she did to him (given that this was not shown at all). Even though he is no longer the leader of the Team, he does his best to somehow coordinate a plan to keep his friends and himself. While I'm glad he's back in the game, it's sad he's still stuck doing his undercover assignment. Well…., it's better than being stuck in a catatonic state, right?

C. Too Many Close Calls! - Aqualad nearly gets himself killed trying to explain the truth to Chesire! Artemis nearly gets killed by her father! And then Miss Martin stops the madness in the nick of time. Then there's the thing with Deathstroke trying to catch Miss Martian again…. I practically lost count as to how many close calls there were!

D. Black Manta's Aggressive Behavior - So Manta's soldiers set a bomb on the door but he blows it up early with his men caught in the blast?! Is Manta normally like this with his soldiers?!

E. I Still Have A Bad Feeling - Now I know this was not mentioned in any way in this episode, but I am still concerned about Psimon. He was placed in a catatonic sate for weeks and the time it took to recover Aqualad's mind DID in fact took weeks. If Psimon recovers, it's bad news for Artemis and maybe for Aqualad as well. There is a contingency plan for this inevitability, right?

Thanks of taking the time to read my thoughts.

Greg responds...

B. I think Miss Martian and Aqualad's reveleation was shown. In the "Fix".

D. No. Not at all. But concern for his son trumped their well-being.

E. The contingency was called Tigress, who made sure Psimon STAYED catatonic until after "Summit".

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

I just read your ramble posting about John Wells, which was quite interesting. You said he was the one who provided research on the DC universe for you and all the other people who worked on the Young Justice TV series and comic books.

Research-wise, is the source material that he uses only comes from pre-"Flashpoint" DC Comics continuity, or does he also uses source material from The New 52 as well?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

As I've stated AD NAUSEUM, we were all DONE before New 52 started. So his research came from before that. But that wasn't a policy decision or any kind of value judgement. New 52 simply didn't exist yet. It's a function of schedules. (HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I SAID THIS?)

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Naina writes...

Why was Wentworth Miller replaced by Fred Tastaciore?

Greg responds...

Wentworth was no longer available to us, but Fred did a great job, don't you think?

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Paul writes...

1a) Why did you use Cassie Sandsmark before Donna Troy when you made a point to use Dick Grayson before Tim Drake and Wally West before Bart Allen?

1b) Why haven't you at least acknowledged the existence of Donna (if she's around) this season like you did with Garth when Kaldur went back to Atlantis in season 1?

Greg responds...

1a. We had planned on introducing Troia as someone who joined AND left the Team during the five year break. But for reasons already stated here, it didn't work out.

1b. We had planned to. It didn't work out.

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Mary writes...

How does Superboy and Superman's relationship improve over the 5 year gap? Like, do they spend time together or something?

Greg responds...

Among other things, yes.

Response recorded on May 02, 2013

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Geodude writes...

When one of the Green Lanterns uses the Zeta tubes and the system announces their arrival/departure, how does it name them? Does it just say, "Recognized, Green Lantern, [number]" for all of them, or does it call John and Guy by their real names since their identities are public anyway?

Greg responds...

It just gives their nom-de-guerre (i.e. Green Lantern) and designation.

Response recorded on May 02, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How do you guy's come up with the sound effect's for the show? Like for example Black Canary's cry?

Greg responds...

The great team at Audio Circus, led by Otis Van Osten, creates our sound effects.

AND BIG NEWS, our sound mixer CARLOS SANCHES was just nominated for an EMMY AWARD for the sound mixing on the YJ episode "Bloodlines"!!!!

Response recorded on May 02, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Why do you make it so hard to hate Black Manta? I know he's evil and all but...from what I've seen so far he's kind of a good dad

Greg responds...

Everything's relative. Pun intended.

Response recorded on May 02, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

Here are soem questions that I wanted to ask you in regards to Deathstroke.

1. I'm going to guess it's a no-brainer that Deathstroke's real name is Slade Wilson. That said, has he served in the U.S. military on Earth-16, and if so, what is his rank (being that it varies in various media that shows his character)?

2. If I remember correctly, one of Deathstroke's unique abilities in the comics was being able to use 90% of his brainpower (in comparison to the rest of humanity, who can only use 10%). Does this hold true on Earth-16 as well?

3. In the comics (specifically pre-Flashpoint), Nightwing was Deathstroke's nemesis and Green Arrow caused the loss of Deathstroke's right eye. On Earth-16, did this version Deathstroke have that same connection with the Earth-16 versions of Green Arrow and Nightwing, or did things happened differently?

4. What weapons and martial arts would you say Deathstroke is most proficient in?

5. Is there anything you can share about Deathstroke's family on Earth-16?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

1. His name is Slade Wilson. Everything else you're asking is a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

2. No. Because that notion that human beings only use ten percent of their brains was always baloney. It's an urban myth and just flat-out untrue. So Deathstroke may have found a way to utilize his brain more efficiently, but I'm not going to base a super-power on science that starts out bad in the first place.


