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RESPONSES 2001-3 (March)

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matt writes...

in "The Gathering" when Goliath and co. arrived in New York what happened to the Avalon Skiff? did it sink as Arthur's skiff had done in London? if the just left the skiff in the lake or river could anyone have gotten in it and accidently gone to Avalon?

Greg responds...

It sank. But even if it hadn't, you need to know the incantation to get to Avalon.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Durax writes...

City of Stone scenelet>> When Gil crushed the rose, I thought this was to tel the audience that, the scars on his face did more than damage his looks. I thought he had lost his sense of smell too. In my mind this provided even greater cause for him to grow more and more embittered against Demona. I don't think this is what you were intending though, not anymore.

Greg responds...

Hmmm. Interesting. Maybe I wasn't intending it. But maybe it's still true. Hmmm.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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matt writes...

you've said numerous times that Bronx mated and will mate again with Boidekka, but since Bronx was born a generation after the trio wouldn't he be way to young to mate? if the fertility cycle is different for beasts than can they mate and concieve more often in life than the standard gargoyles? i understand that Boidekka, being older than Bronx, is probably able to concieve, but Bronx just seems too young. does it matter that he is male, as in males can mate and concieve earlier in life than females?

Greg responds...

Again, it depends how you're defining "mated". Do you mean "take a mate"? Do you mean "produce offspring"? Do you mean "have intercourse"?

Boudicca is older than Bronx. But Beasts mature faster than Gargoyles. The cycle is the same, but the maturity rate is different. Bronx is an adult and has been for years.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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matt writes...

i have a question about when a gargoyle wakes up. in many times throughout the series we would see the gargs' eyes glow shortly before they would shed their stone skin and that makes sense to me because you've said that at sunset their entire body reverts to flesh except a thin layer over their skin, their eyes probably don't have this layer since that would probably be kinda painful to have stone flying out of your eyes. so we see the eyes first because it doesn't have to break out of a stone shell. am i at least roughly correct on this?

Greg responds...

Roughly, but no, not really. There is a thin membrane of "organic-stone" over the eyes as well. The glow sometimes shines through the membrane. Or if the eyes were closed, they blink open first, and tiny bits of stone fall away to reveal the glow. Or something like that.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Justin writes...

A few weeks ago Anonymous writes
<Are there any female gargoyles who are obese? How about muscular or extremely skinny? Are any females bow-legged?
Are there gargoyles with differnent wing and ear types than the types that were shown on the series?
You know how some gargoyles have a sharp elbow or knee spike that juts out, I was wondering if any gargoyles have them on both knees and elbows because it was always on or the other.>

To which you replied...
<Obese? Not likely, but possible, I guess.

Look, it's all sounding possible.>

Now why is not likely for a gargoyle woman to be obese? Must all of them be fairly skinny like Demona? I don't know man, it seems like a sexist notion of what the female form is supposed to be! Sorry if offends you but with the gargoyles anatomy being similar on the surface, this might boys the neanderthal idea of what female beauty is supposed to be, and girls an impossible standard to live up to. Now don't get me wrong I love the show. Another thing that yerked me. You have mentioned that the original Broadway was going to be a girl. But you changed your minds out of fear of feminist groups being concerned about the evil/fat issue among the two female characters.

Now I would think that feminist groups with all sorts of "agendas" as you put it would love to see a none picture perfect woman in the series. Trust me having the two main female gargoyles in the series model thing didn't exactly endear the show to them I'm sure ;)

Sorry if this sounds like a rant. I just wanted your honest thought on what I've said.

Thank you

Greg responds...

I didn't mean to say that garg FEMALES aren't likely to be obese. I was trying to say that gargs as a whole aren't likely to be obese. Broadway and Hudson may be overweight, but neither are obese. I said it was possible, and I meant it, but given the lifestyle that most gargs have, obesity isn't likely.

Sorry for the confusion.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Mel. Celestial writes...

Fox and her son has Faeye blood in them; so does that mean that they are able to age slower or become immortal?

Greg responds...

Either are theoretically possible, though it does depend on how one define's immortality.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

More of a ramble (or two) than a question but here goes:
I believe that someone here in Ask Greg compared Xanatos to Prospero- both having magical assistants... Anyway I was thinking around the same lines, trying to compare Xanatos with characters from mythology:

My first thought was Gilgamesh (I'll ramble about him next) but then I thought an even better match: namely Sisyphus. And, god, this guy seems the most Xanatosian character I know (I even imagine him played by Frakes). He's *very* intelligent (him and Ulysses are pretty much the two clever men of Greek mythology); something of a trickster; he's considered to be something of a villain; and finally in certain stories he has even tried to find a way to defeat death. Two times in fact. One of them involved binding Thanatos (or Hades - not sure which) pretty similar to what the Emir did in 'Grief'...

So questions:
1. Any thoughts on the above? :-)
2. Sisyphus was punished pretty severely for what was seen as villainy (namely his trying to cheat death and angering Zeus in general)... Other than the brief (though admittedly great) scare that Oberon gave to Xanatos, do you think that Xanatos will get a comeuppance for his crimes? He's done worse than Sisyphus I think...
3. There's a third question but I'll post it serarately in case Todd thinks it a story idea...

Greg responds...

1. Interesting. I can't claim to have been thinking along those lines specifically. Though Odysseus did come to mind, more than once. I guess, I'm just not quite as familiar with Sisyphus' legends...

2. Of course the thing I remember most about Sis is the final punishment. The Sisyphusian task of pushing that boulder up the hill. Xanatos will, on occasion, continue to get his comeuppance. But I can't picture him standing for that kind of punishment -- even in Hell.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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One writes...

1) Most of the fae in their "natural" (so we believe) forms have pointy ears, is there any particular reason for this? Bean Sidhe, Titania, Puck (especially Puck), the Weird Sisters, Oberon, Raven, Grandmother.

2) If a fae created a wall of stone (or any other dense material) to block a cold iron spear being thrown at them, what would happen to the wall? It's said the fae magick cannot resist cold iron but what of things created from fae magick? Say Puck created a golem would that golem be very vulnerable to cold iron?

3) How do you think Oberon would react if Titania was to be killed, hypothetically?

Greg responds...

1. Maybe it comes naturally. Who told you to have round ears?

2. It all depends on method and execution.

3. How do YOU think, hypothetically? Geez.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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One writes...

1) Is there any particular reason why Grandmother chooses to look like an aged native american woman and possess the mannerisms thereof? Most fae we've seen in the series perfer a youthful or mature adult form, usually not children or the elderly. Puck, Oberon, Titania, the Wyrd Sisters, Bean Sidhe, etc.

2) Who are among the eldest of the Fae race? Oberon? Titania? Mab?

