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RESPONSES 2001-3 (March)

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Todd Jensen writes...

Here's an answer to the question that you asked about who was Duncan's wife. According to Mike Ashley's "Mammoth Book of British Kings and Queens", her name was Sybilla, and she was either the daughter or the sister (written accounts apparently clash on this one) of Earl Siward of Northumbria (who was, in actual history - and Shakespeare's play - the leader of the English army that helped Canmore invade Scotland and overthrow Macbeth; no doubt he was one of the relatives that took Canmore in after Macbeth banished him to England in 1040).

Greg responds...

Cool. Any dates on her?

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

i think Bodhe was an idiot. the more i think about it, the more i think how stupid his idea to sell out the gargoyles to the English was! first of all, how does he know if it'll work? what keeps the English from continueing the attack esspecially now that Scotland has lost most of its best defenses, the gargoyles. whats worse is the gargoyles under Demona's control would probably become a huge threat to Moray and Scotland and without the gargs Scotland would fall to the English fast, as it kinda did to Duncan.
i have two questions:
1. why did Bodhe come up with this stupid idea? he had to see that the potential damage greatly outweighed all, if any, advantages.
2. what was Bodhe's plan to get rid of the gargs? destroy them? capture and give them to the English? banish them?

Greg responds...

1. Bodhe was more a coward than an idiot. But whatever.

2. I don't think he ever thought that far ahead.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

517: destroyed

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

74: prestige

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Angel Prewitt writes...

Do you know what people in Ireland and Scotland wore in the tenth centry or during midevil times? Because I am wanting some idea of what they look like for a book I am writing.

Greg responds...

No, I don't know with enough accuracy to allow me to tell you in a few paragraphs here. I suggest you do some research.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Aaron writes...

<<1. What are my options?

The truth is, I've seen so FEW movies this year, I'd be a lousy judge. Why don't we wait until the nominees come out,
then ask me again.

(And did we do this last year? I have no memory.)>>

Yes, I think Aris asked last year.

Anyway here goes: (Apoligies in advance for the length)

Here's a quick look at the big races:

Best Picture:
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Erin Brockovich

Best Actor:
Russell Crowe (Gladiator)
Javier Bardem (Before Night Falls)
Tom Hanks (Cast Away)
Ed Harris (Pollock)
Geoffrey Rush (Quills)

Best Actress:
Joan Allen (The Contender)
Juliette Binoche (Chocolat)
Ellen Burstyn (Requiem for a Dream)
Laura Linney (You Can Count on Me)
Julia Roberts (Erin Brockovich)

Best Supporting Actor:
Jeff Bridges (The Contender)
Willem Dafoe (Shadow of the Vampire)
Benicio Del Toro (Traffic)
Albert Finney (Erin Brockovich)
Joaquin Phoenix (Gladiator)

Best Supporting Actress:
Judi Dench (Chocolat)
Marcia Gay Harden (Pollock)
Kate Hudson (Almost Famous)
Frances McDormand (Almost Famous)
Julie Walters (Billy Elliot)

Best Director:
Stephen Daldry (Billy Elliot)
Ang Lee (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)
Steven Soderbergh (Erin Brockovich)
Ridley Scott (Gladiator)
Steven Soderbergh (Traffic)

Best Original Screenplay:
Cameron Crowe, Almost Famous
Lee Hall, Billy Elliot
Susannah Grant, Erin Brockovich
David Franzoni, John Logan and William Nicholson, Gladiator
Kenneth Lonergan, You Can Count on Me

Best Adapted Screenplay:
Robert Nelson Jacobs, Chocolat
Wang Hui Ling, James Schamus and Tsai Kuo Jung, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Ethan Coen and Joel Coen, O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Stephen Gaghan, Traffic
Steve Kloves, Wonder Boys

I know you're probably not pleased by 12 nominations for Gladiator, but if it's any consolation, I have figured out why Senator Gracius (sp) isn't executed by the Praetorians. He just told them he was the reincarnation of the Emperor Claudius, and they let him go. ;)

Greg responds...

Picture: Well, I've only seen Crouching and Gladiator. So it's Crouching by default.

Actor: I've only seen Crowe and Hanks. Both in pictures I did not like. I guess I'd give it to Crowe by default.

Actress: Seen none of these. No opinion.

Sup Actor: Phoenix by default. Though I thought he was much better in THE YARDS.

Sup Actress: Saw both ALMOST FAMOUS and BILLY ELLIOT (the latter on video). Three good performances. I'd give it to Frances by a nose.

Director: Ang Lee (though I've seen neither Soderbergh film).

Orig. Screenplay: Cameron Crowe by default.

Adapted Screenplay: Crouching by default.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Pyro X writes...

A refernce to the last question: in your Encyclopedia, would at least have a mention of TGC? It was there; was it, no is it worth a mention?

Greg responds...

The Encyclopedia, as it is now written, is largely written within the Universe. It doesn't deal in detail with the behind the scenes stuff. There's no entry on Greg Weisman or Frank Paur, for example. Content covers "The Journey". But not the other twelve TGC episodes. There is a mention of TGC however.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Pyro X writes...

I recently bought a copy of the book Total Hockey, verily a ponderous tome (A big book) if I ever saw one. It has stats on every team, stats for every play to ever play at least one game, records, trophy winners, coaches, Etc; and it is 2000+ pages to boot. (I guess this is why it is the "Official Encyclopedia of the NHL.) It also talks about fans of teams, defunct teams, Stanley Cup Winners, and lots more.

1) Would your Gargoyles Encyclopedia be like this? would it have a blurb on every character little and small to ever appear in the show? IE) The three or so Gargoyles left when Demona is named, or Harvey the Ninja?

2) Would it have stats like height, weight, weight in stone, Eye Color, favourite food?

3) Would the book have stats or trivia on gargoyle mating rituals, or hints about future shows?

4) could it have info on the fan support after the fact, like the gathering?

5) OR would this book only have current cannon on Items, Places and Characters in the 66 Ep's?


Greg responds...

1. Harvey's definitely in there, but not every incidental character who ever appeared on screen. But every character named, yes.

2. No.

3. Yes.

4. The current draft does not. But it could.

5. Mostly the 66. Whether I went further would depend on what else was going on.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Ciani writes...


I see complete sets taped off TV by people selling on ebay regularly. It's pricey though.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Rebecca O. writes...

I am extremely interested in finding out how I can purchase the entire series on videotape; from the very first episode aired to the very last.....do you know who I can contact to find this information out? Do I have to post my request to Disney themselves or is there someone else who may be able to answer my questions and fill my request? Is my request even possible? Thank you for any assistance you might be able to give me. If I was sure this request would be viewed by only you, I would include my e-mail address and ask you to e-mail your reply directly to me, but since it won't be, I will look for your reply in the questions answered archives. I am looking forward to seeing what you have to say.....and any future Gargoyles, or Gargoyles-related projects....again, thank you.

Greg responds...

Rebecca, if you had taken a look at that archive before posting you'd have seen that I don't know anything about how you can get the tapes, nor do I respond personally to questions posted here. This space is not a merchandise clearinghouse. Sorry.

I do know that many fans have recorded the series.

And I know that the first season was once upon a time available on video. If that info is useful, great.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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