4. All of them. (Or what you see is what you get. Whichever answer you prefer.)

5. Yes. But can and will are two different things. SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on May 02, 2013

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Soraya writes...

Hi Greg! I just want to thanks you and the crew for the amazing work on Young Justice, I really hope we'll be able to see more.

Anyways, I just want to know where was Zatanna during "War" ? I know we saw Dr.Fate and I was under the impression that Zatanna would more than likely always want to keep an eye on Fate since it is Zatara in there, so why didn't she protect Fate while he was protecting Earth?

Thanks again!

Greg responds...

And how exactly would she have done that in the vacuum of space?

Figure, like most of the League, she was busy rescuing people from the gravitational repercussions of Warworld being so close to the Earth.

Response recorded on May 02, 2013

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Finally watched last weekend's YJ, and man, The Light continues to confuse me! I mean, did Vandal tell Mongul about the Reach to stop them or to help the, I cant figure it out!
Moving on to not-so-confusing stuff, I loved the bickering between Mal & Karen, that was great. And I loved Mongul, excellent to hear Keith David again. But Beetle at the end, damn! We knew it was coming, but that doesn't make it suck any less.

Greg responds...

Glad we kept you guessing!

Response recorded on May 02, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In your latest response to a question quite some time ago (tangent: you must be really busy. I hope thats a good sign), you said so far nobody has asked Batman to use the wrist mounted holo-computer cave tech.
And Bumblebee was using what looked like the same tech in 'War', so was she the first one to ask?
Also, nobody ever having asked implies Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) didnt use it either. Did he invent something better? Because, Ted NOT using ANY kind of nifty gadget he could get his hands on, especially if all he had to do is ask, just seems wrong.

Greg responds...

I haven't tracked this. The tech is available to all members of the Team and the League.

Response recorded on May 02, 2013

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Alan writes...

I know you dont like hypotheticals, and if I asked who would win if Lobo, Despero, & Mongul were put into a three-way cage match I would get a response about a fight between Hulk & the Thing. Now, I never read Marvel, but that response seems spot on & thought through...it makes me wonder why you dont answer the actual questions with that kind of simple but logical reasoning, that doesnt give a definative conclusion, but still offers a clear comparison of each's strengths/weaknesses in relation to one another.
I understand that any fight is situational, and if Despro was wearing a patch on his third eye, or Lobo was caught unarmed (as if), or Mongul had the flu, any one of those thigs would offer vastly different outcomes...but none of those things were part of the question, so there is really no reason to consider them in the answer. For example, your Hulk/Thing response itself would be rendered illogical by any number of "what ifs"...like, "what if the Thing was being mind controlled" would negate him keeping any kind of wits about him...but that was obviously not part of the imagionary question, so the point is moot.

And I know your not going to tell a story on this forum...but the Hulk/Thing example answers such a question (if it were ever actually asked) without telling a story.

So my question is...did you come up with the auto response of the Hulk/Thing, or did you get it from somewhere else?

Greg responds...

You write that you know I don't like hypotheticals, and yet then you try to make an argument for why that shouldn't matter to me.

I'VE SAID IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. These "Who would win?" questions flat-out do not interest me. And if it doesn't interest me, why would I bother answering? Simply because someone asked? Entitled, much?

As for where the Hulk/Thing thing came from, it's simply the classic version of the question going back fifty years or so. It's evolved here at Ask Greg as a stock response, like "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." or "ASKED AND ANSWERED".

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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jS-2814 writes...

1. Are you using Mongul the 1st or his son for the show?
2. Does the no green lantern on a Reach planet also include Alan Scott?

Greg responds...

1. The first one. I won't even confirm whether or not there is a son.

2. Potentially. Kinda moot now.

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hi Greg...Me again...

I just wanted to say that thus far "War" has made it to be one of my favorite episodes. I really felt you went all out for this episode. So many characters, so much battle sequence, a deepening plot with the Light and the Reach, a lot of fun with Karen and Mal (Why did you go for guardian instead of the Herald?), really interesting sequence with Blue Beetle, amazing emotional outpouring from Arsenal, and of course Keith David! (How cool was it getting back again? Did you guys talk a lot about Goliath and Gargoyles?) I still rack my brains trying to figure out how you will solve this...All I can hope is that with so many heroes down, Wally will be making a big comeback (well at least that's my biggest hope for the rest of the season).

I really wanted to know, was part of War World inspired by the Death Star/Star Wars?

Anyway magnificent job. I'd keep writing praise, but I'd run out of room. This was terrific!

Greg responds...

Guardian fit our continuity best. And, frankly, I think he's a stronger, more iconic hero. Herald never really did that much for me.

Keith and I are friends, and our families see each other socially every once in a while. So I don't need a recording as an excuse to talk old times. But it's always great to see him, and it's always great to have his amazing talents on any show I produce.