3) Is Cold Iron the only way to kill a fae, if not, what other ways are there?

Greg responds...

1. The Weird Sisters took many forms. Some very young, some very old. Grandmother is comfortable in that form. (And also as Thunderbird or the Sea Monster.) Why shouldn't she be?

2. Mab certainly.

3. If I told you, Oberon would have to kill you.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Corrine Blaquen writes...

What nationality is Titania's human form supposed to be?

I find it very cool that you have so much ethinic/racial diversity in the human cast, from Elisa's Native American/African background to Xanatos's half Greek. It's such a fresh change from other cartoon characters with no heritage at all.

I myself am French-American, and I LOVE it that Fox, one of my favorite characters, is half French-American. Thanks, Greg!

Greg responds...

Xanatos isn't half-Greek. He's 100% Greek-American. I also like mixing up the ethnic backgrounds of our characters.

As for Anastasia, however, you need to remember that the identity was a fiction. Her first name suggests a Russian background, but her voice suggests that she's lived in the U.S. all her life. And we don't know her maiden name. So I don't really know how to answer this question.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Basilisk writes...

A note to Greg:

'Horae' is the plural of the Greek word 'hora' or fairy/goddess of a season. To the Greeks, there were only three seasons, spring, summer, and winter. So I can see why that person might have thought that the Weird Sisters could be the horae.

Greg responds...


Then I tend to think NO. Because at some point we pull in a fourth season at a minimum. And there's no fourth sister. (Living in SoCal, I've always felt that there are five very subtle seasons here.)

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Oberon writes...

The horae were the three female guardians of olympus in greek mythology, I thought they might be the weird sisters because the weird sisters guarded Avalon. So were the Weird Sisters the Horae

Greg responds...

So the Horae aren't the "Hours"?

Tentatively, I'll answer yes. But I really have to do more research first.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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matt writes...

among the British gargs would a female gargoyle that has the lion genes still have the mane that Leo has? i would think she would because Leo is not a lion and while he looks like one probably shares very few of the same characteristics of a lion.
i've also noticed that Maggie the Cat has lion genes and is the only mutate with hair and i assume this is because of the animal she was mutated from but of course Leo wasn't created from a lion...

Greg responds...

There is a chameleonesque characteristic (metaphorically) to the various superficial gargoyle differences that seem so pronounced. That might suggest a female of Leo's type might look lioness-esque as opposed to Lion-esque. But it might not. I hate to tie my hand frankly, or rather I hate to tie the artists hands in advance.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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matt writes...

Faieq, Goliath said, "I grow tired of this, take whats left of your men and begone!" i think he meant he was tired of that particular battle and i doubt there had been previous encounters with Hakon.

Greg responds...

Yeah. That sounds more like it.

Thanks, matt.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Faieq writes...

In Awakening Part one, the Vikings or at least Hakon, are convinced that the gargoyles are just stone statues. This suggests that this is the first time Hakon has attacked Castle Wyvern. But when Goliath awakens he says something like, "I grow tired of these attacks." That means that the attack was only a middle of a series of attacks by the Vikings. Was the battle at the beggining of Awakening part one, the vikings first battle with Castle Wyvern. Or had another party of Vikings been attacking Wyvern and had moved on, leaving Hakon's army in charge of that area.

Greg responds...

Well, Hakon had never been there before. But you're quoting something that Goliath said in the MIDDLE of the battle. So he may have been talking about the fact that Hakon's crowd was still fighting. Or he may have been refering to the fact that Wyvern's isolated location often made them targets of attack. From other Vikings, etc.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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michael regan writes...

Dear Greg
can you answer this,cause their is no scientific way about it(maybe magic,anyway)
a gargoyles flesh and bone turns to stone in the day,but how is it their clothing does as well?

Greg responds...

The clothes thing is magic. Part of a modesty spell cast in the year 10 A.D.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Cherubique writes...

Okay, maybe you won't reveal Lex's mate, but will you tell us if he has any childrens>?

Greg responds...

Sure, all the eggs of certain generations would be children to every member of the Clan including Lex.


Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Spore-chan writes...

Ok, I've got a question on gargoyle suicide, and I can't find the answer in the archives, but feel free to give me a smart-ass response if I have missed it. Let's say a gargoyle slshes their wrists, and does not bleed to death before sunrise. Would the fact that they do not want to be healed have any effect on the sun healing them? And how would a clan regard suicide anyways? As a crime? A cry for help? Something else?

Greg responds...

I don't feel right about being a smart-ass when the topic is suicide.

A simple cut on the wrist would heel over the course of a day. Mindset might effect a more devastating injury. Of course the scary thing is how easy it is for a less-than-devastating injury to have devastating results.

I think garg suicide is fairly rare. Gargoyles are a primal race in many ways, and the will to live is VERY PRIMAL. But I suppose it's not unheard of. Most gargs would regard it as a MASSIVE cry for help. And they would certainly attempt to prevent their clanmate from taking his or her own life.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

In the proposed spin off series The new Olympians you said something about David Xanatos trying to take advantage of the New Olympians. Can you give some details on how he might take advantage of them?

Greg responds...

It's complicated.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Yttrium writes...

Taurus said his ancestor was the Minotaur. Assuming that this Minotaur was the same one of the Labyrinth that Theseus slew, this is kind of odd to me. If the Minotaur has descendants, he must have had children. Who would the mother of these children be, and how would he have come in contact with this female?


Greg responds...

Not like the guy spent his entire life in the Labyrinth. Just the last few years.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Mel. Celestial writes...

HI! Hope that you're not bored with me yet! Now on to the questions...
~ Since the clone Delilah is actually a cross between Demona and Elisa, is it possible that she could give birth or, like, break out of the stone-by-day spell?

Greg responds...

Anything's possible, if you're going to put it that way. But largely, Delilah's genetic structure was taken from Demona. Only cosmetic elements were borrowed from Elisa. Of course Delilah does have some human DNA. But she's about 90% gargoyle.

Delilah is certainly capable of having a baby. So's Demona and Elisa. Doesn't mean any of them will.

And Delilah does turn to stone during the day.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Tom writes...

Where oh where is this story on the web about Delilah and Goliath going out?
I've looked everywhere and can't find it.
Please help.

Greg responds...

I haven't written it. I've just talked about it on occasion. Here and at various Gatherings over the years.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Being SANTA CLAUS is stressful.

I think these two memos are fairly self-explanatory. So the only comment I'll make is that although few of these people still work for Disney, none of them had to give back their toys. (And I still have the Nerf stuff.)

