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Nicholas Griel writes...

In an interview you said that two of the members of the team that joined and left during the 5 year gap were Sergeant Marvel and Lieutenant Marvel. Can you pin sown any more information on these two characters especially Sergeant.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 01, 2013

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I just... WHAT WAS YOUR GOAL?!?!

Greg responds...

I don't really understand the question.

Response recorded on September 30, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Ok, Greg. Obviously, Young Justice fans got their hearts completely broken by today's season/series finale. With the success of the Veronica Mars Kickstarter... If Young Justice were to get one, would you pitch in? Honestly. As you said, clearly they CAN work.

Greg responds...

It's a huge IF. But I'd do everything I could to help - EXCEPT donate my services.

Response recorded on September 30, 2013

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Spitfire Fan writes...

I know you wrote about not wanting to divulge season 3 storylines, so I know you can't/won't answer if you planned to have Wally come back somehow, but hopefully you find this too small.

You always said that you planned another timeskip between seasons 2 and 3. How long would it have been from the end of "Endgame" to the beginning of 301?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 30, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

I just have some random questions after the finale aha
I'm sorry if they count as spoilers
1) During "Summit" was Zatanna aware of the whole Artemis fake death thing?
2) If so, did she become aware of the purpose of her Glamour Charm?
3) Does Zachary Zatara exist in Earth- 16?
4) Not really a question, but thank you so much for Young Justice and the adventures of Earth-16, the animation was beautiful, the writing was beautiful, and the show itself is beautiful. I look forward to the day we can finally get a season three, until then, thank you and your crew for this amazing show.

Greg responds...

1. "During"? Not sure. Probably.

2. Eventually.


4. You're very welcome!

Response recorded on September 30, 2013

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Nomad writes...

So I just watched the "Endgame" and I was completely shocked to see a certain person die in the end. Did you plan this persons death from the beginning or what? Also will that person be revived later to come?

Greg responds...

1. Depends what you mean by "the beginning."


Response recorded on September 30, 2013

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Ceylan writes...

Now that the finale has aired could you tell who has the designations 27, 28, A06-09? And B26 is Virgil right?

Loved the finale, loved the series. I don't think I'll be functional for a few weeks. And how the Team descended on the League, was beautiful.

Greg responds...

B-26 is Static. The others are SPOILER REQUESTS. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on September 30, 2013

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Lewis writes...

In Endgame, the resolution to the Wally West storyline and whether he would continue with active heroing afterward was answered. I'm a huge Wally fan and in my mind he is Flash and I understand that you all are doing a seperate story, which I have loved btw.

However my question is this: Did you all make the decision apart from DC in the sense that you all felt it was necessary to write Wally out of the story? I ask because DC in recent years has all but abandoned Wally, and I wonder if that played any part in his character development to 'retire' or if you all just saw that as a natural evolution of the character you were writing. I love him in season 1 but have missed him in season 2 but nonetheless I loved the show and hate to see it end. thank you for the hard work you all put in it is appreciated.

Greg responds...

Your question was ASKED AND ANSWERED: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=1048

Your praise is much appreciated. Thank you.

Response recorded on September 30, 2013

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No writes...

Did Wally really die or did he just run to some other dimension

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 30, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

I just finished watching "Endgame" and, as expected, it was golden. It's too bad Cartoon Network/DC didn't request more episodes so that concepts such as Tim/Cassie or Static or the whole...you know...Darkseid-Light plot.

Anyway, I was wondering. Obviously you had plans for a third season, but can DC allow you to at least release your plans for the show?

If not, I wish you good luck in whatever projects you do next. I hear you're writing novels soon. At least you can write whatever you want in them, from Shakespearean references to Xanatosian plots, and they won't be cancelled by higher powers.

Greg responds...

As always, I have hopes of revisiting these characters someday, so no one is preventing me from releasing my plans but me.

I'm very hopeful about the novels. The first two will definitely be published, but whether we see the third book in the RAIN OF THE GHOSTS series will totally depend on sales of the first two.

Which, at least, is a pretty straight-forward uncomplicated criteria.

Response recorded on September 30, 2013

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