As for the inspiration for The Warworld, you'd have to ask its creators, i.e. Len Wein and Jim Starlin. They also created Mongul in the same two-parter (DC Comics Presents #27-28). We got Warworld from those comics, and if you take a look at those issues, you'll see we used Warworld in very much the same manner as it was originally presented.

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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anonymous writes...

Is it true YJ is getting cancelled when S2 ends? I really wouldn't want it to whether this is true or not. This series is unbelievably amazing, I was never really that into superheroes until I watched it for the first time. I'm 14 and I watch this show religiously (haven't even missed the ruruns!). I started drawing and making my own superheroes because of this show, which was my first influence. I now dream of working in animation and I already made a story about an archer superhero. I was very influenced by this show in plot structure (if that's what it's called), diversity, and art style (mine looks like a comination of YJ and classic Disney movies xD). The point is, I REALLY don't want to see this show,that's so amazing,go so early. :C (P.S. Sorry for my poor wording, I don't speak English too well.)

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words. Good luck pursuing your goals. I hope this is just the start for you!

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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Paul writes...

We know that Impulse is B-23, and Arsenal seems to have been the next one to join the Team (going by "True Colors"), so is Guardian (Mal Duncan) B-25?

Greg responds...


Though I don't know WHY you would have thought Arsenal joined before Guardian, when you saw Guardian with the Team BEFORE Arsenal.

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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Matt writes...

Hola Mr. Weisman,
While I love that the first time I've seen El Paso or a Texan superhero in fiction is on your show, I was wondering if Jaime is the only character in Earth-16 from the Lone Star State.

Thanks for your valuable time

Greg responds...

Obviously not, since you've already seen Tye Longshadow, Shelly Longshadow, Holling Longshadow and Maurice Bodaway.

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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Nashtrie writes...

Something's been bothering me about Arsenal.
"War" showed that Roy still hasn't completely recovered from the trauma of being kept in ice for eight years. Did Dick and Dinah do anything about this? I mean, from the way his destructive tendencies keep surfacing (blowing up Lexcorp just to mess with Luthor and opening the airlock because he panicked even though it meant that his teammates might get sucked into space), I'm wondering if he's really mentally stable enough to go on missions.
Did Dinah counsel him?
Did Dick, as leader of the team, put him on probation or something?
What I mean is that they were both in positions to help him, and it doesn't look like they did. Considering what he'd been through, it seems rather ignorant to assume that he'd be perfectly okay.

Greg responds...

Of course, they've been trying to help him. As has Green Arrow and Red Arrow and Jim Harper. You get a clear sense of this in "Satisfaction". And frankly, this seemed SO obvious to us, we didn't feel the need to give up valuable screen time to show it.

But lesson one is that you can't MAKE a person get help. He or she has to WANT to get help.

Dick thought that being with the Team on missions might actually help Arsenal work through some things. (It's worked for others in the past, including Dick himself.) But he was wrong. And you've seen the result.

No one's given up on Roy, however. NOBODY.

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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Eagle-Owl writes...

How did the Reach get their fleet to the Marianas Trench without anyone detecting them?

Greg responds...

Sophisticated cloaking and an assist from the Light.

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

"War" delivered, and the ending was something I did not see coming… It's just like you've said; it gets worse and worse with each passing episode. No good news for our heroes at all… Here are my thoughts below.

My thoughts on "War":

Justice League Trial - We finally get to see what going on, at least for a little bit… They're not free yet, but I hope something good comes out of this trial...

Mongol's voice actor - Awww man…. It HAD to be Keith David to voice the alien conqueror… Don't get me wrong, but I was really, really hoping that he'd be the perfect candidate to eventually voice Darkseid, considering his evil voice and laughing as Thailog in "Gargoyles"…. But then again, with the fate of the show currently in question (due to back-and-forth speculation and the constant dodging of direct answering), I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up…

Mal and Karen - Okay, so I was wrong in assuming that their strained relationship was going to factor into the Reach Apocalypse, because now Mal and Karen have decided to reconcile with each other. Let's hope that they live long enough to make their relationship last into adulthood…

Arsenal freaks out! - I admit this guy was doing okay up until the end of the episode when he assumed he was going to get kidnapped again… Seriously, what is this guy's problem?! If this some kind of psychological thing as a result of being on ice for 8 years, Arsenal really needs to see a therapist… On a side note, it's kind of funny how Wonder Girl gives him a kiss on the cheek and I wonder if it's suppose to lead to something between the two…

Blue… You Traitor! - But we all know it's not his really his fault… What an interesting point in time to show our heroes that Blue Beetle in "on mode." And with this everyone will now know! I don't know if our heroes would not have noticed this in the unaltered timeline (the one without Impulse) until it was too late, but I'd imagine what happened here is probably much different that in the timeline without Impulse… Here's to hoping that Green Beetle's true colors will be discovered before more damage can be done…

The Reach fleet is down to a 1/3 - The Reach had lost 2/3 of their entire fleet to stop Mongol from destroying the Earth, and yet they still have enough to carry on the eventual Reach Apocalypse? Why do I get the feeling that something else caused the worldwide destruction to the Earth in 2056?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

PS. I'm constantly praying that "Young Justice" will find some way to continue on TV. The fact that some television networks, like Cartoon Network, are always putting good cartoon shows to an abrupt end is something that tends to piss loyal cartoon fans off. I'm probably not one to give advice, but maybe you should relocate the "Young Justice" to another television network that would give it a little more respect and allow it to continue for at least another two to three more years. "Young Justice," in my opinion, is a masterpiece of DC Comics animation, and I hope you do not give up on it…

Greg responds...