MEMO #1:

[1] From: Greg Weisman 7/8/93 4:10PM (751 bytes: 10 ln)
To: Bruce Cranston
cc: Greg Weisman
------------------------------- Message Contents -------------------------------
As you know, I received a large box of toys from Kennar, which I am officially giving to the Development department. Some of these will be on display in their original packaging in my office, per Gary Krisel's suggestion. Some will be used in creative meetings to help generate ideas and reduce tension. The rest will be distributed among the development staff for research and display, on the understanding that they belong to the company and not to the individuals involved.

MEMO #2:

[1] From: Greg Weisman 7/9/93 2:25PM (2200 bytes: 47 ln)
To: Mary Nguyen, Bonnie Buckner, Hali Helfgott, Lisa Melbye, Adrienne Bello, Paul Lacy, Fred Schaefer, Kathy Fair, BAMBI MOE, Ellen Gurney, Ann Catrina, Brad Vielock
cc: Bruce Cranston, Melinda Farrell, Jay Fukuto, Greg Weisman
Subject: TOYS
------------------------------- Message Contents ------------------------------
cc: Dave Schwartz, Sharon Morrill

As many of you know, Kennar sent me a large box of toys. Too large for me to keep them as a gift w/out a conflict of interest arising. So I am officially giving these toys to the company. Gary instructed me to keep some of them unopened on display in my office, (he's sent some to Lucasfilms already, and we may need them for similar purposes at some point), and to break open the Nerf stuff for creative meetings (you know, to relieve tension, etc.). But there are still a number of toys left, more than I have room for, so I'm going to pass them out to all of you for research and display in your offices, on the official understanding that they belong to Disney and should stay with the company.

I put everyone's name in a hat and Hali pulled the names, and this's the order of toy picking:


I think you can see by Hali's placement on the list that her picks were not biased. It was totally random. Don't blame her.

And if you're low on the list, you can at least take consolation in knowing that the bigshots (Bruce, Mindy, Jay and Sharon) don't get any toys at all. Sorry. There weren't enough to go around.

Bambi's first on the list, and she'll be back Monday, so that's when distribution will begin.

Remember, no friction. This is a small good thing. That's all.

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Jim R. writes...

Would you ever consider attempting a "live chat"? You know, where WE THE PEOPLE get to talk to you in "REAL TIME". (I had to explain REAL TIME to matt, so I guess if you don't understand what I'm trying to say: Think of Yahoo! Chat or AOL Instant Messenger, etc. In other words a BBS that "moves" while you and us talk at the exact same time!) That would be cool, huh? But I guess we would consume you with our questions, and that would leave you utterly helpless to answer them all, right? And I'm guessing that you're thinking "Hence the point of a BBS." Oh well...

Greg responds...

I don't know what Yahoo!Chat or AOL Instant Messenger or BBS is, but I've done multiple real time chats in the past. Many of them next door in the station eight chat room.

The next one I'm doing is for the Gargoyles On-Line Fan Reunion II in April.

Their website isn't quite up and running yet, but you might want to bookmark the following:


I'm told it'll be up any day now.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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The Mighty Thor writes...


74: prestieg
517: distroyed
519: containers

Greg responds...


(And by the way, spelling counts.)

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Anne writes...

I am currently undertaking restoration work on an internal wall afresco which depicts an animal with the body of a horse and the tail of a lion. The head is missing. Could you direct me to something on the internet concerning mythological animals at all. The building is a historical home (castle) which dates back to 1529 in Tuscany Italy.

many thanks

Greg responds...

Whoah. No, I'm sorry. I'm amazingly incompetent with regard to most internet stuff. And that's way outside the perview of this site.

Good luck though.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

My "City of Stone Part Four" ramble.

I hadn't noticed the bit about Bronx responding to Demona's tone of voice, but I think that it is a good point. I know from personal experience that dogs do the same thing in real life. My mother used to sometimes, for a joke, when she was telling off our dog for doing something naughty, add, still in a condemning tone of voice "You're the most beautiful dog in the world", etc., and note the way that he'd hang his head and look guilty at that.

The Chorus music in the battle scenes in 1057 reminded me a lot of the music in the battle scenes in "Excalibur". (Kind of appropriate, actually, given Macbeth's affinity to Arthurian matters in "Gargoyles").

Good analysis on Macbeth's secret council, and I certainly don't think myself that he would have agreed to betray the gargoyles. (And I don't think, for that matter, that it would have worked even if he had; given the fact that the English still attack Castle Moray even after the gargoyles' desertion, and continue to support Canmore against Luach even after the destruction of Demona's clan, I certainly suspect that Bodhe was inaccurate in his assumption that they had only invaded Scotland to destroy the gargoyles. Historically speaking, of course, they had a number of non-gargoyle reasons - such as the fact that their real-life leader, Earl Siward of Northumbria, was one of Canmore's relatives - but that's another story).

One thing that strikes me about the bit where Canmore "slays" Macbeth is that it brings across the fact that he was something of a rotter. Instead of slaying Macbeth in fair fight, he waits for him to get into an argument with Demona and then stabs him in the back. Not much honor there. At least his Hunter descendants were a bit of an improvement over him and his father (except for the point when Jon Canmore becomes Castaway and afterwards).

I also find Macbeth and Gruoch's final parting a moving moment. One thing that I've got to say about Gruoch in "City of Stone" - it's hard to believe that she's the historical original of one of the most infamous villainesses in all of literature. Shakespeare may have maligned her even worse than she maligned Macbeth (as I said before in my "Long Way Till Morning" ramble, Demona fits the Lady Macbeth role far better than Gruoch ever did).

Back to the present: the big confrontation at the end still moves me, including the Weird Sisters' lines (even after we learn that they don't really practice what they preach). I can't help but wonder what the impact on Demona must have been when she discovered that the fact that killing her would mean his own death was no longer much of a deterrent to Macbeth - was, in fact, more of an incentive. And I agree that "Death is never the answer. Life is." is a great Goliath line. And Demona's "The access code is 'alone'" is a very moving moment; at least, it was for me.

Thanks for the ramble.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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The Mighty Thor writes...

Lawrence Stone writes...
How do gargoyles view Homosexuality?

Greg responds...

On cable, like the rest of us.

This has got to be the best on in the arcive, mostly because you play it out so litteraly like with the "cauldran of life" It just really get's me how a question/magic spell can sound so good and start an intelegent conversation and then take any meaning or insight and compleatly nuke it.

Greg responds...

I think I see what you mean. Maybe.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Zombie White writes...

you wanted to know those we loved... I liked the Bunji-jumping new olipians and the fea that evolved from books... I like the sens in the non-sens..

by the way, some people asked "what came first, the egg or the gargoyle"... come on, we all know it's the egg... if gargoyles are part of the evolution then they came from dinosaurs that layed eggs :P
then again, dinosaurs came from unicellulars that didn't O.o
who's the smart-ass now !?

