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Anonymous writes...

In "Beneath", it was clear that Devastation had gone "toe-to-toe" with Wonder Woman, but had never met Wonder Girl. My question is, has Devastation ever met Troia (as of "Beneath")?

Greg responds...

Hard to answer yes or no, since Devastation IS Troia.


Response recorded on April 01, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

In "Beneath", Nightwing said that Psimon had been in a coma since his last encounter with Miss Martian. Was he referring to the events of "Image", or a battle that happened sometime during the 5 year gap?

Greg responds...

That was a reference to Miss Martian's reading of the Martian Chronicles at the Bialyan Barnes & Noble. She was a little monotone.


Response recorded on April 01, 2014

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Gray Dickson writes...

What was your reason for having Dicks character be such a womanizer?

Greg responds...

I don't think he is a womanizer, at least not in the traditional sense that most people use that word. He doesn't lie about who he's with. He's been exclusive for periods of time. He's never cheated on any girl. He always calls the next day. Etc.

Dick has tremendous respect for women, in my opinion. And that respect makes him interested in many women for each one's very different qualities. And that fundamental respect (alongside his other attributes) makes him extremely attractive to a diverse group of powerful women, who know he's secure enough not to require them to be 'less powerful' when dating him.

Also keep in mind, he's still pretty darn young. Should he really be settled down by age 19? I just don't think he's quite ready to settle down, and obviously Barbara agrees.

As for why we made that creative choice, given his history, it just seemed right for the character.

Response recorded on March 20, 2014

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Anoy writes...

Did any of the runaways consider superhero names for themselves? I mean virgil is static, but did any of the others think of names to use?

Greg responds...

Not that they said out loud.

Response recorded on March 20, 2014

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Ryan writes...

1.) What part of Europe was Vandal Savage born in (Cave bears were largely confined to Europe (more specially romania hungary and croatia, as well as northern italy, southern german and north spain although there were cases when they were in the caucuses as well, and even iran)? I'm not asking specific coordinates, just general region.

2.) Does the Light have a central HQ akin to the Watchtower?

3.) Which historical figures has Vandal been throughout history?

4.) Are the members of the Light planning to double cross each other?

Greg responds...

1. I knew this. Once. But I don't remember. I'd have to research it again. Sorry.

2. Yes. You saw it in the episode where Deathstroke was introduced.

3. Well, in our series bible, I wrote that he was Genghis Khan, Atilla the Hun and Blackbeard the Pirate. Don't know if I'd stick to that, but it sounds right.

4. No.

Response recorded on March 20, 2014

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Writes writes...

1).So here something I have been wondering. What exactly was Secret? I mean I do take she was a ghost, so maybe I should rephrase the question. How exactly did she come to be as she was? Was it her meta gene? If so how come it activated upon her death? Or was it some form of magic related to harm or the sword?
2). Black manta was under the assumption that kaldur and tigress were lovers. Did he come to this assumption by himself or did kaldur and/or artemis deliberately imply that they were in order to help their cover?
3). Does anyone in the light hold black manta responbile for kaldur's actions?

Greg responds...

1. She was an unquiet soul. Period.

2. I'll leave that to your imagination, I think.

3. Spoiler Request. No comment.

Response recorded on March 20, 2014

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Kwesi Brako writes...

Hi, Greg, just following up from what you said on twitter. Did you hear the comments Paul Dini made about why shows like Young Justice were not renewed?

Here's a link to the specific clip

And a link to the full podcast in case anyone else wants it

What are your thoughts on this?

Greg responds...

For the record, I listened to the clip but not the entire podcast. So if I missed out on some important context, I apologize.

I agree with a lot of what was said, but I don't agree that the executives didn't want girls to watch. (And I'm not really sure that's exactly what was being said, though that's the way it's been reported on that internet thing.) The target audience for Young Justice was ALWAYS Boys 6-11. If we ALSO got girls that was fine. If we got older kids, tweens, teens and adults, that was fine. If we got younger kids, that was fine.

But we had to hit the target: Boys 6-11. And we did to some extent, but not enough to compensate for the loss of our toy line. Anyone who says the show was cancelled because too many people (of any specific demographic) were watching us, is, I think, grasping at straws. It's not that too many were watching, it's that NOT ENOUGH were watching in our target demographic. Even then, if the toys had sold, we would have been fine. But the toy line was cancelled, which took away our financing for the series. And that was that.

Response recorded on March 20, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Shortly after Ask Greg Live, you revealed that Donna Troy had been a leading candidate for Team membership at a very early stage in the development of the show - I was wondering if you could please list a few others who were serious contenders for a spot on the season 1 main cast but didn't make the cut?

Greg responds...

As I've stated before, there was a list of over fifty teen DC heroes, all of whom were considered, at least briefly.

We then cut that list down considerably to more or less the folks that became members of the Team that you saw in Season One: i.e. Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, Speedy/Red Arrow, Artemis, Zatanna and Rocket.

Others that were briefly considered for the final cut include, as I recall, Donna, Garth, Mary and Cissie. But Donna was declared off-limits (at that time). Kaldur replaced Garth. Artemis' backstory offered us more interesting secrets than Cissie's might have, and three archers (Artemis, Roy and Oliver) seemed like plenty to start with in one series. Finally, our developing plans for Captain Marvel in Season One worked better if Mary was not yet part of the equation.

As planned, Garth guest-starred (and had a nice role in Legacy). And we managed to slip a Cissie cameo in, with bigger plans for her later, if we had gotten more seasons/episodes/issues. We had planned to include Mary and Donna in Season Two, but as I've already discussed, Phil Bourassa just didn't have time to design them both for the sake of a couple cameo appearances. We had more plans for both of those characters, as well, but never got the opportunity.

Heck, we had eventual plans for nearly everyone on the original list of fifty-plus.

Response recorded on March 19, 2014

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Kevin writes...

1. What is the general Martian Population on Mars?
2. What is the general Atlantean population on Earth?
3. Is the color green a scarab class or something else entirely?
4. Are there any other scarab classes that we did not see?
5. What does Arsenal think of Lian? Interesting relationship to say the least:)

Greg responds...

1. You mean a number? I don't know.

2. I don't know.

3. No. When B'arzz attempted to adjust his blue scout scarab, it turned green.

4. Probably.


Response recorded on March 14, 2014

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Paul writes...

Since Dick Grayson has been confirmed as a dog where his love life is concerned, I have to ask: he's dated Zatanna Zatara and Raquel Ervin, and at the very least admitted his love for and kissed Barbara Gordon... but what about Donna Troy? Did he date her/pursue a romance with her during the five year gap? I ask because the other girls would appear to have been off-limits (M'gann was with Conner, Artemis was with Wally, Tula was with Garth, Mary was too young and Karen and Mal seem to have stayed together over the years), but Donna could have been a potential conquest. Was there a spark between them? Or was it a normal friendship/platonic love like in the comics between Dick and Donna?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 14, 2014

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