Re: Arsenal. I think you answered your own question.

Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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MasterGhandalf writes...

I've recently been reflecting on your shows, and one thing that's really jumped out at me is that every one of them I've seen is extremely arc and continuity based, but also has, rather than a single "Big Bad", at least two core villains who contrast with and play off each other- Xanatos and Demona, Nerissa and Phobos, Tombstone and Norman Osborn, the Light and the Reach. Even the unproduced Stargate spin-off you posted about a while back had Osyros and Anubis. I was wondering if this was a conscious decision on your part to deliberately include this element in your shows, or if it's just something that flows naturally while designing a series?

Greg responds...

Huh. You know, it's clearly not conscious, since I never noticed it before now.

Maybe it's about trying to world-build something convincing, something that logically plays out the consequences of the world created, which therefore sets up multiple responses from different antagonists to a set of circumstances. And perhaps it also comes out of my belief that nothing is truly monolithic. Even the bad guys aren't just a unified mass of evil. They have agendas of their own.

But honestly, you're guess is as good as mine at this moment.


Because I think I've done the same thing in RAIN OF THE GHOSTS without trying.


Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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andrea writes...

hi greg!
todays episode (war)......WOW! just wow....nice work! first giving us a false sense of security and then BOOM POW KA-POW!!! i mean i knew something bad was gonna happen because Mal and Karen were soooo lovey-dovey BUT NOT THAT!!!! seriously my respects to all of you people who make this show happen :D and by the way loved the cassie/arsenal ship-ish scene and that MAl is guardian :D poor supey though betrayed by yet another one of his frends *sad smile* next weeks episode will be bitter sweet, we can watch new YJ but is one more near the end! ....wait thats not gonna happen! NOT if the YJ fandom can do anything about it...please dont laugh :P i know it sounds crazy but i think we can do it :)

Greg responds...

I hope so! I haven't given up yet!

Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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LEX writes...

How did the Light know that Starro was capable creating mind-control technology?

Greg responds...

A little bird told them. (Okay, not so little and not a bird, but...)

Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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The Greenman writes...

A very brief history of the "inhibitor collar", based on my research and recollections.

-1957 Oms en série {aka Fantastic Planet):
Tiny humans imprisoned on a planet of gigantic alien beings known as Draags. We follow one, of which, is treated as a toy by a Draag child, held captive by "inhibitor collars". Written by Stefan Wul.

-1968 Star Trek episode- Gamesters of Triskelion:
Kirk, Chekov, and Uhura trapped on alien planet and forced to participate in gladiatorial games. Imprisoned with "inhibitor collars" that shock them. Written by Margaret Armen.

-1991 Wedlock:
Rutger Hauer film about a diamond thief sent to an experimental prison using "inhibitor collars" that connect you to another inmate and will explode if proximity distances from one another are not close enough. Broderick Miller wrote this.

-1993 Fortress:
Christopher Lambert film about a couple escaping America to the Canada border in order to have a second child (hmmm how prophetic). Lambert's character is caught and imprisoned in a maximum security prison and implanted with a device called an intestinator. Similar but not quite the same.

-2000 Batoru Rowaiaru (aka Battle Royale)
A group of grade school students are sent to an island to compete against one another with "inhibitor collars" to ensure no one escapes.

There was also the latest appearance of Wolverine and the X-Men.

Not this is not a critical examination of your use of it or a declaration of plagarism on your part. I like your versions better, because there has clearly been some thought put into the workings of them. I like the updated version from YJ: Invasion, especially episode "The Fix". Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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Kyle D. Kincaid writes...

Greg, I have 5 questions for you, please answer them clearly:

1. Even though she was an assassin, does Paula mostly love Artemis and always spends most time with her?
2. What was the cause of Tula's death, and how did Ocean Master became disgraced and ousted out of the Light?
3. When were Icicle, Jr. and Artemis became acquaintances?
4. Can you name a lot of birth dates of the characters of the shows?, we know Superboy's and Kid Flash's and Nightwing's
5. Even though Cassie Sandsmark joined the team a few months before December 1, was Donna Troy the first Wonder Girl and a member of the Team after 2011?

Greg responds...

It can be hard to answer clearly, when the questions aren't clear.

