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I've been thinking about Timedancer lately, and I have suddenly realised the fact that some main characters (Katana and Nashville at the very least, and possibly other part-time travelers) wouldn't show up in it for years or even decades. So my question is this: was the plan to showcase Brooklyn's 40-years dance in a linear manner (1997-997-1970's-all the way until 1997 again), or did you plan to jump around time a bit as well (so maybe episode one is at Year 1 with Mary and Finella, episode two is at Year 5 when Brook is with Fu-Dog, episode three in Year 38 alongside Katana and Nashville, etc)?
I don't know. Honestly. It's never a decision I've had to make. I have a ton of stories set on Brooklyn's timeline. But what order I'd reveal them will depend on if and when a TimeDancer series is ordered in some medium or another, and what the parameters of that series are.