Greg responds...

Uh, the egg? Or have we moved on to another topic?

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

I agree with Chris Maune's post. Gargoyles on the Cartoon Network would be a great thing! It would give a chance for some healthy "American animation" to replace some of that mindless Japanese anime that is polluting the minds of our younger generations in the Toonami block. Kids these days just don't know good cartoons when they see them...

Greg responds...

If you say so.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Chris Maune writes...

As you have mentioned in your responses before, Disney would never sell the rights to Gargoyles to another network (and I am not saying I would want them to), but would they let another network air episodes of a Disney produced Gargoyles?
You have mentioned before that Toon Disney does not currently have the budget to air original series and it does not look to me like the current Disney Channel line-up has anywhere Garoyles would really fit in. It seems Gargoyles would fit in well thought in something like Cartoon Network's Toonami block (I know you said before Gargoyles on Cartoon Network would never happen, but that was almost a year and a half ago). Since Disney let USA air Gargoyles before do you think there is any chance Disney would allow Gargoyles to air on Cartoon Network now (and vice-versa that there is any chance Cartoon Network would air a Disney produced series)?
I was wondering if there was a chance if it would be any help to petition, etc. Cartoon Network's Toonami, or somewhere else, to order episodes/new episodes of Gargoyles to air from Disney. (I would come to The Gathering if I could, maybe in a couple years when I have some money)
Also, I wanted to apoligize for not labeling my last post Gargoyles 2198 Contest.
Thank you!

Greg responds...

Actually Toon Disney will soon be airing their first "original" series, i.e. non-rerun series: TARZAN. Based on the movie, it's an action show with humor. If it does well, that may open up opportunities.

But I don't see any real chance that Disney will allow another corporate entity to air original episodes based on characters that are their property. Briefly letting the reruns go to USA is one thing. Taking the chance that someone else will have a smash with their property (thus making them look foolish) is something else.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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matt writes...

when Rory/Cuchalin said, "I had a dog like him once." (talking about Bronx) did he mean that the ancient Cuchalin had a garg beast or just an ordinary dog that was a loyal friend and warrior like Bronx is? sorry if you've been asked this before, but i couldn't find it in the archives...

Greg responds...

Garg beast.

And I don't think this one has been asked before. Good question.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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matt writes...

no offense to anyone who has posted stuff about gargs evolving from dinosaurs, but i think that it is extremelly unlikely that they did. only Greg and God could convince me that they are saurian descendants.
dinosaurs were all wiped out!!!! what does a garg evolve from? bones? and as for the triceratops head frill and the pterydactyl wings and whatever else, why would all these dinosaurs mate with each other anyway? for that matter, pterydactyls arn't even dinosaurs!
gargs are far more likely to be related to the platypus, the bat, or some other mammal, not dinosaurs.
sorry if i seem like i'm ranting, but for some reason the dinosaur connection just really bugs me...

Greg responds...

Gargoyles pre-date mammals in my mind. Whether they evolved from dinosaurs or beside dinosaurs is another question.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Timeline questions:

1.What year did Iago decieve Othello about Desdemona and Goliath?
2.When were Luach, Canmore and Gillecomgain born?
3.For that matter have you decided what's the exact date of Elisa's birth?

Greg responds...

All dates are tentative, at least until I finish my current reworking of the Timeline. But this is as up-to-date as I have it. (You caught me in the right office today.)

2. Gillecomgain was born in 982.
1. Iago deceived Othello in 993.
2. Canmore was born in 1031.
2. Luach was born in 1033.
3. Elisa was born in 1968. I haven't given her a specific birthdate at this time.

By the way, if anyone sees a reason why these dates (or any others I might post) don't make sense, don't hesitate to let me know.

Not that you would.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

I asked
"3. For that matter would Iago be considered a rookery father to the eggs simply because of his generation, even though he was mateless and hadn't contributed an egg himself? Or not?"

You replied (among other things: "3. First off, did I ever say Iago was mateless?"

The answer is yes - Todd had asked you a number of months back:
"Did Iago ever have a mate in the 10th century?"
and you had replied:
"No. Or at any rate, not that I know of right now."

Greg responds...

Ah, but that's very different from a flat-out "no", isn't it?

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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matt writes...

does Iago have a biological child on Avalon?
if so, who was his mate and what did she think of Desdemona and that whole situation?

Greg responds...

I'm not commenting at this time.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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matt writes...

when Grandmother told Goliath, "I'm glad to see that you (gargoyles) thrive." was she just saying that cuz she's a nice old fay? or did she like gargs more than humans? or does she have some past connection with the gargs? or what?

Greg responds...

Mostly the former. It's of course unnecessary to assume from her comments that she likes gargs MORE than humans. It's not a competition.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Was Gargoyles solely your idea? I mean, were you just "eating breakfast" one day, (which you should try to do, remember them Wheaties...) and then all-of-a-sudden, IT HITS YOU! "I've got this great idea for a cartoon about Gargoyles!" Or was it a multitude of people AND you? Or what?

Greg responds...

I've been fascinated with Gargoyles since college at least. And certainly this series was always my baby. But no, it wasn't an idea I came up with in a complete vacuum. If you read the "Original Development Archive" here at ASK GREG, you can see that many, many people were involved. I just headed the team. If any individual created this series, then yes, I will take that credit. But it was a very collaborative process.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Siren writes...

If they make a live-action movie of Gargoyles, do you plan/hope they put in songs, besides a score. I don't mean, the Gargoyles get up and sing...God please no!!!! I mean, some song(s) in the background. Or simply at the beginning or end credits. A theme, besides the instrumental theme. What I am getting to here is, if they did, do you have any band(s) and/or song(s) in mind? Or would they be written solely for the movie?

Greg responds...

You're just so WAY ahead of me. I don't know anything about the movie they're planning. In tone, in mood, etc. Answering this question would require more info that I currently don't have access to.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Did Demona and Thailog "mate" as in reproduce? That was what I meant by mate.

Greg responds...

No. Timing wasn't right.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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matt writes...

how long had Demona and Thailog been a couple when Goliath arrived in Paris? how long had Demona and Macbeth been in Paris?

Greg responds...

The following dates are tentative, based on my current reworking of the timeline -- still a rework in progress.

Demona and Macbeth arrived in Paris on 1-1-96.

Demona first encountered Thailog on 1-2-96.

Goliath, Elisa, Angela and Bronx arrived in Paris on 1-21-96.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Dexter writes...