1. Although Huntress did some work as an assassin, I don't think of her primarily as one. So when you set that up as the premise of your question, we're starting off with a problem, as I neither buy into that premise, nor do I understand how it creates context for what follows. Nor do I understand what you're asking. Are you asking if Paula loves Artemis? If so, then yes. If you're asking if she loves Artemis more than Jade, than the answer is no. Are you asking if she spent more time with Artemis than Jade before she went to prison, then the answer is no. If you're asking if -before she went to prison- she spent more time with Artemis than Crusher did, then the answer is probably yes. But not much more. If you're asking about after she got out of prison, then obviously she spends more time with Artemis than with Jade, and more time with Artemis than Sportsmaster does. At least until Artemis went away to college and then went undercover as Tigress.

2. SPOILER REQUESTS. NO COMMENT. And by the way, that's clearly two separate questions, and you're trying to cheat the system by numbering them as one, so that you can get six questions in when our limit is five. I don't appreciate that.

3. Originally, as children.

4. No. I have not and will not figure out specific birth dates for any character until a story requires it.

5. This was clearly another SPOILER REQUEST when you asked it. Now it's ASKED AND ANSWERED. But the short answer is that the Earth-16 Donna Troy was TROIA. Never Wonder Girl.

Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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Maya writes...

In an interview, you decribed Robin (Tim), Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle, Impulse and Arsenal as "freshmen" and Batgirl, Bumblebee and Guardian (Mal) as "juniors". Following that logic, would Beast Boy and Lagoon Boy be considered "sophomores"? And in that case, what would numbers B10-B15 be?

Greg responds...

I was probably speaking somewhat loosely.

I guess if I'm really going to break down the metaphor, here's how I'd do it at the START of Season Two:

B-01 Nightwing
B-02 Aqualad
B-03 Kid Flash
B-04 Superboy
B-05 Miss Martian
B-06 Red Arrow
B-07 Artemis
B-08 Zatanna
B-09 Rocket
B-10 Tempest
B-11 Aquagirl

B-12 Troia
B-13 Robin
B-14 Lieutenant Marvel
B-15 Sergeant Marvel
B-16 Batgirl
B-17 Bumblebee

B-18 Lagoon Boy

B-19 Beast Boy
B-20 Robin
B-21 Wonder Girl
B-22 Blue Beetle

By the end of Season Two, it's more like this:

B-02 Aqualad
B-04 Superboy
B-05 Miss Martian
B-07 Tigress

B-16 Batgirl
B-17 Bumblebee

B-18 Lagoon Boy
B-24 Guardian*

B-19 Beast Boy
B-20 Robin
B-21 Wonder Girl
B-22 Blue Beetle

B-23 Impulse
B-26 Static

*B-24 Guardian's a bit of a special case, since he's been around awhile, but has only been an active hero for a short time. So think of him as a transfer student.
B-25 Arsenal would be a freshman if he came back.

But keep in mind it's JUST a metaphor. Don't take it too literally.

Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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Galena writes...

Dear Greg,

I have a few simple questions about Players, Chapter One: Wheelbarrow, Shoe, Thimble.

1) Why was Bette at Nightwing's house? I mean, one could infer many different things, but I'd like the answer of a professional... no, THE professional.

a) Why did Barbra has such a knowing/amused smile when Zatanna and Nightwing share a passionate kiss?

b)How did Nightwing and Zatanna/Rocket break up, and in which order did they date?

c)And (with such an intense kiss and Nightwing's fond remembrance of his birthday during Team Year 0)is there a possibility of a future Zatanna/ Nightwing relationship?

a) Is Young Justice really ending?

b)If so, is there a way to help save it, maybe by writing letters or something?

Young Justice has been such an inspiration to me, I really appreciate all your dedication to this amazing show. The characters, plot, and everything is so deep and intricate and magnificent!

Sincerely and Humbly,

Greg responds...

1. I'll just leave that to your imagination.

2a. I think that's fairly clear now in light of issue 25.

2b. Robin dated Zatanna first. Rocket sometime later. And I only say that because it seems quite obvious to me. Otherwise, it's all a lot of SPOILER REQUESTS. NO COMMENT.

2c. Past, present, future. Anything's possible.

3a. No. Young Justice Legacy will be out in September.

3b. I don't know.

Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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Ran writes...

Greg, I have a small gripe. But before I talk about that I want to say I really I dig "The Runaways". It's refreshing to seen a children's cartoon (thought I seriously doubt you could call YJ one, considering some of the themes you sneak past the censors) that portrays minority characters in positive light, acknowledging their race and culture without letting it become a defining part of them.

Now on to the gripe.

What with Asami's Japanese? It's (mostly) grammatically correct, but contextually it's glaringly out of place, as the wrong words were used. I also noticed that the way she spoke seemed a bit... westernised? I speak the language myself and I found it rather odd when Lex Luthor had a better Japanese accent than a native Japanese person. I found the whole thing even odder when I did my research and found out that Janice Kawaye is fluent in the language. Did she have any input? I remember looking through the archives once and I think you said in one of your replies that you had some Spanish-speaking voice actors help with regard to how Bane Spanish.

