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Todd Jensen writes...

In your vision, how does Goliath feel about Broadway and Angela's relationship? Does he approve of Broadway as a future "son-in-law"?

Greg responds...

Of course.

But again, try not to think too much like a human. Angela is just one of many clan-daughters. Since you know he likes Broadway, why wouldn't he want the big guy to mate with one of them?

Response recorded on April 07, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

Dear Greg,

1) I am sure that Brooklyn's infatuations with both Maggie and Angela were BOTH hormonal and emotional. But which did you feel that it was more of?

2) It almost seemed out of character that Brook didn't react to Delilah with some interest. Did you ever toy with the idea?

3) Does Brooklyn's clone share his weakness for the opposite sex?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not big on quantifying emotions.

2. No. For starters, I think all the clones sorta creeped the Trio out. And the whole Elisa/Delilah thing was just too wierd.

3. Most heterosexuals share that weakness.

Response recorded on March 21, 2000

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Angela writes...

Dear Greg, This question is about the Angela and Brooklyn relationship. At the end of season 2, why were you hinting at an attraction or possible relationship between them, and then out of nowhere have Broadway come in and mess everything up? Here's my proof that Angela was probably going to go with Brooklyn: in "The Reckoning", Demona hit Brooklyn and he fell onto a roof. Angela immediately rushed to his side, held up his beak, and lovingly looked into his eyes. Also, in "Hunter's Moon: Part 1" Brooklyn got shot in the arm, and Angela rushed to his side again to see if he was OK, and bandaged his arm.

I mean, how could you do that? Poor Brooklyn, the poor guy can't win. Angela and Broadway DO NOT go together. Yuck! And how could you have Angela ignore Brooklyn after all the things they did together before "The Journey." It just doesn't make sense. Why did you just suddenly change your mind with that? Brooklyn and Angela make the cutest couple, then you denied them that. How come? :)

Greg responds...



I never changed my mind. I was never hinting at a possible Brooklyn/Angela romance. Quite the reverse, Gary Sperling and I decided early on that Broadway and Angela were right for each other. And we were hinting at that. Yes, Brooklyn liked her. The way he liked Maggie. That is shallowly and without any real thought as to whether his feelings were reciprocated. He didn't love the real Angela, just the romantic opportunity she represented.

As to your proof, you read that loving look into the Reckoning. Probably Brooklyn did the same. You must have wanted to believe that as he did. It was just sisterly compassion. Same in Hunter's Moon. Any injured gargoyle would have gotten the same treatment. Broadway saw the real Angela, and she saw the real Broadway. They care about each other and love each other beyond surface.

Look, obviously, you are a Brooklyn fan. Me too. Wouldn't you rather see him end up with someone he truly loved for who she was. Someone who loved him the same way. That's Katana. Trust me.

Response recorded on March 19, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Hmm... is Angela more emotionally connected to princess Katherine or to Goliath? For example, for whose death would she be more griefstricken about?

Greg responds...

Oh, come on, Aris.

I KNOW you know better than to ask me to quantify grief.

Angela's got a big heart. A huge heart, which she largely wears on her sleeve (if she had a sleeve). There's room enough for all her parents.

Seriously, aren't you just a little ashamed of yourself. :)

Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

I believe you've said that Gabriel will learn he's Coldstone and Coldfire's son (and I think vice-versa as well). To what extent will he *care* about this? As much as Angela cared about her own parentage? Less so? Will he be completely uninterested, considering only the Princess/Guardian/Magus to be his real parents?

Greg responds...

I think he'd care more than, say Broadway. Probably not as much as Angela. The difference is that Coldstone and Coldfire wouldn't care at all. That is, they'd be thrilled that all their children survived. To them, Angela is as much a daughter as Gabriel is a son. They were too distracted to deal with that in Possessions. But if I had been able to get back to that....

Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

We know that a major factor in Demona's motivations is her suppressed guilt for the sack of Castle Wyvern and the destruction of her clan there, which she knows somewhere deep down inside she was responsible for, but which she consciously rejects and blames on the humans. But is it just the massacre of the clan in its stone sleep that she feels this unadmitted guilt about? Just before Demona left the castle, in "City of Stone Part One", she saw Princess Katharine and the Magus taking the eggs away. Obviously she didn't know that they'd changed for the better in their feelings about gargoyles and were no longer the bigots that they once had been, nor that Goliath had appointed them the guardians of the eggs so that what they were doing was perfectly legitimate. To Demona, it must have seemed like they were looting the rookery and taking the eggs away for some unknown horrible purpose. And she simply let them do it, without making any effort to come to the eggs' rescue and save what little remained of the clan now.

So is that another factor in Demona's buried guilt? That she abandoned the eggs to their fate? (You stated that you considered Goliath in the wrong for turning the eggs over to Katharine and taking the easy way out by asking the Magus to turn him to stone rather than look after them alone, but at least he knew that the Princess and the Magus were not the people that they had once been, and that they would take good care of the eggs - as indeed they did. Demona couldn't have known any of that).

Greg responds...


And I'd love to dialogue with you on this, but you put it so succinctly and well, I'm not sure what I could add.

So I'll just confirm.

Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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Chris writes...

What made Angela decide to become mates with Broadway? (I'm not one of those people who are actually upset about this turn of events, i just wanted to know) I personally thought Angela and Brooklyn would've been a good couple.

Greg responds...

Why did you think that?

People say this all the time to me, because Brooklyn is the obvious (more-or-less) romantic lead type. But what actually made you think that they'd make a good couple?

As to why Broadway/Angela, I've answered that ad nauseum. Sorry. Check the archives for multiple more complete answers. The short answer is that Broadway loved Angela for who she was. Brooklyn for what she was. That's a huge difference that Angela could sense.

Broadway and Angela have a lot in common that way. They both read people well. They look inside. Not at surfaces.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Chris writes...

If Goliath and Elisa were to become mates, what do you think the other gargoyles'(especially Demona's)reaction would be?

Greg responds...

I think everyone in the immediate clan would react very positively at this point.

As for Demona... well how do ya think she'd react? (Trust me, she's not sending china.)

Response recorded on February 26, 2000

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Laurin writes...

Did Demona ever have any other hatchlings?Did she try and change after she used Angela?

Greg responds...


Did she TRY to change? No.

Response recorded on February 20, 2000

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Marc writes...

How did you decide on pairing Angela and Broadway? You guys really fooled me because it seemed before The Journey all was hinting towards a Brooklyn-Angela pairing.

Greg responds...

We were never hinting toward Brooklyn/Angela. Quite the reverse. Gary Sperling and I made this decision together when he was working on Turf. But it just felt right. Broadway seemed the guy who was most attentive to Angela as an individual. The person most in touch with his so-called feminine side. Brooklyn was just after any chick with wings, frankly. And I think Lex pursued her because his brothers were and it seemed like the right thing to do. Only Broadway was interested in who Angela was. In my mind, he's clearly the most mature when it comes to this stuff. Brooklyn's a leader. And I love the guy, but he confuses a crush with deep abiding love. He needs a little more emotional maturity before he's ready for this "Gargoyles mate for life" thing.

Response recorded on February 17, 2000

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