A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey Greg, big fan here! First I'd like to say that, though unexpected (and probably because of that), I really liked the time skip. I was REALLY hoping to see Tim Drake, but I thought it would take too much time and maybe the series wouldn't make it. Seeing Nightwing too is great, and the relationship the 2 'robins' have is awesome! I was very pleased with the way each Robin was approached! Hoping to see more!
So, I have a few questions, and I'm not really sure if they are spoilers because they're tricky, unclear things that may or may not be explained in the future. If they turn out to be spoilers, I sincerely apologize.
1. Does Ra's al Ghul know Batman's secret identity like he does in the comics? What about Vandal Savage (in Justice League: Doom he did, I don't know if he does in the comics)?
2. Does The Light know Roy Harper's secret identity? I'm guessing they do, but then why haven't they found out Green Arrows?
3. Are you involved in the writing of the tie-in comics?
I like the Light being so subtle, but don't they consider knowing their enemies identites as a means to destroy or at least having advantage over them? The classic 'hurt the loved ones' move in case they're desperate? It probably wasn't their plan and it turned out well against Kaldur! I would certainly consider it! Thanks!
1a. Yes, as revealed in issue #11 of our companion comic.
2. Yes.
2a. Who says they haven't?
3. YES!!! I'm writing them!!
3a. Everything's on the table with the Light.