Hey, wussup? It's that really anoying punk again. So Lara Croft once appeared in a music video for some english band, think Angela could be in one of my band's music videos? Or does her contract with Disney rule that kinda stuff out? That'd be sweet if she could....i should call her...dammit!too bad i don't have her number

Greg responds...

Uh, ask her Uncle Walt for his blessing and see how far you get. Maybe if you have her home by ten?

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Mel. Celestial writes...

1. Okay, so G&E's relationship is the only bridge, and Clan Manhattan didn't mind it at all; how do the other clans around the world might approve of it ?
2. That priceless look on Hudson's face(The Awakening eps.3), what was he thinking about those two(G&E, of course!), and did he find it appaling at first?

Greg responds...

1. Is this a reference to a previous response? If so, I've forgotten what we were talking about.

2. I'd say he was initially non-plussed. But I think he thought it healthy that Goliath was at least making a connection to a human.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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matt writes...

if i asked Goliath, "What is the best thing about being a gargoyle?" what do you think (or know) he'd say?

Greg responds...

Something along the lines of "You are asking me to define all that I am in but a few words. I haven't the eloquence for the task."

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Siren writes...

I didn;t see this in the archieves and was just curious...
In Eye of the Beholder, whose idea was it to dress Elisa as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. It just seemed too perfect and at such a good time in the 1st season to do so.
Also a slightly related question...Where did Goliath learn how to ballroom dance? Demona just doesn't seem the type to have done so before 998AD ;)

Greg responds...

That was my idea, I believe.

And Goliath didn't really need to know how to "ballroom dance". He just needed to be strong enough to hold Elisa and move to the music. It wasn't a contest.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

Wow! A new episode ramble! Well, here's my thoughts on "City of Stone Part Three".

I get a chuckle out of the "I never watch television" scene - although I've occasionally thought that the lady must have been reading the script to know that watching Demona's broadcast was what turned everyone to stone :) (Then again, maybe it isn't such a hard connection to make).

Yes, I'd noted that Lulach's name got spelled wrong (I was aware of the original Lulach of history before "City of Stone" came out); thanks for explaining about how that happened.

I mentioned in my ramble on Part Two that the Duncan of "City of Stone" felt a lot closer to the Shakespearean Macbeth than the Macbeth of "City of Stone" did, and the Weird Sisters scene brings it home all the more. They do their "toil and trouble" scene, as per the play (which delighted me from the very first time that I saw the episode) - but note here the twist from Shakespeare. In Shakespeare, the Weird Sisters' words inspire Macbeth to move against Duncan. In "City of Stone", they inspire Duncan to move against Macbeth, instead. (And it says a lot about Duncan that he should completely forget that Macbeth just saved his life a few minutes before, simply because of the words of three old crones).

The scene where the Sisters transfer Demona and Macbeth's ages is a very effective one (although I don't know if I'd gotten the full story there until Part Four came along). So also is the battle scene, including Duncan's fiery end. (Again, I wasn't too surprised by the basic manner in which Macbeth overthrew Duncan; I'd already read that he did overthrow Duncan in actual history - and that it was in 1040, so I was expecting that incident the moment that the "1040" caption appeared on the screen. I'd also read that Shakespeare seems to have borrowed the more familiar murder story from Holinshed's account of the murder of a certain King Duff - apparently the same Duff who appeared in your "Once Upon a Time There Were Three Brothers" story as Kenneth II and Prince Malcolm's older brother. Although that Duff's final days reminded me more of Uther Pendragon's, in his going into his final battle in a litter - but I digress).

A couple of thoughts about Demona at the coronation that really stand out to me. First off, when Demona comments that she'd rather that humans feared gargoyles than respected them, I can't help but think that it shows how Demona doesn't always reason things out. For humans do fear gargoyles - and that's what causes the problem. Humans hunt and destroy gargoyles because they're afraid of them. So I don't think that it's clear thinking on Demona's part to desire that her race be feared.

The other part is the astonished, then delighted look upon Demona's face when the humans in the great hall actually cheer her. Another one of those almost sad moments, in that she's given an opportunity to see what it can be like to be loved by humans instead of feared - and seventeen years later, she'll reject it. A moment equal to her brief "What have I done?" moment in 994, before she changed it to "What have they done?"

I very much liked the Weird Sisters' little lurkings in the background throughout (and caught their policewoman role at once).

Oh, and I like the title "City of Stone". True, it indeed does ignore the flashbacks that are so crucial, but it sounds good. I didn't even notice that trait when I watched the multi-parter.

But perhaps the most intriguing part of "City of Stone" remains this: how many animated adventure series would dare air a story that spends so much of its time in medieval Scotland, as opposed to a more high-tech setting (whether modern-day or futuristic), exploring actual events in early Scottish history? "Gargoyles" was definitely unique in that regard.

I'm looking forward to the "Part Four" ramble.

Greg responds...

And I'm looking forward to your response to that ramble.

City of Stone was obviously a momentous undertaking for us. In more ways then one. I was glad they let us do it at all. Impressed that they let us do it. And of course, I think it really is THE set of episodes that brings an EPIC flavor to the rest of the series. Sure the Pilot is big. But then we seemed to settle down. Now our scope has expanded in multiple directions at once. Avalon and the World Tour will do the same thing. But by then it's almost expected. I think City is more of a revelation. (When watched in order and for the first time.)

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Prepping Production

The first season of Gargoyles was largely pre-produced in Japan. And our Japanese Studio was very involved in getting the show up on its feet. This is a memo from Lenora Hume, who was at the time the head of International Production for our division. The memo is addressed to Mr. Tokunaga who was the head of Walt Disney Television Animation Japan.

WALT DISNEY Television Memorandum
To: Motoyoshi Tokunaga Date: July 2,1993
From: Lenora Hume Extension: (818) 754-7150
Subject: FAX: 011-8142-251-8229
PAGE: -1- of -1-

As a follow up to our conversation, we would like to proceed to do some preliminary development work on Gargoyles as outlined below.

1) We would like you to send us some design and storyboards samples of the artists you intend to use on this project. If you have any tapes of shows that these individuals have been involved in that would be very helpful as well.

2) On Tuesday, we will fax your descriptions of the characters we would like you to work on.

3) Based on the information we send you on Tuesday, we would like budget on a schedule prepared for this preliminary design work.
At this stage we would like to see rough drawings of a variety of styles and ideas based on the information we have supplied. There is no need to edit your preliminary work. We would like to see a number if different approaches. If you have a preference as to which approach you prefer please by all means let us know your choices.

4) Once this preliminary design work has been submitted we will review the materials in Los Angeles and give you our comments, along with instructions as to what the next phase will be.

If you have any questions or comments about this first phase of development, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,

Lenora Hume

cc: B. Cranston
G. Weisman
P. Lacey

JUL 06 1993

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Evidentally, I went out of town in late June / early July of 1993. My very capable and talented Development Associate Paul Lacy was holding down the fort.

