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NoOneSpecial writes...

1.This is something that has always bugged me about the first episode of Rebels. When Kanan catches Ezra with the lightsabre in his room, he tells him to give it back, yet for some reason he doesn't check to see if Ezra had taken anything else, even though Kanan clearly left the Holocron in same drawer as his lightsabre and Ezra ended up taking it anyway, so why didn't he check to see if the Holocron was still safe? I mean, if you leave a gun and some money in a drawer and you catch someone with your gun, you're not going to check your money is all there?

2.In Idiot's Array, what was the point of losing Chopper in a bet to Lando? I mean, I don't see how its extra incentive to make the Ghost crew do Lando's job, since they needed money and Kanan was planning to speak to Lando about his offer. And Lando was going to pay them the money anyway (we find out later he didn't have it, but he still ended up giving them some fuel). Just feels like the episode could have been done without the bet even happening, since it wasn't necessary to start the plot, the risk of actually losing Chopper never feels that high and it doesn't seem to speak as a lesson about the crew learning to appreciate Chopper(well expect for Zeb maybe)

3.You've said before that you really liked Ahsoka's character (as do many). Do you regret the fact that you left Rebels after Season 1 before having the chance to work with her character? One of my biggest gripes with Season 2 is Ahsoka's minimal appearances. She doesn't really do anything major until the end. I personally would have loved to have seen Ahsoka go on a mission with the Ghost crew, but for the most part, her role feels like nothing more than a background character

4.What're your thoughts on Darth Maul? In Episode 1, he was pretty much a blank slate, with no real depth, backstory, or even dialogue in general, making him feel totally wasted, which says something about the prequels in general, since he still somehow ended up being one of the BEST parts of it. Obviously, Lucas felt the same way seeing as how they ended up reviving Maul in Clone Wars. Though his survival is a huge, HUGE, cop-out, it certainly feels worth it, as his character was fleshed out into one of the best in Star Wars, while he and Opress have some the best storylines that Clone Wars had to offer. His return in Rebels made the finale ten times better and he's already making Season 3 look promising

5.Was the Grand Inquisitor's backstory something that had been decided on in Season 1? During the final battle between him and Kanan, the Inquisitor gives Kanan a salute (the Makashi salute, I think it's called?) which Kanan returns with some surprise. It feels almost like an intentional show of respect on his part. Later we learn that the Inquisitor was a former Jedi. Was this something you always knew about the character when he was created?

Greg responds...

1. He knew Ezra had taken it. It was part of the test.

2. Well, you're entitled to your opinion, but I think it raised the stakes considerably. Plus, you know, COMEDY.

3. She was NEVER supposed to be a lead. She was a lead in Clone Wars. Not in Rebels. I loved that we brought her in, but if she had taken precedence over the crew of the Ghost, I would have been disappointed. But again, your mileage may vary.

4. I haven't seen season three yet, and of course, I didn't work on the character in Season One or Two. So I have no personal affinity for him. But he's got a cool look, and I like what they did with him in Season Two.

5. No.

Response recorded on January 16, 2017

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Jack writes...

Hey Greg!
1) What was Mister Twister's connection to the Light? Had the Brain not mentioned him I would have assumed T.O. Morrow was operating independently.

2) In a few of the Light's earlier appearances (where their faces are obscured) there are more screens on the wall than there are members. Was this an animation error or a deliberate choice in order to make their identities more cryptic (to both the audience and other characters)?

3) In issue 11 of the YJ comic, Ra's al Ghul's plan is to use a rocket to pretty much wipe out civilization. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Light's plan to put the human race in a high position on a galactic level, and allow humanity to evolve to its highest level? Doesn't Ra's and Talia's plan seem counterproductive, then?

Thanks for continuing to make quality cartoons! I'm always looking forward to your next projects.

Greg responds...

1. Stikk worked for Morrow. Morrow was an associate of the Light's. As you may recall, Klarion was expecting to work with Morrow on the Starro Tech, but got Ivo instead.

2. Neither.

3. Well, first off, it was never Talia's plan. Second off, Vandal's mandate is survival of the fittest. If Ra's successfully killed off much of the population, all the fittest of who remained would survive and be stronger for it, right? (Keep in mind, I'm not actually advocating this approach, but...)

Response recorded on January 13, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Could the characters in Young Justice swear in a foreign language? i.e. Could Dorado have said "boludo"?

Greg responds...

You mean for foreign television? I doubt it.

Response recorded on January 13, 2017

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Hobbiton writes...

If Disney/Marvel came up to you and told you that you would be the sole writer for the upcoming live action Gargoyles movie that would take place within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, no exceptions, how would you write it and what would it be about?

Greg responds...

