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REVELATIONS 2012-05 (May)

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Mel writes...

My first question didn't post for some reason, so here goes again:

1. Given that aside from that one stint in Florence, and NYC/Scotland, the place we see Demona show up the most in the series and comics is Paris. That, combined with her choosing a french name and identity made me wonder if Demona has some special affinity for Paris/France. Or am I just reading too much into it?

2. You've said that Demona is biologically the equivalent of a human 35, and at the beginning of the series Goliath was about 28 I think. Since in Awakenings the clan all thought Demona had been frozen in stone like them, didn't any of them notice that she maybe looked different, or older? (It's hard to tell with animation if she really did;)) I realize there was a lot going on, but didn't anyone notice anything...off about her? Or is Demona just one of those people that, magically protected from the effects of age/rough lifestyle, can pass for younger?

3. During the time of his reign and their alliance, did MacBeth ever find out that Demona is a sorceress? If so, what did he think about it? At the time, I would guess he might respect her ability to learn a...scholarly pursuit, maybe, but I can't imagine Grouch at least would be comfortable with it, especially as it seems her husband being suspected of sorcery was already a rumor.

Thanks so much for still taking the time to answer Gargoyles questions, since I'm sure Young Justice is taking up a lot of your time and attention lately :)

Greg responds...

1. Perhaps. Maybe she liked the work they did with the guillotine.

2. One doesn't have to invoke magic to look largely unchanged between the ages of 28 and 35. Some folks just have the genes for it.

3. Demona was never much of a practicing sorceress in those days. She had a bit of training and dabbled. I'm sure Macbeth was aware of that.

Response recorded on May 04, 2012

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Blaise writes...

Hey Greg! It's been a while. Glad to see you busy, and "Young Justice" is great!

Anyway, I just saw in one of your answered questions that you're a fan of "Doctor Who."

I've actually been working my way through the ENTIRE series (both Classic and New) in airing order for a while now, thanks to a friend of mine who is a HUGE "Doctor Who" fan (mostly of the classic series). So that's why I find myself asking the following questions:

1) Are you more familiar with the New series (2005-present), or the Classic series (1963-1989)?
2) Do you have a favorite/preferred Doctor? If so, who?
3) What appeals to you most about the show?


Greg responds...

1. New, almost exclusively. Though I've seen the very first two episodes of the classic series, and a handful of others.

2. Christopher Eccleston, I guess. But I haven't disliked any of the others I've seen - though there are entire Doctors I've never seen more than a still picture of.

3. I actually admire how it plays so fast and loose with its own rules, but still makes it work somehow with a combination of tone and character and great twists.

Response recorded on May 04, 2012

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Mel writes...

Hi Greg,

I have a MacBeth question this time. You mentioned a while ago that MacBeth has worked as a stage actor in the past. I thought that was such an interesting tidbit about a guy we don't necessarily know a ton about. Was that you idea, and if so, what inspired it?

You also mentioned that you saw MacBeth as acting in a lot of George Bernard Shaw plays probably. Why is that? Shaw was pretty political - do you think that influenced MacBeth's decision to do those plays?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

1a. It just felt right. Plus I like the idea of him collaborating with Shakespeare.

2. Yeah. It just felt like Shaw's work would appeal to Macbeth.

Response recorded on May 04, 2012

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crisy writes...

Hi Greg!
In Revelation and Failsafe, and later on Disordered, Wally seems to grow a bit closer to Artemis. Yet, they haven't had any interaction at all after episode 17 (just that bit on Misplaced about Teeklr), and it's like nothing ever happened. In fact, Wally is back to flirting with M'gann and all. So, I was wondering if you could say why he's acting like Failsafe never happened (without spoiling anything of course). Thanks in advance!

Greg responds...

I thought it was pretty clear from "Disordered" that he doesn't WANT to acknowledge what happened. He's afraid of it.

Response recorded on May 04, 2012

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Carter writes...

Hey Greg! Just here with a few questions

1) Are the YJ comics more of a way to explain the events during/in between the shows to the viewers. Things that may not have been mentioned or clear enough. OR would you say they serve as more of a way to get information and story lines out there in order to base future episodes off of them? maybe both? just curious.

