A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey Greg! It's been a while. Glad to see you busy, and "Young Justice" is great!
Anyway, I just saw in one of your answered questions that you're a fan of "Doctor Who."
I've actually been working my way through the ENTIRE series (both Classic and New) in airing order for a while now, thanks to a friend of mine who is a HUGE "Doctor Who" fan (mostly of the classic series). So that's why I find myself asking the following questions:
1) Are you more familiar with the New series (2005-present), or the Classic series (1963-1989)?
2) Do you have a favorite/preferred Doctor? If so, who?
3) What appeals to you most about the show?
1. New, almost exclusively. Though I've seen the very first two episodes of the classic series, and a handful of others.
2. Christopher Eccleston, I guess. But I haven't disliked any of the others I've seen - though there are entire Doctors I've never seen more than a still picture of.
3. I actually admire how it plays so fast and loose with its own rules, but still makes it work somehow with a combination of tone and character and great twists.