Walt Disney TV Animation Japan had been asking for a more creative role in the division. Gargoyles would represent a new opportunity for them. (Something that I believe Roy Sato could comment on more directly.) Paul wrote up some character descriptions for Goliath and the Trio to get them started. This document, as far as I can tell, is the first one in which Brooklyn and Lex were assigned the basic personalities that they'd wind up with. Previous to this, the two characters had always been assigned each others traits. So I think we can credit Paul (or his confusion, at least) with giving us the Brooklyn and Lex we now know and love.

Also by this time, we had moved away from a female Broadway. One of my bosses, Bruce Cranston, still raised the suggestion that we go back. But I believe my other boss, Gary Krisel (and Kenner) wanted as many males in the group as possible.

July 2, 1993


Gary wants to give Tokunaga, the head of the Disney Studio in Japan, a shot at showing us what they can do design-wise with the GARGOYLES, so he wants us to send them descriptions of GOLIATH, BROOKLYN, LEXINGTON and BROADWAY. The descriptions need to be brief and put in general terms to allow them room to be creative.

I've enclosed my pass at these descriptions for your changes. Although I remember the "types" we were thinking of for Brooklyn, Lexington and Broadway, I don't remember who was assigned which attribute. Bruce asked about making one of the kids a female, should we open that up to the Japanese as an option?

Gary and Bruce looked at these today and I incorporated their changes. We need to get these to Lenora Hume early Tuesday so she can fax them to Japan.

Hope you had a great trip. See you on Tuesday.


And here's Paul's memo to the Japanese Studio.


Below are general descriptions of the look and feel of GOLIATH and the three teen-aged Gargoyles, BROOKLYN, LEXINGTON and BROADWAY.

The Gargoyle-master. Physically imposing, muscular. At least a head taller than an average human. Weighing approximately 500 pounds, Goliath is solidly built. Although he possesses many human-like features, Goliath's gargoyle features set him apart from man. When angered he resembles a raging beast. When relaxed there is a gentle nobility to his appearance ... in a strange, rugged way, he's handsome. Goliath's wings enable him to glide and, as such, must be big enough to support his weight. They are not simply attached to his back. Rather, they are an integral part of his skeletal and muscular structure, as organic to him as arms and legs are to humans. When sitting, Goliath's wings drape around him like a cape. When spread wide, they act as a backdrop that frames his body.

As adolescent gargoyles, they're awkward and not as physically developed as Goliath. To a human, however, they're still imposing and beastly. Although the three are part of the same species, each one is physically different enough to establish their individuality.

BROOKLYN: If there's a leader of the group, it's Brooklyn. He's the most physically fit of the group and is the one who most aspires to be a gargoyle warrior like Goliath. In the modern world Brooklyn wants to be "cool" and stylish, following all the current trends.

LEXINGTON: The smallest of the group. He's not as muscular as his pals, though he still is powerful. Lexington natural resting position is more a squat than the other two. Lexington is fascinated by gadgets: in medieval times it's catapults and siege engines. In modern times it's airplanes, traffic lights, video games, etc.

BROADWAY: The chubby one, Broadway's also bigger than the other two. Despite his fat, he has well defined muscles like the other gargoyles. Broadway is happy go-lucky, always looking for a good time.

Some of different wing types for these three characters include sprung from the back (like Goliath) for gliding, attached to the back but too small to be of any use, draped from the arm (like a bat), or non-existent.

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James L writes...

2198 Contest

74: intellect
Sorry, forgot my name!

Greg responds...

That's better. But you're still wrong.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Graymonk writes...

Gargoyles 2198 Contest
519 - parameters

Greg responds...

Too slow. Phil got this one yesterday. Sorry.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Patricia writes...

2198 Contest

517: overtook
519: procedures

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Patricia writes...

2198 Contest

74: territory

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Anonymous writes...


74: intellect

Greg responds...


Hey, an anonymous contest entry! YIKES!

To the moon, Todd!

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Siren writes...

1. Does the clan ever give Bronx a bath?
2. Does he smell like a dog after a while?

Greg responds...

1. Sure.

2. Why would he?

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Patricia writes...

My fave S-A Response :) :

Faieq writes...
In the Gargoyles Universe, how much truth is there in fortune cookies?

Greg responds...

All cookies are true. Especially Peanut Butter cookies.

(This is my favorite question this month.)

Greg responds...

Yeah. That still makes me smile.

But i got lucky there. It was a good set-up.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Siren writes...

Well, first off, Smart Ass answers are my favorite...But I can't pick one, so here are just a few of my favs.

Airwalker writes...
In the 'ONCE UPON A TIME...' segments you've done, we've seen why Malcolm would need to ally himself with a Gargoyle clan. But why would Hudson want
to ally himself with Malcolm?
Greg responds...
Patience, grasshopper...

Scott Iskow writes...
That last question of mine got me thinking...
Are there flying pigs in the Gargoyles Universe?
(Believe it or not, that's actually a serious question. Go fig.)
Greg responds...
I've got the bacon, do you have the catapult?

ndrew writes...
In the episode the gathering (part 2) what did titania whisper to fox at the end of the episode. I have been wondering this for a long time.
Greg responds...
You and what army?
Oh, yeah. That army. <WAVES> "Hi, guys!"

Heidi Doeing writes...
I don't think, despite your multiple attempts to evade the question, that anyone will stop until the real answer is given:
What did Anastacia whisper to Fox?
( ;) just thought I'd try again)
Greg responds...
You misspelled Anastasia.

Greg responds...

Yeah, those are pretty fun. Particularly the middle two.

The last one's a bit feeble.

And the first is just a famous reference.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Siren writes...

Hey Greg, a while back, I asked you "Which came first? The gargoyle or the egg?". And you replied, "I did."...So which came after you?

Greg responds...

All the lovely folk at Walt Disney TV Animation.

(Most of whom were hatched.)

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Breath of Mystery writes...

Okay, I noticed this question has been circulating around the archives for a while. About what, if anything, was whispered to Fox by Titania in "The GatheringII." Due to the amount of smarty-pants responses you've been dealing out, I wanted to return the favor. So, my question is: Did Titania say "I will eat your heart" to Fox? And Yes, I know I am setting myself up to be brutally shot down, but hey. I was just wondering. Hav fun!

Greg responds...

I don't get it.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Duncan Devlin writes...

My favorite smart-ass response was your answer to the question:
"Which came first, the gargoyle or the egg?"
Your answer: "I DID"

I even drew up a little comic around it in the New Yorker Magazine style.

Greg responds...