2) Do you ever get annoyed by the questions, responses and posts that fans put out there? ex. heated (and occasionally baseless) fan pairing wars, "hating" on particular characters, ect.

3) this may seem silly to ask, but do you have a favorite character amongst the group? or one that you find the most interesting

4) It is always fun to guess at new characters and appearances on the show, but do you ever worry that too big of a group will take away from the development of each individual character?

Greg responds...

1. Either, both, neither. Mostly, it's just another outlet for us to tell stories set in this universe with these characters.

2. You're new here, aren't you?


4. Of course, but we have to be true to the universe we're developing. Believe me, there were at least SEVEN more MAJOR characters that we wanted to add to Season Two that will NOT be appearing at all on the television series because there just wasn't any room for them. So they'll have to be saved for the comic book and/or a potential Season Three (if there is one).

Response recorded on May 04, 2012

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kitcass writes...

hey Greg!
i think its great that you let fans ask questions, especially since you must get frustrated when fans go and ask the same questions over and over, so i checked and double checked the archives before asking this, but if its a repeat, i apologize.

1)in many comic books, more adult like topics are discussed. (ie: child abuse, drug abuse, pregnancy)and i know you have cleared the subject of Wally's child abuse multiple times, but are such topics allowed to be discussed at such a children oriented network?

2) I've heard of other comics books and shows that the public in that such universe is convinced that superheroes don't have secret identities, is that true of earth-16?

3)in the most recent episode, it was shown captain marvel saying Shazam! and transferring to the adult universe, and rescuing his pilot. i assume that the lightning that struck him destroyed the plane, but did the lightning not affect Amber, or did she somehow fall out of the plane beforehand?

thanks for taking the time to answer these :)

Greg responds...

1. It depends how they're handled.

2. Some characters have secret identities; some do not.

3. The magic lightning had NO effect on the plane. On the adult dimension, the plane was back in its hangar in Fawcett City. In the kid dimension, the pilotless plane eventually crashed into the ocean. This question has already been ASKED AND ANSWERED. For a fuller response, check the archives.

Response recorded on May 04, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Hey, Mr. Greg Weisman,

I made a mistake on my last posting. That last one was actually my sixth posting, not my fifth. The one I’m doing now is my seventh posting.

I’ve got a quick interesting question I need to ask you. Has a prequel movie (which would probably focus on the Justice League, with the sidekicks in a minor role) ever been considered by your team to help lead into the beginning of the events of Season One, or to help connect the plot elements of Seasons One and Two?

Thanks for taking the time to read this question. Hope to find out how you will respond. Oh, I almost forgot, on my fifth posting, the one I did last night with the list of names, Wizard’s first name was misspelled. I meant to say William, not Willaim.

Greg responds...

No, it hasn't been discussed. I'd love to, of course, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Response recorded on May 04, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Thank you so much for the Bad Guys timeline info. Now, if you would please share the dates and descriptions from your timeline of the events of "The Rock," "Rock & Roll," and "Rock of Ages."

I believe this will bring the GargWiki up to date with all things canon.

Greg responds...

Isn't all that stuff in the trade itself?

Response recorded on May 04, 2012

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Irenerb writes...

Hi Question about Kid Flash and Artemis:

What were they doing together that they walked in together in the beginning of "Revelation"?

Greg responds...

Nothing significant. For all we know, they weren't together and simply entered the hallway at the same time.

Response recorded on May 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. Going off from what someone previously asked, can Artemis speak as many languages as her father and sister?
2. I was just wondering, do you think that in general Artemis is confident in most social situations, or more shy/awkward?
3. How would you describe Artemis' relationship with Roy presently?
4. Who is Artemis' closest to on the team?

Greg responds...

1. <shrug>

2. I think she actively PROJECTS confidence, which is not the same thing as having it. (Same with Wally, by the way. It's one of the things I see them having in common.)

3. With Roy? Mostly non-existent. That might change now, after the revelations of "Usual Suspects" and "Auld Acquaintances" but I can't talk about that now, as it's a SPOILER.

4. Zatanna, probably. Though I think she's close to M'gann and Robin and Aqualad - and even to Wally in their strange way. This is NOT meant to imply that she gets along badly with Superboy and/or Rocket, but I don't think they're as close.

Response recorded on May 04, 2012

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