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REVELATIONS 2012-05 (May)

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

It's me once again. I've got a new set of questions that came up on my mind today.

1. After the Justice League was formed in 2003, what circumstances led the other nine members to join during the following seven years? I know you might not like to get into big details (or perhaps, there are details that you might have already given), but I’m interested to know because the circumstances were probably different for each member. Also, why were these particular heroes made official Justice League members and not anyone else? Hopefully, there should be an in-universe explanation for this.

2. You have mentioned that both Vandal Savage and Ra’s al Ghul were both heroes at one point in their lives, although I don’t what they did to be recognized as such. If that were true, then what exactly happened to make them walk away from that and become the villains that we, the fans, know in the present?

3. According to a response to someone’s posting, Hawkman and Hawkwoman’s names are Katar Hol and Shayera Thal respectively. Now assuming they reincarnate every time they die on Earth-16, shouldn’t their names be Carter Hall and Shiera Sanders Hall respectively in the present day or is there an in-universe explanation for the name change? Honestly, I think I might be getting myself confused here…

4. I’ve come to understand that the theme of Season One of Young Justice is about secrets and lies. I’ve also read the preview summaries of all the episodes that appear on the month of March. Based on everything I’ve read, am I correct to assume that The Team must overcome ALL secrets and lies they are keeping from each other in order to become stronger (both individually and as a team) and face whatever comes their way in the Season One Finale and in Season Two? You probably might not answer this question, but in my opinion, that is what I believe. What do you think about it?

5. Not including the legal reasons (or whatever reason you may have), is there an Earth-16 in-universe explanation as to why certain DC characters/teams will not/have not appeared on the show/comic? For example, is the in-universe reason a team such as Justice League International has not been established on Earth-16 because the original Justice League is a recent superhero team (lasting for seven years and still going), and therefore the United Nations would have no need for the establishment of the JLI because the circumstances normally involved in its establishment have not yet occurred?

Thanks for taking the time to read my questions. As always,keep up the good work, man!

Greg responds...

1. Of course, there's an in-universe explanation. But these are stories your asking for. And this isn't the forum where I'm going to tell stories.

2. They don't consider themselves villains now.

3. I think you are.

4. I think I'll leave it to your interpretation.

5. It is what it is. Don't look to the traditional DC Universe - since rebooted - and make assumptions.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Maki P writes...

Were the Wonder Twins in the list of teenage heroes you considered for the show?

Greg responds...

Yes. Pretty much every teen hero you can think of was.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Jonathan Lang writes...

Three questions representative of the split and merging of worlds in "Misplaced":

Where was Wolf? Was he on the world of adults, the world of kids, both, or neither?

When the worlds merged again, what happened to the airplane? Did it end up crashed in the ocean because it lost its pilot mid-flight, or is it still safely parked at the airport because it never took off?

If Zatarra had donned the Helm of Fate while the worlds were still split (and while Zatanna was wearing the helm in the world without grown-ups), would Nabu have ended up possessing both of them? And what would have happened when the worlds merged again?

Greg responds...




Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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skye4376 writes...

Hi,just wanted to ask you a few questions about Wonder Woman.

1)When did she leave Themyscira?
2)When did she become Wonder Woman and start fighting crime?
3)Does she have a homebase city, and if she does, what city is it?

Greg responds...

1. Which time?

2. 1941, originally.

3. If you're talking about in the United States, Washington, D.C.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

How long has Captain Marvel been a hero in the YJ universe?

Greg responds...

As of the end of "Auld Acquaintance" - three years.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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