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Young Justice: Invasion

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. I'm a HUGE fan of Young Justice and The Spectacular Spider-Man. Both series rock! There's just one thing that always bothered me though. You said once that Miss Martian's age in 2016 is 53 and her approximate human age is 18. I'm sorry but that's wrong. Miss Martian would be the human equivalent of 17 since she is 53 years old. She would not be 18 until she turns 54. 53 divided by 3 would not be 18. It is 17.6666666666. 54 divided by 3 equals 18. Since all martians age once every 3 earth years, then logically all martians would age 4 months every earth year. She would be around 17 years and 8 months. Sorry, it's a little nitpick that's been bugging me.

Greg responds...

Have you ever heard of the concept of ROUNDING?

17.6 rounds up to 18.

We're not talking about birthdays here, we're talking about her biological equivalent to a human being. If she's 17.666666, then that rounds UP to 18. Get it?

Response recorded on July 11, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

When Blue Beetle is on the team's mind link, can they hear Khaji Da too?

Greg responds...

Who's Khaji Da?

(I know, I know, I've read the comics too. But it gets old when people try to squeeze in non-Earth-16 continuity.)

Response recorded on July 11, 2013

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MarkB writes...

First, a compliment - issue #25 was undoubtedly Young Justice's best. Queen Bee is now officially my favourite YJ villain, the Dick/Barbara scenes were wonderful, and I wish we could see what Kylstar and his new friends are gonna get up to.

Now for my question: you revealed that there was a Captain Marvel story planned for the comic before the shift to YJ: Invasion. In "Misplaced", Cat Grant reports that Captain Marvel recently defeated Ibac and Sabbac. Was this a reference to the planned comic story, or a separate event?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Mark B writes...

In season one, Rocket was almost always surrounded by a pink aura when flying. In season two an aura is never shown, and her force bubbles are a different colour. The design of her inertia belt also changed somewhat between seasons, being wider in season two (and the Legacy character model).

1) Did Rocket upgrade her belt during the time skip, or are the changes purely aesthetic?

2) Do the changes have any bearing on her powers? e.g. can she now make stronger/larger force bubbles than in season one?

Also, thanks for answering my last set of questions. Intervention was one of the shows finest episodes and I eagerly look forward to seeing how you wrap up the season.

Greg responds...

1. Probably the former.

2. Shrug. Probably.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Robby writes...

Hey Greg, this is a question about this weekends episode (Intervention). After Blue and Green are taken off mode, the Team goes into a flashback where its revealed that Zatanna had been working on spells to take the beetles off mode. One of these scenes shows Batgirl and Robin aboard the Watchtower.

My question is, are Tim and Barbara granted Watchtower access or was this just circumstantial because they were showing the glyphs to Z and Dr. Fate? I was just curious since I'm sure the Leaguers could've easily zeta'd to the cave.

As always, GREAT episode, cant wait to see how you close out the season.

Greg responds...

I'd have to rewatch the episode.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg,

I'm trying my best to be as polite as possible to say what I have to say because I know that this has not always been the case with people on this page. I know you like your show and I don't expect you to agree with me but there are some things I have to get off my chest.

Now that season two is almost over I think I am now is a position to say that I prefer season one to season two. The production quality is still top-notch but you made some creative choices with season two that were bound to alienate me - at least a little.

You went epic. You and Brandon concocted an elaborate twenty-part story that will forever raise the bar of what is possible in the superhero genre on TV. I don't believe there has ever been an animated show with this complex a storyline on American television. But the reason I fell in love with the show was the characters and season two was so scattered that I just didn't find anyone to care about.

You have said that the original six are still the main cast members and I sort of get that. These are the characters that are going to grow and change. Great! But Wally, Artemis, and Kaldur were off-screen for most of the season. The only original team-members who got substantial screen-time were Superboy and Miss Martian. You have in the past claimed that you try to balance the character focus but that's clearly not the case in season two. If Wally had a character arc, I don't know what it could be. And you spent too much time focusing on characters like Arsenal and the runaways who I never grew to care about.

Am I being unfair? Is it right for someone to go to a romantic-comedy and then complain that there weren't enough action scenes? I realize that there is no such thing as an objective critic and I will admit up-front that I am a huge Spitfire fan and that relationship was largely out of focus for most of the season. As a fellow-geek, I really latched on to Wally early on in season one and I loved Artemis's playfulness. I realize that my favorite elements can't be the focus all of the time, but how about some of the time?

One of the downsides of having so much going on is that certain character beats had to be skipped over. For example: Miss Martian, Superboy, and Nightwing had some pretty good reasons to be angry with each other. They all kept secrets that led to Miss Martian frying Aqualad's brain. You dealt with this but in a very truncated form. It would have been much more dramatically satisfying for me to let those feelings play out on-screen instead of only getting to see the tail-end of what was probably a colossal argument. It just didn't get the time it deserved. If only you had had six more episodes…

None of this is to say that I disliked Young Justice: Invasion. It was still a very very good show! I just don't have the crazy mad love for it that I had for season one. I enjoyed M'gann's character arc. I enjoyed the sibling relationship between M'gann and Beast Boy. I did like Blue Beetle, not as much as Wally or Connor, but I liked him. I thought Cassie's enthusiasm was endearing. I also loved her dramatic entrance: leaping over Lobo and then punching him in the gut! And it was definitely cool seeing Mongul, Despero, and Lobo. But do you know what would have been cooler? A few more episodes about Kaldur, Wally, and Artemis.

Now, since we're supposed to ask you questions in this forum, here's one for you. I understand if there is a season three there will be another time jump and presumably another cast change. Let's say Cartoon Network smiles down upon us from on high and grants you ten episodes for season three. Do you really think ten episodes are enough to get your audience to care about a new cast of main characters?

Greg responds...

Mootness and hypotheticallity abounds.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Why were Wentworth Miller and Kittie recast?

Greg responds...

They were not available to record.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

In regards to Intervention....

Two simple comments. Summit and Endgame will have to be pretty amazing to top this weeks episode. And thank you for providing an amazing series that has given many people many hours of enjoyment.

One question: what were Zatanna's sp... Just kidding. Saw that asked, like, four dozen times in the queue.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Flydie writes...

1. In what year was Dan Garret born?
2. Was he a member oh the Justice Society?

Greg responds...

1. Don't have access to that information on my phone in the Oakland Airport.

2. No.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Is there a reason why in the episode "Intervention" its ALMOST and all-girl team again? You know, because it's in Bialya? Queen Bee maybe?
And you know, Impulse is there? And so is Tim?
I hope you know what I mean.

Greg responds...

I don't.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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