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Dear Greg, This question is about the Angela and Brooklyn relationship. At the end of season 2, why were you hinting at an attraction or possible relationship between them, and then out of nowhere have Broadway come in and mess everything up? Here's my proof that Angela was probably going to go with Brooklyn: in "The Reckoning", Demona hit Brooklyn and he fell onto a roof. Angela immediately rushed to his side, held up his beak, and lovingly looked into his eyes. Also, in "Hunter's Moon: Part 1" Brooklyn got shot in the arm, and Angela rushed to his side again to see if he was OK, and bandaged his arm.
I mean, how could you do that? Poor Brooklyn, the poor guy can't win. Angela and Broadway DO NOT go together. Yuck! And how could you have Angela ignore Brooklyn after all the things they did together before "The Journey." It just doesn't make sense. Why did you just suddenly change your mind with that? Brooklyn and Angela make the cutest couple, then you denied them that. How come? :)
I never changed my mind. I was never hinting at a possible Brooklyn/Angela romance. Quite the reverse, Gary Sperling and I decided early on that Broadway and Angela were right for each other. And we were hinting at that. Yes, Brooklyn liked her. The way he liked Maggie. That is shallowly and without any real thought as to whether his feelings were reciprocated. He didn't love the real Angela, just the romantic opportunity she represented.
As to your proof, you read that loving look into the Reckoning. Probably Brooklyn did the same. You must have wanted to believe that as he did. It was just sisterly compassion. Same in Hunter's Moon. Any injured gargoyle would have gotten the same treatment. Broadway saw the real Angela, and she saw the real Broadway. They care about each other and love each other beyond surface.
Look, obviously, you are a Brooklyn fan. Me too. Wouldn't you rather see him end up with someone he truly loved for who she was. Someone who loved him the same way. That's Katana. Trust me.