A. I'd advise against setting Gargoyles in the MCU. Strongly against.

B. Given my answer to A, I've got absolutely no thoughts on B.

C. If they told me that it was that or nothing, I'd like to think I'd say nothing.

D. If they told me they're doing it with or without me, I'd almost definitely say with.

E. I'd have to come up with something for B.

F. But given that this entire scenario is ridiculously unlikely, I'm not going to start thinking about it now.

G. If you do want to see a NON-canon Gargoyles/Spider-Man crossover, check out the various radio plays we've done just for silly fun on YouTube, including Gargoyles Meets The Spectacular Spider-Man Meets Young Justice.

Response recorded on January 13, 2017

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EXALT writes...

I've been thinking about Timedancer lately, and I have suddenly realised the fact that some main characters (Katana and Nashville at the very least, and possibly other part-time travelers) wouldn't show up in it for years or even decades. So my question is this: was the plan to showcase Brooklyn's 40-years dance in a linear manner (1997-997-1970's-all the way until 1997 again), or did you plan to jump around time a bit as well (so maybe episode one is at Year 1 with Mary and Finella, episode two is at Year 5 when Brook is with Fu-Dog, episode three in Year 38 alongside Katana and Nashville, etc)?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Honestly. It's never a decision I've had to make. I have a ton of stories set on Brooklyn's timeline. But what order I'd reveal them will depend on if and when a TimeDancer series is ordered in some medium or another, and what the parameters of that series are.

Response recorded on January 13, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

In Young Justice, Atlantis is the size of a small continent that consists of a capital city and a number of city-states (6 were named, but are there more?).

A. Please show us what an underwater map of Atlantis would look like and where the capital city and the city-states would exactly be located on such a map...?

B. Also, what specific types of Atlanteans live in each city-state (considering the comics only mentioned they were divided between pure and impure; with no other specific details)...?

Greg responds...

1. I've got seven city states that I know of. Whether or not there are any more is a spoiler.

A. Assuming I had a map, which I don't, HOW am I supposed to post one here? This is a text only site.

B. If you have our YJ companion comics, you have hints of that already. (More hints in the comics than in the series.) Otherwise, I'm not going to offer up spoilers.

Response recorded on January 13, 2017

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Jean writes...

Hello Again Mr. Weisman!

One more short series of questions:

1.What styles/genres of music do the main cast like? (I'm assuming Hudson doesn't like Heavy Metal, considering how he was spooked out of his chair that one time :-P)

2. Are there certain artists/songs they like?

3. Does anyone (or any gargoyle) play a musical instrument, or have some type of music talent?

- as an aside, I think Elisa is an 80s hard rock/hair metal fan- her leather-N-corset look in Protection just SCREAMS "Billy Idol backup dancer" :-) Just a thought.

Again, thanks so much for being awesome,


Greg responds...

1. I don't know. I'd have to think about it. Do some research, probably.

2. See above.

3. Any gargoyle ever? I'm sure the answer is yes, but our leads don't seem to play.

Response recorded on January 12, 2017

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Jean writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman!

I, like many others on this website, am a HUGE fan of Gargoyles- caught me when I was a nine yr old and never let go. I've been binge watching the show recently, and a few questions came to mind. I searched the archives but didn't find any answers. I hope I'm staying within the guidelines. If I'm not, I sincerely apologize.

Without further ado, my questions are:

1.What sports does Elisa like? (outside of Football or Baseball that is- she briefly mentioned going to a Giants game at the end of "Awakening" pt 5, and you stated in the archives that she is a Mets fan.)

2. Is she a causal fan of sports, or a serious fan?

3. Are there any particular teams/players she likes? (outside of the Home team, that is)

Thank You!

Greg responds...

1. She likes football and baseball and basketball.

2. Casual.

3. She's a New Yorker. Take it from there.

Response recorded on January 12, 2017

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Todd Jensen writes...

In one of your most recent questions, you mentioned, among the characters that Keith David had voiced, somebody named Hades in something called "Kidd/Hero". I was curious about it, googled it, but couldn't find anything about it. Is this a series that hasn't come out yet (at least, at the time that I submitted this question)?

Greg responds...

It's a series that was never made. We tried to sell it. Even created what is called a "Sizzle Reel" for it, with the voices of Keith David and James Arnold Taylor as Hades and Kidd respectively. I think I showed it once at one of the Gatherings. But legal issues and other factors stopped it from ever happening, unfortunately. Too bad, too. It was fun.

Response recorded on January 12, 2017

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Chris writes...

After re-watching "Spectacular Spider-Man" episode "Gangland", I was left wondering... Where did Silvermane get that impressive armour.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 12, 2017

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