Cool. Can you post a link?

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

3 questions directed towards you:

Will you ever write a book? Maybe an autobiography or production series telling about what you've accomplished?

If you should ever be asked to tell about yourself on the A&E show, "Biography", would you?

Greg responds...

1. I'm writing a book now. Don't know if it'll ever get published.

2. That's less likely. I have no interest in writing an autobiography. The latter sounds interesting, but for something like that, I'd want a publisher interested in advance.

3. Sure. I'm holding my breath.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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matt writes...

when Goliath and Hudson return to Wyvern after the massacre is it me or did Hudson seem to take the whole thing pretty well all things considered? while Goliath goes into an uncontrollable but understandable rage, Hudson just makes some remarks about betrayal and bow strings having been cut. i don't want to say that Hudson had more reason to be upset than Goliath, but Hudson did have several generations of rookery children murdered and many friends that he has known most his life killed in the massacre, he doesn't scream in rage like Goliath or cry in sadness. did his long life in this "world of fear" and the death of his mate better prepare him for the death of his people than Goliath? Hudson just seemed really mellow about the massacre...

Greg responds...

For starters, I think he was in shock. But we all handle tragedy differently. He fell back on his training.

And it's certainly possible that past tragedies may have better prepared him.

But I hardly think his response was "mellow".

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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matt writes...

Greg, about what Titania whispered to Fox: you know what she said, right? so if we just started asking you "Did Titania say:......." it wouldn't be considered submiting ideas, right?

Greg responds...

Yes. It would.

The fact that I know already, changes nothing. I can't prove that I know already.

And if one of you should guess right, than that person could get pissed if he or she thinks I stole the line.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Fire Storm writes...

On 02-01-2001, you anwsered a question by Anonymous.
He/She wrote: How long is a female gargoyles' gestation period?

You replied: Didn't I answer this already? Check the Gargoyle Science archive.

I checked the Science archive, and then the entire archive, and the closest you have said is "6 months to a year".

So I pose these questions to you:
Have you refined your anwser to this question?

If so, how long is the gestation period for gargoyle females? (The time span the female gargoyle carrys the egg before laying it, for those non-scientifically inclined people reading this.)

And, when gargoyle females do end up laying their eggs, do they lay them on the same night or just generally around the same time?

See you at G2K+1!

Greg responds...

About six months is as refined as I've got it.

And the laying takes place within a span of a couple nights.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Shavri writes...

1. When gargoyles are hatched, do they have any teeth? I would hope they didn't have teeth, because if the females breast-fed the hatchlings, I'm sure it wouldn't have been a very pleasant ritual to have gone through if the little ones did. OUCH times 10!! And wouldn't it have been a bit difficult for the hatchlings with beaks to breast-feed?
2. How helpless are hatchlings when they're first born? Are they almost as helpless as human babies? What is the average age a gargoyle hatchling learns to walk; also, to glide? Oh, and at about what age do hatchlings learn to talk?

Greg responds...

1. Not sure. Not sure that there's consistency. Maybe no front teeth?

2. Almost but not quite. They can support their own heads for example. Walking on all fours comes fast. Walking upright takes much longer. Gliding can sometimes come before or after upright walking. Unfortunately, despite the fact that I have two kids of my own, I don't even remember or know enough about human development to give hard numbers I have confidence in.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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matt writes...

why did Xanatos name his skyscraper the "Eyrie Building"?

Greg responds...

Step 1.

Look up "Eyrie" in the dictionary.

Step 2.

If you still need the answer come back with proof of step 1, i.e. the definition.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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matt writes...

since Burbank (Hudson's clone) was artificially aged to his prime wouldn't he be able to have children with another female garg? i'm really beginning to see why the clan was so wierded out by the clones...

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

I am curious. You were an "executive producer" for Gargoyles, right? What does an executive producer do for an animated series? Did you work on any of the artwork? Any of the storyline? The voice actors?

What is it that an executive producer does? In a nutshell, of course, I know you're busy...

Greg responds...

Haven't I answered this a hundred times?

No. In those days, Disney TV Animation did not give out "Executive Producer" credits. I started as a "Co-Producer". Then became a "Producer". Then "Supervising Producer". Through all these title changes, my duties never changed. [Which is to say, that a title doesn't necessarily give a consistent read on an individuals responsibilities or efforts. So I can't speak for all Executive or even Supervising Producers. I can just tell you what I did.]

I came up with all 66 story springboards and supervised the writing staff. Though I didn't have the title, since my producer credit rendered it redundant, I was the Supervising Story Editor for the series. I personally wrote and story edited "The Journey". Though I did not produce the Goliath Chronicles episodes, including Journey.

I also supervised all recording sessions with the actors. I voice directed one episode (VENDETTAS).

I don't draw, but I did give notes and approvals on all designs and storyboards. I also supervised post-production. Called retakes, supervised final edits, mixes, on-lines, etc.

I didn't do any of this stuff alone. But along with Frank Paur, I was the final word on everything.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Justin writes...

Quick question,

You have mentioned that not all of the currently existing clans have names. So by the time of The Journey, how many of the clans have names? ( Not including London, Manhattan, Labyrinth, Ishimura, Avalon and Guatemala.) And which ones?

Greg responds...

Huh? I'm not sure what you mean by names?

1. The London Clan. London, England.

2. The Ishimura Clan. Ishimura, Japan.

3. The Mayan Clan. ChacIxChel, Guatemala.

4. The Korea Clan. Pukhan, Korea.

5. The Xanadu Clan. Xanadu, China.

6. The Loch Ness Clan. Loch Ness, Scotland.

7. The New Olympian Clan. Mount Thanatos, New Olympus.

8. The Avalon Clan. Oberon's Palace, Avalon.

9. The Manhattan Clan. New York, U.S.A.

10. The Labyrinth Clan. New York, U.S.A.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Justin writes...

You have mentioned that there is a clan in Korea.
1)Where in Korea is this clan located?
2)Who is the leader of the clan?
3) Have they had a massacre recently? Or do the Koreans in the area even know they exist?
4) In 1998 did the clan have a rookery?
5) Will any Korean gargs play a part in future story lines?
6) Of the 12 Existing clans; how many is the Illuminati aware of?


Greg responds...

1. Pukhan, Korea. This clan lives in tunnels and caves that run through the mountains along the Pukhan River.

2. Don't know yet.

3. No full-scale massacre, if that's what you mean.

3a. There are legends.

4. Yes.

5. Yes.

6. In 2001, there are not 12 existing clans. There are 10, including Avalon, Manhattan and the Labyrinth. And the Illuminati probably know about fewer than you think.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Duncan Devlin writes...

