A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Good evening Mr Weisman
I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful series of Young Justice, it is quiet rare for me to enjoy a series much less become so absorbed by the characters. I usually stick to my books. I have been a fan of The Batfamily for a while now and think the way your take on the characters are amazing. I love how Dick has matured into the adult he is and how Tim is quiet, I have read a few of the other questions about how quiet Tim is but to be honest I like that he is as he strikes me as the think before I talk kind of person. I was so incredibly happy when Jason was mentioned as not many shows do that so for me that was a huge bonus. I must admit in the first season Fireworks when Robin said 'Pass! Batcave's crowded enough.' I was already picturing Tim and Jason there.
I do have two questions for you and if they are spoilers I am very sorry.
1) Why are there no finger stripes on the Nightwing suit? I know many shows don't do them anymore but I was wondering why. Are they impractical or did you just not want to add them?
2) Did Barbara always know that Dick was Robin or did she find out after she became Batgirl? If that is a spoiler then
I am sorry.
1. That's really a question for Phil Bourassa.
2. She didn't ALWAYS know.