Greg responds...


Do you guys EVER look and see that someone's already asked your question ahead of you in the queue?

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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pb writes...

Does Bart have an eidetic memory like he does in the comics? Also, how did Arsenal hide his arm in 'True Colours'? I noticed that he had it in his pocket, but that doesn't really seem like a very good method. There weren't very clear shots of it, so I couldn't tell if he was wearing a glove or something of the like.
Also, I hope your queue isn't too clogged with angry, hateful messages about the non-renewal. Though I'm sad it's ending, I'm hoping for a satisfying end to a wonderful series. Thank you for creating this!

Greg responds...

1. It hasn't come up.

2. What's wrong with the pocket method exactly?

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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superfan writes...

When did Barbara Gordon become Batgirl?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If the "meta-gene" is a new concept on Earth 16, then how do Black Canary and Black Lightning explain their powers?
Theyve always been called "meta humans" before (except for the belt Black Lightning used at first, but I havent seen that in ages).

Greg responds...

The fact that the idea of the meta-gene is only now being introduced doesn't mean it hasn't existed in the past.

Electricity existed before Ben Franklin went kite flying. Gravity existed before an apple fell on Newton's head.

Black Canary assumed that something her mother was exposed to during her career as a super-hero caused the current Black Canary to gain her powers. Call it a mutation if you like. The NOTION of a meta-gene is new. Not the meta-gene itself.

We haven't dealt with the Earth-16 version of Black Lightning's origins yet, and I'm not going to give it here.

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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JC writes...

Are Neutron, Shimmer, Static, Longshadow, El Dorado, & Samuri the only ones whoes meta-genes the Reach successfully activated?
If not, who else?
I know this would be considered a spoiler request, but since it appears the best show on Cartoon Network (heck on TV for that matter) is stupidly being pulled, how else are we supposed to ever find out?

I'm in my 30's and still jonesin' for more Gargoyles info...

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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chalant writes...

i know that Wally and Artemis are studying at Stanford university, but what, if any, colleges are the other of-age team members studying at? (For example, what university are Dick and Barbara currently attending?)

Greg responds...

I'd have to research that, and I honestly haven't.

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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K writes...

I was ridiculously excited when I realized that Tye was based on Apache Chief, and I'm even more ridiculously glad to see a whole episode based around him and the other runaways. I remember people wishing Static would appear in the show since episode one, and I was definitely one of them. The whole crew is so endearing. Everyone I've talked to about the show has a favorite among this group, and not all of them are Virgil. It makes the cancellation of Young Justice all the more tragic, because these characters really deserve the chance to grow like the season one team did.

But, for questions.

1) Why was the "Samurai" stand-in chosen to be gender-flipped? Speaking as a girl myself, I'm thrilled there's a girl at all, but was there any specific reason or did she just win the coin toss?

2) Young Justice has used several characters more famous for being created by previous animated adaptations, like Wendy & Marvin or Mercy Graves. Did these three in specific come to mind immediately for their roles, or only after you exhausted the characters created in the comics?

I'm kind of amused that Mercy's appeared in several episodes, but the character who paved the way for her creation, Harley Quinn, has only appeared as a Halloween costume. That and the fact that Joker and Poison Ivy appeared together in an episode without her. I like to imagine her breaking them out of Arkham or Belle Reve or wherever they ended up. There's no question here; just a random thought.

And to finish up, thank you. Thank you for helping to nurture one of the most diverse cartoons I have ever seen. The fact that Young Justice appears to gone out of its way (I don't know if it actually is OUT of the way, but compared to other shows...) to have multiple women, multiple people of most minorities, and many in fleshed-out, starring roles, is really that amazing. The fact that we're going to lose all this in five more episodes is heartbreaking, but we ARE grateful.

I admit, I was one of the people who was concerned by the fact that it took YJ five episodes just to pass the Bechdel Test (getting two female characters to have a single conversation about something besides boys, and "Schooled" passed on one exchange between Miss Martian and Black Canary). While I still think YJ *could* have done better on that front, I believe that it wasn't for lack of trying. I really am devastated to see the show go, and I hope there's a chance for revival in the future.

Greg responds...

1. There's no science to this. It just felt right.

2. We haven't come close to exhausting the characters from the comics. That's not really the point at all. But we have a fondness for these characters too. Both Brandon and I wanted Wendy & Marvin. I think using Mercy and doing our versions of Apache Chief, El Dorado, Samurai and Black Vulcan was Brandon's idea, though I signed on right away. And I seem to recall it was my idea to combine our version of Black Vulcan with our version of Static and to eventually give him Black Lightning as a mentor. And here's a spoiler: we also have very specific ideas for our version of the Wonder Twins, Zan & Jayna, for Season Three.

