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VELATIONS 2013-03 (Mar)

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btgr writes...

In YJ, are "out of order" phone booths indestructible?

Greg responds...

No. Are they where you live?

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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BearGirl writes...

Good evening Mr Weisman
I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful series of Young Justice, it is quiet rare for me to enjoy a series much less become so absorbed by the characters. I usually stick to my books. I have been a fan of The Batfamily for a while now and think the way your take on the characters are amazing. I love how Dick has matured into the adult he is and how Tim is quiet, I have read a few of the other questions about how quiet Tim is but to be honest I like that he is as he strikes me as the think before I talk kind of person. I was so incredibly happy when Jason was mentioned as not many shows do that so for me that was a huge bonus. I must admit in the first season Fireworks when Robin said 'Pass! Batcave's crowded enough.' I was already picturing Tim and Jason there.
I do have two questions for you and if they are spoilers I am very sorry.
1) Why are there no finger stripes on the Nightwing suit? I know many shows don't do them anymore but I was wondering why. Are they impractical or did you just not want to add them?
2) Did Barbara always know that Dick was Robin or did she find out after she became Batgirl? If that is a spoiler then
I am sorry.

Greg responds...

1. That's really a question for Phil Bourassa.

2. She didn't ALWAYS know.

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Jon writes...

Followup question from a few months ago -- I asked: "Okay, so the League definitely knows that Lex Luthor is a member of the Light at this point. So how's he getting away with openly running a major corporation?" You answered: "How do they stop him?"

To which I suggest: Violence (a la Arsenal)? Sabotage? Leveraged takeovers? Filing with the SEC? Large-scale theft of office supplies?

Right, yes, being a bit silly here, obviously. (just a bit.) And superheroes don't go beyond the law, of course (well, err, past the whole being-vigilantes thing). Still - just curious as to how Luthor has managed to pull off his whole villain-with-good-publicity schtick. And why hasn't Batman and/or the team tried hitting Luthor's bottom line at some point? Wouldn't it make sense strategically, given that they're the League's dirty-business department?

Greg responds...

Again, I ask "How"?

Look, you're assuming they're doing nothing, which is not a safe assumption. We aren't depicting the "ALL-ENCOMPASSING ADVENTURES OF THE JUSTICE LEAGUE" on our series. We're showing you the "SELECTED ADVENTURES OF THE TEAM". We're telling a specific story. Not even pretending to cover every facet of Earth-16, although believe me, given enough episodes or issues or WHATEVER, I'd love to try.

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Sam writes...

Can anyone on the team twerk?

Greg responds...

I don't know what "twerk" means.

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hey man first off love young justice the comics and show are just astounding. Anyway I read your spin off of black mantas celeb hot tub and since cn's mad is being difficult have you tried submitting it to robot chicken on the adult swim block? One more thing read your side trip ramble, an yes I have to be the guy to asks was that real?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know anyone at Robot Chicken.

2. Can you prove otherwise? (But thanks for commenting on it. Seemed like nobody else read it.)

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Queen Bee writes...

Why don't I appear in more episodes? I am drop dead gorgeous. I have the sexiest/most bad ass voice of all women, and I could bring all of the male heroes to their knees (or am I assuming too much?). I should rule the entire Eath-16, not just some dusty wasteland. You are hereby enthralled to place me as the rightful star of you show.

Greg responds...

Doesn't work long distance.

But seriously, this raises an issue that's relevant for literally every character in the series, I'd warrant. No matter how much screen time we devote to any single character, there will be someone out there who wants more. And no matter how little screen time we devote to any one character, there will be someone out there who wants less. There's just no way we can give every character as much screen time as we'd like - let alone as much as every single fan would like. It's just not possible. So, particularly in Season Two, story is dictating screen time. You may not care for our decisions, but they weren't made thoughtlessly.

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Jen writes...

Considering Artemis's hair is blonde, but her eyebrows are black, what color would you suppose her eyelashes are?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Ask a biologist, I guess.

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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GhostDog401 writes...

Before I asked why Superboy didn't have any mirrors, to which you said he doesn't want any. So...

Why doesn't Superboy want any mirrors?

Greg responds...

Doesn't care to look into them.

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Did Tula ever have feelings for Aqualad before dating Garth?

Greg responds...

Not the kind of feelings that Kaldur might have preferred. Of course, if he had expressed some of his feelings to her BEFORE it was too late, who knows?

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Not Wallace writes...

I know you've said you can't actually show LGBT characters on the show, but I think I saw you said that there was one who was just closeted. Would you ever "out" this character outside the show itself? Or would you not be allowed to? I think it's pretty horrible that you aren't allowed to have LGBT characters, it's the 21st Century and considering how isolating being young and gay can be, with no role models it can be incredibly difficult! But I understand this is not your fault.

Greg responds...

We show LGBT characters on the show all the time. We just can't acknowledge it. There's a difference. And I never said the LGBT characters on the show were closeted. I never said anything one way or the other about whether or not they were closeted - or at least, I don't remember saying anything about it. A character like Marie Logan can be out as far as she's concerned, without mentioning it out loud on the series.

And, there. I think I've just answered your question. (See also: Lexington.)

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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