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Richard writes...

What was you're favorite star wars space and why?

Greg responds...

My favorite "star wars space"? I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. My favorite movies were Episodes IV and V.

Response recorded on April 29, 2014

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paulo oliveira writes...

I am the responsible for the official star wars fan club in Portugal and I wonder if is it possible to Mr Greg Weisman grant us an interview.Could be by e-mail?
Best regards:
Paulo Oliveira

Greg responds...

Hi Paula,

I'd be happy to. But all Star Wars related interviews have to be approved by Lucasfilm and Tracy Cannobbio. I'll tweet this and let her know.

Response recorded on April 28, 2014

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Feedback writes...

I haven't played YJ:Legacy yet (med school, *sigh*), but I've been a little disappointed in all the bad reviews for the game. I have a couple of questions regarding the game. (Sorry if they seem a little long, but I had to get my point across before each question.)

1. Did you get to view the finished product in its entirety?

2. The game was lower priced and clearly wasn't supposed to be viewed as a full-fledged console game, but instead as a lower-priced shorter companion game for fans of the show. Do you think the negative reception has been due to people expecting too much??

3. Can you estimate the game's costs??? With 70k units sold plus Steam sales and DLC, I'm assuming it's made a little under 3 million in revenue. The game obviously has a lower budget than most, and it seemingly had 0 marketing and advertising. Do you know if it is profitable? Is Little Orbit happy or underwhelmed with sales? Considering it's a small company with its first console game, it's hard to pinpoint what their expectations were.

4. Assuming Little Orbit doesn't follow up with a sequel, what hope is there for a continuation in the Young Justice franchise?? Is there a possibility for another game, another comic, a film?

5. Side-note: I hope Star Wars is coming along sweet! And I REALLY hope I'm not bothering you next year about why the big wigs canceled my new favorite show.

Greg responds...

1. In advance? No.

2. Don't know. The reception hasn't been so much negative as mixed. At least as far as most of the reviews I've seen. A lot of praise for story and character.

3. Not a clue.

3a. No idea.

3b. Don't know.

4. It's possible, but there's nothing on the horizon at this time.

5. I think Star Wars Rebels is going to be a huge hit.

Response recorded on April 11, 2014

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Zer0C00l writes...

Greg! What's going on, man? Happy New Year and all that good stuff. Before I say what I say... please let it be known that I'm not trying to offend you or anyone in any kind of way.


So I hear you got a new gig. Congrats! I knew you would. Now here's the thing, bro. I'm a bit worried about Rebels and I need you to set my fears aside. Can you do that? Can you promise the same Weisman QUALITY? Will YOU be leading the ship of Rebels? I know you have partners. You always had team mates from past shows. But YOU were always the head writer. The one with the series bible. The million index cards all over. That was YOU. Everyone else worked under you.

I ask this mainly because of a recent show that totally turned me OFF in a big way. The show was HORRIBLE. What show? That would be "Ultimate Spider-Man". Have you seen this? Greg, I tell ya, I was looking forward to this. I was. Why? Because of the name Paul Dini. Paul Dini! OK?.

Dini is an incredible writer. A huge force that most of his credibility came from working on the DCAU aka the Timmverse. Namely... "Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker". Just incredible stuff all around. So when I heard he was apart of this show, I was like, wow, I need to check this out. I knew he had partners but why would that matter when he's writing tons of scripts and is part of the writers room?

Yeahhhh. Basically, Greg, it's clear as day that he's not in charge of anything there. He's there in name only. His partners (Man of Action) are obviously running things. Every episode that I watched (stopped after episode 7 or so) was so over the top and ridiculous. A true insult to even little kids who watch it. The show is SO dumbed down and tries too hard to be funny. There's nothing worse than forced "humor".

My point? IF the talented writer isn't leading the pack then the show will never be what it could be. I just want to make sure that's not going to be the case for "Star Wars: Rebels". I'm about to invest a whole bunch of money to get into the Star Wars universe. Believe it or not, growing up, I never really got into the Star Wars craze. I didn't. I've seen the movies when I was little but don't really remember much. I went to the movies to see Episode One and that was all right. I just never really gave it a proper chance. I feel I can get a better enjoyment out of it today, though. I'm actually looking forward to it.

Just know, I'm mainly doing this for YOU. To fully get myself well versed in the Star Wars universe and prepared for Rebels. I'm going to buy the complete saga of Star Wars on Blu-ray and then I will pick up the CGI Clone Wars animated series as well. I want to be ready for this.

That's why I need to know, Greg, will Rebels be another "Ultimate Spider-Man"? or will it be the QUALITY of a "Young Justice"? Who's truly in charge? Who's the head booker? I hope it's you and I hope Rebels will be everything it can be and should be.

May the force be with you, man.


Greg responds...