3. As for our "slow start", I make no apologies. Miss Martian and Artemis are the stronger in the series as a whole for how - and when - they were introduced. We were building a series based on existing characters, many of whom were created in the days when nearly every hero was white and male. Diversity was a priority for us from moment one, and I think that shows in the final analysis, as your post indicates. But we wanted that diversity to be organic, not contrived. And I believe we succeeded on that front too.

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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YJ Fan writes...

(On a Flash topic) I know that Barry and Bart are faster than Wally and Jay, but what is the order of speedsters--in this universe--from fastest to slowest? Would it be:
1) Barry
2) Bart
3) Wally
4) Jay
Or would it be some other variation?

Greg responds...

You have the order correct - as of "Endgame".

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Which episode is the one when Robin turns 14 and throws a birthday party?
Sorry for the stupid question...

Greg responds...

It was in our companion comic books, over issues 20-25.

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Sheena writes...

What colour are Tye's eyes, exactly? In "Beneath", they were brown, but "The Runaways", they were either blue or grey- I couldn't tell which.
By the way, I think Virgil, Tye, Eduardo Jr and Asami deserve their own show, Never have I loved supporting characters so much in my life- I think the excellent voice actors chosen for them helped big time.
While we're on the topic of voice actors, I can't say how happy I am to see Janice Kawaye in an American cartoon again after goodness-knows-how-many years. I've been a big fan of her since Captain Planet, and when I recognised her voice coming out of Asami's mouth I couldn't help but let out a silly little squeal.

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. I'd love to do a show around these or any of the Earth-16 characters. Heck, I'd do a Professor Ojo show if they'd let me.

3. I agree the voice talent on the runaways, Janice included, was top-notch!

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Annie writes...

Greg, I love the show and the fact that you're trying to make it racially diverse is awesome. But as someone majoring in Japanese, I hope you'll pardon my rudeness when I say that Asami's use of the language in the latest episode was seriously off.

For one thing, "sumimasen", which is usually used as an apology, is used here to indicate Asami basically having no idea as to what the boys were talking about. The context really didn't mesh well, and it bothered me. While "sorry" can be used as questioning manner in English, the same doesn't exactly apply in Japanese. I think, given her situation, a simple "Nani?" (what?) would have sufficed.

Another thing that annoyed me was when she told the boys "Ja issho ni ikuwayo!". I assume you wanted her to say "Let's go!", but what you really got was "We're going!"
and it's a slight mismatch considering what Virgil, Tye and Eduardo were saying earlier (By the way, the correct phrasing is "Ja issho ni ikimashou!").

I hope I didn't sound bossy or anything. This was just a small blotch on an otherwise excellent episode, and whatever problems I may have with Asami's Japanese, as a person, I like her already.

Greg responds...

She uses it as an apology more than once.

Anyway, as previously stated we had at least two people involved who spoke fluent Japanese. One is a native of Japan, who consulted for us on the writing. The other was the actress who played the roll and is fluent in Japanese.

That doesn't mean we got it right, but I don't know how we could have done any more to insure it.

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Jane-Doe writes...

Great job on the latest episode! A few questions:
1) When did Barry Allen (Flash) marry Iris West?
2) Are Jonathan and (presumably) Martha Kent related to Clark and, by extension, Conner? I noticed in the episode "True Colors" that Jonathan referred to Superboy as his "son" (or some other family-ish relation, I can't quite remember); but then I thought Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van were still alive in this universe (making it so Martha and Jonathan couldn't be Clark's adoptive parents), so...confusion.

Greg responds...

1. Four years before the start of Season One.

2. I have absolutely no idea why you'd think Jor-El and Lara are alive. They're not. Maybe that's your clever way of getting me to reveal a SPOILER, in which case, you're successful. But the destruction of Krypton and the death of Superman's birth parents is such an essential part of his origin, I don't even consider that to be a true Spoiler. You might as well ask if Thomas and Martha Wayne are dead. (They are.)

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hey Greg,

It's me again. Sorry you've been bogged with work, but I'm sure it will come out excellent as it thus far has proven to be. I know by the time you get to this post Young Justice Invasion will most likely be over (I'm predicting you'll answer this around the first week of May...let's see if I'm right :)
Anyway I just wanted to say I feel sorry that Young Justice is not continuing, at least for the time being. You made a really good show along with all your team. Like others' comments you've read, I must say watching this show during some less than perfect times for me, was a great experience. I did have some questions regarding the cancellation...

1. Did CN give you a reason(s) and if so what is/are they if you are able to tell us? Did costs of production have something to do with it?
2. After seeing the series, I've seen a lot of reliance on mind links, which perhaps reduces costs in animation. I think because the animators can keep the image of the character a longer time rather than drawing new frames with moving lips. Was this on purpose or is there another reason?

On Runaways, I don't know if El Dorado originally had a civilian name in Super Friends, but if not is that why you came up with Eduardo because of the close similarity?

In other news, I think I get where you're going, but geez! I have no idea how you're going to wrap up so much in so little time. I read your recent interview http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=43480 and I agree the extra 6 episodes would have helped. So one more question...If you did have those extra episodes would have spaced out the events more, included new characters, or what?

