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UNQUESTIONS 2016-12 (Dec)

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Balrog writes...

Mr.Greg do you know Kolchak: The Night Stalker tv show

Greg responds...

Yep. Haven't seen it since it aired first run, but I saw all the episodes way back when.

Response recorded on December 20, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

How does Nepture's beard translate into Atlantian? I understand Lagoon Boy says Poseidon something...

Greg responds...

Poseidonos Pogon!

Response recorded on December 20, 2016

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Hannu Grén writes...

Hello Greg, and greetings from Finland! :-)

I have noticed recently that I have started to get VERY interested in "Gargoyles". Haven't seen much of the series yet, but from what I have seen and heard, it looks awesome.

There is a problem though. I have no idea if the DVD's have ever been released outside US. If there was an European release, I would probably had already got it. I would import if it was a possibility; however, I strongly suspect that the DVD's are region locked and won't work on European DVD players.

Who could be an appropriate person to ask about this? I know you aren't directly working as a Disney representative, but I thought you could possibly know some contact to ask about this.

Also, do you know if the series is watchable on some video-on-demand service? I would really love to see more about the series.

Thank you already for your time.

Greg responds...

I'd love to be able to help you, but I don't know who to contact specifically, aside from just reaching out to Walt Disney Home Entertainment.

And I don't know of any streaming service, etc., that has the series. Wish I did.

Response recorded on December 19, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

How do the members of The Light contact each other, aside from the conference calls? Cell phones, comlinks?

Greg responds...

Carrier pigeon. You name it.

Response recorded on December 19, 2016

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SuperMartian89 writes...

I've noticed that there seemed to be an underlying theme of issues with fathers/paternal figures: Superboy with Superman, Artemis with Sportscaster in S1. Aqualad with Black Manta and Artemis again. Is that deliberate?

Greg responds...

It comes out of character, but we don't avoid it.

Response recorded on December 19, 2016

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writes... writes... writes... writes... writes...

Why didn't SpecSpidey or YJ have "Previously On" segments? Was it a network or production decision?

Greg responds...

I'm vehemently against using them. I learned painfully from Gargoyles that they actually have the opposite effect then one would think.

Instead of acting as small reminders or hints, they convince people that they've missed too much to join the series now. They were never necessary. Everything you truly NEED to know to enjoy a given episode is spelled out in one way or another within the episode itself.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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Doesn't writes is incorrect. The correct form is don't write or writes...

(Nailed it!)

How many pouches can Batman and Robin's utility belts carry?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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The Other GW writes...

1- You've said that Wotan's blotting out of the sun was a distraction to lure the League AWAY from Cadmus, at the Light's behest. But what was his "cover story"? That is, what was the reason he gave the League to do so, if he gave one at all.
2- Was Robin, Aqualad and KF's dna REALLY destroyed in "Fireworks"?
3- What do the Forever People shout to transform into Infinity Man and what does it mean?

Greg responds...

1. Does he really need to cooperate?

2. Why would you think otherwise?

3. "Tarru!" It's a New Genesian word that means, "It's time to change into Infinity-Man." ;) Seriously, that's from the comics. I never thought to ask what it means, so I guess I don't know.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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Fiddled writes...

1. Billy Batson's Zeta-Tube override code is H-O-J. What does it stand for?
2. Can Queen Be enthral Devastation?
3. How far can the batrope extend?
4. Can you tell us what would be Icon's role in the YJ Invasion comic arc if he hadn't been pulled?

Greg responds...

1. Hall Of Justice.

2. No spoilers.

3. Not all the way to Mars.

4. He was one of Kylstar's abductees.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. I asked this question before but you never really answered it. In "Alienated", M'gann tears information from a krolotean prisoner's brain and leaves him in a catatonic state. She does this in front of Martian Manhunter and Batman. I am just wondering why there wasn't some kind of a response from them. Didn't they realize what happened? And, if not, why not? Or, if they did, why didn't they confront M'gann about it? Batman and Martian Manhunter's acting like nothing unusual had happened seems odd to me. What am I missing?

The reason I am bringing this up again is that someone I was talking to pointed this scene as an instance of the "idiot ball" trope. So, I thought I would try to get to the bottom of this. Thanks.

Greg responds...

I don't know what the "idiot ball" trope means, so I have no idea if it's an instance of it or not. Nor do I recall what I did or did not answer before. It would seem to me that I'm hardly likely to give more information now than I was then.

But the short answer is that they did not fully understand what she had done to the Krolotean, keeping in mind that the Krolotean's mind was SO alien, that J'onn was having trouble reading it at all.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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