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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. I'm a HUGE fan of Young Justice and The Spectacular Spider-Man. Both series rock! There's just one thing that always bothered me though. You said once that Miss Martian's age in 2016 is 53 and her approximate human age is 18. I'm sorry but that's wrong. Miss Martian would be the human equivalent of 17 since she is 53 years old. She would not be 18 until she turns 54. 53 divided by 3 would not be 18. It is 17.6666666666. 54 divided by 3 equals 18. Since all martians age once every 3 earth years, then logically all martians would age 4 months every earth year. She would be around 17 years and 8 months. Sorry, it's a little nitpick that's been bugging me.

Greg responds...

Have you ever heard of the concept of ROUNDING?

17.6 rounds up to 18.

We're not talking about birthdays here, we're talking about her biological equivalent to a human being. If she's 17.666666, then that rounds UP to 18. Get it?

Response recorded on July 11, 2013