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Hello greg,
Two words to say about young justice episode summit:Intense & Incredible!! However, words cannot do justice on how good that episode really is!! Summit was full of surprises!!
Although, i have a few questions as well:
How did the light know about the reach and the scarab?
When did the light became aware of the meta-gene? Cause that's what their goal is about; evolving.
Why did the reach abduct young people?
Plus, i loved how you brought diversity to spectacular spiderman! :).
Also, i hope you, brandon and team can comeback to young justice!! I fully support the 5 year gap, its about growing up, its so realistic. Dc comics should do a comic based on the earth-16 you created!! You successfully reinvented the superheroes by combing old elements from the comics along with new elements and original ideas!! I salute you for that!!
In the future, please number your questions.
1. They have various alliances.
2. Some time ago.
3. To experiment on them. (This was STATED in the series.)
4. Um, thanks.
5. And thanks again!