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And here's another of my shameless attempts to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.):
Since there's not too much to report about the first book right now, I'm counting down my progress writing the SECOND book in the Rain series, which should come out sometime in 2014.
Tonight, I finished writing Chapter Thirty-Nine. I'm back with this update way sooner than I anticipated, NOT because I suddenly began writing like the wind, so to speak, but because, once again, I've opted to spilt a chapter in two. So what was Chapter 39 (or, if you've been keeping track of all the splits and merges in my outline, Chapter 36), is now going to be two chapters, i.e. 39 & 40. So 39 is more ramp up to the climax now, ending just as the gladiators enter the arena (figuratively).
Anyway, I'll start on Chapter Forty tomorrow. And, again, this one could take me a while. For even with this first part pared away, it's STILL looking to be the longest chapter in the entire book! (Unless, of course - amoeba-like - it splits again.)
And here's another of my shameless attempts to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.):
Since there's not too much to report about the first book right now, I'm counting down my progress writing the SECOND book in the Rain series, which should come out sometime in 2014.
Today, I finished writing Chapter Thirty-Eight. This one was pretty intense, as the forces stacked against Rain launched their attack.
Anyway, I'll start on Chapter Thirty-Nine tomorrow. This one could take me a while. It's looking to be the longest chapter in the entire book. (Pray for me.)
I've got a question about Plastic Man after the Players arc.
After Metropolis was returned to its normal size, he grew with it, to 120% (or 125%, math has never been my strong suit). He claims he doesn't mind because he's adjustable. But did the process have any effects on him in the long term? I'm asking, because in the few shots we've had of him in season two, he's always strecthed in some way, and never in his "normal" form and size.
That's just Plas. He's fine.
Were Dick Grayson, Wally West, Garth and Donna Troy ever all on the Team at the same time? (I'd imagine so since Wally and Garth didn't leave until Team Year Five, but for all we know, Dick went off travelling for a while, so I just wanted to be sure.)
Does Zatanna perform as a stage magician? I ask because, like in the original comics where she has been a stage magician, her Earth-16 costume makes her look like one.
In Bart's original timeline where Barry dies, does Wally assume the role of the Flash? Or does he decide to stay in retirement? Not sure how detailed this storyline is, but it would be great to know more about Wally from this time.
Hello greg,
Two words to say about young justice episode summit:Intense & Incredible!! However, words cannot do justice on how good that episode really is!! Summit was full of surprises!!
Although, i have a few questions as well:
How did the light know about the reach and the scarab?
When did the light became aware of the meta-gene? Cause that's what their goal is about; evolving.
Why did the reach abduct young people?
Plus, i loved how you brought diversity to spectacular spiderman! :).
Also, i hope you, brandon and team can comeback to young justice!! I fully support the 5 year gap, its about growing up, its so realistic. Dc comics should do a comic based on the earth-16 you created!! You successfully reinvented the superheroes by combing old elements from the comics along with new elements and original ideas!! I salute you for that!!
In the future, please number your questions.
1. They have various alliances.
2. Some time ago.
3. To experiment on them. (This was STATED in the series.)
4. Um, thanks.
5. And thanks again!
Personally in your opinion who is the better parent, Sportsmaster or Black Manta?
I'll leave that to your interpretation.
So, hoping I catch you in the mood...
As of "Phoenix" what are Fiona Canmore and Falstaff's Illuminati numbers?
Hi Greg :)
Hey, now that you let out that Donna Troy was once part of the team, my brother was excited to know that she was part of the team by the way XD I hope you can answer this cuestions :/
1. How old is Donna Troy in the year 2016? Or when she died? (if she is dead that is)
2. You may not know how to answer this or maybe it can be a spoiler request but: What happened to her that she was never mentioned in the show?
3. I doubt this but: Is Donna part of the League now?
4. Theres the leaguers 27 and 28 that are anknown yet. Were they suppose to be introduced in season 3?
I hope this aren't spoilers (though I think some definitelly can be) or questions to hard for you to answer!!
2. SPOILER REQUEST in universe. Out of universe: ASKED AND ANSWERED.
3. No.
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