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Brittany Uomoleale, the voice of Rain Cacique in the Rain of the Ghosts AudioPlay is interviewed here:
Did it take years for Garfield Logan to get power under control?
1. Did you ever worry that you would be approached to start working on shows you've done in the past while you were already working on one? (Ex: Let's say you were working on Young Justice, but Disney approached you to work on Gargoyles again.)
2. What would you do if situations like that ever came up?
1. No, I should have such problems. I'm usually lucky to find one job. Having two I wanted that badly has literally NEVER come up.
2. I don't really deal in hypotheticals. The realities in front of me are confusifying enough.
When Conner and Superman are together in public do they say that they're related (like how Superman said that he was Kara's cousin in the comics) or are their civilian covers not related?
Which season are you asking about?
Maybe this will sound silly but the episode "Downtime" sometimes made me think of the Andersen story, "the little mermaid" (not the Disney version). OK, I know this sounds silly but here's what I noticed:
- The mermaid lives underwater;
- She's young (15)
- She has her head in the clouds (all the time);
- She has a crush on someone and wants to give up everything to be with him;
- He's nice with her, yet he loves someone else;
- She's heartbroken and she gives up because she wants him to be happy;
- She has sisters who actually try to help her;
- She sacrifices herself (by dying) and evolves into a "creature of the air".
Now look at the episode:
- Kaldur lives underwater;
- He's young (16)
- He has his head in the clouds (just now)
- He has a crush on someone and wants to give up everything to be with her;
- She's nice with him, yet she loves someone else;
- He's heartbroken and he gives up because he wants her to be happy;
- He has friends (the team) who actually care for him;
- He sacrifices herself (by leaving) and evolves into a leader who actually concentrate all the time.
Now, was all this intentional or am I imagining things?
I wish Cartoon Network had let you carried on with more seasons. It was really a great show. I apologise for the mistakes: English is not my mother language. Mes amitiés.
Well, I certainly wasn't conscious of any of that, but I'm familiar with the tale, so maybe it was part of the background radiation, so to speak.
The youtube channel watchmojo has just put up a video for its 3.8 million subscribers of ''Top 10 Best Cartoons That Got Cancelled''. it placed your works of art Gargoyles at #5 and Young Justice #4.
How do you feel about that?
Also how would you respond to their comment that young justice fans felt ''cheated and abandoned'' due to it unresolved plot points?
also since its seems young justice is still in the media scope after a year are the chances of a season on Netflix or any form of story completion still being looked into?
1. Well, I'd prefer the shows were still going, but I'm happy we got the recognition and that folks still seem to miss those shows. No love for SpecSpidey, huh?
2. I think that's unreasonable, frankly. Believe me, I'd love to have done more episodes, more issues of our companion comic series, etc. But nothing is guaranteed to last forever, and certainly no one was "cheated". The fact is, the series didn't have the ratings or the merchandising support to continue. Our fans are wonderful and intense, but unfortunately not quite as numerous as I think everyone believes. It's still a business. And if we don't have the numbers to pay for the series, then that's a damn shame, but that's all it is. To be clear, I'm not blaming the fans; just pointing out that there weren't enough fans buying toys or sitting in front of their sets to keep us on the air.
As to unresolved plot points, would folks have preferred if, for example, Brandon and I hadn't put in that last scene with Vandal and Darkseid? We certainly could have skipped it, and one less thing would be unresolved, but I believe the show would have been less interesting if we made sure not to introduce any thread that couldn't absolutely be tied up at season's end.
3. Okay, there's no such thing as "story completion" for Young Justice. It wasn't designed to ever end. All of us who worked on the series would love to do more, but if we did do more, there would be still more concepts introduced so that whenever we ran out of "more" there would still be loose ends. And so on, and so on, and so on...
Meanwhile, I don't believe either Warner Bros, DC or Cartoon Network has any current plans to bring YJ back in any form. Netflix would be great, but if Time-Warner isn't interested in pursuing the property, then all other considerations are moot.
And "the media scope" is a relative concept. YJ was something special, but it never did Game of Thrones numbers, for example, not in terms of ratings or in terms of pop culture awareness.
Again, it doesn't give me pleasure to say all of this. But the realities are what they are.