Was the name Demona derived more from it's relationship to the word demon or or from the name Desdemona in Shakespeare's Othello (or was it a mix). Basically, which came first to the idea board. (I think I'm open for a smart-ass response as well as a real one.)

Greg responds...

I don't have a smart ass response to this. Demona came from Demon. Desdemona (and the obvious aural connection to Demona) was a pleasant "surprise" that came later when we were working on Coldstone. Now if you're asking whether or not, somewhere in the back of my head, the Desdemona name was floating around and had an influence... well, I can't be sure.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Dexter writes...

Hey man, I'm back. Dude, so let's say I asked Angela out on a date, and she said yes...

1) What kind of flowers should I bring her? Or would she prefer something more original like...a basket of nectorines or something?

2) what's her favorite color? That's always good to know about a woman.

3) Does she like punk rock? Hey it could be very likely! I mean, after all she did come to New York! I'm sure she's determined to get 'cultured' in her new world, so what style of music do you think she likes? Hey, there's an idea, I could write her a song...that's more personal then flowers. Heh heh, that gargoyle is so cool. When we go out, I'll even whip out my flashy Cheetah Bondage pants for her...I only wear them on very special occasions don't ya know.
You probably think i'm a psycho, huh? Yeah I know, it's a hard truth. I seriously painted her on a wall in my room though. It's pretty sweet! But ya know what Greg, now you have my pathetic posts and questions to look forward too every time you come on to reply! Besides, I've been through the archives, and as you know, there are people here who have way more issues then I do! Later Dude!

Greg responds...

1. I'm not big on hypotheticals. I like nectarines though.

2. I'm color blind. Maybe green, like her BOYFRIEND, Broadway.

3. I think most of Punk Rock would initially be a wall of sound that she couldn't relate to. However, it's certainly possible that if one really good song got through, it might give her the patience to relate to the rest of the genre.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Will King Arthur ever find Gwenivere if he finds Merlin?

Greg responds...

What era are we talking about?

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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VF writes...

517: upgraded

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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VF writes...

74: diversity

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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VF writes...

519: technology

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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VF writes...

517: modified

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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VF writes...

519: directives

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Phil writes...

G2198 Contest

519: parameters

Greg responds...

That's one more point for Phil. Congratulations.

Only two blanks left to fill: 74 & 517.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Adam writes...


517: acquired

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Adam writes...


519: capability

Couldn't believe no one had guessed this one yet.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Adam writes...


517: employed

Oops, wrong number on that last one.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Adam writes...


519: employed

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Adam writes...


519: capacities

This is a good one. Could be right.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Adam writes...


517: resolved

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Adam writes...


517: observed

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Adam writes...


517: imitated

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Adam writes...


517: degraded

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Adam writes...


519: businesses

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Adam writes...


519: procedures

<i>Three more to go!</i>

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Chris Maune writes...

519: Perogative

Greg responds...

nope But please try again.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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matt writes...

hey Sapphire, great questions, but couldn't you have grouped the ones of homosexuality together, geeez...

in 1996, in the garg universe, what is everyone's view on homosexuality?

hehehe, sorry for picking on you, Sapphire :)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Jim R. writes...


I never "was" picking on matt. When I first found this place, I saw how much he was posting and I thought I'd ask him, since I really had no other way to communicate with him at the time. And after he responded with his email included, I started talking to him more frequently. He mentioned my name, and I did his. BUT, it was all in good fun! I never ment to be negative, but I guess you took it that way... Please don't be mad with me! :)

[Jim R. bows at your feet in forgiveness.]

Greg responds...

No. My apologies. I misinterpreted. (Let's never speak of it again. :) )

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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matt writes...

there seemed to be a mix up about the relationship between Jim R. and i. we actually met through this site a couple months ago and are now friends. we talk on the computer but have never met, however we hope to meet at the 2002 Gathering or sometime. Jim R. may have been picking on me, but in a friendly way so it's not a problem. thanks!

Greg responds...

Yeah, I'm slow on the uptake, but I eventually figured it out. Sorry.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Simon Bucher-Jones writes...

Not actually but after the recent time travel thread referenced a book of mine at one point I just wanted to say
how great I think your show is!

Greg responds...

Thanks, Simon!

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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John Hewins writes...

I just wanted to ask why there have been so many delays on releasing the 3x3 Eyes DVD.
It's original release of 12/26/00 has since been set back several times, and Pioneer hasen't made clear if it plans to stick with any one date. I've been a fan of both 3x3 Eyes and Gargoyles, and I've been looking forward to seeing how the work turned out.
Anything you could tell me would be helpful.

Greg responds...

Well, review copies have gone out. And I got mine. I am under the impression that it's been released this week, actually. But I can't confirm that. I don't know what caused the delays, frankly. My work was done over six months ago easy.

At any rate, I'm very proud of 3x3. Check it out!

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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matt writes...

besides the Himalaya w/ Coldstone episode and the Korean garg episode were there any other possible World Tour eps planned? if so, where would they have taken place?

Greg responds...

Define "planned".

Shangri-La comes to mind.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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warrioress writes...

My favorite smart-ass response:

Someone wrote...

What do you you think would be the reaction of the Canmore siblings (especially Jon) if they found out that Demona literally killed their father with one hand tied behind her back? (She was holding onto the Praying Gargoyle at the time he attacked her.)

Greg answered:

Gee. I think they'd dance a jig.

Whaddaya think their reactions would be?

Then there was the one person asking how Goliath was able to shave on the Avalon Tour, and Greg said something about Superman volunteering his heat vision.....

Greg responds...

Yeah. Those are okay. Nothing's grabbing me though. I guess they're only witty with a sense of spontanaity attached. Reviewing them may have been a bad idea.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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VF writes...

My favorite responses (to most things, actually) are the ones that reveal a witty-but-slightly-quirky sense of humor without being malicious. So I'd have to pick these:

1) "... I realize that isn't the kind of answer you were looking for. ... And that amuses me."

2) "It's not that I didn't understand the question. It just struck me, no offense, as too silly to answer in any straight way. ... And the funny thing is, it still strikes me that way."

Greg responds...

Yeah, those are pretty good.

I just feel rusty, you know?

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Emmlei writes...

fav smart-ass response: in reply to aris's follow-up about one my latest whisper question
Oh, well if that's what you want, then the answer is...

Hey, was that you're plan all along? To appeal to my sense of perversion?

yeah, that questions been asked way too much. so you gonna tell us? j/k

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Here's one of my favorite smart-ass responses:

Anonymous writes...
do you know where i can find a picture of some neat looking gargoyles? like the ones out of a comic book.

Greg responds...
Nope. Have you tried comic books?

Greg responds...

Yeah, that one's okay. I just wish I was wittier.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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