Okay, let's start here: EVERYONE ELSE DID NOT WORK UNDER ME.

I had PARTNERS, not minions.

Frank Paur was a full partner on Gargoyles. I was NOT his boss.

Vic Cook was a full partner on Spectacular Spider-Man. I was NOT his boss.

Brandon Vietti was a full partner on Young Justice. I was NOT his boss.

I have two partners on Star Wars Rebels, Dave Filoni and Simon Kinberg. I am NOT their bosses. I'm flattered that you think so highly of me, truly. But by overstating my contribution/authority, you're being misleading and unintentionally dishonest. It's a collaborative medium. And THANK GOD for that.

I haven't seen "Ultimate Spider-Man". That's not a value judgement. I just haven't watched it. So I have no comment on it at all.

And, yes, I get that you're not trying to insult us here. But then please just think about what you're asking for just a moment. Do you really think we'd set out to make a BAD show? What exactly do you expect me to say to that?

"Why, yes, actually. We were hoping it would suck."

I mean, seriously.

EVERYONE involved in it, myself included, is doing his or her absolute best to bring you a terrific Star Wars series. If that's not enough, I don't know what to tell you. Because I'm NOT the "head booker" (whatever the heck that means). As with every series I've ever produced, I'm simply part of the team.

Response recorded on April 07, 2014

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Geek Tyrant Interview

For selfish reasons, I'm doing as much press as I can these days. So if you're not sick of me, there's a new interview up at Geek Tyrant:


As indicated by the URL, Joey Paur and I cover Gargoyles, Rain of the Ghosts and Star Wars Rebels. Check it out!

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Coffee With Kenobi Podcast

I'm a guest on the Coffee With Kenobi Podcast. It was a fun interview, covering Star Wars Rebels, Gargoyles 20th Anniversary, Young Justice, Rain of the Ghosts and Spirits of Ash and Foam. You can find it here:


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Presto writes...

A question about Star Wars Rebels. I was wondering what that current process is like since with your last two shows, you were able to really play around and manipulate the characters as you desired since you were essentially setting them in a new universe. With Star Wars however, you have to set the show in an established continuity and use material from its predecessor The Clone Wars. How are you adjusting to this new format? Is the creative freedom more restricted or more or less the same? Also just as a Star Wars fan, what do you think about the prequels (*cough cough plinkett reviews)?

Greg responds...

The process is very similar. Dave Filoni, Simon Kinberg and the the Lucasfilm team came up with an arc for the series as a whole, a season's worth of stories for the first season, and plenty of ideas for multiple seasons to follow.

Any series has parameters. This is no different.

As for my opinion on the prequels - ASKED AND ANSWERED.

Response recorded on March 13, 2014

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DanM writes...

Hey Greg... DanM again...
No stories just questions now.
1 - In Rebels is the Producer title of yours a Glorified Title once more or are this the real deal?
2 - In developing characters. Do YOU ever consider how a character name would sound in another lenguage, when you are in the process of naming them? (I ask this because of Count Dooku. Here in Brasil he was renamed Count Dookan, 'cause phonetically speaking it sounds to us as "From a**h*le").
3 - About the toyline. Do the show producers have any say in the development of the toy line? (Like approve or not the design, number of articulations, etc.. That kinda stuff...)
4 - Have you ever considered making a podcast about the show production, while producin it (now, that would be Rebels)?
Thats it for now.. Thanks again for your time

Greg responds...

1. I'm an Executive Producer on Star Wars Rebels. I'm not sure I know what you mean by "once more". I don't think any of my producer titles were "glorified" from my point of view. I did the work; I earned the credit. Sony and Warner Bros may not have needed me to truly produce either SPEC SPIDEY or YJ, but that doesn't mean I didn't produce them.

2. No.

3. No.

4. That's beyond my technical capacity. And I doubt that Lucasfilm would approve anyway.

Response recorded on March 04, 2014

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Steel_Goliath writes...

Hi Mr Weisman
i was wondering do you feel any anger towards the shows you work on get canceled before you can finish all the plot lines
also what do you plan to do now that young justice is cancelled

Greg responds...

Anger isn't the right word. Frustration, certainly. Sadness. Melancholy. Resignation. It's not a happy feeling, but there's nothing and no one to be angry about.

By now, you probably know that I'm one of the Executive Producers of the new STAR WARS REBELS animated series, which premieres in 2014 and that I've written two novels: RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM.

Response recorded on December 18, 2013

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Everything Geek Podcast INTERVIEW

I was interviewed on the Everything Geek Podcast here:


I discuss my "secret origins", The Spectacular Spider-Man, Gargoyles, Star Wars Rebels, Young Justice and more.

Check it out!

(But of course I totally forgot to mention Rain of the Ghosts at all, darnit!)

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