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REVELATIONS 2012-10 (Oct)

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The Virginian writes...

Why does it take 5 years for the Krolotean to get to Earth?

Greg responds...

Are you talking about travel time - because it didn't - or are you asking why the Kroloteans only showed up five years after they became aware of Earth? If the latter, (a) they didn't and (b) how fast does your government work?

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Tymiko writes...

1. Although he's amoral and generally has a commitment to self-preservation, why did Puck return to help Xanatos against Oberon "against [his] better judgement"?

Was it simply because he was impressed by Xanatos' choice to have him serve him for life instead of being granter a wish? I considered this, but then I thought it unlikely that Owen would have left Xanatos in the first place instead of returning after some consideration to stand at David's side.

2. Why DID David Xanatos choose Puck as a life-long servant instead of a wish? Wasn't he after immortality?

Greg responds...

1. He likes him.

1a. Yes.

2. He weighed the worth of the two options and chose.

2a. Ultimately, yes.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Tymiko writes...

I noticed in another series of children's books called The Sisters Grimm that the author, Michael Buckley, also had Puck as a main character, only he has the form of a 12 year old and seems to have the mindset of one. He also has a pair of pink insect wings (despite still being a shape-shifter) that he isn't ashamed of at all.

He's written in a way that makes me believe he could have been your version of Puck at a younger age, though he is considered in that series to be the literal child of Oberon and Titania (Oberon's children, haha).

What's more is that King Oberon and Queen Titania live in Manhatten, New York City. I can't help but wonder if there's some of the Gargoyle show's influence at work here.

1. Were you aware of this series and its similarities?

2. Did you ever exchange words with Michael Buckley?

3. Do you think it's possible he watched your show, Gargoyles, or more likely that it was a coincidence?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. No.

3. I have no idea.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Tymiko writes...

Your rendition of Puck really rekindled an interest of fairy lore in me, especially since I love tricksters and their amoral personalities that make them so complex. I love how you never know if they'll do something 'good' or 'bad' to someone else simply on a whim, and you portrayed that so well.

I read a previous answer of yours to someone else that said you didn't want to label Puck, Oberon, and Titania as 'faeries' because of the pejorative connotations that the word has. I realize and empathize with you about how fairies are often thought of as nothing more than pretty little girls with butterfly wings or something to that effect, who wave magic wands to grant wishes and always do good. Makes me sick.

1. Is that why you didn't have Puck, Oberon and Titania portrayed with fairy wings despite their status in their original play?

2. If so, why bother to have Puck fly around at all, let alone with fairy dust trailing behind him?

There's a show I recently learned of called Durarara!! in which a Dullahan (technically a sort of fairy) comes to Tokyo to find her missing head, taking the form of a black-wearing motorcyclist and transferring her headless horse's spirit into a pitch black motobike. To hide the fact she has no head, she wears a full helmet and tries to blend in with the city, acting as a transporter and courier for gangs and info brokers, forcing fans to reconsider their initial mental image of a typical fairy.

I think if you had recognized that Puck and the others were Fae, it just might have saved the Fae's tainted, modern day reputation, considering how well-known and admired the Gargoyles show is. However, I understand respect the choices you made, and it was pretty much obvious who they were in the long run.

Greg responds...

1. "Despite"? Most of the versions I've seen are wingless.

2. Uh... it looked cool?

I don't recall saying no to the words "faery", "fairy" or "fae" because of perjorative connotations. I think the point I was making is that Oberon and Titania were "larger" than that. The Children of Oberon include those creatures traditionally associated with the "fae" but also various pantheons, etc.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

The episode "Alienated" explains that the Justice League first came together to stop a threat from an alien race of energy beings called the Appellaxians. Do these beings exist only in this specific DC universe? Why did they come to Earth in the first place? What kind of abilities did they possess that made them so dangerous and powerful?

Greg responds...

1. Not sure what you're asking here? They are from the comics originally.

2. It was neutral turf for their conflict.

3. They could create/possess 'golems'.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Kit Walker writes...

I've checked the archives, including using what I thought to be relevant search terms, but I didn't come up with anything, so if I missed someone asking this before, I do apologize.

That said, I was curious as to what one work you would put on your résumé, if you had to. Like for whatever reason, you could only put forth one work as, "This is me. This is what Greg Weisman brings to your table, what I can do for you." What work would that be, and why? (Yes, I'm one of those who are insanely curious about the minds of the creators I admire, and how they work. :) )

Greg responds...

What an odd hypothetical. Why would I ever do this?

As frequent readers of this site know, I'm not too fond of hypothetical questions of this nature, but this time I'll answer, because the answer is so obvious: GARGOYLES.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Michael writes...

Why wasn't Wonder Woman part of the JSA?

Greg responds...

Who said she wasn't?

I said she wasn't a founder, which had more to do with timing than anything else.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Lurker writes...

I know there has been a lot of attention to what was whispered in Fox's ear.

I'm not going to ask what it was, I want to know if we have seen the topic of said whisper or an allusion to said topic in the series via show or comic.

Ex: if the whisper was about working with the gargoyles, was their moving back to the castle a move that would have later been revealed to be related to the whisper.

Im not looking for a revealing answer, just a yes the topic has been shown or a no the topic has not been shown yet.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

why did the light want rhelasia reunited?

Greg responds...

Not just reunited, but reunited under Lex Luthor's influence.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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JE writes...

Hey Greg, big fan here! First I'd like to say that, though unexpected (and probably because of that), I really liked the time skip. I was REALLY hoping to see Tim Drake, but I thought it would take too much time and maybe the series wouldn't make it. Seeing Nightwing too is great, and the relationship the 2 'robins' have is awesome! I was very pleased with the way each Robin was approached! Hoping to see more!
So, I have a few questions, and I'm not really sure if they are spoilers because they're tricky, unclear things that may or may not be explained in the future. If they turn out to be spoilers, I sincerely apologize.
1. Does Ra's al Ghul know Batman's secret identity like he does in the comics? What about Vandal Savage (in Justice League: Doom he did, I don't know if he does in the comics)?
2. Does The Light know Roy Harper's secret identity? I'm guessing they do, but then why haven't they found out Green Arrows?
3. Are you involved in the writing of the tie-in comics?
I like the Light being so subtle, but don't they consider knowing their enemies identites as a means to destroy or at least having advantage over them? The classic 'hurt the loved ones' move in case they're desperate? It probably wasn't their plan and it turned out well against Kaldur! I would certainly consider it! Thanks!

Greg responds...

1a. Yes, as revealed in issue #11 of our companion comic.


2. Yes.

2a. Who says they haven't?

3. YES!!! I'm writing them!!

3a. Everything's on the table with the Light.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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