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Baal writes...

At times, have you considered NOT working on new Gargoyles stuff and just leaving the series as is? I would understand if you gave up, tho I'd be a little disappointed (among others). It would be a shame, but thats life. Tho it seems like you've come close already with one of the spin offs.

Greg responds...

Sometimes I think it would be more healthy if I just gave up. Then if it came back it would be a pleasant surprise.

But I can't give up. Just can't.

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Pyro X writes...


Generally, what does an Executive producer do, as in preparing a show like Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Well, I wasn't an Executive Producer. Gargoyles didn't have any executive producers.

I was a Supervising Producer. I came up with all the springboards, reviewed all premises, outlines, scripts. Supervised Voice Recordings, edit sessions, sound mixes and on-line sessions. Gave notes on all designs, storyboards and animation. I was a busy boy.

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Is there really a garden maze known as the "Brooklyn Botanical Gardens" in Brooklyn, NY? And is there really a dragon statue in the middle? Just wondering...

Greg responds...

There is a Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. But we made up most of the rest. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

In the beginning of "Temptation" episode, how did the Trio manage to find an empty warehouse and welding tools? And how did they manage to fix the motorcycle without any notice from bystanders or other people?

Greg responds...

Well, they searched around until they found a place they could get into and use after dark. In a neighborhood where most people don't hang after the sun sets.

B&E, of course. I don't recommend it.

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Sixshot writes...

About Hunter's Moon 3, this is how I remembered the final battle: Goliath was pounding his fists on Jon's armor. His helm was cracking and was about break. Then Goliath rip the collar off and that's where Elisa came in to stop the fight.

That was the first time I saw the episode 5 years ago, at least how I remembered it. I seen it recently this year, but the scene changed: The pounding scene was removed and only the collar ripping was left. Did my memory play some tricks on me? Do you know if the scene I describe first was the original sequence or my tv station edited the scene?

Greg responds...

It's been awhile for me too, I'm afraid. And my memory isn't quite that specific. My tapes tend to be the version originally aired. Not those later corrected or re-edited by Toon Disney. I'm slowly rewatching all the episodes. Remind me when I get close.

Or come to the Gathering in Los Angeles this June. Lots of tapes there.

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named writes...

I just read a question that interested me. I thought that I had seen all of the Garg episodes, but now I know that I haven't. I started watching the show last summer, on Toon Disney; I watched it every night, from Awakenings back to Awakenings. Anyway, the question asked why Toon Disney refused to air Dark Force. Never heard of it. Could you give us "rookies" a lil synopsis?

Greg responds...

I think you mean "Deadly Force". Toon Disney does refuse to air this episode. In it, Broadway accidentally shoots Elisa with her own gun. She is rushed to a hospital and nearly dies.

(Question: Did you wonder in Enter Macbeth why Elisa was on crutches? Did you wonder what she was talking about in "The Edge" when she tries to get Chavez to NOT partner her with Matt?)

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

I as curious to know if gargoyles lived in North America before Columbus discovered it in 1492? I mean, surely the native americans (Indians) must have seen them. Because the episode involving Raven and Grandmother specifically indicates totem poles in the forms of gargoyles.

Greg responds...

Actually, you weren't paying close attention. We made a point of saying the totem poles were not modeled on Gargoyles. (Raven lies about this, but Grandmother is clear. And by the end of the episode, it's also clear who to trust.)

Having said that, I have every reason to believe that Gargs lived in North America before 1492. After all, they clearly lived in South America before 1492.

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Would a gargoyle be any different in space than a human? Does their physiology differ that much from ours if they were to be sent into space? And do gargoyles have a lesser tolerance for gravity then us seeing how they are more like birds and bats that have wings? (I would think their skeletal structure would be hollower than that of a human so they could generate lift)

Greg responds...

As I've said before, nothing about Goliath's strength suggests a hollow skeleton to me.

Otherwise, there are going to be some differences. But not obvious stuff like gravity and oxygen and vaccuum.

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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matt writes...

you've said numerous times that there are no aquatic or amphibious gargoyles, however in "Ill Met by Midnight" as Katherine, Goliath, and everyone are arriving at the castle at the beginning of the ep there is a Avalon clan garg shown that looks extremely aquatic. he has what looks to be gills, fins, fishy looking eyes, webbed appendages, and on top of everything else is a aquamarine hue. i just thought i'd mention it...

Greg responds...

I haven't seen that episode in a while. I'd have to look again.

And by the way, I've "said numerous times that there are no aquatic or amphibious gargoyles"? When? At any rate, it depends how you define "aquatic".

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Bruno writes...

Hi Greg,

Thoughts about time travel:

There is a little controversy about time travel vs. free will. If the past is unchangeable -and also the future, for consequence- then there is _no_ free will?

On the contrary; The events in the past can't be changed, but they WERE and ARE done by us. That's easy to guilt the others or the timestream, but, quoting Rorschach, from Watchmen:

"That's not God who kill the children, nor the chance who shred they, nor the destine who feed the dogs with they. They're us. Only us". (I'm translating to english from a translation to the portuguese. :-)

Plus, on the contrary of the common sense, change the past is not use free will, but kill it: Demona betrayed Wyvern. If she came back and change this, she should be obstructing her OWN free will. And her responsability, to boot. And responsability is one of the series' themes.

This is a paradox, but, with time travel, what else did you want? The unchangeable past universe IS the free will universe. :-)

Oh, well, now back to my time travel questions:

1- Roughly, when was the Phoenix Gate "created"? Meaning when it droped in Avalon, starting the time loop.

2- If the Phoenix Gate is a "steam valve" and it exists among two time points (??? or before and 2198 or after), what was the steam valve before the Gate? And after?

Ps. I just wanted to say that I fully understood the time loops in Vows, Avalon II and M.I.A. and I loved then. Vows and Avalon were amazing and smart, and M.I.A. was just too fun: Goliath couldn't change the history, but he was so smart that he could trick it! Great work.

Greg responds...

Before we get to your questions, Bruno, let me just say that I agree with you on your time travel/free will thing.

1. I don't want to reveal that yet. It's intrinsic to the whole TimeDancer story.

2. Stories for another day.


Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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