A final comment based on the previous episodes which I began guessing after Cornered, and left me nodding today after Nightwing's comment and eventual occurrence in Runaways...Zeta Tube destruction really isn't very helpful for slow superheroes is it? First Speedy in Satisfaction, Aqualad in Darkest, Despero/L Ron in Cornered, now Red Volcano in Runaways...Flash must get very tired...

Greg responds...

More or less the last week of April, so you were close.

Okay, let's start with this. CN and WBTVA have both gone OUT OF THEIR WAY to state that the show isn't cancelled. It's just not picked-up. It makes no practical difference as far as I can see, but it seems to matter to them, so I'm not just going to accept the terminology your using and slide by it.

1. Not really, no.

1a. The cost of production relative to the income the production was bringing in was definitely a reason. The loss of the toyline was a huge blow. The perception that the ratings on action series in general are not as strong as the ratings on a comedy like Adventure Time was another blow.

2. Mind-links were not a cost-saving measure, no. We had a telepathic Martian on a Team going on covert ops. It just made sense.

3. I think it was Brandon's idea to give him the initials E.D. for El Dorado. But it also worked as Ed Dorado, which sounds like El Dorado. And Ed was short for Eduardo. Which is all to say, it just seemed right.

4. People seem to misinterpret what I said as if we HAD those six episodes and had to take them out. But we NEVER had them. So we never built a 26 episode season. We built a 20 episode season. I have some notions as to what might have been included with more episodes, including more with Zatanna and Red Tornado, plus more screen time for characters like Batgirl, Robin, Wonder Girl and Beast Boy, who got shorter shrift this season. But it's not like we had six specific stories plotted out.

5. I've reread this paragraph four times now, and I'm not really sure what you're saying. Your examples seem to conflict with each other. Obviously, without Zeta Tubes, there are only a handful of heroes who can come from a long distance in a timely manner... unless they already happen to be nearby.

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Runaways was awesome. Don't know how Red Volcano survived. We all saw him die. Liked the Super Friends character's... Parallels, for lack of a better term. Hoping for some Wonder Twins action later!

Mr. Weisman, I would like to thank you and your team for such a wonderful show. It has intrigued me since Independece Day, through trials and tribulations. It is a tragedy that it must end after only two seasons.

Sorry I'm not as fanboy-ish as usual. I don't feel great right now.

Greg responds...

I hope you feel better by now.

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Are people who have a scarab bonded to them aware they are being controlled?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Siobhan writes...

Who did you consult with regards to Asami's Japanese? My friends were complaining that the way she spoke the language seemed a little off (I don't know anything about Japanese,so I detected nothing wrong).

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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JC writes...

I have a question about the title of today's show, "Runaways"...does that imply that all four of the new young meta-humans were, well, runaways?
Weve seen the reason why Longshadow ran away, but why wuld Static leave home? Everything else I've read/saw of him portrayed a stable home life...if not for the bullying he recieves from the other kids at school.
Does this also imply that most or all the kids that the Reach kidnaped were alsi runaways?
If so does that mean that Stephanie Brown is origionally from Gotham, but ran away, and was abducted in Star City?

Thank you.

Greg responds...

As STATED IN THE EPISODE, Virgil was mistaken for a runaway because he was waiting to meet his sister at a bus or train station (I'm blanking out on which at the moment). I'm not sure how you missed that.

But ALL or nearly all the rest of the kids that the Light had abducted for the Reach were runaways, which I believe was ALSO STATED IN THE SERIES.

As for Stephanie Brown, ASKED AND ANSWERED.

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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At the very end of Team Year Five, i.e. right before the start of Season Two:
I have not yet had a reason to calculate their exact birth dates, so I have no idea whether each of them had one during the six months of Season Two or whether one or more of their birthdays came after the end of the season. So, for example, in the episodes you saw, Tye might have been 16 still, or he might have been 17. Or he might have been 16 in his first appearance, but 17 by his next. Or whatever. You get the idea.

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Jaden writes...

You're probably tired of these types of questions by now but I was wondering how old Tye, Eduardo Jr, Virgil and Asama are?

Also, I heard from an insider that Ultimate Spider-man might be replaced after this season. I hope Marvel is smart enough to bring you back for a new series

Greg responds...

At the very end of Team Year Five, i.e. right before the start of Season Two:


I have not yet had a reason to calculate their exact birth dates, so I have no idea whether each of them had one during the six months of Season Two or whether one or more of their birthdays came after the end of the season. So, for example, in the episodes you saw, Tye might have been 15 still, or he might have been 16. Or he might have been 15 in his first appearance, but 16 by his next. Or whatever. You get the idea.

As for Spider-Man, I haven't heard what you've heard. Quite the reverse. And certainly, no one at Marvel has said anything to me about it. Nor would I expect them to. My understanding is that Ultimate is doing quite well.

Response recorded on April 25, 2013

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